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/lit/ - Literature

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8310821 No.8310821 [Reply] [Original]

Did my lit teacher just meme me for the semester?

>> No.8310826

Ideally you should only read dead white males.

But what's the course, maybe there's a reason? If so, why did you pick it

>> No.8310828

Yes. That's a gutter trash reading list on every level.

>> No.8310834


>> No.8310838
File: 66 KB, 997x775, nice meme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek dude I'm teaching the course and I just memed you SO HARD! xD

>> No.8310850

You should switch classes IMMEDIATELY unless you want your entire semester to be about black lives matter and how you're evil for being white. Minority literature about being a minority is ALWAYS terrible.

>> No.8310852
File: 66 KB, 600x600, 1467662295304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It looks like you have one of (((°°°•°•™those™•°•°°°))) teachers

>> No.8310854
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>> No.8310860

You could become the class heckler.

>> No.8310866

why is this pic of cliff le sargent the new epic reaction pic
Is it the same guy posting it

>> No.8310880
File: 22 KB, 461x621, 1467536444902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


modern humanities are a meme and completely worthless if you aren't aiming for academia or teaching after

take the autodidact route or get meme'd on

>> No.8310886

u got memed hard, bro

>> No.8310920

>Is it the same guy posting it
You know it is.

>> No.8310927

I didn't know that Bertrand Russell played the dulcimer.

>> No.8310942

your fault for going to a garbage uni. Switch to a top level university in your area as soon as possible

>> No.8311014


>> No.8311026

It would be memeing if they did it for a joke, but trust me I've been in your position a lot, it's no joke. The best thing? Just keep your mouth shut in tutorials/discussion and use platitudes if you really want the participation mark.

>> No.8311035


Reading about...other people's experiences??

That's no reason to read!

I read for social validation on being well informed upon texts that other white dudes have decided are important

>> No.8311036

Are you in high school

Why don't you kys pseud


>> No.8311041

White people books are other people experience, it's not one massive homogenous group.

>> No.8311046

I'll have a black coffe, please

>> No.8311049


It's funny how the alt-right, in the same fashion as SJWs, have shoehorned 'white people' into the same status McNamara thought of 'commies' - as one big, amorphous bloc that acts like a locust swarm

To be fair though aside from Chinese and Indian classics (and their shitty neighbouring spinoffs), all modern nonwhite authors are just imitations of American literature (see Murakami) or aphoristic memes (see Mishima)

>> No.8311050


>skipping every single great author to discuss modern politically minded crap

ye i hope yer baiting but a lot of redditors are on here.

>> No.8311052

# of white people in western civ daily facing systemic racism: 0

Alright so its clear that other races hold other views whites cant pay correct due towards

>> No.8311066 [DELETED] 

># of white people in western civ daily facing systemic racism: 0
Irish used to up until they got their state, Polish did too, so did Croats and many other white nations. If you want to read about racism works of certain of their authors will do just fine.
>Alright so its clear that other races hold other views whites cant pay correct due towards
Nigger, write a novel as good as 2666 or Silence or Human Condition and people will read you.
Being a nigger is no excuse for shit writing.
My favorite black author is cardinal Sarah, but he doesn't write about how nig nigs have it awful because they are painted brown

>> No.8311072

Not the anon you're replying to but I'd like to add a few things
>Irish used to up until they got their state, Polish did too, so did Croats and many other white nations.
See the thing here? 'White' is completely fucking arbitrary. Some 'white' nations did plenty, while others were governed by Roaches. Some 'white' nations produced plenty of authors, while others are dwarfed literarily by Japan in that field. Some 'white' nations have antipathy with other 'white' nations. As an Italian-Australian, I feel that the alt-right who like >>8311049
said, strip me and other whites of individuality by throwing all of us into one fucking group.

>> No.8311084

White is pretty arbitrary, but blacks love their division of people into races.
Don't know why exactly, guess it's their nationality of sorts.

>> No.8311214

Yeah, and that unique viewpoint is boring

>> No.8311227

nice meme :^)

>> No.8311238

lol all of them thanks to Jewish usurous opression???

>> No.8311448

That's pretty embarrassing for you to believe that

>> No.8311459



>> No.8311469

No it's pretty embarrassing to have to sit in a job interview and apologize for your degree because of the amount of saturation and shit quality control in the humanities.

When an English degree does not even guarantee basic grammar it's beyond useless.

>> No.8311470

what is soviet union
what is kgb infiltration

>> No.8311629

Dropped the class, saved my ass

>> No.8311636

Black Lives Matter is a terrorist organization.

>> No.8311637

See >>8310850

Minorities who write about being minorities and the (((struggle))) that that entails are ALWAYS shit.

>> No.8311647

Switch to STEM, you dolt.

>> No.8311652

Grade inflation was a mistake.

There were people who passed my ENGL 101 class in college with As on every assignment but with huge amount of grammatical errors, poor usage, high school level diction, etc. Fills me with spite knowing that the system will see them as my equals.

>> No.8311670

Drop that class.

>> No.8311677

I don't know any of these works. Is it possible to be less Plebeian for knowing of fewer things?

>> No.8311709

All the freshman at my uni had to read Between the World & Me.

I thought it was alright... it wasn't really a novel, just a way-too-long essay that covered the same tragedies of being a black dude in the U.S. again and again.

It definitely didn't bring forward any ideas I haven't seen on my twitter feed.

I recommend changing your lit class if possible... otherwise this will be a very dull and repetitive semester in lit for you.

>> No.8311778

Get a real education and read on your own.