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/lit/ - Literature

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8243941 No.8243941 [Reply] [Original]

What did you study in university and where did you end up?

I have a biochem degree. Finished 2 years ago. Can't say I ever had a passionate interest in it, or much interest at all. I just thought it could be financially beneficial. Right now I do data entry, like most failed STEMfags, but at an accounting firm. Lately I've been interested in linguistics, and literature -- So I'm very interested to see what people in those fields do for work.

>> No.8243942

Did a Bsc in Physiotherapy

I am now a physiotherapist

>> No.8243945 [DELETED] 


>> No.8243949


Got my BA in Linguistics. Got TESL/TOEFL certified. I teach in Japan now.

If you want money, then study Computational Linguistics

>> No.8243953

Philosophy and English.

I'm a teacher at an upper secondary school.

>Decent pay
>Few hours in the classroom
>Students responsible for their own learning
>Long as shit holidays
>Job security

>> No.8243960


May I ask where the school is and how much you're being paid? Just curious. Seems like high school teachers are paid all sorts of things, so when you say "upper" I don't know what u mean.

>> No.8243964

I studied literature at a university in southern California. When I couldn't find a decent job or living space, I moved to Washington. I've been living here for 2 years now, applying to the local university for the PhD program. My job doesn't suck (court translator), the rent is reasonable and I'm finally focusing on something I'm passionate about. I don't know what my future looks like, but I'm happy for now.

>> No.8243965

wall street

>> No.8243966

Studying Economics. I'd love to get a PhD and research something-something welfare distribution.
Then I'd love to get a bachelor's in Philosophy on the side. Econ's my main bitch, philosophy's more of a mistress. Any good economist should study philosophy as well.

I'm not leaving university til they drag me out of here.

>> No.8243967

I'm not done yet. I have dropped out from 3 unrelated programmes since 2012

>> No.8243975

unemployed, living with my parents

>> No.8243979

risk analyst, currently stationed in greece

>> No.8243986

That sounds comfy. What languages do you speak?

Did you like your undergrad? Do most linguistic majors learn other languages?

>> No.8243991


kek, pretty much the same, anon. Now working minimum wage at a grocery store at 23.
Could be a lot worse, honestly.


Is anybody a patent agent? I feel like if you could pass the patent BAR it'd be pretty easy going from then on.

>> No.8243993

Denmark. The students are around 17-20 years old. It's where you go after the Danish equivalent of (junior?) high school.

>> No.8243994

I studied architecture undergrad and graduate. I currently work in a research position at a NYC firm and teach at several schools in the area.

>> No.8243995

BA in Philosophy. Doing a PhD in Philosophy.

>> No.8243996


Took the LSAT on a whim and got a full ride to law school. Currently my fourth in a biglaw firm in Miami. I have a lot of money. Would recommend.

>> No.8244015

Want fries with that?

>> No.8244018

What school? I'm considering doing this, talk me out of it

>> No.8244039

Starting Comparative Literature studies this fall.
Experiences, anyone? What am i in for?

>> No.8244055

BA/MA, doing PhD at UChicago in September

Continental philosophy / history / comp lit

>> No.8244058

I hate eople that are like I accidentaly got a biochem degree I don't even like it lol
fuck off

>> No.8244068

What are you gonna focus on?

>> No.8244075 [DELETED] 

Im "studying" journalism
Thinking a lot about sudoku lately

>> No.8244081

MA in English, I work grading standardized tests. Pays as much as teaching with the bonus that I don't actually have to talk to people.

>> No.8244087

hnnng nice
How was your application process to chicago? what was your shit like as an undergrad?

>> No.8244090

no idea. toying with the idea of becoming a novelist or a screenwriter but maybe i'll just keep them as a hobby.

>> No.8244094


Working as lawyer making a salary in the low $200s. It is demanding work though so I don't have as much time for books as I'd like.

>> No.8244114

I study economics, which seemed appealing at the first blush but turned out to be a boring mixture of maths and a bunch of inapplicable subjects. I wish I could switch to linguistics, but it's too late.

>> No.8244116

Funny, I'm thinking of studying literature in southern California as well. Damn I don't want to end up in cloudy Washington though. Court translator doesn't sound bad.

>> No.8244117


>mine tidligere gymnasielærere hænger ud på 4chan

For helvede altså.

I'm considering a similar path. Did you major in english or philosophy?

>> No.8244130

Got a biology degree. Thought a research career might give me time to write.
Envisioned myself to be non-autistic-asimov. They kicked me out after the first year of a graduate degree because I kept writing instead of working on my research.
Now doing another degree in mechanical engineering because I'm afraid of life and being an undergrad student means not having to take any risks.
I feel like a total parasite to my parents (even though they are rich enough that paying my shitty apartment's rent doesn't even affect their balance at all) and am really anxious to actually doing work in the real world.
>i kinda wish they would die so I would be rich enough to write all day without any guilt

>> No.8244159

Harvard. Do you like academic analytic philosophy? Personally, I hate it, but there's enough "history of philosophy" to keep me going. It grates, though. If you don't get into a top-10 PhD program (using the Leiter Report that progressives in philosophy universally deride for some (no) reason), it's likely not worth doing, since it'll be practically impossible to get a tenure-track position afterwards, even with the standard one-year CV-padding position somewhere. If you don't get a full-ride plus stipend, definitely don't do it.

>> No.8244168

Lot of other Econ people in here. Anyone else find it far too easy? I thought I was doing something wrong because I never studied and went to class but have a 4.0 while engineering majors or comp Sci major's put all their time and effort into class but struggle but with Bs and Cs. Am I just a natural or is economics really just the secret best major for combination of easiness and payoff?

>> No.8244178

i didn't last long enough to pick a major. i was put on academic probation my first semester and then disqualified / asked not to return after failing two classes in my second semester.

i told my parents i am taking a break to figure out what i want to do but i know that i'm never going back. i just have to work up the courage to tell them.

>> No.8244181

Probably depends where you go to school. I did an econ minor and some classes were easy but others got fairly complex either with research or with the math involved. Many people find econ math easy because they go to an easy university. Mine required all the formulas to be derived on the tests, you couldn't just memorize the easy final product.

>> No.8244192

Which university? I grew up in SoCal, so I was tired of the weather. I'd rather be chilly and wet than hot and tan.

>> No.8244200 [DELETED] 

loool i dont know what to do with my life

>> No.8244206

dropped out after three weeks. I've been a forex trader for the last two years now.

>> No.8244207

You mean you don't enjoy it being 85ºF at 9 AM?

>> No.8244215


How much have you made?

>> No.8244222

Thanks man. It was pretty harrowing, but actually one of the least painful compared to the extra hoops of some other schools I applied to. I think the most important components were my research sample and my letters of recommendation, because my writing sample kind of blew, in retrospect.

Undergrad was OK. I had good GPA and GREs, but I have no way of knowing how much of an impact that had.

>> No.8244226

It was by no means an accident but it was a choice made with a lack of forethought. It was interesting enough to keep me there for 4 years but I never had any passion or desire to learn much beyond being able to pass the tests.

>> No.8244246

About 18k€ in the first six months I've worked for a small trading company, then I got fired because I couldn't keep working under the strict rules my boss gave me. Then I invested all the money I earned (mind you, the 18k were actually six wages, I actually handled way more money for the company) and gained 6k in the last 6 months of 2015, plus 11k since 2016 started. I haven't done any operation in a few weeks tho because of Brexit.

>> No.8244247

whats the difference between a research sample and a writing sample? what does "research" mean before getting to phd level?

>> No.8244263

Same, but I work part time as a cashier

>> No.8244267

Danish teachers at gymnasiums are fucking hacks lmfao, even at private schools.

>> No.8244272

I suppose I do go to a university one would deem easier than some others but it's still insane how little effort I've put forth into it. Then again, the average final grade in my business statistics class was an 82 and I had a 100 so maybe I am just a natural. Not trying to humble brag here, though it seems so.

>> No.8244274
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>no math students
Good bye.

>> No.8244286

Majored in both Actuarial Science and Economics. Been out of college and unemployed for about six months now.

I thought math was my passion...now I don't want to start my career, though I know I'll have to eventually.

>> No.8244291

Phd in combinatorics and theoretical cs at one of stanford, berkeley or mit (you pick). It's everything i ever wanted it to be boys. Stipend is beefy enough to support my book buying and i do nothing but read math and lit all day long.

>> No.8244292


I'm majoring in philosophy and took english as a minor. I can see myself teaching at some point, what would you say are the most annoying parts of your job?

>> No.8244300

Environmental Science
I work in water treatment making 70k at 26 years old. Pretty content at the moment.

>> No.8244304

I'm about to start my junior year as a math major, but I didn't post ITT because I'm still in school

>> No.8244305

I'm 19 years old.

I am handsome, smart, athletic and virile.

I have a novel that is in it's final editing stage, and a creative writing professor at my college has read the first draft and thinks it's saleable.

I have a girlfriend who is confident, articulate, playful and spontaneous.

I have a small group of interesting friends from different social and academic backgrounds, and I also have many other acquaintances who see me as a reliable source of humour and good company.

Both my parents are alive and in good health.

I have no regrets.

I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

I am a passionate lover, a sharp thinker, and a trader of witty repartee.

I am not self-pitying, meek or needlessly humble.

I will live a good life at your expense.

>> No.8244308 [DELETED] 

>tfw no artfags

>> No.8244311

BA in Literature
I write content (read: titles and descriptions) for one of the major 5 porn websites

>> No.8244314

Never understood how people get mad at this pasta. Why not go do it yourself? Is this proof of how lefties see a rich man and want to make him poor, while righties see a rich man and want to be like him? Are YOU mad, anon?

>> No.8244320

Petroleum engineer
Easiest engineering degree with the highest pay. Work in an office 37 hours/week making good easy money. Read and write poetry on spare time.
Recent drop in oil price was rough, but I made it through.

>> No.8244322 [DELETED] 

triggered tbqh

>> No.8244324

I have a biochem undergrad degree from notre dame from 2000 ... only used it one year to teach high school biology ... masters in english lit. Worked in banking, gyms, handstand act and pulling permits for a family circus, community college teacher for 3.5 years before being stalked by an underage girl - when I turned in a report, pulled into an interrogation that lasted like 5 hours, heard all I had did wrong and knew they were going to fire me (right to work state: they can fire you for no reason at all here, no unions. Shitty). so I quit before they could fire me for bullshit. Back to gyms. I write literary criticism in my spare time but hope to be a college English teacher again someday. If I were less attractive I would still be doing what I loved. Don't trust girls who always come to your office hours with any personal information in conversation.

>> No.8244332

When's the last time a petroleum engineer ever published a book worth reading?

There's a reason STEM majors don't write novels. Studying stuff like that literally and unironically rewires your brain in such a way that prevents you from being empathetic, sensitive and artistically creative. I would rather continue being a suicidal unemployed friendless virgin with the potential to write a masterpiece than be a financially wealthy and popular STEM-graduate who can't write two lines that anybody would care to read.

>> No.8244334
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A career path with even shittier return to cost than the other humanities. I wonder why.

>> No.8244338

How old are you? I didn't really understand your word salad of a post but I gather you spent your 20s working various jobs and having sexual intercourse? How?

>> No.8244344

You sound mad. I wasn't even into the arts until I graduated. I was one of those typical STEM guys who thought arts degrees were useless.
I know I won't publish anything, and it doesn't really bother me. I write poetry beacause I like it and literally no one knows I do it. I love reading though.

>> No.8244348

I really need to lose my virginity dude.

>> No.8244353

Good post

>> No.8244355 [DELETED] 

Is pretty much to start net-working i guess

>> No.8244364

Did anyone else here feel an intense pressure to start working as soon as they graduated?

I was 21 and felt so guilty every day for not having a job after getting out of college. Eventually I found a stressful and unfulfilling office job and have been there ever since. Looking back it seems stupid to have pressured myself so much, but the idea of "enjoying" myself never really came to mind. I really don't comprehend how people can do that.

>> No.8244372

If I get a double degree in Math and Business Management, where would it lead me?

Also, how does it compare to ChemE in terms of pay and contribution to the betterment of society?

>> No.8244373

That is what capitalism does to the human mind.

>> No.8244380

the answer is yes, there is risk.

>> No.8244385

I would argue this is more the fault of money mill art schools and disinterested students than anything else. There are a select few institutions that seem to consistently produce quality work and students successful in the profession/institution

>> No.8244393

Is there a lot of work in that field?

Yes. I was filled with guilt and shame being unemployed for the first 8 months

>> No.8244400

You can't live the /lit/ life if you have a PhD in physics or whatever aspergic subject you go on to talk about in your post. Studying STEM to that level literally rewires your brain in a way that precludes any creative prowess. You are literally no more than a robot at this point. I bet you drink alcohol, watch sports and have "friends" too. It's really sad.

>> No.8244401
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Just handed in my PhD thesis in physics. Theory. I'm 29.

I work 20 hours Python programming for a research group engineering quantum computation devices and 10 hours doing stochastic for the traffic analysis center of my city (Vienna).

I think I want to keep on working only 20h throughout 2017 and live the /lit/ and /fit/ life.
Pic semi-related?
I also try to do some relevant (award worthy) math in my free time. Of course, easier said than done.

>> No.8244402


your life lacks teleology.
read kierkegaard.

being uncertain will never be endearing.
comp lit major speaking here.

>> No.8244407
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Degree in Applied English and German languages. Worked at burger king and now a bakery

>> No.8244412

call centre

>> No.8244414

Wtf, are you me? This is literally me down to the PE degree, the private poetry, and the late blooming love of literature (mine started in my last year and a half of undergrad). Where did you go to school?

>> No.8244430

(sorry for the deletion and reposting)

I don't know if you want to engage in a proper conversation with this, but I agree that there is a wiring (or maybe re-wiring) if you spend years doing STEM.
Probably everybody interprets "/lit/ life" differently, I mostly just mean I read existentialist philosophy and try to get into other peoples minds (be open for the worldviews of girls and cool guys that I meet, as well as good authors)

I feel there is also a substantial part of life that people don't happen to experience when they don't study math and science. E.g. putting myself in the position of someone who doesn't know what the Church-Turing thesis tries to say about the world feels odd. Looking at people who don't know what a Turing machine is a bit like looking at people who never have to eat and who have never eaten. Those people might not have to do it to survive, and so they might never get into it, but then it's like missing out on something natural and an essential experience.

>> No.8244444


1. this is cheap bait.
2. clockwork can be beautiful
3. this is cheap bait.

>> No.8244445


>> No.8244461

Oil! by PTA

>> No.8244465

I'm turning 23 too. Just quit my job to go study radiology.

Gonna let it stick this time though, I just want a job at the end

>> No.8244466

University of Alberta, you?

>> No.8244470

Graphic designer graduated in 2012 and from 2013 until, well, now I'm a dairy farmer, have goats. Live in though so I guess I have no future anyway. I'm trying to write my book and comic

>> No.8244471

Damn, I was hoping we went to the same place. Mines for me.

>> No.8244488

>I have already experienced three existential crises, the latter of which was described as having the depth and profundity of a man twice my age.

never fails

>> No.8244526

I'm 22, pretty much the rising star of my University's English department, which isn't saying all that much because most of the theses of my fellows are on Hip Hop or YA lit. I feel like I'm the big fish in a small pond.

I'm currently using a paid research stipend (only time a hum. Major has ever one the award at this institution) studying lit theory and plain to write on the topic for my thesis. after that I'll continue here to do my MA, which will take me a year. in the intervening summer I'm going to try and go to France to learn French so that I can do a Fulbright there to study Lacan or some shit in French after I graduate.

I really, really want to go to Duke for my PhD, and be taught by Fredric Jameson. I don't care if the rest of my life falls apart after that.

>> No.8244527

TL;DR I'm Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor

>> No.8244535

I typed this in my phone and I just got my wisdom teeth pulled so forgive my typos. I've probably already identified myself to anyone I know who goes on here

>> No.8244652

Archaeology and Anthropology
I teach at a university and work at the university in the off season, dig in the summers.
It's pretty nice, I own my own home and can afford the things I want.

>> No.8244662

Sorry, work at the university's museum in the off season.

>> No.8244671

I've seen you post about your being paid to do lit theory. Are you cute?

>> No.8244739

Texas A&M, Louisiana or Colorado probably

>> No.8244760

Pride comes before the fall.

>> No.8244761

Dostoevsky was an engineer

>> No.8244764

He studied engineering against his will and had no real formal qualifications in it as he didn't specialize and spent most of his time translating novels from French.

>> No.8244794


I thought he studied psychology, as well? Or at least was heavily interested in it in his spare time

>> No.8244806


BA in Philosophy and a BA in Lit, lawyer

>> No.8244817

Not following.

>> No.8244877

Whats your take on Othmar Spann?

>> No.8244897


>> No.8244926

>studied translation
>ended up working as an in-house translator, not freelance
Better than expected, really. And I'm contracted for 40 hours but there's really only 25 hours of productive work to be done each week. I basically have every Monday and Tuesday to myself: reading, translating short stories to try and go literary. The world is looking up.

>> No.8244937

Your writing sample is just any completed piece of writing that shows off your ability to produce finished work. I used some half-decent undergrad essay, because I had nothing that fit the bill otherwise.

The research proposal (what I should have said, my bad) is the "this is why you should accept me!" thing where you ideally pitch a plausible dissertation topic while also selling yourself as a smart dude.

There are a bunch of problems with the latter. You're likely writing your proposal while still an undergrad, so it is almost certainly going to be naive and stupid.. but you're still expected to swing for the rafters and make it elaborate anyway. You're trapped between not having the necessary depth to pitch a deep, long-term, cutting-edge project, and having to do it anyway. It either leads to a weird feeling of phoniness, or you crapping out and admitting in your proposal that your interests are still vague at this point. On top of that, some of the schools I applied to asked specifically for a concrete proposal, some seemed to indicate that it wasn't necessary, and others were just ambiguous.

The main advice I would give if you're planning on aiming for a fancy grad school is:
>1. have a really excellent writing sample ready by the time of your applications
>2. have good recommenders who are excited by your potential, and who will write personalised letters
>3. have a really good research proposal that makes you look serious but also admits you know it will all change pretty quickly

For #1: Keep your eye out for which project you want to to "uplift" during your pre-application year, and ideally make it relevant to where you plan to apply, though that isn't absolutely necessary. Then soup it up and make it really stellar, and do multiple levels of drafting and feedback from professors. Also: Research WELL in advance the length and format requirements of the places you want to apply.

For #2: Start schmoozing with every professor you can, ASAP. About everything - state of the field, recommendations, advice. See if your university has famous ones whose interests align with your own and with places you'll be applying, and try to form relationships in general.

For #3: Make a personal project out of absolutely mastering some field and its subfield within your interests. For example, if you want to be a continental philosophy guy, and you like hermeneutics but aren't sure you want to spend the next 40 years being a hermeneutics guy, consider just absolutely mastering hermeneutics by immersing yourself in its history, methods, and scholarship. Then pitch a project within that milieu, and you will be able to subtly signal that you are refreshingly non-naive about your interests. Being abreast of the state of the field, and of what subtly looks plausible as new research within it, is a huge boost.

Bonus: Learn your req languages NOW. All of them. Multilinguals are rare as fuck in NA, shows seriousness. Instant massive boost.

>> No.8244939

How old are you? Which languages? This sounds idyllic, even though I am incapable of experiencing pleasure at this point.

>> No.8244944

>thinks he knows about the human condition to write

>> No.8244968

I am 22. English and Italian into Dutch, English mostly. The pay is so-so and I have a bit of a commute, but I'm just reading on the train and I live frugally. It's not a perfect life, probably, but I'm very content with it, this is my first job.

>> No.8244987

I'm not involved with "soft" academia like writing/history etc. So one questio: What does
>Being abreast of the state of the field
mean? What is the state of the field? I don't understand how a subject like history or comparative literature would evolve within a few years or even a decade.

>> No.8244994

What's you problem with pleasure?

>> No.8245003

I'm just incapable of experiencing it in any significant sense, partly due to my fear that experiencing it in the company of other people will cause them to view me as a stupid, easily-pleased child and partly due to my perspective being dictated so strongly by contempt and misery that no experience can lighten it in any way that might be considered significant.

>> No.8245013

If you don't mind my asking, what's your teaching gig like? An eikaiwa or an actual school system? Any advice for someone with an English MA and experience living in Japan?

>> No.8245021

How to get this job?

>> No.8245034

Did history and political science, currently in law school. I come from a family of lawyers so that informed my choice. But if I could have I would have gone for a PhD in history.

>> No.8245035


I think they've stopped hiring for the main tests right now, though there's still the SAT and AP stuff. Usually around the end of semesters/school years more will open up.

>> No.8245037


Can you give us a sample of some of your work or maybe an example of something you might write?

>> No.8245062

How good is it as a job ?

>> No.8245069

I have a PhD in Applied Memetic Studies

Currently work for a government agency in my country and shill online trying to change mass perspective.

$300k starting any job you want

>> No.8245071



>> No.8245100


neet master race, transcending normie shit
i watch porn and read all day long

>> No.8245108

holy shit

>> No.8245118

can i go full jargon and mix around ideas of lacan althusesr, marx, hegel, baudrillard and write unintelligibly and get into somewhere decent?

>> No.8245129
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A great deal of well respected writers never went to university at all.

I believe very strongly that one cannot become a strong writer until they have had unique and interesting life experiences. Go out into the world and do something dangerous and different. University is such a minor part of your life.... it is truly laughable if you believe that a diploma locks you into a certain way of life for all eternity.

>> No.8245143

Name them, normie.

Your little shpiel is so retarded I almost didn't reply. Many many writers lived lives that would be considered dull and eventless yet their imagination (something you apparently lack) allowed them to write stories that were entertaining and profound. The "go do some wacky shit bro!!!" mentality is so over-rated I really do pity the kind of amateurs who drink a lot and go hitchiking in order to have "something" to write about.

Also, my assertion is reinforced by facts. Yours is reinforced by what exactly?

>> No.8245144

mm, as soon as you leave university it seems so stupid and dumb, then you remember there are still people there, getting mad at each other about some obscure idea, slaving away in an office writing for hours completely stressed out, doing nothing at all really. I think the book Stoner captures this pretty well. sometimes i too wish i was writing out all my ideas and coming up with novel ideology, but then again, nihilism teaches me to forget it.

kinda sad.

>> No.8245153

just hte other day i say for about 2 hours and listened to two unimportant graduate studies complain that their babysitters in the department weren't really supporting on interested in their ideas or presentations or pet projects, they just could not believe they were not being supported.

i think it really is a place for the children of the petitebourgeoisie to be babysat at this point.

>> No.8245173

this is how you get the beats. aka mindless degenerate drivel with no merit.

>> No.8245184

Tax law, any law with money, that's bank right there
>Tfw won't ever be a tax lawyer in Memphis
>just a litigator in Missouri

>> No.8245190


Twain, Orwell, Hemmingway, Bernard Shaw, Capote, Faulkner.... do I need to go on?

You've spent your youth sheltered in a university while at this point in his youth Orwell was fighting in a spanish civil war and, Graves was on the western front and Twain was in charge of a steamboat.

If you have no life experience no wants to read your boring ivory tower nonsense.


I actually happen to be a tory and hater of all things marxist.

>> No.8245226


>Things that never happened

>> No.8245238

is that an entry-level position? how much dosh?

>> No.8245247

>this new

>> No.8245266

>math + business
>work for wealth confiscation scheme of Wall Street for 100k a year

>Chem E
>reduce manufacturing price of shampoo by .000002 cents for your jew boss for 80k a year

>> No.8245270

Faulkner attended University of Mississippi you stupid normie. Jesus christ.

>muh wars
Oh wow. Because that's so relevant in 2016.

>ivory tower nonsense
You mean Kafka and his dull bureaucratic world? You mean Pessoa and his dull isolated musings? You mean Rodger and his sexless life?

All read and appreciated by millions, regardless of how "little" the author had "lived". Meanwhile your average Mickey Spillane wannabe is hitchiking through Vietnam smoking dat kush thinking "damn, this is such a meaningful and relevant experience". I experience more meaningful emotions and thoughts while dabbing my bleeding haemorrhoid than you ever will no matter how many road trips you go on, no matter how many girls you "lay", no matter how many wars you do or do not fight.

>> No.8245276

heard of pynchon?

>> No.8245285

>Pynchon studied engineering physics at Cornell University, but left at the end of his second year to serve in the U.S. Navy. In 1957, he returned to Cornell to pursue a degree in English


>> No.8245316


Faulkner dropped out of Ole Miss after one semester.

>Meanwhile your average Mickey Spillane wannabe is hitchiking through Vietnam smoking dat kush thinking "damn, this is such a meaningful and relevant experience". I experience more meaningful emotions and thoughts while dabbing my bleeding haemorrhoid than you ever will no matter how many road trips you go on, no matter how many girls you "lay", no matter how many wars you do or do not fight.

First off I really don't understand why you are so upset? This anger is probably something you should work on.

I never said to go to some 3rd world country and take a bunch of drugs. I simply recommended that you do something to gain some unique experience and to have your metal tested in some way.

I am a pacifist, conservatively christian and against drug use so I've done nothing which you've mentioned. (premarital sex, drug use, fight in wars etc.)

However I did do ambulance driving in Africa and I worked in a few foreign countries. Good times, made some very interesting friends and read a ton of books. I also have a masters. By far my experiences after university has influenced me much more than the 5 years I spent slogging through coursework.

If I could do it again I would probably have gone to trade school, made some money in the workforce and studied on my own. With my savings I could have seen some more of the world.

>> No.8245324

Whoever made that chart, especially the the top-most one, of the image, should kill himself ASAP.

Let "WA" denote the set of working artists and "AG" arts graduates.

The size of the union of WA and AG is |(WA union AG) difference (WA intersection AG)| = 3 million.

The size of the intersection of WA and AG is said to be 200k, but computing 10% of WA gives us 200k and 16% of AG gives us 192k, the sum of the two which is 392k, not 200k. Contra-fucking-diction.

>> No.8245336


Why do people feel the need to type out their resumes to win internet arguments on 4chan?

Embarrassing desu.

>> No.8245343


Not interested in winning an argument, just having a conversion. Was giving my perspective of the university vs. experiences discussion and used some life experience to illustrate that fact.

>> No.8245349

It's p straightforward ADHDanon, he's worked a variety of jobs, but liked teaching English at colleges. A young girl with daddy issues became obsessed with him and got him into serious trouble with >implications she learnt from small talk.

Most places typically write you a good reference in exchange for nobody ever talking of the incident ever again (assuming nothing ever comes of it)

>> No.8245353

>"dude just go to Africa!"

Damn you're such a cliche, it's actually sad. If you really need to travel to Mozambique to gain valuable insights into the human condition, then really you deserve my pity. Because all I have to do in order to gain the exact same thing is turn on a light and look into the mirror.

And if I appear "mad" it's only because to attacked me for being a "virgin" as though in not giving any girls the satisfaction of being penetrated by me I am therefore somehow worse off or ill-equipped to confront the sublime truths of existence.

>> No.8245357


Have you published any books yet?

Why should we care what you think? Your opinion seems based more on personal feelings and romanticism than any rigorous investigation of the backgrounds and education of published authors. You can also claim all sorts of things on the internet.

>> No.8245363

>you're such a cliche
>all I have to do in order to gain the exact same thing is turn on a light and look into the mirror
Pot kettle right there.

>> No.8245370


No, I have published no full length books.

I highly doubt the person who I was talking to has published any books either. Moreover I would say almost nobody on this image board has published anything. That doesn't stop us all from conversing and arguing different points, there is no requirement for posting on /lit/ aside from age.

>And if I appear "mad" it's only because to attacked me for being a "virgin" as though in not giving any girls the satisfaction of being penetrated by me I am therefore somehow worse off or ill-equipped to confront the sublime truths of existence.

You appear mad because your responses are all incredibly aggressive and you seem to think you are the most brilliant person who has ever lived.

>> No.8245401

300k starting, no complaints here

I have enough spare time to chill with my son and my wife is doing archaelogy in Greece so it's a win-win.

>> No.8245405

this man knows

>> No.8245421

TL;DR Pat Bateman

>> No.8245429

What are you five favorite lit books and five favorite stem books?

>> No.8245435


Well why should I believe you and not him?

Your personal anecdotes aren't very convincing. It seems like a lot of people share your idea that there are some experiences that have this essential value that other experiences lack. They usually involve something manly and romantic, like travel, war, or danger. To me, all you need is:

>Sense of story

I don't get why you need to go to Africa or get mortared to be adept at those three things. Maybe if you were writing a book that was heavily based on your specific experiences, but that doesn't guarantee success either.

tl;dr citation needed

>> No.8245452

Do you know my buddy Enoch? He just graduated from Harvard with a philosophy degree this summer.

>> No.8245467
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I'm pretty proud of this get.
Can someone congratulate me?

>> No.8245480


You don't have to believe me. I find the best books I've ever read are by those who have done extremely interesting things in life and often work their experiences and understanding of human nature into their writing.

Nothing guarantees success but I find that romantic experiences as you say can only enrich your talents and make for a more well rounded story.

>> No.8245488

That was my get. Quit trying to steal it.

>> No.8245498

Nice get also stem and art used to be friends and I think it's a bummer that they aren't anymore.

>> No.8245502
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nice dubs, but no.

>> No.8245517

yeah, but I have a girlfriend. sorry anon

>> No.8245522


agreed. I'm reading "Deep Time of the Media" at the moment
It's a treasure trove for lost scientific inquiries with great imaginative and aesthetic power
I recommend it immensely, helps rethink our bland utilitarian progress myths about tech
Think alchemy, alternate futures, speculative design, mind and matter, etc.

>> No.8245526



>> No.8245551

studied math undergrad
working for a "tech" company in san francisco

>> No.8245557

Why tech in quotes?

>> No.8245584

39 but my young looks keep people from realizing how little i have achieved in my career. From 30 on getting women was easy. No luck in college when i was a student.

>> No.8245609

Yes. I'm >>8244286 and that's exactly what I've felt for the last six months.

I just applied to jobs, got interviews and then proceeded to fuck up the interviews completely. I never considered taking time off to enjoy myself because I felt I had to get a job at all costs. Like there was an ax over my head and time was running out.

Now, six months later, I'm no farther ahead than I was after college. At least I've rediscovered my love for reading during that time.

>> No.8245610

How many women have you penetrated since turning 30?

How do you keep your looks "young"?

I'm a 25 year old KHV and seriously worrying that I will die alone, especially since I am beginning to develop nasolabial folds.

>> No.8245669

>nasolabial folds

That is called distinction my friend. You need to get some experience though. Or you'll end up falling in love with some Stacey that deigns to break you in in order to acquire your dogged affection. You'll end up hating her but you'll find yourself unable to leave.

Happened to me at 22.

>> No.8245687

Hey man good luck.

>> No.8245727


I enjoyed it. Took classes in psycho- and historical linguistics, syntax (pretty fun), semantics, as well as second language learning classes. My program required each undergrad to take at least three semesters of a foreign language.


I teach at an eikaiwa. I like my job, but maybe that's not as common amongst other teachers. The comfier jobs are ALT positions. If you want a relatively easy work day with a high salary, try JET

>> No.8245752

I honestly haven't decided yet. Any advice on where to go? The closest school to me is in SD.

>> No.8245769

I went to UCSD. The literature building is right next to the comp/sci dept. It's tiny, cramped, smells like cheap wine and semen. It has some of the best people working for it and studying there and I loved every minute of it. Just don't get into Revelle.

>> No.8245802
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>studied 2 years of Medicine
>dropped out
>studied Mathematics for 1 and a half year
>switched to Engineering Mathematics
>study another BSc (some engineering subfield) because I had already many credits for it and my CV looked awful
>study BSc Biosystemics
>parallel to it Philosophy
>now I study Biomedical Engineering, MSc

I'm done with academia, so very much done. I'm exhausted. I want to sleep for weeks.

Whom am I kidding? I already have a great thesis idea for my PhD :^)

>> No.8245847

>Whom am I kidding?
te ipse occidi

>> No.8245851

>Whom am I kidding?
te ipse occidi, fascis

>> No.8245873

It sounds awesome, that is really good to hear because I wasn't even sure about going back to school. So far I've only heard good things about UCSD including what you've said.

>> No.8245906

>some people replying to this aren't aware of is much of a stale and repeated copypasta this is

Summerfags fucking get OUT

>> No.8245934

Orwell was in his mid-thirties during the Civil War. At university age he was in Burma.

>> No.8245954

Dual-degreed in Art history and illustration. Soon am starting my masters in painting at Yale.

I live in Prov as a freelance illustrator, fine artist, and museum curator.

>> No.8245958

Forgot to add, dual degreed at Brown/RISD*

>> No.8246020 [DELETED] 

I'm 16, and I really want to get into journalism.

>> No.8246033


>> No.8246112

What degree do I get? I tried a year of CS and failed the math due to lack of interest and I'm thinking about doing psychology purely because I liked it in high school.

tfw I just want a small comfy house with my dog and my books

>> No.8246171

I'm about to start my degree in pharmaceutical chemistry in September. What am I in for /lit/? I'm still debating doing either an MSc in chemistry or go to med school after.

>> No.8246186
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>tfw 22 and hate the girl I'm with but can't leave

>> No.8246221

finance and accounting double major

work as a government consultant. its not very demanding but could definitely be more interesting. thinking of starting an amazon store with my friend.

>> No.8246328
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Can anyone tell me what the differences are between a complit and English degree?

I feel as if complit is almost too fun and I'll feel guilty reading stuff I actually want (modern and contemporary Japanese, German, English stuff and film studies too)...

... when I could be learning why Milton and Chaucer are great even though I've never cared much for them (ie, being enlightened by a good prof, showing me the error of my ways, and so on)

>> No.8246351

Easy there, Kierkegaard

>> No.8246576

Donna Tartt is so attractive. Her light brown/green eyes catch light in a certain way that makes them pop from her dark features. All her expression comes from her eyes, even in her younger pictures the lines in her forehead are distinct and visible... Beautiful. Her open, talkative nature, mental energy, southern sweetness, reminds me of a young boy. It's charming.

>> No.8246582

You can sort of tell she must have gotten some plastic surgery. In her interviews for goldfinch you can see she no longer uses the expressions and deep lines in her brow -- frozen solid.

Such a shame.

>> No.8246650

Jordan Belfort said he dropped odontology school without telling his parents after the third day of class, when a teacher told the class that the golden age of dentists was over and that it was impossible to be rich doing that job.

>> No.8246676

Computer Science
Now I make six figures working for a e-coupon company as a programmer. I'm trying to be a hobby US history/writer on the side.

>> No.8246719 [DELETED] 


>> No.8246739

hey guys looks like we have a real life will hunting on our hands here

>> No.8246777

I'll check it out.

>> No.8246806

Dont worry so much about your future. Figure out what you like first and work hard at it.

>> No.8246831


did you just graduate?
I was class of 2015 at brown, transferred from RISD second year.

>> No.8246859

you need help my man

you have built a giant mechanism of shame into your being and the only way to live again is to extricate it

>> No.8246866

what stopped you

>> No.8246871

kek. My job isn't like Belfort's tho. I mainly work from home, even tho I hang out a lot at the society's office I used to work with

>> No.8247029

HS student probably studying law and english lit next year, working at local supermarket

Still waiting for all my dreams to be crushed lol

>> No.8247067

Graduated and passed the licensure exams for medicine.

I'm now a general practitioner doing moonlighting at a hospital.

>> No.8247103

English doctorate here, I'm currently a frycook at Whataburger but before I got my masters I pushed carts at a grocery store.

>> No.8247109

lol smells like pasta

>> No.8247121

Thinking about picking up law as an engineer. How did you get into it? Do you ever actually do court appearances?

>> No.8248062

I was in the same situation my first year. Don't rule out going back though. In four years or so you might have a different perspective. It would be easier to tell you parents college isn't for you "at this time" rather than never.

>> No.8248074

thanks dude. idk if you're still in the thread but how long was your research proposal vs. your writing sample?

>> No.8248078

No, I'm a corporate attorney. I do deals work, not any courtroom work. I just went to a good law school and got good grades. 90% of law schools are money pits so make sure you take the time to ace the LSAT and go to a good one with scholarship money.

You can get a job like mine from the top 70% at Northwestern, top 50% at Georgetown, top 30% at WUSTL, top 10% at some random NY school, and you can't get it at all from a dumpster fire like Cooley. If you want to do patent work, you're engineering background will make it easier to get in the door but not by that much. Don't plan on being at the top of your class either, plan on being around the median.

It can be more difficult for us engineers to get into a good school because our GPAs are typically lower than most other applicants. Just get your LSAT in the 170s and see where you can go from there.

>> No.8248079

Lol in promise my attention to detail is typically stronger than is evidenced here:

>> No.8248081

Wasn't that guy a janitor

>> No.8248747


>> No.8249588
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God bless you.
Thank you, thank you dearly.

>> No.8249776

I'm thinking of majoring in philosophy, liberal arts or music production. I am scared shitless. Please talk me out of it.

>> No.8249890

psychology was not a field in Dostoevskys time

>> No.8250896


>> No.8250906

Just posting to say that Donna Tartt is unbelievably fucking attractive, even at 50. What I wouldn't give to have her be my gf...

>> No.8250980

High School drop out
Living with my soon out to meet the great beyond mother.
TFW I have to get a job and learn how to do laundry. -No more books

>> No.8251604
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But can you get a reservation at Dorsia?

>> No.8251874

Wtf is Wizards of the Coast? Are these plebes doing concept art or something?

As for Art school, yes it can cost a lot and yes it probably won't be worth it for most if the end point is "doing Art" (plenty tho go into other fields where having a degree is beneficial). But if you go to a good one and do well you can often sell paintings for a few thousand alright.

>> No.8251876

He did STEM for free.