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/lit/ - Literature

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8479073 No.8479073 [Reply] [Original]

Who's the greatest writer of science fiction literature?

>> No.8479077

Asimov obviously.

>> No.8479096


>> No.8479117


In terms of influence on the genre (e.g., future writers)? Jules Verne
In terms of inspiring real-world innovation? Arthur C. Clarke
In terms of speculation on human potential? Clarke
In terms of depth of thought? Stanisław Lem
In terms of speculation on human limitation? Lem
In terms of sheer volume? Isaac Asimov
In terms of mindbending ideas? Philip K. Dick
In terms of writing craft? Gene Wolfe

>> No.8479170

>the only one I've ever read obviously

>> No.8479579


>> No.8479591
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>> No.8480777


>> No.8480790


>> No.8480795

george lucas

>> No.8480843

1Q84 counts, right?

Murakami. Otherwise, Gibson. I was going to say Verne, but then I noticed I was just being pretentious.

>> No.8480865

Neuromancer sucks, why do people like it?

>> No.8480877


>> No.8480881

it's clearly Lem

>> No.8480882

It doesn't. It was groundbreaking.

And even if Neuromancer doesn't suck, the other two Sprawls are even better, and Gibson's other two trilogies are better than Sprawl.

His non-fiction is the best though.

>> No.8480893

I find the idea of planet Solaris incredibly original and intelligent.

>> No.8480918

This question can't be answered, you have to break it down like >>8479117

For me, the best ideas person is Philip K Dick. But he is not a good prose stylist like Ray Bradbury or Theodore Sturgeon.

Gene Wolfe is profound, and literary. But his forbidding nature rules against him somewhat.

Also some writers excel in the short story form and fare less well as novelists. E.g. Harlan Ellison, Sturgeon.

Robert Silverberg is interesting. He is consistently a good ideas man, and prose writer, and good in the long and short form. He has written a lot of books that I enjoy. However, there is no single outstanding novel, like a Flowers For Algernon.

>> No.8480939

It only sucks in comparison to Snow Crash.

>> No.8481084

Philly Kin D.

>> No.8482162

You, sir, should be given some kind of medal for going above and beyond. Mayhaps next time you give an honorable mention to starship troopers for a combination of everything you mentioned. Good work though

>> No.8482524

haha /lit/

>> No.8482527


For 'literature' in the narrow sense, it's Stanisław Lem

>> No.8482528

Alfie Bester is the bestest sci fi writer of all time, because Stanislaw Lem is boring as fuck

>> No.8482541

Gene Wolfe and by far, one of the most brilliant authors of the century.
But there are other great writers, such as Lem, Dick, Zelazny, Le Guin, R. A. Laffery.
Snow Crash sucks too, but less than Neuromancer.
Both read amateurish, with bland characters and offer an aesthetic, but only the aesthetic.

>> No.8482558

I've still many authors to know, but for now Clarke is the author that amazes me more, even thought I didn't like much 2061 and 3001. Also I've to say that although my favorite sci fi author is Clarke the saga that I've appreciated more is the Hyperion one by Simmons.
I found it really interesting and innovative in its themes.

>> No.8482569
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Does the Illuminatus trilogy counts as science fiction?

>> No.8482639

I think Foundation and Empire is best science fiction

>> No.8482646

I agree with Silverberg, I always read him whenever I get the chance to, but it's like his works never quite hit the mark. Thoroughly good attempts though.

Schwartz Between the Galaxies is always the one I remember when someone mentions him.

>> No.8482659

hg wells

>> No.8482677

Peter Watts. I've yet to find a sci-fi book better than Blindsight.

>> No.8482769

Mary Shelly, dammit!

>> No.8482788

STFU faggot

>> No.8482790

Asimov is shit

>muh nuclear

>> No.8482962

Ron Hubbard

>> No.8483048

Huxley in a brave new world

>> No.8483057

>le ebin counterculture snowflake

>> No.8483074

Cyberpunk in general was also 'punk' from a literary point of view and thus revitalized SF

>> No.8483079
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wew lads, no one actually listed the best yet

>> No.8483083

My favorite part of it was the description of Villa Straylight. That alone makes the book stick in my mind as memorable.

Holy shit, I don't think there is a place in literature quite like Villa Straylight.

>> No.8483085

it's so compelling, sometimes I think it's real

>> No.8483086
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C. S. Lewis

>> No.8483103

It didn't revitalize anything, relevant science fiction happened without it, it's just kinda there. >>8483079
Because he's far from it.

>> No.8483139

I'm liking Snow crash better than neuromancer so far because I'm a shitty reader and gibson's prose triggers my retardation

>> No.8483152

Both are really bad as stylists, but Gibson is far worse. Snow Crash is rough and boring, but Neuromancers is just fucking terrible.

>> No.8483183

What are you, 16?

>> No.8483208

Can you explain the hate for Neuromancer?

>> No.8483209

not enough raping and cucking

>> No.8483210

Wolfe is my pick. Mostly cause he writes actual literature, and not just escapist or hard sci-fi. He's the sci fi author for people who don't like sci-fi but enjoy realist fiction. His prose is just probably the best in spec fic, barring maybe le guin or atwood.

>> No.8483270
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Vote for your favorite pick:


Thread here: >>8483248

>> No.8483411

Lem's in the lead, as expected of country grown vegepoles. t b h

>> No.8483433

Lem's so fucking awesome.
>dat Perfect Vacuum

>> No.8483455


>> No.8483942


Robert Heinlein, anyone else is sub par

>> No.8483950

You just won the "plebbest opinion of the thread" award.

>> No.8483953

>mr panders to smelly hippies
end yourself