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/lit/ - Literature

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8227461 No.8227461 [Reply] [Original]

Post the greatest idea you've ever come up with

>> No.8227483

>stop jacking off so much

>> No.8227496

book made out of diamonds

>> No.8227509

What if I reached down my throat and pulled out my heart?

>> No.8227523

A toilet with a foot lever that pushes the seat and cover up. Deluxe version has two levers that push the cover up or the seat up.

>> No.8227537

So on the non deluxe version you have to sit on the bare toilet?

>> No.8227551

What? If you want to sit you would just lift the cover by hand. This was originally intended to quell women moaning about the seat being up. But I suppose it could be also for the germaphobic, but would require a locking mechanism to keep the seat and cover up.

>> No.8227559

oh. Not bad

>> No.8227562
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killing myself

>> No.8227567 [DELETED] 


>> No.8227624
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I came up with the threefold root of popular memes.
The qualities of popular memes include: malleability, duplicibility, and simplicity.

I further explain my idea in my essay, Pepe Rising.

>> No.8227631

There are no ends, just meames

>> No.8227632


they already have those in japan p sure, they're pretty thrifty over there you know

i've seen this idea somewhere before

>> No.8227638

please post

>> No.8227640

don't do it

>> No.8227652

a movie borrowing store. a place where you pay a fee to borrow movies and dvds and stuff.

>> No.8227658

oh and also a gym where you can work out totally naked. blacked out windows and shit. carry around a towel to put down on machines and sit on and what not. would be fucking sick to see all your muscles while doing squats

>> No.8227663

pretty much

>> No.8227704


these categories can all be reduced to one another. this is not necessarily a bad thing, I'm just saying.

>> No.8227709

Meaning & Mechanics: Toward a Memetic Theory of Ideology

>> No.8227746

I'm going to be the nouvieaux Derrida.

>> No.8227748

It's all a fucking joke.

>> No.8227751


>> No.8227756

not posting it in this thread so it wont get stolen

>> No.8227759

you just did friendo ',:^)

>> No.8227774

Mein nigger. TLOTIAT was my idea just 2 summers ago. Now I'm graduating high school yay and raking in $45/hr doing shitty wagecuck programming.


>> No.8227911


>> No.8227946

An arm to hold a tablet over my bed, and a small bluetooth button to turn the the pages so I can lie in bed and exert as little effort as possible.

>> No.8227978

what no man. I'd set a very low monthly fee and you could watch the movie for up to a month but after that if you didn't return it you would be charged the cost of the movie. we would sell used copies of movies and games too and have sweets and what not.

>> No.8227989

Nope; trains do have foot pedal flushers though

>> No.8227997

changing the calender and time-keeping system around so that instead of keeping track of days and hours, we could have a system that only tracked the seconds from the origin of the universe. keep this for generations, until no one remembers the julian system. this would basically render timekeeping useless, which is my greatest dream

>> No.8228001

All Bibles or sacred codes have been the causes of the following Errors:—
1. That Man has two real existing principles, viz. a Body and a Soul.
2. That Energy, call’d Evil, is alone from the Body; and that Reason, call’d Good, is alone from the Soul.
3. That God will torment Man in Eternity for following his Energies.
But the following Contraries to these are True:—
1. Man has no Body distinct from his Soul; for that call’d Body is a portion of Soul discern’d by the five Senses, the chief inlets of Soul in this age.
2. Energy is the only life, and is from the Body; and Reason is the bound or outward circumference of Energy.
3. Energy is Eternal Delight.

Those who restrain Desire, do so because theirs is weak enough to be restrained; and the restrainer or Reason usurps its place and governs the unwilling.
And being restrained, it by degrees becomes passive, till it is only the shadow of Desire.

The history of this is written in Paradise Lost, and the Governor or Reason is call’d Messiah.
And the original Archangel, or possessor of the command of the Heavenly Host, is call’d the Devil or Satan, and his children are call’d Sin and Death.
But in the Book of Job, Milton’s Messiah is called Satan.
For this history has been adopted by both parties.
It indeed appear’d to Reason as if Desire was cast out; but the Devil’s account is, that the Messiah fell, and formed a Heaven of what he stole from the Abyss.
This is shown in the Gospel, where he prays to the Father to send the Comforter, or Desire, that Reason may have Ideas to build on; the Jehovah of the Bible being no other than he who dwells in flaming fire.
Know that after Christ’s death, he became Jehovah.
But in Milton, the Father is Destiny, the Son a Ratio of the five senses, and the Holy-ghost Vacuum!
Note. The reason Milton wrote in fetters when he wrote of Angels and God, and at liberty when of Devils and Hell, is because he was a true Poet, and of the Devil’s party without knowing it.

>> No.8228004

That all the postmodern faggots have it wrong. The author is not 'god', the reader is because the reader decides whether the book will actually be read and ultimately interprets the book.

>> No.8228035


>postmodern thought
>author is god

post-modernism is death of the author.
you have things backwards.
unless you're trolling, read From Work to Text by Barthes.
He even uses God and Devil analogies

>> No.8228370

A cross-platform zine app in which people with offensive/controversial/retarded views can publish articles to the unwashed masses without fear of persecution for holding said terrible views, under the glorious pretence of satire

It'd be organised by a voting system similar to reddit, except downvoting because something offended you would result in an immediate ban

Also people would be able to fund bounties for the sorts of articles they'd like to see - obviously for the funded articles they have to be backed up with statistics and fairly convincing evidence. it just literally does not matter what kind of narrative you spin that material into so long as it ticks the required boxes

>> No.8228380

Alcoholic popcorn for movie theaters to sell.

>> No.8228385

I found my songwriter voice not so long ago.
Next Dylan coming through, prepare your eardrums.

>> No.8228393

A late-night bookstore that does teas, coffees, cakes, sandwiches and comfy sofas with a garden area to smoke in

you don't even have to buy anything, you can just come in, pick a book of the shelf and read.

we'd also stock a variety of newspapers and boardgames, and any donations we receive would go towards coffee and sandwiches for the homeless

>> No.8228408

And some actors and some such act greek plays in the background and also exerpts from Plato's Dialogues?

>> No.8228411

Socrates was being literal when he said that the only knowledge is to know that you know nothing. The most basic "truths" (causality, arithmetic, consciousness, etc.) cannot be proven and our grasp of them is tenuous.

>> No.8228417

How the fuck you gonna make money?

>> No.8228418

how is philosophy 101 going?

>> No.8228438

It wouldn't be for profit. We'd rely primarily on donations, stock a lot of second-hand books and organise regular poetry/book readings and other events to raise funds. You'd be surprised how many authors would be more than happy to publicise their work through charitable platforms like this. If you've ever been to Brighton in the UK you'd also know how generous and socially conscious the middle-classes are around here, this sort of thing is right up their street

>> No.8228441


The universe has a creator but its an imperfect one, who doesn't know everything thats going to happen. Like a computer programmer who made some kind of simulated program. There's also glitches and stuff like that.

So we have a creator, but not an all knowing one.

>> No.8228447




>> No.8228456

Why would I? Someone would steal it.

>> No.8228467

GOAT. Make this please.

>> No.8228478

Right up their back passage more like.

>> No.8228526

I'm not shallow enough to judge people for doing good deeds. If their generosity - self-indulgent or not - can have a real positive impact on those in need, what should I care what reason they do it for?

>> No.8228529

Fucking brilliant

>> No.8228557

I'm gonna cook some mac and cheese

>> No.8228561

I was making an immature joke about Brighton and its gay population; I just enjoy wordplay.

>> No.8228668

i still remember the days where these kind of comments where the first to show up and the thread ended with everyone quoting the first guy

>> No.8228712

A gun that shoots out fish

>> No.8228719

DVD rentals are everywhere already

>> No.8228722

Time to be a man.

>> No.8228724

>the joke

>my head

Walked right into that one

>> No.8228725

>there are no glitches irl

>> No.8228738

roads that change colour

some kind of chemical mixed with the tar that they make roads out of, that is temperature sensitive and for example turns blue when the temperature drops below freezing so drivers know there is a risk of ice on the road

>> No.8228741

I hate people who misuse the word energy.

>> No.8228744

segregate the population into those possessing aesthetic sensibilities, those best suited to rational, empirical enquiry, and those who just want to make money.

then let them breed and be educated within their assigned group for a few hundred years until we have the collective capacity to establish the new utopian dream

(also it means I don't have to associate with autistic stem dudes)

>> No.8228776

not related to literature at all but

>green screen filming underwater

I thought bout it as a kid when green screens were becoming a thing and shortly after I started seeing movies and commercials using it.

I could have been a rich kid!

>> No.8228796


>> No.8228800

In today's internet economy, you can probably get that published and gets lots upboats.

>> No.8228809

u sound gay and retarded

>> No.8228828

>tfw discovered a nice, tiny, quiet rustic coffee shop with a huge bookshelf, nice couches, board games and menu that barely anyone went to two blocks away from my place
>only went there twice to read and drink coffee
>its closed now and got replaced by a bar

follow your dreams anon. Network with writers and charity organizations and teachers, take out a loan and start it up. You'll make a lot of people happy and you'll be doing rewarding work.

>> No.8229001

Death is the ultimate act of love

>> No.8229055
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Part 1. Please be patient, I am very busy.

>> No.8229063
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>> No.8229066

>that line spacing
is this a metameme?

>> No.8229071
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This is double spacing .

>> No.8229080
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>> No.8229087
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>> No.8229092
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>> No.8229098
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>> No.8229102
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>> No.8229121
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>> No.8229130
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That is it. Go ahead, let the insults fly.

>> No.8229154


>it's real

sub-undergrad-tier writing, but I'm proud of you regardless.

>> No.8229156
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An innovative computer mouse which I'm making a business around.
Some philosophy arguments but I'm going to review them after I finish my current reading list.


>> No.8229176

holy shit nice

>> No.8229216
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you need to discuss more the difference between "meme" as originally defined by Dawkins and "meme" as used by the internet. they are quite different. "Pepe" is not an example of Dawkins' "unit of cultural evolution"; in Dawkins' terms it's more like Pepe is an instance of "image macro" where "image macro" is a meme. the definition of "meme" itself has evolved.

also i'm not sure that "Gangnam style" is a meme in either definition. nobody does "Gangnam style" any more. it hasn't survived. i guess it could be called an extinct meme.

pic unrelated

>> No.8229349

you got it boss

Option 1
Spend tens, hundreds of millions researching new chemicals and resurfacing roads
Option 2
Build signs with temperature readouts

I vote for suicide booths that simultaneously harvest your organs. You will be restrained and injected with a dose of heroin before meeting a quick death. Suicide and drug use will be destigmatized to encourage use of the booths. A narrative based on freedom of choice and service to society will be spun. Society would be revolutionized as the nonfit kill themselves, raising the standard of being, repeating ad infinitum.

>> No.8229367

to stop writing and prepare myself for suicide

>> No.8229402

He's in high school, what did you expect

>> No.8229446
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>> No.8229903

I like it, I'll give it a shot

>> No.8229936 [DELETED] 
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There quite a few actually.

First of all, Einstein was almost right, but still wrong.

The Universe exists in function of space only.

Any form of time is solely an upper dimension we cannot be in touch with.

This dialogues with string theory in that the multiverses are in fact in our very being.

Gravitrons leap forth and back as they travel in time, which is the reason gravity distorts time - just as it does with space.

Like in a tesseract, space are the cubes, and time are the countless cubes.

Time is continuous, we exist in the future as we exist in the past and present - all is the same within a given time line.

I also invented 3D chess.

>> No.8229939
File: 86 KB, 1688x1512, 3dchess pawn movement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There quite a few actually.

First of all, Einstein was almost right, but still wrong.

The Universe exists in function of space only.

Any form of time is solely an upper dimension we cannot be in touch with.

This dialogues with string theory in that the multiverses are in fact in our very being.

Gravitrons leap forth and back as they travel in time, which is the reason gravity distorts time - just as it does with space.

Like in a tesseract, space are the cubes, and time are the countless cubes.

Time is continuous, we exist in the future as we exist in the past and present - all is the same within a given time line.

I also invented 3D chess.

>> No.8229954

I love you anon

>> No.8229956

A book that will give religion rebirth while destroying new sincerity. Look out for a book by a man in a sunglass eyepatch.

I have DID, so bare with me.

>> No.8230001

A "grenade" filled with condensed pure nitrogen to put out fires quickly.
I was waiting to finish my engineering degree to get on it. This morning saw some dude in india figured it out and is already manufacturing.
>nobody's fault but my own.mp3

>> No.8230033

You nearly got quads if it's any consolation.
I'm >>8229956

>> No.8230080

Thank you anon, love you too.

>> No.8230171
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Damn man, that's a pretty good idea though. I thought of washer machines that shift to built in dryers but that was already an idea too

>> No.8230181

this guy right here

>> No.8230231

A place where one could obtain objects in exchange of some special valuable things. This is a great idea and would mean the start of a new world

>> No.8230238


>> No.8230494

a man in charge of making car horns who decides to methodically tune them all to D flat, F, or A flat, so in his town whenever there's a traffic jam a harmonious D flat major chord rings out

>> No.8230655

A gym plan where you sign up at age 14 and are given a newborn calf. You carry the calf up a 10 story flight of stairs every other day until you are 18 and the cow is fully grown.

>> No.8230826

jajaj holy shit this

>> No.8230874

I want to bring back epicurean communes

>> No.8230889

Combining pants and underwear

>> No.8230916

How about bright pink roads instead. If it is bright pink, it's alright. If it's white, then there is ice on top of it.

>> No.8230921

Concerts for authors

>> No.8230928

How about a gym that you sign up in pairs. Two 14 year old boys take turns in taking each other up the stairs everyday. By the time they are 18, they are heavy and bulked up.

>> No.8230936
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I came up with some pretty good gas delivery systems. Also general improvements on oven design.

>> No.8230959

A form of thinking that lets you recall previous events

>> No.8230963

Call it "remembering"

>> No.8230981

web-dev here,

sounds neat. Mind if I take a shot at it?

>> No.8230988

Instead of everyone following food sources and hunting, we should find a way to settle in areas and raise food. Possibly some kind of agrarian culture. I think it could be pretty revolutionary.

>> No.8231003
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Before I fell asleep one night, I was struck with the idea of inventing some sort of machine to prevent memory loss. Oh the irony, for you see, in the morning, I had died in my sleep.

>> No.8231027
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If, in the course of measuring time in their heads, two people come to two different results as of the moment they check time on a clock, that's only because both of them agree that the functioning of the clock holds authority over their own perception.

The difference between the psychic time and the clock time is not, as one may imagine, due to a deficiency of the psychic time, for it would be equally logic to say that the clock object is the one that is deficient in creating an order for time that serves two or more people. One could say that the clock imagines a certain number that both people choose to consider and obey from then on. Two people will measure time by sensations of lenght produced by notions of expectation, excitement, boredom and an unconscious comparisson what they have experienced before. The measuring is so far without numbers. Only then, when both decide to check their clocks that they compare the time passed, whether it was pleasant or not, long or not, to their perception to the number given by the clock. "Already?" "Still?" and so on. If one of them had power over the clock's number, each would have it set forwards or backwards a bit to correspond to their sensation. But the clock number is irrelevant without a reference point, for it would mean nothing to say 5 minutes felt like 4 minutes if you didn't have prior experience with these numbers before, that is, if you haven't agreed to the authority of the clock on previous occasions. Therefore, what truly matters is precisely the difference between the psychic time of those two people, that can compare the time of each other by any non-numeric ways, degrees of experience that could be summed up by how is their "wait". If one is left waiting on the other, that means one was early and the other late. If they are waiting together and one of them is bored that means far too long time has passed for that person, regardless of what a clock would say. The function of the clock is, therefore, to produce a number, any number, any time you look at it that you can use to disregard your responsibility and sensation of passed time, and also not to favour of the time of the other person, but, instead, under the agreement that this person will also give up his or hers psychic time over the clock's time. In short, both give up on their subjective time in favour of the object's time. It's only when two or more people look at the clock together that they can be said to be together at all, because they both agree to ignore that the number they look at on the clock is a fictional description of their psychic time.

>> No.8231044

it's a totally different concept of warfare
you get to fight your enemies from a very long distance using small iron balls that are projected at a speed so fast they penetrate the enemy's body
its like a bow but a lot better

>> No.8231060


>> No.8231108
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I think the biggest question is actually; what does the clock do when nobody is paying attention to it? Does it then invent a psych time for itself or does it use object time represented by itself physically. And what if it can synchronize the object time with the psych time of its choosing. But that raises another question, if it does have some sort of omnipotent ability to control time (both variants) when isolated from others' consciousnesses which would it choose to adhere to. Put differently would it have a preference, and if so what could such a preference indicate for the significance of either variant. For instance, if the clock chooses to alter object time according to its subjective orientation of psychic time does this indicate that when another consciousness now enters into the fray that the time it perceives is no doubt object time but object time based on the clock's psychic time, which would imply that the observer of the clock's understanding and projection of his own psychic time is irrelevant, and if he is unsynchronized with the clock's object time and experiences frustration, boredom or whatever it is then in fact all on him, he then has no claim to say that his psychic time was not adhered to by the object time reality, as it is baseless. Likewise for two observers, the discrepancy between their two version of psych time should be passed over in silence. Though of coarse this is all based on a mutual agreement to consider the clock's object time as the ideal time to adjust their own psychic times with, regardless of the potential ability of the clock to manipulate its object time in an unregulated and non-unanimous manner, most likely in ignorance.

>> No.8231183

>> No.8231205

totally, i agree.
i mean wow, i just cant see how people havent though of this before, huh

>> No.8231216

You stole every one of my ideas you faggot.

>> No.8231222
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If you outfitted your soldiers in heat resistant armour and equipment you could light up entire battlefields with orbital lasers to turn it into a firestorm, your troops could get move freely while everyone else burns alive in country wide infernos.

>> No.8231236

it's called "rolling up the window" because originally there was a crank to push it up

>> No.8231244

If I could organize enough people I could genocide a race.

>> No.8231249
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Caring about things is a baaad idea.

>> No.8231262

I actually figured out a new branch of calculus at the age of 14. I could give you guys the rundown but it would be too much for all you English majors out there.

>> No.8231276

i study watered down psychology, philosophy and ethics
and when i say watered down i mean it's all nothing but ethical grandstanding through application of slave morality
i wish i was still learning english

>> No.8231359

That's quite a theistic approach to it. There is no such thing as objective time at all, that's a fiction. The clock doesn't have a psyche and thus, no preference. It cannot "alter object time", it's the very example used of an imagined object time that does not exist. It could spin like crazy or stay in its place for the whole time, what's important is that when we look at it, we make sense of what it says, it's reasonable (by our standards), though never precise because there are these variations to the texture of time to us that we choose to neglect and pretend the clock is precise. And the clock itself can be replaced by any event that we perceive as objective, the passing of days, an object that falls, a rusty metal, anything that indicates time to us. You're going through the whole opposite direction of my reasoning,

>> No.8231403

what if we made a tank that also transports troops but made it FLY?

>> No.8231446


>> No.8231537
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Dude... Good post.

Also, Einstein proved that two clocks (one at the ground and one at the top of a skyscraper) will be literally different in the present (infintesimally different to be technical, but w/e), so shit is just crayy breh

>> No.8231551

This is like the shit I "philosophize" about while on LSD: super obvious retarded shit that you think is profound

...Except you're not even right either. You say one could imagine a clock as a third guy in your party that you always trust to know the time. This is inaccurate because your buddy cannot make reliable predictions, e.g. one time you asked him the half life of x element and he says 4 minutes, next time he'll say it was 5

>> No.8231959

Written like an English Composition 101 dual enrollment senior in high school paper

God those transitions

>> No.8231976

Traffic JAM ahahaha

>> No.8231978

Self refilling water bottles. when its empty it fills itself back up. would be really good in places like africa where people cant seem to ever have enough water.

>> No.8231983

When youre already late

>> No.8232001

GBP-free chicken tendies

>> No.8232003

go for it dude
be sure to post the link here one day so I can get involved myself

>> No.8232015

A machine, constructed sometime in the far future, which retrieves the mind of every sentient being in the universe from milliseconds before their brain is unable to sustain their consciousness.

It would probably require the energy output of a couple galaxies, but hey.

>> No.8232038

This is what I never get about some people who talk about LSD. For me LSD certainly helped me to visualize...hm...what's the word? I will just go with things. People can try to trivialize it all they like, though. :D

>> No.8232045

An edible, fleshy tube you stick up your ass to suck up the shit.

Sandwich made of hair so you can eat and put on head.

Two pieces of metal with holes you heat up to cook bread.

Ketchup and mustard in the same jar.

Pickle slices that come packaged in condom wrappers for travel.

Toilet paper made from edible candy that you can eat in case of an emergency.

Toothbrush that dispenses root beer flavored toothpaste.

A giant spaghetti meatball that you can eat with spaghetti dinner.

Milk saucer plates that can torque on skinny wooden sticks.

A spinnable Earth globe made from edible water and earth.

Bleach and vinegar mixture frozen into ice cubes for cleaning laundry.

Heated ninja blade that can kill squirrels and cook their bodies.

>> No.8232046

Hmm, maybe not the some mind bending idea, but, the last thing I was wondering was why would people be so eager for someone to admit that they are nostalgic, "the good old days" as I am sure you will have heard it put, and why does this interaction take the form of a confession?

Probably noone will answer though and you will go back to circle jerking your obvious self hating/patronising thread.

>> No.8232047

Pardon me. Not maybe, of course not!

>> No.8232049

Can you repeat that in English?

>> No.8232050

Cereal double-barreled shotgun
one cartridge for milk and one for your favorite cereal

>> No.8232054


you need help

>> No.8232057

So you don't understand what I am asking? I have my own understanding as to why anyway, just fancied some extra input. Turns out your not that person. :(

Just had some anonymous crony(not sure who his employer is) come to my dad's house and threaten me with handyman duties. /fuck

>> No.8232077

Why? These are just ideas. Ideas aren't dangerous.

>> No.8232092
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not what i meant

>> No.8232482

LSD doesn't make you dumb below 2 tabs, it just makes you super analytical (at least for me). I spent like 15 minutes debating with my friend about the motivations of why we would listen to a certain song, it was hilarious in retrospect

"I'm debating on listening to this song"
"Because I don't like it but I'm wondering if I should build character by toughing it out regardless"
"Ah but the reason anyone would listen to a song is to feel good, therefor you should not listen to the song if you don't feel good"
"That is true"

>> No.8232489

No one man should possess the power of edible toilet paper

>> No.8232518


>> No.8232528


>> No.8232535

The experience of nostalgia is simply a by-product of experiencing the progression of time through memory

our mind organises the past into a rose-tinted narrative to make our dissatisfactions with the present more tolerable and the future more hopeful such that positivity may repeat itself, when really the past is neither better or worse than the immediate moment - it only seems superior by virtue of being in a bygone time. This applies to cultural as well as individual history - it explains why so many teenagers get sucked into the 'born in the wrong generation' mentality, and why so many people feel that modern art/literature/civilisation sucks and yearn for the classical age

>> No.8232549

I don't believe in objective time. Even if it is very interesting that space-time is seen as connected and indeed clocks will always differ from one another because time expands and contracts as much as space does, that would be another point entirely. That is still within the realm of science and of a way to accurate measure time by objective means. If you use Newton's model of the universe you can explain a lot about how a car moves and so on, but then we learned it is incomplete, specially evident in large scales and thus Einstein's model took its place. Both, however, are talking about time as a thing. I'm trying to take this to a discussion of language and relationship and of how willing we are to accept the objectivity of the clock over our own inner experience, how that shapes society.

Listen to the words you use: "reliable". That's my point. The clock is indeed reliable and we rely on it for everything. If you make an experiment here and document it as taking 5 minutes, another person somewhere else can reproduce the experiment in 5 minutes. It's a convention that is perfectly reliable and we can use it, for example, to set up a date and be sure that we are going to get there at more or less the same time. But this is not my point.

The point is how we relate this time said by the clock with our own time. If you don't look at your clock for what you feel is an hour, you might check your clock and see 40 minutes passed or 70 minutes. But if you were not to look at it for a whole afternoon, you might miss it by two hours. I could use the example of not looking at the clock for 10 days, but you'd know 10 days have passed because of the sun, which would serve you as the objective clock you need.

Everytime you look at the clock you actualize yourself, not on how much "actual time" has passed as we naively and automatically believe, but on what number everyone else will agree upon that corresponds to "actual time". We all give up, together, our own time in favour of this commune time said by the clock. Think of how in old times people didn't have clocks with them and the town church would ring the bells, updating and uniting the people. I'm saying objective time does not exist in a similar way that money's worth does not exist, for it is only there as a convention impossible for us to ignore. How much you value an object will always be compared to what the numbers say (expensive, cheap, etc), same with the clock.

>> No.8232588

I came up with the same idea as the Kindle years before Amazon when I was a kid. My parents shot me down saying it would never catch on.

>> No.8232596

>Two pieces of metal with holes you heat up to cook bread

>> No.8232598

For the same reason hipsters exist.

That's all the hints you get, show me your homework by tomorrow.

>> No.8232612


Is it dissatisfaction with the present combined with a lack of information about the past to fill in the gaps with their overactive imagination?

>> No.8232624

For how much thought you seem to have given that it's impressively far off.

Get off the "dissatisfaction with the present" branch, it has no real substance.

>> No.8232640

everything was still 'new' back then
they dont see it they way they do now
innocence lost
there is no more wonder or amazement
current perspective is much more realistic, actual
it's not x or y that they miss but themselves experiencing those factors they way theu used to

>> No.8232644
File: 47 KB, 503x392, mi24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gotcha senpai

>> No.8232645


I'm not him mate. Just took a wild guess

>> No.8232648

ball stank is a natural relaxant and lowers your heart rate, the scratch n' sniff technique is a perfectly acceptable way of dealing with stress

>> No.8232668

So basically you rephrased the definition of nostalgia.

definition: "nostalgia is endearment of old memories"
you: "memories are nostalgic when they are old"

I hate this retarded board

>> No.8232676

But objective time does exist. Are you saying that our choice of unit is arbitrary? Because of course it is. I can define a unit "gurglecocks" as the time it takes for radium-226 to halve in amount and we can use that.

I think you're talking about the arbitrary-ness of units, and you can apply this logic to any measurement. Not sure why you pick on time.

>> No.8232683

what if i created something they CAN eat, but SHOULDN'T, just to tease them? hehehehh

>> No.8232686

The world we know is a dense stacking of layer upon layer of existential planes, as perceiving ourselves separate of nature, in where they and specific aspects all interconnect and appear to whomever by their belief in it. To an individual viewer, there is only one plane. But the beliefs and motives, ideas and thoughts, and existences of all other planes float around the 'core' plane, assuming there is even one: the closest plane to it, and still interact with you. Which in this proves that a shared view of something not real, is still more real than anything with -1 or less views.
Your thoughts are significantly more tangible than current perceptions of reality lead them to be. What you think, even if never shared, if it was thought before by another, it's intention and motive and morality and infliction already exist outside of you. Only your beliefs tether you to common ground. While also trying so hard to pull you away. Hanging carefully balanced between the two.

>> No.8232687

fuck you, god

>> No.8232689

We could potentially bring Amerrica to its knees if we destroy its fleet in the Pacific. There wouldn't be anything they could do at all if they lose all power projection in our ocean aside from bitching. The attack has to work though

>> No.8232696

Time only exists as observable repetition. Since that is an intangible concept, it is no more real than a unicorn.

>> No.8232701


>> No.8232714

Define "observable repetition"
Define "intangible"
Define "real"

Because apparently your definitions are different than mine.

You can't "touch time" just like you can't "touch distance" or "touch volume", but I would call them real concepts.

>> No.8232731

This >>8232686 is my post and my belief.
As far as the base understanding and model of experience defines, it wouldn't 'exist'. That's a rhetoric fact.
That does not mean it doesn't exist to either of us. But it does not exist as earth does to both of us.

>> No.8232740
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I am that core plane.

>> No.8232742

Which besides the additional point, you simply re-acknowledged what I stated as it being 'no more real than a unicorn'. Except you tried insulting my perception of reality in middle of it.

>> No.8232750

Everyone thinks they're being good and generous, including you, but they act selfishly anyway. So the best way to navigate society is to act as if you think people are as good as they think they are while being aware that everyone's actually just selfish.

>> No.8232752

Hello, Me.

>> No.8232800

If objective time doesn't exists, and it's related to a mind; then how come there was time before mankind was here to think about it?

If you manage to answer that paradox with a satisfying answer (no cosmical counsciousness), then you won a fucking noble prize.

>> No.8232802

Go on...

>> No.8232806


>> No.8232818


>> No.8232830


Space and time are merely individuals/intuitions.

>> No.8232853

Time can only be observed. It is observation. Time is defined as encompassing 'past, present, and future' in the stands of space. Yet unaware space has no effect in chronology. And certainly doesn't simply because we experience a phenomenon called time. Light does not experience time. Yet we can give light a speed limit which gives a timeframe to that which is timeless. Without observation, there would be no push or pull on the 'speed limit of the known universe' and the universe would both be and not be just as quickly as the other.
I explain this in my dimensional theory of space in 3/4 where there are always 3 defining states of observation which can be contained in a 4th experiential frame dimension. And this continues both singularly and as whole sets exponentially. 3 defining states contained in a paradoxical frame, to create and to balance, known as existing.

>> No.8232855

Didn't read my post: the post

Guess Etienne Klein is 2deep for all of you.

>> No.8232863

Tinder but for people who want to fight

>> No.8232867


If moths had eyes, would they be happier?
How do they know they're not dead?
Cavemen hunting for food
But not before they style the hair on their head
What would last longer in dinosaur times?
A blind man didn't stand a chance
Not with all them rocks about
I'd rather be a blind moth

>> No.8232868


>> No.8232869

and they do it naked?
sign my wife's sons right up!

>> No.8232870

chuck go back to bed

>> No.8232874


Objective space/time don't exist.

They are merely the prime intuitions/individuals of our minds, that provide the limits/contours of our knowledge.

You think you're being profound, alongside 'Etienne Klein', whoever that is.

But really, read Kant. You've been pre-empted.

>> No.8232879


People long for the "good old days" because they are fundamentally resistant to--and afraid of--change, especially as they grow older. That's why the conservative voter base of any democratic country is full of old people. They vote for people who promise to not rock the boat.

>> No.8232880

People in this thread claim to read and yet don't recognise the Marriage of Heaven and Hell.

>> No.8232884


>Change is always good
>Change is progress

You're confusing conservative with reactionary, retard.

Conservatives favour gradual change, not the short-sighted revolutionary shit so favoured by your kind.

>> No.8232904


>inb4 just go read a book

>> No.8232912

there is no such thing

>> No.8232936


Damn, right out the gate with the name-calling and projection. For the record, no one but yourself is giving "progress" a positive connotation. Change is simply change.

As humans age, their brains become less adept at adopting new worldviews or adapting to new technologies. It's neuroscience. This leads to a sort of regression. It's a broad strokea claim to make, sure, but on the whole people are more or less set in their ways by their late twenties and coast as creatures of habit for the next five or six decades.

And "short-sighted revolutionary shit" is actually a central tenet of economic neoliberalism, a conservative philosophy. Come back when you have a substantive argument.

>> No.8232937

Conservatives would prefer no change, but since they can't completely stall change, they unfortunately have to yield to as small of an amount as possible.

This would be in keeping with God's law because God is perfect and all knowledge is already predisposed.

You'll notice any change, done by humans, in the bible has been bad.

>> No.8232941


"The second half of a man's life is usually made up of nothing but the habits he has accumulated during the first half."

>> No.8232944

>by your kind.
jesus christ
Us and them huh?
u should kill yourself

>> No.8232945

A boy falls in love with a girl.
Unable to confess, he is gifted with by a deus ex machina with the girl’s phone number. Never minding the strange area code, he immediately calls her, and is overjoyed to find out that she has a crush on him as well.
But, the next day, when he recounts the previous day’s confessions to the girl, she only looks at him with a perplexed expression. After some investigation, he finds out that the girl he called is not the same girl he fell in love with. In fact, she doesn’t exist in this universe at all. She is the girl’s alternate universe counterpart, who has fallen in love with the MC’s own AU self, who too is blissfully unaware of her crush.
Hijinks ensue as the two strike up a deal to give each other their darkest, most private secrets in order to equip the other with the weapons they need to conquer the heart of their other selves. While the two chase their respective loved ones, DRAMA ensues as they begin to fall in love with each other instead and question the NATURE of LOVE.

>> No.8232957


>greatest idea you've ever come up with
>regurgitates Blakean claptrap


>> No.8232972


I've had the exact same dream. Except there would be actual bar seating, to give it that late night feel.

>tfw never going to be able to sip espresso and chain smoke while discussing Dante with a qt barista at 2 in the morning

>> No.8232974


So you welcome all change, good and bad?



>Conservatives would prefer no change, but since they can't completely stall change, they unfortunately have to yield to as small of an amount as possible.

Nice armchair psychology.


Why would I kill myself? We live in good times, where progressives now pretend they aren't 'the man' whilst conservatives/etc are now the 'rebels'.

>> No.8232982


He was quoting William Blake's "The Marriage of Heaven and Hell" verbatim, and nobody who responded seemed to pick up on it, so now he gets to stroke his ego because of a poem he read in English 215.

>> No.8232994 [SPOILER] 
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Oh boy, a retarded argument about politics on /lit/...

>> No.8232995


>So you welcome all change, good and bad?

...yes? Change is borne of conflict, and without conflict there is simply stagnation. And stagnant waters breed reptiles of the mind.

>> No.8233002


I get it. You welcome change so long as you're not the one on the receiving end of 'bad change'.


>> No.8233020


>A naval attack against the greatest naval power on Earth

Wanna invade Russia this winter while you're at it?

>> No.8233042


Again with putting words in my mouth. Honestly, if you're not even going to try to maintain a level of debate beyond that of reactionary name-calling, you should just stop.

If I'm on the receiving end of "bad change" it's because of the engagement of power structures well beyond my control. You have to understand that "change" and "progress" are being discussed in terms of systemic and structural dynamics on a massive scale. "Bad change," in that context, is inevitable but impermanent.

>> No.8233115

When I was 16, I actually tried to construct my own philosophical system.

I realized Leibniz had the same ideas but his were much more developed.

>> No.8233175

i found out how to make free electricity for the entire world and for everyone, i will enturst my good old friend to save guard the blueprints, i know he's reliable and wont do anything to them

>> No.8233217

Would read.

>> No.8233386
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>he doesn't know of the keit-ai meme

>> No.8233593

I'm not even concerned on whether objective time exists or not. Nor am I interested in talking about time in a scientific sense of how can we measure it and so on, so not about units either. I'm talking, most of all, about people and how we relate to one another and how we use these anchor points to guide our relationships, one of them being time as measured by our clocks.

I used money as a secondary example, but I picked time precisely because that is something strikingly present to our psychic life and to our relationships. This is what interests me.

I really wish I could express better how much I don't care about whether time "exists" or not. I don't see it that way and I don't believe in an answer. I'm not an advocate of solipsism, but at the same time (pun intended), time before me is only something I can imagine and my memories themselves are also something I can only imagine having. I believe in relationships and encounters, encounters between people or between objects outside of us, between memories and instruments and so on. And just as religion unites people like a whirlpool with nothing in the center, or how money is worth what it's worth because we all choose to ignore its emptiness, I think that two people look at their clocks to be together, they ignore how long it feels for time to have passed, disregard it so that they can hold the fiction of communication and be in that common place.

Coming back to my initial statement, I think when we look at the clock and are surprised at the number we see it's not out of a deficiency of our psychic life to measure time as accurately as the clock does. I think that is as crude way of thinking as it would be to say the clock is wrong and our mental time is correct. I'm merely observing how we put the numbers of the clock on top of our mental time, so that we can get back to a realm in which we can encounter others.

>> No.8233626

life or death anon

>> No.8233943


>> No.8233949


>> No.8233966

Omniextinction the guide to fix everything

>> No.8233978

I like to wash my ass in the shower after I shit. so my idea is some kind of pop out water nozzle that sprays warms water on ur butthole while your on the toilet. and you can use soap to wash ur shithole on the toilet.

>> No.8234042
File: 132 KB, 480x270, 26e0a24774e58a46402ae9a5870f25bf3e79bf91_hq.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like a Sci-fi Toradora

>> No.8234172

What if it explodes in your hand?

>> No.8234226

Let's see the maths.

As above.

>tfw I'm like that without LSD

>> No.8234441
File: 136 KB, 674x608, clueless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made my own version of Teilhard de Chardin's omega point/noosphere theory in 5th grade when we were learning about biospheres and geo/hydrospheres, and was super bummed to learn that he beat me to it

>> No.8234469
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Lol, dude, what if all guys want to fuck they mom?

>> No.8234477


dude, what if instead of studying people's writing to try and grasp their ideas, i half-skim wikipedia articles and reinforce that from what i know about them through pop culture instead?

>> No.8234487

Wew lad, projecting?

>> No.8234508

I read it as the "gayest idea"

so my gayest idea was shaving my legs and and taking naked pictures with my horse cock dildo

what does this have to do with literature?

>> No.8234511

There's an ordinal number greater than all ordinal numbers that are greater than numbers beyond the finite. This ordinal number can be reflected down to smaller numbers. It's connected to God Almighty because He is the complete form and Being itself.

>> No.8234518

Pics please?

>> No.8234536

>Toothbrush that dispenses root beer flavored toothpaste.

A tooth brush that has a built in toothpaste dispencer?

You may be onto something anon, has it been done already?

>> No.8234537

>The meme meme

>> No.8234542

>Pickle slices in condom wrappers for travel
Holy fuck

>> No.8234545

Someone already patented it.


>> No.8234600

Best one

>> No.8234677

So, I have this idea for a great movie. It's about two gnomes who find a bracelet of power, and they have to take it to the Burning Steppes and cast it into the Cauldron. They form the Brotherhood of the Bracelet. Along the way they're trailed by a murloc named Gottom, who's obsessed with the bracelet, and nine bracelet bogeymen. It could be a three-parter, called 'Ruler of the Bracelet'. The first part would be called 'The Brotherhood of the Bracelet', followed by 'A Couple of Towers', with the climactic ending called 'Hey, the King's Back!

>> No.8234684

you have to be at least 18 to post here, child

>> No.8234711

BUT the act of toughing it out and listening to the song regardless of your preconditioned expectation of enjoyment leads you to expect a boost in the character of your moral fibre which you ought to enjoy both in the abstract aspect of having a stronger character AND the everyday experience of being stronger and of wider experience, SO really you have to weigh the expected pleasure of the aforementioned character boost VS the expected pleasure of finding another song that you know you like and will enjoy listening to and decide based on which pleasure you expect to be greater, long term unknown variable vs short term known quantity.

t. psychedelic enthusiast

>> No.8234715

I think he's talking about a toaster.

>> No.8234727

A barber shop where I only do #1 buzz cuts. I think some hipsters would like it.

>> No.8234729

nostalgia is a product of the malleability of memory.

People think back on the times of their youth over and over again and fixate upon the good times until the bad bullshit has been all but overwritten and all they think about is how great it was to not have a mortgage or debts or other adult responsibilities and they forget how the lack of freedom chafed or the lack of understanding of how the world worked crippled their thought or how that asshole in school would throw calculators at their head (waxing autobiographical here) and instead all they remember is halloween or christmas and it's just so much self-deluded bullshit.

the confessional thing isn't something i've experienced much, maybe it's a catholic thing- usually when I've heard old people wax nostalgic it's a kind of bragging.

>> No.8234735


Do it, before I do.

>> No.8234737

You know capitalizing words like that doesn't make you smart.

>> No.8234738

no, time is merely the mutual happening of things propagating through space. it requires no observer. it is.

>> No.8234745

way too heavy son.

>> No.8234802

lol I would go there. how much for a cut though

>> No.8234810

a reverse microwave.
a machine that quickly freezes your shit.
oh fuck ran out of ice cubes. sheeeit.
need ice cubes for that smoothie? dumbass sister used em all up on her snapple. forgot to make some sheeeit.
going camping and want to take some steaks you just bought sheeeit.

>> No.8234853
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>Memes, such as Pepe
>better question would be "What is Pepe?" Pepe the Frog is an internet meme

>> No.8234859

Solar panels installed on the roof of cars that power an air conditioner so it's always nice in your car as soon as you get in it. Even if it's been parked in the sun for hours.

>> No.8234874

my heart fluttered a little anon

>> No.8234882

A bidet?

>> No.8234888

wtf is that

>> No.8234895

wtf is google
>i was only pretending to be retarded

>> No.8234897

>Sandwich made of hair so you can eat and put on head.
wtf? I've never read a post to rival this one in sheer inanity, thanks anon.

>> No.8234902

a big hollow plastic dick that you can use to put over your dick and whip out your dick without people seeing your dick in public so that you can piss out of the dick and it looks right funny.

>> No.8234946

people would just use it to make their bulge look bigger

>> No.8234965

I cant tell if anon had this list ready for this exact moment, if anon is OP and made this thread just to post this, or if anon sat at his computer having a field day coming up with all of these for the thread.

pure beauty.

>> No.8234992
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Sorry that it wasn't good enough anons.

>> No.8235098

never got a 0001 before.
what's DID?
>non-satricial feels man
It's been a while, old friend.
you just get blown away by cold nitrogen.
that's not that gay. step up, son.

>> No.8235860

a turn based board game used to simulate a combat situation between two armies

>> No.8235897

An app that lets you stream audio over bluetooth from your phone. It would be great for group phonecalls and boosting music volume without distortion or silent discos or just listening to stuff at the same time as a friend.

I came up with the idea of putting RFID/GPS on keychains so you never lose them about 15 years ago too but I guess that was a bit obvious and just needed technology to happen before someone would implement it.

>> No.8235944

it has potential. keep going.

>> No.8235950

Printable gifs.

>> No.8235954


>> No.8235955


>> No.8235963


Putting chips in my donner kebabs.

>> No.8235974

But when your calf gets sick, you can forget about sick calves.

>> No.8235979

Voluntary sterilization.

Go into any hospital in the country and get sterilized.
Afterwards, you get an envelope with $1000USD, no questions asked.

>> No.8235980

>Toilet paper made from edible candy that you can eat in case of an emergency.
Or you can just start wiping your ass with bread.

>> No.8236024

Idk, but cheap.

>> No.8236092

jesus fucking christ

>> No.8236105


>> No.8236115

This is a bad idea because birth rates are already going down all over the world. In most of the first world, people are having less than two children or almost two on average. In the developing world birth rates have in recent times reached around the same level. For example Iran's generation of 20+ year olds are now at around this birth rate. Some places like the former Soviet Union and Japan are even having problems keeping their birth rate up and many populations are aging.

>> No.8236133

Justify please.

>> No.8236244

Somebody actually did this with crack addict women in the US, with a considerable amount of participation.

>> No.8236251

what for

>> No.8236253

I liked it!

>> No.8236261

Sone people have happy childhoods.
Also a lack of understanding of how the world works sounds freeing, not crippling.

>> No.8236262

Guard dogs with bees in their mouths so when they bark they shoot bees at you.

>> No.8236380

You're right, we're bound to go extinct any minute now.

>> No.8236463


>> No.8236804

remote controlled laser beam firing flying cows

>> No.8236947
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You posted this in a thread weeks ago. Just write it faggot

>> No.8237006

I always thought of creating genetically modified raptors and training them to fight along side the American army and attaching laser beams to there heads. great new weapon of mass destruction.

>> No.8237023

>milk the cow
>boil it using your laser beams
>fly straight towards grocery shops
your idea is amazing and has great positive economic impacts

>> No.8237366

>toilet paper made from candy
Isn't that the point of fruit roll-ups?

>> No.8237582
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>even on /lit/
I fucking hate this meme so much

>> No.8237928

And now all the nu age podcasts make stories out of that 'tragedy'

>> No.8237977

Physicists didn't invent the word, you know

>> No.8238704


>> No.8238717

making DFW threads

>> No.8238841

All guitars should be tuned to EADF#BE

>> No.8238857

Moving the major third interval down a set of strings and making chords more difficult to voice is your greatest idea?

>> No.8238876

it's called okcupid

>> No.8238879
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>> No.8239095

Yes, if you play basic ass guitar shit. Fuck the rules and smoke crack 4 life.

>> No.8239162

No because there is no beginning and end without observation. Time would defy itself. Like I said, light travelling through this universe, if it could observe, wouldn't experience this universe because it superceds that objective experience. Everything that you know so deeply in your slow observations, doesn't exist to light. Only gravity does as light's destination is 'into' the universe not along it. Into the universe as such there is an infinite amount of space 'in' between your eyes and this screen. Which means the only time light is given a speed limit is when something observes it. Which is a fancy way of saying time only stems from observation and doesn't exist outside of it. Only paradoxically as both outside and a part of it (the self).

>> No.8239175

t. seong

>> No.8239182

There is literally nothing if there is no observer, i fail to see your point here.

>> No.8239482

wtf whats up with the dubstep halfway through

>> No.8239494

but OP, whichever personal observation, intimation, meditation or epiphany I post under the title "greatest idea ever" will euphemise it into the category of getting stoned and talking nonsensically profound shit.

The problem is that calling it any of the above mentioned (predominantly Christian) buzzwords for dank trips will have the exact same effect.

I choose to remain silent and remain the sage, OP

>> No.8239508

Just don't post instead of being a sook about it m8

>> No.8239828

There is always gravity and light. Push and pull. As existence is and was before an observer, nothing is in fact something and there can't be 'literally nothing'.

>> No.8240050

ahahah lmfao

>> No.8240164

tip: don't ever use the word wax in that way, it does not sound cool or good

>> No.8240186

the world does not disappear every time someone dies

if there was no observer time would happen all at once

>> No.8240215

There is no step right below consciousness. There is only the gradual slide from the mind of a man, to neural net of a sponge, to the relative unawareness of simple physics.

>> No.8240220

Rolling socks as how a condom is rolled to save shipping costs because smaller packaging.

>> No.8240244

>A giant spaghetti meatball that you can eat with spaghetti dinner.
am i misunderstanding you or is this just a big meatball
also this is my favourite post

>> No.8240252


>> No.8240294

Procreation is immoral.

>> No.8240302

>Just fuck my birth rate up phamme

>> No.8240314

to get off /lit/ and read books instead

>> No.8240429

Not everything happens for a reason, and not everything has to have a meaning. Some things just are.

>> No.8240546

Well that's just bullshit. If something has a reason, then everything must have a reason.