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/lit/ - Literature

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8302907 No.8302907 [Reply] [Original]

What does your girlfriend read?

>> No.8302911

John Green and feminist SJW books like The Ethical Slut

>> No.8302913

She's a philosophy major, so she claims she doesn't have time for fiction while studying


>> No.8302915

>1 poster ID and two replies before I posted this >>8302913

Kill yourself, OP

>> No.8302918


>> No.8302920

my emotions, don't make me backhand you now baby

>> No.8302927

marley and me
the memory keepers daughter
the world according to Garp
still Alice
girl interrupted

>> No.8302943

Main girl was a English major, but is taking half a year to currently get through Lolita.
Side girl has masters in electrical engineering. She's smart as hell on that topic but does not read at all; only likes movies.

>> No.8302947


>> No.8302950

Who holds a book like that? The spine is going to get so fucked

>> No.8302954

one of her stacks lmao

>> No.8302956

Is the 'main girl' you gf? And if so, does she know you're fucking someone else on the side?

>> No.8302957

I'm not that attached to her obviously. Please do not make jokes about suicide, I've lost friends to it

>> No.8302969
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>> No.8302975

staged photo

>> No.8302983

My girlfriend doesn't read. I tried to get her to pick it up but she won't have it.

>> No.8302995

my diary desu

>> No.8302998

No shit

>> No.8303006

yeah shit

>> No.8303008

Lean In, business books, but lately the only thing she's sticking her nose in is my ass crack

>> No.8303016

call the police

>> No.8303019


I fucked a girl with an english degree and she never read another book after she graduated. Her favorite book of all time was Harry Potter. I thought that was sad. I promised I wouldn't stop reading books in my chosen field of liberal arts bullshit after I graduated and so far I haven't let myself down.

I never pressed her on this but I bet the reason why was that she was "too busy." But I've learned that watching netflix is actually a daily requirement for people my age, like working or eating.

>> No.8303030

because she doesn't exist

>> No.8303038

>But I've learned that watching netflix is actually a daily requirement for people my age, like working or eating.

It's ridiculous.

>> No.8303045

>muh special snowflake mentality

end you'are'selve

>> No.8303056
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>> No.8303061

My SO doesn't really read anything but shitty fanfiction. Eva and MLP mostly.

>> No.8303064


>> No.8303067
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>> No.8303073

Patrick Leigh Fermor, Proust, Woolf, Robert Walser, Han Shan and Saigyo are her favorite authors.

>> No.8303075
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actually not staged. why do you say that? she has mad OCD and keeps the house in tip top shape. this is in our bathroom. and yes that's an entire bowl filled with dental floss.

>> No.8303076

post a pic of her butthole, m8, would be real kind of you

>> No.8303077

Agatha Christie

>> No.8303088

Can I have her?

dose she clean her asshole real good?

>> No.8303094

she cleans the apt real good

>> No.8303101

I dug up hellen kellers dead body to bone so in short she doesnt read

>> No.8303102

literally who cares

i want to know about the girl stinks from her girl holes

>> No.8303106

She fluctuates pleb and decent taste. Will read goethe and but also pleb shit like ready player one. But mostly she just watches Netflix.

>> No.8303130

>ask for top 5
>gives top 3
listen here you little shit

>> No.8303138


>> No.8303157

I bet you rate DFW and Pynchon higher than Dickens

>> No.8303162

Don't have a gf, but when I do she's normally illiterate. Can't even spell properly in texts, let alone read

>> No.8303179

It literally is staged because the things were arranged in an aesthetic way and then someone photographed it

>> No.8303186

my bf refuses to read and just plays video games all day

>> No.8303192

oh well then. our entire apartment is staged lmao

>> No.8303202

>tfw no gf

>> No.8303207

Men read GREAT literature all the time, lying roastwhore

>> No.8303210

>Living in a Wes Anderson set

Sounds kinda comfy desu

>> No.8303225 [DELETED] 
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no butthole but have butt

>> No.8303241

bit too mom-tier for me to be honest

i'm lonely and envious

>> No.8303244


>> No.8303436

yeah it's alright but I get a lot shit for literally walking in and out of a room, because i fuck everything up.

>> No.8303454


>> No.8303486
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>Sixty-eight percent of college students use Netflix to binge-watch

>“One reason they use it is to just escape from reality by immersing themselves in a show,” he said.

The eyes are not here
There are no eyes here
In this valley of dying stars
In this hollow valley
This broken jaw of our lost kingdoms


See, why can't I meet a girl like this? I don't care what she looks like as long as she's smart, kind, and not married to a screen.

>> No.8303492

you probably spend as much time on 4chan as they do on netflix

>> No.8303493
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Lyrical and Critic Essays from Albert Camus
Stoner by John Williams
Anatomy of an Epidemic by Robert Whitaker

I am the gf

My husband doesn't read at all, I like to let him pretend I'm smarter than I really am. My friends and teachers already seem to think so becauae they see me with medium sized books. I've yet to carry Atlas Shrugged around for mad reps

t. pseud

>> No.8303502

My girlfriend is probably more well-read than anyone browsing /lit/ right now.
Her favorite book is the Brothers Karamazov.

>> No.8303504

show ur butthole 4me babygurl

>> No.8303513

Sasha Grey read Dostoyevsky, does that make her well-read or what?

>> No.8303518


>> No.8303530


>> No.8303531

Let me answer your stupid question with an even stupider one:
Could reading any one author make someone well-read?

>> No.8303564

4chan is a constant stream of reading, critical thinking, and argumentation. Netflix is mindless escapism.

>inb4 le 4chan is shit xDDD

You're not special.

>> No.8303567

4chan is shit

>> No.8303588


>> No.8303719

Stoner, To the Lighthouse, Miss Lonelyhearts, The Sorrows of Young Werther, If on a Winter's Night a Traveler

>> No.8303725

>tfw met a girl who had read more than I had
>she's cute and funny and smart
>really well-fucking-read
>ask her out
literally said
"Hey, I think you're cool and I want to get to know you. Do you want to go on a date?"
>get engaged
>now we spend time reading together and shopping for books online and in stores around town
nothing feels better

>> No.8303751

dark fantasy books

>> No.8303769

>implying 4chan is intellectually enriching

I really hope you don't believe this.

>> No.8303774

I've never heard someone describe 4chan as beneficial or stimulating. This is a new low, we have unironic shut posters now. I fear for the future

>> No.8303803
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On a bad day, yes. I usually spend most of my free time either at the gym or reading books. The average 18-24 year old spends about 3 hours a day watching television, and older people spend even more time. It's fascinating how the next episode comes on automatically, netflix expects users to have such little initiative that they will sit slack in their seat and let another dose of entertainment wash over them, no matter how late it is or how many episodes they've already watched that day. I remember reading Europe Central and just being engrossed, I read for hours, hundreds of pages a day, until I was dizzy and somewhat unwell feeling. Yet it's routine for people to spend that amount of time engaged with something as bland and shallow as the Walking Dead (which was presumably named after its target audience)

I mean say what you want about 4chan, but it is as least social activity, no matter how pathetic that activity is. I know very few people who read books in real life, and those that do read don't read the kind of books that I do. I've met people who didn't know who Herman Melville, Albert Camus, or Jack Kerouac were. I don't even like Kerouac, but I thought everyone who attended college would have at least heard of him. Even /lit/ doesn't talk about the books I read very often, but it's clear that there are a lot of people with similar tastes and ways of looking at the world as me posting here. There's really nowhere else to discuss books, other than a dead subreddit where people unironically talk about "diversity" and get upvoted.

>> No.8303840

and she likes to smell like brittney spears. good for her.

>> No.8303843

Hard to tell how binge reading is all that much different from binge watching television.

This last week Martin Chuzzlewit in 4 days, read the entirety of Tom Sawyer yesterday, and the day in between read a selection of Emerson essays and two Aristophanes plays. Different from watching all of Thrones? Emerson would seem to say no.

A2 thread: mostly the same shit as me, but less. She actually writes and is a real person.

>> No.8303849

My wife is a big Shakespeare fan. She was an English major in college and now she's an editor. Reading is pretty much our favorite thing to do.

We read a lot of fantasy too. Lord of the Rings, The Dark Tower, A Song of Ice and Fire, Malazan, Wheel of Time, etc...

>> No.8303863

kill yourself you gfless virgin you're not even trying


can't believe we gave this cunt so much replies

>> No.8303883

she's reading Dickens now, she's the one that got me into Wolfe, Pynchon and DFW.
I got her into Alistair Reynolds and David Wong.
She's obviously more hardcore.

>> No.8303951

that perfume...

no thanks i don't like the scent of 13 year olds

>> No.8303977
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more for me then I guess!

>> No.8304253

I'm not someone's girlfriend.

>> No.8304273

Lately she's been reading Castaneda and Manganelli, earlier this year Kierkegaard, Cioran, Nietzsche, Spinoza, the likes. She's not as well read as I am in American literature, so I was thinking about lending her DFW's essays, Outer Dark and maybe Burroughs. She likes the idea.

>> No.8304280

>implying I have time a for gf

>> No.8305616
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>> No.8305640

shes currently reading plato.

>> No.8305648

Fantasy novels. Mostly Temeraire books.

>> No.8305650

She just read lolita and now she's reading the trial.

>> No.8305798


Be mine. My mom says I'm cute, I don't smell bad, and I have a big book shelf.

I've had all my shots and I won't pee on your carpet.

>> No.8305807
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Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage

>> No.8305870

Call the midwife

>> No.8305880

"menus and my net worth"

>> No.8306308

>implying anyone on /lit/ has a gf

>> No.8306355

let's see em

>> No.8306364

>hairy armpits
perfectly fine, kinda hot
>parading around like its an accomplishment
fuck you, you have as much impact as a 12 year old on youtube

>> No.8306368
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i do

and its my milf coworker who just got divorced. look at all my experiences, great reference material

>> No.8306954


>> No.8306957

>not asking to see feet

>> No.8306958

When we first met about ten years ago she just finished her MFA thesis on Mishima. Now that we're married, all she reads is a chapter of Harry Potter every night to her son. I think that's about all she reads anymore.

That shit's depressing as fugg mane.

>> No.8307016

could be patrish could be pseud

>> No.8307055

>muh ego

>> No.8307197

Nothing. She's a true idiot but the pussy game is ridic.

>> No.8307213


>> No.8307217

Frank O'Hara and Margaret Atwood

>> No.8307218
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>side girl

>> No.8307221

the biography of charles manson.

>> No.8307224

Facebook and pinterest.
Is pinterest something you read? I don't know.

>> No.8307225

Abortion pamphlets

>> No.8307246

good books
gets frustrated by modernism (woolf, ulysses)
generally books about the female condition are a plus
she rereads the hunger games and harry potter in week-long stints once every year or so
i can't really complain overall

>> No.8307330

What does she find frustrating about modernist writers? Does she prefer post-modern or Romanticism?

>> No.8307567

Huge difference between the two. Viewing is passive whereas reading is an active experience. One provides instantaneous gratification while the other demands critical thinking, the ability to follow complex sentences and arguments, and the patience to follow a lengthy story. Most importantly, reading relies on the imagination while TV does the imagining for you.

>> No.8307643

My wife's son

>> No.8307654
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why haven't we bred completely hairless women yet? female body hair serves no purpose and it always looks disgusting

hairless except for the scalp, obviously

>> No.8307664

I don't think you've done any sort of breeding l4dm8.

>> No.8307676

are you suggesting that women still have body hair because men havent bred selectively enough?

>> No.8307686


I breed like a jackrabbit m8, just ask ur mum


pretty much, most men will fuck anything with a warm hole. the Persians used to breed for hairless bodies. crossing with filthy subhuman turkroaches has spoiled all their careful work

>> No.8307809
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I can't wait to find out one day.

>> No.8307856

Not entirely compelled by the "image is fascist" argument. By that standard the perfect work of art is a blank page. If you're not willing to go ad absurdum, you can still say a script better than a novel.

Likewise, while that may be true for something like Threes Company, it may not be for the Wire. Difference between that and a Dickens book is the Wire provides shots of actual Baltimore where Dickens can only describe London, but same token, the Wire can't give you inner monologue or feeling - viewer fills that in.

Don't get me wrong, I place reading above TV. I just don't often see a robust defense here and I think it's harder to provide than people think.

>> No.8307886

she doesn't like authors that mess with the normal conventions of storytelling too much
she reads for condition insight first and plot second, prose a distant third
she likes the brontes, austen
is zadie smith postmodernism?
you can see a trend here, basically she reads books by women (maybe 75%)

>> No.8307932


>> No.8307948

Mostly Borges but also ancient greek and roman classics as well as some Sartre every now and then. She also reads stupid novels in her spare time when she just wants to kill time.

>> No.8307949

shes reading crime and punishment. she doesn't actually like it though. she just likes pretending to be into whatever Alt Twitter thinks is cool. she also collects all of her opinions from there. go figure, right? i hate women

>> No.8307957

Why read when you can just submerge yourself in mountains upon mountains of neverending entertainment.

Life is shit anyways, there's nothing better to do than to forget about it. All books do is to remind you that you're alive and that life is miserable, for the most part.

>> No.8307958
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She had the most absolute pleb taste out of anyone I know. Only youth novels, John Green, Hunger Games, and whatever other flavor of the month trash they were making into a movie. I tried to get her to read some of the Greeks and a few lighter books, but she hated everything, that dumb cunt. God, I loved her.

>> No.8307977
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females with underarm hair trigger the fuck out of me

>> No.8307983


scalp/eyebrows & lashes

>> No.8308009

You're what pisses feminists off

>> No.8308074

Never had one, but did date a girl who loved the Anita Blake vampire books and got me to read all of them. They were god awful in literary terms, the writing was really terrible, but it felt pretty nice sharing it with her so I pretended to like them anyway.

>> No.8308575

Triggered. I used to say this about reading though. It was my escape into another world.

>> No.8308812

>Robert Walser

is she single

>> No.8308829

My ex reads mainly poetry and books covering the fields of psychology and psychoanalysis.

God, I miss her so much.

>> No.8308981

she hot?
how much older is she compared 2 u

>> No.8308997
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She just finished this and has got me reading it now. Pretty good although some parts are laugh out loud bad
Literally had a line "She didn't know Shelly, or Proust, or Nabakov...but she did know tears."

I'm trying to get her to read a good base of science books now but luckily she mostly stays away from YA

>> No.8308998

My gf is Chinese and reads chink shit from China very frequently. She really misses it, which I can certainly understand.

>> No.8308999

I always find it funny how love can so easily disguise a woman's faults to a man. I have gripes with my gf being a huge slut but somehow I love her all the same. Guess that makes me a cuck

>> No.8309075


>the Wire

I'm the autist complaining about netflix ITT and the only show I've ever finished is the Wire. Unless you count miniseries that only ran for one season, I've never watched every episode of a television show. Netflix doesn't even have it, at least in Canada.

>> No.8309107


late 20th century American TheNewYorkercore and Renaissance poetry

>> No.8309123

kys cunt

>> No.8309219

She likes non-fiction books, she's not much of a reader.

>> No.8309243

My feet you mean?

Oh alright.

>> No.8309255

Main chick: Hemingway, Benni and adult works from Dahl.

side chick A: Children's books, King Lear and ASOIAF (we got a pretty similar taste)

side chick B: She literally read 50 shades for the plot (but she's smart, I swear)

>> No.8309260

shit tier science fiction and high school/college intro level novels. I'm trying to broaden her horizons but its slow going.

>> No.8309434

>she was "too busy." But I've learned that watching netflix is actually a daily requirement for people my age,
Holy shit the amount of times I've heard people use this excuse for not reading, meanwhile they're napping and netflixing a combined six hours at least every day

>> No.8309471

David Wong, yuck

>> No.8309490

She used to read pretty cool /lit/ like Charles Dickens and the English Romantic poets.

Something bad happened to her and she will not stop reading Dale Carnegie's How to Win Friends and Influence People over and over again.

>> No.8309580

Kek, good post

>> No.8309600
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>> No.8309808

I live in China and couldn't get netflix even if I wanted it, so I don't exactly know what people watch on it. No Wire, huh? Isn't it like, old movies and shit? Bridge over the River Kwai and Orson Wells stuff?

To be honest, sometimes I wish the Wire didn't exist. Fucking show throws a real kink in the "Television can't be art" argument. Only other show I've seen that possibly comes close to the level of art, albeit art more akin to Aristophanes than Tolstoy or Dickens, is Party Down. That said, I've admittedly seen (comparatively) little TV, so maybe case of 'you hate X because you don't get it.'

And on topic: currently reading Dune in respite from study of Faust (done Goethe and Marlowe, next up is Bulgakov and Mann)

>> No.8310131


It's tv shows, a few blockbuster movies, and a shitload of B movies and obscure documentaries that netflix picked up the rights for dirt cheap.

You can't get many classic movies. Netflix doesn't like movies because the rights are expensive, and people only watch them once. They like shows better because it keeps people coming back, and you can amortize the cost of producing and marketing the show over a longer period. Nowadays they're making their own television shows exclusively for netflix. Stuff like House of Cards or Orange is the New Black. My parents watch those all the time.

>> No.8310146

just marathons Ru Pauls drag race 24-7

>> No.8310254

Not a gf right now but let me run down
First one was into spanish YA fanfic which is ten times worst than regular YA fanfic. She tried to read Lovecraft once, said it was boring and read Lolita but didn't get shit from it and claimed it was disgusting because it "promoted rape and pedophilia"
Second one started reading because I kinda encouraged it to her. It was more like a competition between us and even tho she hadn't read a lot of books by the time I found her she started reading some serious stuff like "The family of Pascual Duarte" or "Niebla". Even tho the books she read were very nice literature I honeslty think that she did it so she could claim she had read them and cross that off her book.
The third one read a lot of "Beat" like Kerouac, Gisbert, Cortazar, etc... Her ex was really into it and she dragged that with her when they broke up. It was fun at first but it got really anoying. I don't udnerstand what is good about the "beat" generation, it's all drugs, sex, living a selfmade rough life and feeling oh so profound and anti establishment. Anyway let's continue.
The fourth one didn't read much at all I think. I never got to know that about her but I think she only read like assignment books and stuff. She was really into helping the less fortunate so she read books about asperguers and stuff like "The case of the dog at midnight" and such.
Other girls I've met but never had anything serious were almost the same. YA fanfic, mangas and some popular country poetry. I'm certain they only read poetry to say that they had read it. It's very common in Spain to do that with Miguel Hernandez or Garcia Lorca. T'same.

>> No.8310262

That's a nice rundown on the girls you've dated mang, thank you for that. I will be saving it and reposting it occasionally for a light chuckle in an otherwise drab and humourless thread.

>> No.8310268
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>> No.8310296

New tinder match is an 18 year old Russian qt who minors in Classics. Took four years of Latin and has read almost all of the Greeks and Romans. She's pretty based as far as fiction goes as well. We're going out for coffee next week, wish me luck lads

>> No.8310359

My soccer-mom fuckbud likes deepak chopra and readers digest.

>> No.8310418
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about the only things she reads are text messages

>> No.8310430

didnt like it. A "bobo" whining.
Levé killed himself a few weeks afterwards.

>> No.8310487

100 years of solitude

>> No.8310516


She doesn't read because she is a stupid feminist bitch. I have no idea why I am even dating her.

>> No.8310885

Bukowski, Kerouac, Sexton, Plath, Poe, true crime stuff. I've lent her stuff like Ballard, Selby, Miller, Kafka.

>> No.8310897

this broad makes me want to jerk off on a swastika

>> No.8310901


feminists are not people

>> No.8310955


underrated post

I kek'd

>> No.8310962

Omnivore's Dilemma

She's a bio major

>> No.8310968

She doesn"t read because "books are for white people"

>> No.8310986


>> No.8311001


Yet she's rode in a vehicle with an internal combustion engine, turned on an electric light, and made a call on a phone before, no doubt.

Or did you just abduct her from some village in the middle of the Amazon jungle?

>> No.8311011


>> No.8311030

I don't get it. I shitpost daily, watch some TV, take long walks, and have a full-time job, and I still read at least 30 pages each day.

>> No.8311039

4chan is shit

>> No.8311040

You obviously don't have a gf and you obviously don't read

>> No.8311223

>I ask my girlfriend what is her favorite book
>she says "books are for white people"
>some autist on a malaysian picture/text aggregator website goes off about the Amazon
Dont know what to tell you
You are obviously a moron

>> No.8311245


But saying "books are for white people" is stupid because every piece of technology that makes her life possible was invented by white people. If she's so hostile to things "for white people" how does she even live? Does she eat with a fork? Does she use a computer? The language she speaks and the alphabet she uses were created by white people. We even invented the idea of "white people." If it weren't for advances in western medicine made possible by, you guessed it, white people, she wouldn't even be alive. She or her ancestors would have died in infancy.

Your girlfriend is retarded.

>> No.8311749

Implying nobody on a board with at the very least several hundred posters has a gf.

>> No.8311827


Both watching TV and reading are passive (will clarify exception below, so hold on) viewing experiences. You're bullshitting yourself if you think you're "thinking critically" about what you're reading if you aren't taking notes, parsing arguments, following leads, doing research, etc. I don't care if you are imagining a complex argument in your mind for the time period in which you read it- it's still just as temporary as if you were watching TV. Sure, I'll take an idea now and then and ruminate on it outside of a text- hell, sometimes the ruminations will become involved, but I am still bullshitting myself if I was to tell people that "I do all my work in my head". No. I write down my thoughts to assist me most of the time. Then I have a record of what I thought and can refer back to it at any time. If you don't write down your thoughts, you're going to lose most of them.

>reading relies on the imagination while TV does the imagining for you

Also, not true. I didn't grow up with TV and spent most of my youth reading non-fiction, so TV is incredibly stimulating, every time I watch it I get a buzz and then a HUGE rush of ideas, all of which I write down. TV is only bad if you're watching it after the flood of ideas and you just sit there drooling onto your couch- but, again, that's true of anything. Once you've done something past the point of it being useful it is useless by definition.

>> No.8311833
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My wife reads this

>> No.8311879
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>Philosophy major
>No time to read fiction

>> No.8311887


idk why you people think what he did was bad, this is actually standard 4chan format. Your OP should be as short as possible and if asking a question in the OP, you should not include your answer otherwise half of the replies will be responses to your answer, not your question.

You include your answer to the question separately, but on a slow board you're supposed to wait a few minutes to bump the thread with it after it falls off page 1.

>> No.8311894
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>tfw gf doesn't really participate in any literary circles so her taste is mostly her own
>Hates john green, and gulag-tier lit, enjoys some based stuff
>Unfortunately this also means that her taste also reflects the kind of stuff you would find in Canadian lit, aka identity-masturbation
>I recc'd her Don Quixote and she just snagged the edith grossman translation for 50 cents

who else /turninggfpatrician/ here?

>> No.8311905

>implying everyone on /lit/ is male
>implying every male on /lit/ is heterosexual

Approximately half this board consists of foreveralones. The other half is gay. (and probably foreveralone)

>> No.8311936

>the Persians used to breed for hairless bodies.
citation needed

>> No.8312347

lots of lacan and queer theory and anthropological/ethnographic work.

>> No.8312365

>lots of lacan

Can I have her? Tell her I'm a full phallic presence

>> No.8312367

She reads Bulgakov in Russian.

>> No.8312374

I mean we have a somewhat open relationship but she isn't really interested in guys other than me.

>> No.8312455

What, like solzhenitsyn?

>> No.8312472
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I have realised love is a distraction and slavery, and sex is an unnecessary desire.

The feeling I got when I found out that I can be happy with only my mind intact was phenomenal. No more stress and anxiety over talking to women. Because I don't need them. And if I want to try sex oit if morbid curiosity then I'll just hire an escort to full fill my many fetishes.

All I need is philosophy, food,water,shelter and clothes to live a happy life.

>> No.8312554
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Why do women read and men do not read?

>> No.8312557

the more an image reveals, the less there is to reveal. this is what differ between porn and erotica

>> No.8312589


>The power of pussy

>> No.8312718

I've seen her read
Plenty Camus
Harry Potter
Sylvia Plath

Mostly she just watches Netflix though

>> No.8312725


>> No.8312789


It's way easier to watch television than to read Joseph Conrad. You just sit there and watch, you don't even have to be literate. It doesn't matter if the only reason you read Joseph Conrad is to hear stories about seafaring, it still requires a much greater attention span, and to be honest, a higher IQ.

>> No.8312931


>Those books
>Framed a terrible picture of her cat with her fingers showing

Degenerate. Also, you fucking a darkie?

>> No.8314367


>> No.8314375

Fuck off no one's interested

>> No.8314745
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My girlfriend is currently in the last year of her Ph.D in modern American lit working with the preeminent scholar on someone you guys love to namedrop.

>> No.8314762
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saw this was one of the most recently posted threads on the 4chan homepage, remember lit pic related is your legacy.

>> No.8314775

My ef gf of 5 years and only gf (when we were both 15) read Huxley's doors of perception and couldn't stop prattling on about it every time we talked about anything remotely deep. Existential angst? Shove mescaline up your ass.Talking about a new book both of us have recently read? shove mescaline up your ass to truly process it. Aunt's got terminal breast cancer? shove mescaline up your ass to deal with the misgiving.

>> No.8314872

i would also like to chime in about how painfully unaware you sound

>> No.8314877

>I dont care what she looks like as long as she's ____________

nah you probably do care about what she looks like. "at least a 6, god. i'll be satisfied with a 6"

>> No.8314891

i wonder what it's like to fuck with fake tits in ur face. are they annoying or arrousing?

>> No.8314898

I don't have one but I imagine my future girlfriend will be an expert on Proust.

>> No.8314906
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>> No.8314916

You can do better.

>> No.8314922

Living the dream. Nice to see someone in a happy marriage.

>> No.8314939


I wish I was gay instead of a foreveralone.

I have so much more value on the homosexual male market than I do the heterosexual female market.

If only women hit on me as much as men do.

>> No.8315366



>> No.8315393

>15 years old
>advocating anything inside doors of perception

what the fuck

>> No.8315446
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>Patrick Leigh Fermor
>Robert Walser

If she is low-maintenance then she is a keeper.

>> No.8315449

>4chan is a constant stream of reading, critical thinking, and argumentation
lmao, I remember thinking that was true when I was 14. I'm glad that I embraced the fact that shitposting is the only thing this shithole is good for.

>> No.8315460

How do I get a literary gf?

>> No.8315463


step 1 go outside
step 2 dont be sperg

still working on step 1 personally

>> No.8315464

Be ready to compromise strongly whatever standard of physical beauty you have

>> No.8315528
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Harry Potter.

Don't care because she's Japanese. I'm living the dream.

>> No.8315529

K. I did both. Still no gf.

>> No.8315532

Did she actually try mescaline?

>> No.8315557


Good post

>> No.8315568

'Salem's Lot and some hippie Buddhist books. She puts up with me though, so I can't complain

>> No.8315571


>> No.8315579

Love this post, btw

>> No.8315599

Was nodding my head until your last point. Reddit's literary and book-related subreddits aren't bad because of their promotion of multiculturalism, but for their lack of higher level content. There was no need for that conflation

>> No.8315601

>If I can touch them, they're real

>> No.8315679

Elie Weisel?

I think the problem people have with the recent push for 'multicultural authors' is that people think they are a subsitute for, rather than a supplement to, the traditional western canon.

>> No.8315683

Meant for>>8315599

>> No.8315773

Right now she's reading my copy of IJ. She likes stuff like Perec, magical realism and Vonnegut among a lot of other stuff.

>> No.8315780

not him but since they invented sugaring, i'd assume legit
>tfw 2 dyke gfs
>tfw both read
feels masterrace tbqh

>> No.8315869

Manga and pulp fiction

>> No.8315880

Amis always seemed unbearably pretentious to me, even if his ideas could be interesting.

>> No.8315903

Mostly new European fiction, Ferrante, Knausgaardthis kind of stuff. But she is finishing her PhD in neuroscience so has little time for leisure reading.

>> No.8315918
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>> No.8316067

Pussy, nigga.

>> No.8316071

Patrish desu

>> No.8316079

Where do you go?

Honestly, most of my time outside is spent a soccer fields, and there are not a wide selection of females, if any.

>> No.8316898

how do I get legitimately literary gf who doesn't have this taste and also doesn't just read translations of Russian novels?

assume that I clean up to an 8/10 and I'm not a sperg

>> No.8316907

By going to sleep and dreaming of one.
>translations of Russian
Why Russian in particular?

>> No.8316910

I don't see how he comes off that way, I find him much less pretentious than someone like Harold Bloom

>> No.8316920

for some reason I know a few women who just love Russian novelists read nothing else seriously

>> No.8316958


desu If she was too fat that would be a dealbreaker. But my definition of "fat" is a lot more generous than most people's, so it probably wouldn't be an issue. Still, one could argue that being fat is a health/mental health problem. I don't want to date any more alcoholics, it's no fun, and by the same token I don't want to be in a relationship with someone who can't control her eating to the extent that even I get turned off.

I met a girl who had a severe facial deformity, but desu I had a bit of a crush on her anyway. Nobody stays beautiful forever, if you marry someone for their looks you're asking for trouble down the line.

>> No.8317106

Not that guy but so have I, I'm not a sensitive lil bitch about it though

>> No.8318129

the new york times
blogs about politics
novels you can buy at the mall

>> No.8319374

Her sisters books which are mostly about rape in one way or another

>> No.8319391

I know, anon. Getting married this November.

>> No.8319425

What is new sincerity

>> No.8319437

Please respond to this poll on the prevalence of girlfriends in the /lit/ community

Link: http://www.strawpoll.me/10829622

>> No.8319456

reactionary and hollow sympathy designed to define oneself as progressive by demonising the rut one refuses to get out of for fear of anything actually new or sincere or self-progessive; the refuge of the grandiose; and, in this context, using the death of a "friend" to elicit special treatment as though one's emotional turmoil at suicide was more especially honed than one who actually does the deed and requires more deference to oneself than the dead.
in short, being a preoedipal babby.