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/lit/ - Literature

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8205839 No.8205839 [Reply] [Original]

So I've recently picked up this book, now I'm about two thirds in but i can figure out if this book is just a meme or not.
The antagonist is a cuck and the main protagonist is a fucking autist.
please tell me if im just wasting my time getting jewed by meme books

>> No.8205841

what the fuck are you thinking? i mean seriously. what the fuck are you thinking?

>> No.8205847

sorry i dont know what you mean
i do enjoy this book, but i cant get over the fact that it seems like "scripted" or planned or something

>> No.8205869

i dunno, don't you think the problem might be that you're aiming a bit low on the lit totem pole? i mean, it's a mass marketed simp novel that has little imagination. I'm not trying to be pretentious or anything, but there's so much more out there, man. I mean, it doesn't seem like you're enjoying it, and I like to hope you're not baiting me, so maybe you can move into the realm of cooler stuff. I mean the book i'm reading, someone literally cut off their own nuts as penance for their perversity, a bull was sacrificed after it was used to deflower a virgin who was distraught at the revelation of a false messiah, and a woman leapt out of a building and landed on a postman for fuck's sake. If that doesn't pique at least some slight interest, then maybe it's better to stick with books like this, that you know what's going to happen, that don't challenge you or make you wonder and squirm and ache and hate and love and burrow into your mind to try to escape and become addicted to. there are books out there that tear us from ourselves by force and leave our nerves exposed, that rip us from our world and fulfill dreams we never imagined we had. resonant ideas and thoughts that pop your eyeballs out they're so dense. you're missing out reading the fucking hannibal series, friend. join the land of literature, read something else for chrissakes.

>> No.8205877

eh, nevermind, you read what you want. sorry. i'm probably a pleb for reading what i read anyway, honestly. I hope you like Red Dragon, hopefully it doesn't let you down.

>> No.8205914

>being this cucked

>> No.8206009
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>Reading a book
>cant get over the fact that it seems like "scripted" or planned

>> No.8206014

don't be mean, anon. don't you know that books are organically grown and harvested on book farms?

>> No.8206058

whats wrong with wanting a fictional book that feels natural and realistic?

>> No.8206068

the joke is that all novels must inherently be scripted and planned, as they have been started and finished by their authors. maybe the term that you were looking for was artificial, (assuming that you're OP). anyway, i think anon here thought it was funny.

>> No.8206073

thanks for clarifying

>> No.8207165

>It is a flaw of an illusion if you can see the strings
>It is a flaw of a film if you can see the reflection of the film crew
>It is a flaw of a story if you can see the contrivances
What's so hard to understand.

>> No.8207187

It is only a flaw if you make it a flaw

>> No.8207203

>unironically uses meme and cuck to describe a book
>complains it's "scripted"