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/lit/ - Literature

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8533657 No.8533657 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else reading this at the moment? Just finish it? Bout to start?

Currently 200 pages in and loving it.

This is my first Gaddis. I have The Recognitions, but a few people here said JR was a good place to start. No regrets so far. Did anyone read The Recognitions first? How does JR hold up?

>> No.8533676

>needing other people to tell you if a book is enjoyable

>> No.8533717

bad post

>> No.8533779

J R is better. If you're digging it, just stay the course.

>> No.8533781

I listened to the audiobook while on mushrooms and it was a fucking hoot.

>> No.8533799

woah this is a neat idea

>> No.8533802

J R is better but they're both great.

>> No.8533839

>JR is better than The Recognitions

No. Do people really not understand that The Recognitions is the greatest love letter to Western history? If you have philosophy and art in your background there is no contest. Maybe JR is better if you never had a Vonnegut phase and it's your first encounter with black humor, but The Recognitions is much more solidly built and has the beautiful prose that Gaddis totally threw out the window with everything that came after it.

>> No.8533853

>says he's loving in first post
>your idiotic comment

Are you completely against any sort of discussion of a book? Why are you even here? Is conversation hard for you? Are you just autistic?

>> No.8533866

OP here. Glad to see varying opinions. Means they're probably both great. Nice post. And thank you for sharing your opinion. I was pretty stoked to read TR before, but you got me even more excited.

>> No.8533885

yes its a good book so is recognitions just keep cool man like keep reading like man i dont want to be drownded inquestions so can you just like indulge yourself

>> No.8533894

hey, HOLY.

>> No.8534062

I don't know why you fucking autists are so opposed to discussion. Wait, no. It's because you're autists. OP actually wants to discuss a book and all of you faggots come in and basically say there's no point in talking about a book. This is what /lit/ is for.

>> No.8535037

what a strange post

>> No.8535056

if you need me i'll be in the tub

>> No.8535784


>> No.8535869

My view is akin to this, I think JR is a truly brilliant book, but The Recognitions reinvigorated me in my graduate pursuits. The book is nearly unparalleled in prose and wordage, and the way Gaddis simultaneously satirizes and exalts the art, music and religion of the ages while maintaining breadth and depth is phenomenal. JR is testament to his wit and lucidity of thought, while The Recognitions seems more soulful.

>> No.8535884
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>> No.8537556

I'm reading it now. around page 450. so far it's one of the funniest books I've ever read. if kids didn't break into basts workshop and it was actually that dude looking for the shares. why did he shit in basts piano lol?