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8132821 No.8132821 [Reply] [Original]

Did you read it? I liked it a lot. It's just like Lost but more creepy. And Vandermeer writes so well.

>> No.8132833

Should have ended at book 1. Was interesting though, glad I read it but wouldn't recommended to others.

>> No.8132867

I think book 1 works fantastic as a stand-alone novel. The 2nd book's narrative shift was too jarring for me to finish right after Annihilation. Is it worth coming back to?

>> No.8132937


the rest of the trilogy has some interesting bits in it, but it never reaches the quality of the first book. i would read the other two if you are interested in learning more about the history of the setting and getting some explanations for some of the weird stuff in the first book, but if you want a similar atmosphere or characters to the first book, you will probably be disappointed.

>> No.8132969

hated every page, actually. Nothing in the style or content lived up to the premise. The main character was inconsistent, and none of the other characters were developed at all. The pace was both painfully slow and unsuspenseful. On top of all that, Vandermeer can't manage to write one elegant sentence.

>> No.8133076

I really liked it for the most part, enough to finish them in about 4 days. That said, after the first book, I found myself pulled out of it periodically when the asides and stream of consciousness crossed the border into extreme navel gazing. And I was a bit disappointed that book three basically spoon feeds you some of the answers.

I did love the atmosphere and the writing for the most part though. I'm interested in the film adaptation, even though it seems like they're making a few important changes to it (the biologist's backstory, and they're giving the characters names).

>> No.8134271

Read the first one. Got nothing out of it. You knew everything that was going to happen and the style and atmosphere were established early and remained consistent. Made for an interesting first 20% and a boring as fuck rest of the book.