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8212189 No.8212189 [Reply] [Original]

Maman died today.

>> No.8213291

This is not for you.

>> No.8213297


>> No.8213311

But who was phone?

>> No.8213446

Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me.

>> No.8213456

Maman lived today.

>> No.8213459



>> No.8213485

>STATELY, PLUMP KEK MULLIGAN CAME FROM THE STAIRHEAD, bearing a bowl of lather on which a mirror and a razor lay crossed.

>> No.8213489

mmmm quite witty, love the biblical satire and imagery. 10/10

>> No.8213527

Nicholas liked his women thick and preferred to be go by "Nick".

>> No.8213563


>> No.8213564

Ein einfacher junger Mensch reiste im Hochsommer von Hamburg,
seiner Vaterstadt, nach Davos-Platz im Graubündischen.

>> No.8213573

The pale sun had risen in the morning like it had the day before, and when it had again set, moon had taken it's place.

>> No.8213575

Gut gememet.

>> No.8213580

Techincally, it is "my new book". I just bought it and haven't read it yet.

>> No.8213613


>> No.8214543


>> No.8214548


>> No.8214638

"It was a queer, sultry summer, the summer they electrocuted the Rosenbergs, and I didn't know what I was doing in New York."

>> No.8214661

beetroot, parsnip & carrot crisps with sea salt

>> No.8214666

A cross comes ASCII the scream.

>> No.8214669

Looked it up. House of Leaves? I just ordered it and it should arrive within the week, how is it?

>> No.8214671

A sky comes across the screaming

>> No.8214678

A creamy cum crosses the sky.

>> No.8214709

I was in the process of ejaculating due to prostate stimulation, when I found myself yelling at what seemed like the top of my lungs, "I'M NOT GAY! I'M NOT GAY!". When I woke up I had found that I had had a wet dream, and a brown dream where I had shit the bed, and I was in the middle of christian summer camp.

>2 sentences

>> No.8214746

Having placed in my mouth sufficient bread for three minutes' chewing, I withdrew my powers of sensual perception and retired into the privacy of my mind, my eyes and face assuming a vacant and preoccupied expression.

>> No.8214756

Sitting there at my desk, resting my head upon my fist, I continued my usual classroom pastime of admiring my watch.

>> No.8214764

Hiram Bevilacqua had not left his apartment in 62 days

>> No.8214770

Is Joyce missing a comma or is stately an adverb here?? I'm scared

>> No.8214919

I like this one

>> No.8214954

Was he kill?

>> No.8215102

'Cross the wall are cracks, webs, and memories.

>> No.8215135

it's a graphic novel about a satirical circumcision conspiracy
it starts with a young torah scholar drawing the slash in the aleph character

>> No.8215157

The sun across the waves sparked in singsong electric colors, so bright Elizabeth recoiled her hand across her face.

>> No.8215207


>> No.8215314

On the morning of October 30, 1918, Colonel Thomas Edward Lawrence received a summons to Buckingham Palace.

>> No.8215319

Really, how do you intend to write anything original...

>> No.8215321

i'm sorry, please enlighten me /lit/erary scholar

>> No.8215325

"Mei?" Miss Carrie said.

>> No.8215350

ITT: How you know you're going to be in for a dreary afternoon.

>> No.8215414

Un cuadro enmarcado en madera oscura, casi petrolera, el mundo enardecido, agitado, casi borroso o cristalizado, una cobija de colores fuertes, brillantes, infantiles, un niño, la cobija, la habitación sola, el niño soy yo, la persona en el cuadro tiene ojos cafés, no, marrón, o miel, o ámbar o aguamiel. Los ojos, su sonrisa, la cobija, la habitación sola, el cuadro solitario, la pared manchada que sostiene el cuadro. La sonrisa, la cobija, el niño de no sé si siete u ocho años, el color reconfortante, los colores en la sábana, que es sábana y no cobija, una persona, el niño, el niño solo. El niño soy yo.

>> No.8216141
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At the hour of sunset, on a hot spring day, two citizens appeared in the Patriarchs' Pond Park.

>> No.8216145

misread the thread. please ignore this

>> No.8216162

you can't wew yourself out of this one lad

>> No.8216204

Mamon died today.