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/lit/ - Literature

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8115418 No.8115418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why are anti-semitic/anti-zionist writers so shit at writing? It comes off as so weary and pedantic, an encapsulation of circular logic.
Are they just butthurt people with a chip on their shoulders?

>> No.8115429

Because people who find the world so simplistic without being interested in further and further causes and reasons to the world problems, than the simplistic surface, are usually stupid.

That's the bottom line. They're usually stupid.

>> No.8115514
File: 51 KB, 577x800, Corneliu-Codreanu-Biblioteca-Austriaca-Europeana-Eu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read Céline, Rebatet, Brasillach, Maurras, Daudet (Léon), Drumont, Blanchot, Drieu, Degrelle.
I don't know much about anglo authors but these are great.

>> No.8115520
File: 75 KB, 500x600, tumblr_o22rhvJcKr1uhbcvmo2_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Céline, Rebatet, Brasillach, Maurras, Daudet (Léon), Drumont, Blanchot, Drieu, Degrelle.

"Just read these shitty philosophers who accomplished nothing and had terrible writing habits to craft your world view, trust me"

>> No.8115526

They may have had idiotic philosophies, but at least Celine wrote a pretty decent book.

>> No.8115529


>> No.8115581

Why are semitic/pro-zionist writers so shit at writing? It comes off as so weary and pedantic, an encapsulation of circular logic.
Are they just butthurt people with a chip on their shoulders?

>> No.8115591

>Why are semitic/pro-zionist writers so shit at writing?

Jewish people are pretty good writers actually.

>> No.8115613

Thing is, they aren't - *semites* have written a lot of extremely important /lit/ stuff, beginning with the Bible. (Including, of course, Arab literature.)

Maybe you mean "semitophiles/zionists" - the only famous zionist who has any literary merits I can think of right now would be Max Brod, and he isn't really famous for his own writings.

>> No.8115623


Not any better than goyim. What's the Jewish Ulysses, Moby Dick, Mdm Bovary?

>> No.8115628

Did you know Proust had Jewish ancestry? I didn't!

I like it. No need to hate on "Voyage ..." just cause Celine later collaborated with the Nazis.

>> No.8115629

>Not any better than goyim.

Well, yeah. That's the point. Idk why you're trying this.

>> No.8115640

The Bible

>> No.8115641

Do you see the irony of citing this work to support your anti-semitic thesis?

Also, you asking this question is a sign of your own lack of taste or knowledge. Everyone else knows a few masterworks written by Jews.

>> No.8115661

>conspiracy theorists, xenophobes, and stormfaggots aren't very intelligent

This shouldn't surprise anyone.

>> No.8115711

besides joyce, what are some non-jewish good/great writers that are definitely not antisemites

>> No.8115712

But does it surprise you that it surprises conspiracy theorists, xenophobes, and stormfaggots?

>> No.8115727

They just were part of those who lost the war, and we don't teach anything about them but only about commies and pseudo-resistants.
They were all incredible writers.
Brasillach was shot in 45 but a lot of intellectuals signed a petition to grant him clemency.
>une pétition d'artistes et d'intellectuels renommés, parmi lesquels Paul Valéry, Paul Claudel, François Mauriac, Daniel-Rops, Albert Camus, Marcel Aymé, Jean Paulhan, Roland Dorgelès, Jean Cocteau, Colette, Arthur Honegger, Maurice de Vlaminck, Jean Anouilh, André Barsacq, Jean-Louis Barrault, Thierry Maulnier, etc.

>> No.8115736

A challenge much too hard. Even most Jews have said stuff that has been interpreted as anti-semitic once in a while. (Some random examples: Bernie Sanders, Franz Kafka, Philip Roth, Noam Chomsky.)
Anti-semitism comes to man as natural as breathing.

However, most great thinkers - scientists and writers alike - tend to be less anti-semitic than their environment.

>> No.8115743

+ some of those whom I quoted were part of L'Action Française as journalists, and Proust himself told that it was the only newspaper he could read.
>Maurras contributed to make Proust (Les Plaisirs et les jours), Verlaine, Valéry, Rimbaud, Barrès and Mistral known, and discovered two of the most important provençal poets of the XXth century : Joseph d’Arbaud (in 1926) and Max-Philippe Delavouët (in 1951).

>> No.8115744

What does this even mean.

>> No.8115852


How much money does the USA give Israel? Why does the USA give this money?

Why is AIPAC the most powerful lobby in the USA?

Why is American foreign policy so conveniently anti-enemy of Israel?

What threat did Gaddafi and does Al-Assad pose to the USA?

Why are Jews overrepresented in open borders movements?

Why are Jews overrepresented in academic movements aimed at radically altering the demographic and political composition of the countries in which they reside?

Why are there no Hollywood movies about the Holodomor and the atrocities of communist Jews like Yagoda, whereas the Holocaust has become a veritable religion of public sorrow, movies, and lesson after lesson after lesson around the world?

Why have Jews been targeted as instigators of subversion for millenia, not only by Europeans, but also non-European activists like Malcolm X?

>> No.8115859

You played yourself, you fucking retard.

>> No.8115864

Why do you care if they're anti-Semites or not? I guess if their works are anti-Semitic or something that could trigger you, but what if they just didn't give a shit about Jews?

>> No.8115865
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>> No.8115873

I don't give a shit about nazis or nazi sympathizers, and people who admire their work are usually tumultuously stupid. I invest time into people who are actually relevant. Sue me.

>> No.8115877

>Sue me.
And here goes the Jew.
Relevant according to who? Your kike lobby?

>> No.8115881



What does that even mean?

>> No.8115885


Yeah everyone here couldn't write and had a chip on le shoulder because "ARE YOU KIDDING MEEEEEEEE?!"

>> No.8115894


Because that's what your list of loosely related rhetorical questions seems to imply, rhetorically speaking.

>> No.8115906


Jews are just the only group of white people still allowed to play the game, is all. No need to project supernatural or nefarious abilities onto them when the mundane will suffice.

>> No.8115907

You're not from this board and you don't even read. You have nothing to do here. Go troll /pol/, they're more your level

>> No.8115912


Not an argument.

>your list of loosely related rhetorical questions seems to imply, rhetorically speaking

Rhetorical questions... Rhetorically speaking... Try again.

>> No.8115921

I'm amazed/frightened that antisemitic language (aka memes) have stayed intact for decades, possibly centuries.

You can find racist pamphlets from the 60s deep south and it sounds exactly like /pol/ today.

>> No.8115925

Jews didn't change :^)

>> No.8115926

>white people


>No need to project supernatural or nefarious abilities onto them

You randomly pulled that out of your hat. These are questions. Point to where I mentioned supernatural or extra-human abilities.

>> No.8115930

My ass. Sue my ass for detesting nazis and their stupid lemming follow the leader underlings. Give it a kiss, right here. Right on me tush.

>> No.8115941


Think you missed my point. Jews do what is in the interest of Jews, same as any other group. They just happen to be much better at it than anyone else.

Even on 4chan no one is gonna call you a rebel for hating Nazis.

>> No.8115947

>Point to where I mentioned supernatural or extra-human abilities.

You might as well still bitch about the Masons for them never revealing their religious material.

Most jews are just every day middle class people who celeberate different holidays. Making them out to be the devil is stupid and involves critical levels of unrefined thought, critical thinking. As to the source of problems, systemic problems, you don't ever think about and reprimand others for thinking of.

National Socialists of today have as much understanding of the world as a newt, and they are so absurdly prevalent on the internet only in a world as stupid as ours could they have made themselves become still relevant.

>> No.8115948

Antisemitism isn't nazi's apanage.

>> No.8115951

>Jews do what is in the interest of Jews, same as any other group. They just happen to be much better at it than anyone else.

Right, exactly, they have systematically gained positions of power and influence throughout the western world and are actively working in a zero-sum fashion to pursue their in group interests at the expense of the of group.

>> No.8115957

You're right, it's the central primary overriding focus of weak willed idiots who corrupt and destroy political discussion, demanding all conform to their world view or else be decried every insult in the book as a crowd.

Nazis are one arm of such people throughout history and time.

>> No.8115959


That answers a grand total of zero of those questions. Breathe, focus on the task at hand, and try again. You can do it.

>> No.8115966


Indeed. So, instead of bitching about them on the internet, why don't we (or just you, since you seem to be the one upset by it) just start doing the same thing?

>> No.8115967

or the literal KKK post on /pol/

it destroyed this site desu /int/ was a mistake also

>> No.8115969

They are in power, because they have family support groups that encourage success at all costs above more liberal house holds we are all a part of, it's allowed them to gain success. That is as little their fault as it is yours for not, the name of the blame is called this game. It's called Capitalism. "The Jews" don't radiate energetic waves of hocus conspiratorial pocus.

You are looking at what success in Capitalism looks like and most of you are too stupid to even agree with your own observations.

>> No.8115973

Your questions are irrelevant, my points are the answers to the questions driving you to ask them. They are not worth answering.

>> No.8115976

>the literal KKK
>referencing an essentially defunct organization that is now a proven federal honeypot

Splc pls go

>> No.8115981

If only people who asked important questions worried about the government as much as you wretched lot do.

>> No.8115988

>"The Jews" don't radiate energetic waves of hocus conspiratorial pocus.

Nice strawman, it's a lot easier to come up with those than to answer simple and fundamental questions that affect your country and the world as as whole.

>They are not worth answering.

Nice cop out. I'll check back in a few hours to see if anyone has answered them.

>> No.8115998

Are you a jew or just some kind of "antifascist" ? Why antisemitism would be banned from politics ? It's the same with any race or any religion, it shouldn't be a taboo topic.

>> No.8116017

>Nice strawman

Thank you, I work towards fallacies as easily as you do, they are easy to understand to people who use them.

>it's a lot easier to come up with those than to answer simple and fundamental questions that affect your country and the world as as whole

None of which you are concerned about. You are concerned with putting another people in power in this game, no matter what you do generations down the line your stupid impotent revolutions will all still be the same, killing all they want around them, from people to ideas.

People and the right ideas are more important than a hundred of you similar thinkers.

>Nice cop out.

It isn't a cop out because I already know the answers to the rhetorical questions you want me to answer. They are based upon fallacy and conspiracy and are worthless anywhere to people not driven by the most negative emotions anathema to political change of any kind you actually want deep down but reject outside you aren't even aware of.

They are worthless questions, that are themselves cop outs. You do not have to check, I will not answer.

I love how you put antifascist in quotes, as if it is a curse.

Everyone who has read enough history, and read enough philosophy, read enough to know enough, hates fascism and its proponents with burning passion because they see the stupidity drool associated with its conspiratorial ways all across, it eventually becomes a sight to disgusting to look at.

Do you think, people have love for fascists? Even normal people? They are hated for a reason.

>> No.8116040

>People and the right ideas are more important than a hundred of you similar thinkers.

sounds awfully fascist of you :^)

>> No.8116051

If you think fascism is as broad a definition as you believe it does.

>> No.8116054

I find it funny how you tell this to me because I used quotes for a word, yet you use pathologization right after by opposing me to "normal" people.

I could use the exact same rethoric to say that antisemitism is a persistent fact in all societies and only became a sin for 70 years.

I could also underline the prevalence of jewish authors and teachers -or people who were influenced a lot by jewish thinkers like Marx- in fields like philosophy, but also in history, and especially on subjects like pogroms and the so-called shoah. How can there be no bias ?

>> No.8116062
File: 11 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What threat did Gaddafi and does Al-Assad pose to the USA?

>They are based upon fallacy and conspiracy and are worthless anywhere
>worthless questions

>> No.8116086

>I could use the exact same rethoric to say that antisemitism is a persistent fact in all societies and only became a sin for 70 years.

People are stupid, people are dumb. Applying logic to them of hypocrites is a fool's errand. We've advanced onto why this occurs.

All of these of course, are above your head. Better go back to the witch hunting days as all the internet does.

>I could also underline the prevalence of jewish authors and teachers -or people who were influenced a lot by jewish thinkers like Marx- in fields like philosophy, but also in history, and especially on subjects like pogroms and the so-called shoah. How can there be no bias ?

Because again, they are taught as children success is important. You are ignoring my points, failing to see the relevance, not connecting the dots, all of the above or one influencing another. You will find their success in all fields because of the importance put on them, the same with Asiatic people occurring now.


The evil you seek is again, Capitalism. But as said previously ignored, you will not agree with what you see, because inside is blind devotion.

If you questioned everything, you would leave yourself as you currently are behind. Because as you are currently are is enclosed and empty minded.

Yes. Worthless questions. You already know the answers you seek, questions answered to cyclical people filled with confirmation bias are worthless questions, because the questions themselves aren't worth.

>> No.8116107


>How much money does the USA give Israel? Why does the USA give this money?

Because Israel are advancing US interests in the middle east, and have holocaust guilt to protect them from reproach for their actions. They're a US puppet state.

>Why is AIPAC the most powerful lobby in the USA?

Because, again, Israel is key to US interests.

>Why is American foreign policy so conveniently anti-enemy of Israel?

Because the enemies of Israel are in a region with lots of oil reserves.

>What threat did Gaddafi and does Al-Assad pose to the USA? Why are Jews overrepresented in open borders movements? Why are Jews overrepresented in academic movements aimed at radically altering the demographic and political composition of the countries in which they reside?

Think of this immigrant shit as a vaccine. It's turning the West against Islam. It's a temporary arrangement. Also, the reasons why Jews push for making race irrelevant (through mixing) should be obvious. Remember the last time white people got really interested in racial purity?

>Why are there no Hollywood movies about the Holodomor and the atrocities of communist Jews like Yagoda, whereas the Holocaust has become a veritable religion of public sorrow, movies, and lesson after lesson after lesson around the world?

Because the Jews run Hollywood and it's a free country. Who cares?

>Why have Jews been targeted as instigators of subversion for millenia, not only by Europeans, but also non-European activists like Malcolm X?

Because successful and small groups are popular targets for bullying. Also, because losers always need someone to blame. Why do black people blame everything on white people? Same answer.

I'm glad I could think through these super easy questions for you.

>> No.8116111

Oh my god you people are stupid

>> No.8116119

>Not an argument.
Yes, exactly my point.

>> No.8116123


What answer are you clearly angling for, then?


>Also, the reasons why Jews push for making race irrelevant (through mixing) should be obvious. Remember the last time white people got really interested in racial purity?

This guy gets it. If you're interested in preserving European people and culture, why do you get upset when the Jews do the same?

Don't get mad, do it better and get even.

>> No.8116130


>holocaust guilt

Wait it was the USA that gassed 6 million jews in chambers that didn't leave Prussian blue residue behind and had doors that opened inward and weren't airtight?

>Because Israel are advancing US interests in the middle east

Which interests?

>Israel is key to US interests.

The US had good relations throughout the mid east for over a hundred years. Israel is uniformly hated by the Arab world for what it's doing to Palestinians and for its perceived being a proxy-State of the US. How is this remotely helpful?

>oil reserves

Bush and Obama aren't taking oil from terrorists.

>Because the Jews run Hollywood and it's a free country. Who cares?
>Because the Jews run X and it's a free country. Who cares?
>who cares?


>> No.8116140

There s no one to blame. There is no singular person to blame besides the systems put in place. If you want clear blame, who put the systems in place? European philosophers during The Enlightenment of course.

Never be fooled by people blaming people, always be ready to look past others into their motives, and the motives of people that taught them.

No person is above exception. Nazis, Fascists, populist folk uneducated on the internet, always seek crusades to find. None of them are real, it's all phantasmagoria with the startling exception it was taught that society was above the witch hunt.

It is not, it's only getting started, and you are the helpless victim always prevalent.

You've only read, what you've wanted to read.

>> No.8116144

You people, who come here with clear reasons in hand, are so stupid, yet so bold. It's amazing.

>> No.8116181


Is there a thought in there, or do you just enjoy being a dilettante?

>> No.8116187

grasping at straws, the post

>> No.8116191

I enjoy being a dilettante, if being a dilettante means not being an idiot with a fruitless ghost of a cause of something that doesn't even effect them on the internet.

>> No.8116197


Fake holocaust guilt, whatever. It's useful.

They're building a pipeline from the caucasus region into Europe- from one of the largest oil producing regions to one of the largest markets, and undercutting the Russians in doing so. It's good to have a physical base right in the middle, one under total US control. An ally you can trust with nukes, with black sites, with new tech. An ally that's constantly facing security threats.

You need to understand how important it is for the US to constantly be at war, for both the sake of the economy as well as the military machine upon which the entire world relies on for security.

>> No.8116201

You people are amazing you're still not getting it even if its been declassified. You're so cute.

>> No.8116209

The Alt-Right Cult is fueled by the power of guilt and hypocrisy.

>> No.8116210

>Bush and Obama aren't taking oil from terrorists.
No, but the terrorists are infringing on places we DO take oil from

>Israel is key to US interests.

It's essentially a military base in hostile territory. Important for that reason alone. And don't act like there isnt an anti-isreal sentiment spreading through liberal america.

>> No.8116230

Repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat

>> No.8116240


Hypocrisy maybe (see all the Jew bitching above, yet they'll complain about blacks blaming whitey for everything) but I don't see the guilt.

I do think a lot of the "MUH HERITAGE" guys use their culture as an excuse for their personal lack of achievement, though.

>> No.8116241


I wouldn't place any trust in "declassified documents" being passed around on stormfront and /pol/. There are a lot of people who just make shit up on there. I can't count all the "immigrant bites off woman's nose!!!" posts that turned out to just be pictures taken from bear attacks in the 1990's. It's just a bunch of shut-ins playing cointelpro roleplaying games. "Well, if the jews are lyin' all the time, so should we!!!"

>> No.8116261

>but I don't see the guilt

If you don't give a shit about hite people you are the enemy because they're a precious endangered species being corrupted by the stupid masses.

It's so historically typical.

Israel existed as a strategic military window into the Soviet Union. Destabilizing the Middle East is not "Duh Juice" fault, it was needed to cause chaos in order to have the near by USSR have military swamps of conflicts, and it's useful today for forever war.

You can blame ethnic groups you don't like all you want but I'm very comfortable hating the more prideful and arrogant who use race as ideology on the internet. They ruin most places they touch with promises and ideologies of impotent rage like spoiled children.

>> No.8116454

>It's turning the West against Islam. It's a temporary arrangement. Also, the reasons why Jews push for making race irrelevant (through mixing) should be obvious.

In other words, it's a conspiracy (a concealed plan). Glad you agree

>> No.8116461

the jews conspire less than people on /pol/

>> No.8116492

>No, but the terrorists are infringing on places we DO take oil from

The terrorists are in power because you overthrow regimes. Gaddafi, Saddam, al-Assad (desperately trying), etc. It just so happens those guys are pro-Palestinian :^)

>military base in hostile territory

That territory was not hostile before Israel came to be. Lebanon was a beautiful secular place, so was Iran, Afghanistan was becoming secular and safe in the 70s... and all of a sudden things changed when the US became a jingoistic big brother of Israel (thanks neocons)


Samefagging oneliners, a sign of anal annihilation

>> No.8116504

>I can't count all the "immigrant bites off woman's nose!!!" posts that turned out to just be pictures taken from bear attacks in the 1990's.

Yeah Rotherham didn't happen and the cologne rapes are a lie. Fuck off you apathetic American piece of shit

>> No.8116510

>That territory was not hostile before Israel came to be. Lebanon was a beautiful secular place, so was Iran, Afghanistan was becoming secular and safe in the 70s

They mattered less than America's hatred for the USSR during the Cold War. Do not build something up to be as it isn't, when it is, and it's clear.

>Samefagging oneliners, a sign of anal annihilation

Is accusing samefag when people are tired of your obnoxious shit a sign of a child or the sign of an inpatient

>> No.8116514

Paranoid much? Is it jews?

>> No.8116516

>Israel existed as a strategic military window into the Soviet Union. Destabilizing the Middle East is not "Duh Juice" fault, it was needed to cause chaos in order to have the near by USSR have military swamps of conflicts

The soviets already had a Muslim problem, they didn't need Israel to stir things up. The Afghan war had nothing to do with Israel. You know nothing, you lazy myopic turd.

>> No.8116527

>they didn't need Israel to stir things up

The United States doesn't exist on not needing it exists on totality. If you weren't an idiot who wasn't aware of 20th century history you'd know that.

>> No.8116531

>They mattered less than America's hatred for the USSR during the Cold War

What are you even saying? You're so fucking stupid. You say Israel is a military base in hostile territory and I say the territory was not hostile before Israel and America's throwing of weight around, and you talk about USSR. the problem of American foreign policy being decidedly pro Jewish interests is a phenomena that ramped up in the 2000s, not when soviet union was around.


I don't know, is the dick of whoever is responsible for it in your mouth? If yes I guess a Jew is behind it after all

>> No.8116536

Don't expect the generous anon to humor you any longer, shit thrower. What you write is so dumb even your alt-right comrades are cringing hard right now.

>> No.8116541

>What are you even saying?

The national soviernty and security of those nations mattered less than the security of America during the cold war, so America deemed.

No country wasn't off the table in terms of geopolitical engineering during the Cold War.

It is funny you are calling me stupid.

>> No.8116548


Let me get this straight: the us was so invested in Israel to make Muslims mad so they will attack the Soviet Union.

Is that what you're saying?

How does that make sense? Give a practical example of a war that the US through its support of Israel fostered with the Muslims and the ussr.


Stay furious

>> No.8116553

>The national soviernty and security of those nations mattered less than the security of America during the cold war, so America deemed.

How did ruining secular states in the Arab world that were pro-capitalism and friendly to the USA help American interests?

God you're a thick fuck.

>> No.8116560

I'm not an alt-right anon furious at you for making them all look really stupid, I'm a regular anon laughing at what you express and sadistically trying to make you write down more crazed out rants.

>> No.8116567

>Let me get this straight: the us was so invested in Israel to make Muslims mad so they will attack the Soviet Union.

No. The United States destabilized the region via Israel, and Israel also doubled as a post World War II military window. Coups, contras, history. The Middle East as it is today is this way because of foreign intervention. The Defense Market isn't complaining.

Reagan funded the muhjahaden, not suddenly and out of nowhere. Military planning isn't that sudden. This was long term.

This was not a tiny war you fucking idiot, nuclear disaster could be an eventuality.

>> No.8116569


>I'm just pretending to be retarded

You're doing a great job with your ussr-Israel connection

>why is America taking out anti-Israel Arab leaders?

Because the they need a base against the Soviet Union, man!!!!


>> No.8116572

Even the Nazi occupiers thought Celine had an unhealthy obsession with Jews and where annoyed by his inability to shut up about it. Towards the end of the war, he even started accusing Hitler of Jewishness. Celine's antisemitic tracts are incoherent even by the standards of /pol/ shistposting, everyone he dislikes is labeled a Jew, regardless of how little sense it makes, for example Cezanne and the Bourbon royals

>> No.8116573

>The United States destabilized the region via Israel

WHY? They were increasingly pro-western and secular, you epic dunce, they weren't massively flocking to the USSR

>> No.8116576

>How did ruining secular states in the Arab world that were pro-capitalism and friendly to the USA help American interests?

If America were to go to war over the Soviet Union, those were the weakest nations and also closest with the largest area of land.

It was strategically sound to destabilize them so to avoid bureaucracy and handling of land should troops need to exist on the ground, should oil reserves need to be taken.

Israel was chosen for a reason as a post world war II nation, they could have chosen other places. It was chosen very specifically, with added relevance, it is said Jews would return to Israel during the end of the world.

To the United States, thinking this could have been the end of the world wasn't outside of possibility.

>> No.8116580


Because they didn't care about their opinions towards the west positive or negative or their secularism.

They only aggressively funded the governments that came after.

>> No.8116581

I could be wrong, but I'm pretty sure >>8115623 is making a Saul Bellow reference.

>> No.8116591

You are confused, I did not make one post arguing political points with you, I'm not patient like the other anon. I just want to see how you can humiliate yourself more, so I push a button here or there. You obviously don't need much prompting, meme man.

>> No.8116604

The Protocols and Dialogue in Hell Between Machiavelli and Montesquieu both contained passages allegedly stolen from either Masonic proceedings or from something extremely Masonic-like. So, it's either a real document copied by two different people, or else it's one person, Maurice Joly, being ripped off by someone else. Personally, I do believe that Joly must have stolen his work, too, from whatever group it is that originally wrote it. The language is just too similar sounding to Masonic texts for it to be a coincidence, and plus, the content reflects the world to a tee. But I don't believe implies hatred in any way. I certainly don't hate Jews.

>> No.8116625

>If America were to go to war over the Soviet Union, those were the weakest nations and also closest with the largest area of land.
>It was strategically sound to destabilize them so to avoid bureaucracy and handling of land should troops need to exist on the ground, should oil reserves need to be taken.

Proof of this thought process? Any briefings or policy papers? Explain why america is so hellbent on further destabilizing mid east now in a post-soviet world.


>getting this upset over the Internet

Nice b8

>> No.8116643


>> No.8116650

>Proof of this thought process?
I'm too lazy to dig up the dirt. Even then the fact you think it's less evidence based than the malevolence of the always scheming der juden is laughable. You say jews only care about money, then you say they want to destroy the entire middle east. Why? If they were such evil manipulative money addicted inhumans the same logic would apply heavier to keeping said nations alive and allied to the US.

But they weren't.

If you need proof I'm not too lazy to hand to you, just look at South America, the Middle East. Africa. And governments there, and who was more heavily funded.

You'll get the picture. This is common history.

>> No.8116654

Antisemitism boils down to retarded conspiracy theories. Anti-Zionism is common sense.

>> No.8116672

>I'm too lazy to dig up the dirt.

Ah isn't that convenient.

Your stamina for writing vacuous chunks of brainfart is remarkable. If only we could hook you up to some alternate energy device, I'm sure you'd be content to power the world with the pointless dance of your fingers over your keyboard, smearing content-void laziness across cyberspace.

Man it must be fun living in a haze of lazy numbness, with only the throbbing of your inflated head to keep you company.

Now write up a reply, bitch, and make it a good one.

>> No.8116682



>> No.8116684

So what I'm getting from this is you're mad that I'm actually fighting you on saying bullshit that isn't feasible or true?

>> No.8116685

You sir are really good at insults, what's your secret? Do you practice on jews or simply use the bathroom mirror?

>> No.8116687



Oxford Journal of Histrory.


University of North Carolina.

I mean the list goes on, this is academic. What you're saying isn't.

>> No.8116694


>Under these two presidents, the United States also sought to promote peace in the region, to sustain governments supportive of Western political objectives, and to maintain a liberal economic system conducive to U.S. commercial interests. In short, U.S. officials sought stability in the Middle East on behalf of their objectives in the region and around the world. Stability in the region, these leaders assumed, would help them safeguard their vital interests and prevail in the Cold War.

uses as proof for the thesis:

>It was strategically sound to destabilize them so to avoid bureaucracy and handling of land should troops need to exist on the ground, should oil reserves need to be taken.

read your links next time, i know it took a lot of effort, but you have to read them. finding them isn't enough.

>> No.8116702

Must have linked the one I skimmed that wasn't towards it. Oh well, Oxford is more relevant than North Carolina. They cite sources.

>> No.8116703

op has clearly never read mario and the search for the inner spaghetti party quest

>> No.8116710

fuck off

>> No.8116728


quality anti-semitic writing, enough words to drown in

>> No.8116732

Drown yourself.

>> No.8116735

>Frederic Raphael, who authored the Eyes Wide Shut script for Kubrick recalled that Kubrick once remarked that "Hitler was right about almost everything," and insisted that any trace of Jewishness be expunged from the "Eyes Wide Shut" script. Kubrick's bizarre relationship to his own ethnicity deeply troubled Raphael, a fellow Jew. Raphael was further puzzled over Kubrick's cryptic praise for Hitler, unable to decide if Kubrick was jesting. Raphael was equally puzzled by Kubrick's trashing of Schindler's List. After Raphael mentioned “Schindler’s List,” Kubrick replied: “Think that's about the Holocaust? That was about success, wasn't it? The Holocaust is about six million people who get killed. 'Schindler's List’ is about 600 who don’t."

>> No.8116741

Ok. What does this even mean.

>> No.8116753


b-but... space hitler...


metal gear solid jew snake...

>> No.8116756

I know who you are. Do you want me to post your face?

>> No.8116761



i'd like to know where you know me from

i mean unless you just want to tell me who you are

>> No.8116770

your a dorable

>> No.8116775

fuck off

>> No.8116776

Kubrick was red pilled, before it was cool.

>> No.8116779


are you going to post my face or did you realize how ineffectual it is to threaten an attention whore with.... attention...

>> No.8116781

Because close-minded bigots are literally retarded and blue-pilled. Open-minded bigots are intellegent and red-pilled.

>> No.8116783

yeah that's why he was best friends with Steven Spielberg and no other director really.

>> No.8116789

Red pill blue pill green pill worschestor sauce seashells by seashorefeus

>> No.8116790


redpill vs bluepill is a shell game

we're both violent extremists who hate their opoosition

>> No.8116796

You're not violent lol

>> No.8116808


i'm violently extreme

also post my fucking face already

>> No.8116812

Nope on both accounts.

>> No.8116814



damage control like a motherfucker all up in this bitch

>> No.8116821

You have your own empty unpopulated board on eightchan named after your steam account why don't you spam your bullshit there.

>> No.8116826


do you want me to post your dick pics? i know who you are.

>> No.8116830


>unpopulated board

it's literally an image host

vfan....? is that... you...

>> No.8116856

*wwalks into thread*

>> No.8116867

Are you implying that a red pilled ((())) can't be friends with ((())) ?

Because i can assure you that's not the case IRL.

>> No.8116872

I'm implying you are really dumb actually.

>> No.8116888

Say something that i already don't know.

>> No.8116891

That would go over the word limit of a single post.

>> No.8116895


>> No.8116902

Source/s for this assertion ?

>> No.8116904
File: 10 KB, 467x451, sadnessanger.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, pop this one my friend.

>> No.8116906
File: 46 KB, 613x357, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder who's behind this thread

>> No.8116907
File: 181 KB, 948x719, 1430836719856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8116910

Who is this?

>> No.8116935

It's anon's face, he finally delivered and posted it.

>> No.8116947

Have you ever had any Jewish friends?

Serious question.

>> No.8116954

Have you had any friends?

>> No.8116971

Oh,he sure do look like a faggy retro jesus imho.Probably will end up killing himself.

>> No.8116976
File: 27 KB, 513x510, Typical J00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.8116981

Must be a lot of jews in your life.

>> No.8116988

Don't talk shit about David Foster Wallace that way. Fucking disgusting, poor form.

>> No.8116994


It was just a prank,anon.