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8425363 No.8425363 [Reply] [Original]

thoughts on him¿?
slajov zizek

>> No.8425390

Legit genius

>> No.8425421

he is the Tom Green of philosophy.

jesus christ, i am willing to pay Hiroshi if he will create a fucking philosophy board, so all of you pretentious cocksuckers can go there and suck each other's dicks.

>> No.8425447

continental faggot

>> No.8425458
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He's a very subtle theorist, but a bit of a one trick pony with his interpretation of Lacan, who I think is far more robust than the 13 or so concepts Zizek adapts from him. As a critic, his ability consequently degenerates rapidly, because out of 13 concepts he can spin about 7 interpretations. But as a popularizer of Marxism he's playing an essential role that more academics should get themselves on board with, because a Marxist-critical culture isn't going to come from anywhere else at this point. Overall he's a poor man's Fredric Jameson, who says a lot more in fewer pages, consistently. Read pic related before anything of Zizek's—it would clear up a lot of misconceptions about Marxism.

>> No.8425465

but should i really care about politics?

>> No.8425512

While it may not be the most ideological pure or whatever, what I like about him is that his brand of Marxism is one that I think appeals to how people generally feel in the 21th century. It's a bit pessimist and cynic and doesn't get bogged down in this ridiculous 20th-century-worker's-revolution rethoric but he also others pratic ideas and solutions that I think people that can't get on board with pure critical theory crave.

>> No.8425517

Studying political theories doesn't mean you have to be invested in real world poiltics.

>> No.8425531
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The court jester of Hegelianism, mixed with a little French psychoanalytic sophistry. On top of that, an ironic Marxist.

>> No.8425567

Zizeck just points out that every time you see a representation of a thing (or even the thing itself) you generate a projection about its futural state. If you see an appel you may project that it will taste good. Your ideology concerning the appel amounts to just that - tasting good. Under normal circumstances a person generates justifications for thinking, regarding any particular thing in question, that it will wind up how it may. 'Appels from the tree in the backyard tasted good before therefore this appel from that same tree will taste good when I eat it shortly'. In other words people have justified ideologies. Zizeck seems partial to the theory that when media constantly tells people what ideology they should have it significantly skews people's perceptions regarding practically everything in everyday life. When the billboard proclaims that a cheeseburger will taste fresh and delicious not only do people adapt their short term projections to the cheeseburger at hand, but to all future cheeseburgers from that source. Some support for this view arises in the form of just what lengths people will go to to uphold social conformity - even to the contrary of scientific fact. Whats more, if you really want to get down to brass tax, the ideology of the people who make the advertisements really does amount to the simple draconian command to obey their propaganda. Some people like to consider this a pessimistic point of view.

Zizeck seems to find a reprieve from this constant bombardment in the state of trash perhaps because of the intersection of the ideology we typically have regarding ridding ourselves or garbage and the media's propaganda set in the same object. This makes intuitive sense because you must discard the emblem of the medias propaganda.

Of course Zizeck makes these observations in the service of Marxism against the capitalist order so instead of hearing this mantra about propaganda in advertisements to help you avoid getting suckered into that three night vacation of your dreams deal, he has it so that you will resist the entire capitalist agenda.

The linch pin of Zizeck's perspective lies in finding the state of existence where you have your judgement altered by media so abhorrent and perhaps a violation of your human decency so much so that the state needs to undergo revolution. You can join Zizeck in trash land, his eternal bastion and fortress of solitude, to fight the good fight.

>> No.8425577

He just writes for money, all his ideas could be summed up in two or three books.Yet he has a new title almost every year. He claims that he is ''revisiting'' ideas to alter them but in reality he doesn't . It's the shame shit for cash. Like Jorge Bucay for philosophy.

>> No.8425636

You are significantly pathetic.

>> No.8425655

Typical modern "Marxist", those will be first to be purged after the revolution.

>> No.8425661
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>> No.8425684


I totally agree, I only think he's a bit too hasty in denouncing things that tickle his Hegelian sublation-of-the-other-via-symbolic-castration nerve, without really considering the consequences. His cynicism is the night in which all cows are black which Hegel (and Marx) tried to avoid, despite their theoretical norms and totalizing tendencies.

>> No.8425726

where is this taken from? sause pls senpai

>> No.8425729

Prez by Mark Russell. There's only 6 issues right now, but apparently the other 6 will appear in October. It didn't sell very well.

>> No.8425737

thank you

do you know a place where i can download it from?

>> No.8425739


>> No.8425755

It's probably available for torrenting somewhere.
Otherwise you can ask /co/. Someone might storytime it there.

>> No.8425977

>Studying political theories doesn't mean you have to be invested in real world poiltics.

Studying physical theories doesn't mean you have to be invested in real world physics.

>> No.8426366

This is one of the funniest things I've ever heard.

>> No.8426385

How can someone say so many words yet not say anything?

>> No.8426390

But I am already eating from the trash can.

>> No.8426396

He's the court jester of Hegelianism, what did you expect?

>> No.8426404

I read it in a storytime its good

>> No.8426413

Interesting post, thanks anon

>> No.8427949

he kinda admits this himself tho, he has repeatedly called like 3-5 of his books that serious or beloved to him and the rest just light political books. he sometimes makes those really angsty comments about how he'd love to kinda ignore politics and just write about Hegel

in those "less important" works he tends to use the same old theory to address current politics which ain't even that bad.

>> No.8429406
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why is the little girl tryna fuck him

>> No.8429513
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I actually found this pretty interesting, by Zizek standards.

It's actually a good point. Surprisingly, it chimes in well with one of the few academically 'acceptable' conservatives, Roger Scruton, who says a lot more about architecture than many theorists - namely, as Zizek is saying, that it is a vehicle for ideology.

Indeed, weirdly for Zizek, it's actually pretty hard to fault. As a Hegelian, I think he's able to take the liberty of national stereotypes for his explanation in the differences between a given nation's toilets - what with Hegel having been one of the forefathers of 'romantic nationalism', and this idea of a national/cultural identity in the form of Zeitgeist and so on.

>> No.8429544

hilarious guy. very good critic of modern global capitalism and the ideological boxes we live in. however i don't know how much of his work would stand if you take away the lacanian perspective