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/lit/ - Literature

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7952339 No.7952339 [Reply] [Original]

>Divine Comedy
>not funny

>> No.7952345

>The Birth of Tragedy
>Tragedy was never born it has always existed

>> No.7952346

The real comedy is our existence.

>> No.7952428
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>Infinite Jest

>> No.7952434
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Every birth is a tragedy.

>> No.7952439

La Divina commedia è anche divertente, it's also funny, specialmente le cantiche dell'inferno.

>> No.7952443

meant to quote

>> No.7952449

>Die Unendliche (never ending) Geschichte
>endlich (ending)
>Written by Michael Ende

>> No.7952593
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>my struggle
>privileged norwegian white man who doesnt know the real meaning of struggle

>> No.7952594
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>actually get dubs

>> No.7952731

>The Three Musketeers
>there's hundreds of them, and the group of main characters consists of four of them

>Uncle Tom's Cabin
>the cabin is owned by a couple of white farmers

>> No.7953376


you don't think demons making bugle calls by farting into their trumpets is funny?

how about gluttons wallowing eternally in their own shit and piss?

>> No.7953528
File: 40 KB, 747x509, pre movie statue construct to show the current era but its wrong now but they dont have enough money to pay the people tochange it and they dont know roman numerals so no one would know what to change it to .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the outsider
>most scenes occur inside

>> No.7953547

>The Book of Job
>the main character quickly becomes unemployed

>> No.7953561 [DELETED] 
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>The Man in the High Castle
>There's no fucking castle !

PKD you sack of shit.

>> No.7953563

her vagina is a bit strange. not in a bad way

>> No.7953571

not really

>> No.7953572


I came here to post this. Malebolge best circle.

>> No.7953579

well ok then

>> No.7953581

demons don't do that though.
'ed egli avea del cul fatto trombetta' literally translates to 'and he had made a trumpet out of his ass'.
i'll leave the conclusions to your imagination.

>> No.7953582

I think it's the stuble on her pubis that makes it looks elongated.

>> No.7953591

the garden of eden

>> No.7953622

>John Dies at the End
>John dies in the middle

>> No.7953633

I wonder who has it psychologically worst between a 1st world intellect and a 3rd world man.

>> No.7953850
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>Be here now
>was there then

>> No.7954015

Top kek

>> No.7954027

>Finnegans Wake
>they stay asleep

>> No.7954038

>Waiting for Godot

>> No.7954062

Hitler wasn't Norwegian...

>> No.7954089
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/lit/ is where the finite becomes infinite.

>> No.7954096

>East of Eden
>In California

>> No.7955099

>The Grapes Of Wrath
>Grapes can't show emotions

>> No.7955102

But it actually is pretty funny though.

>> No.7955109

>he only read inferno

>> No.7955119

It doesn't have to be funny all the way through to be a funny piece.

>> No.7955138
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>no kush smok

>> No.7955140

>The Outsiders
>all normies

>> No.7955158

the animated adaptation of Inferno is.

>> No.7955179
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>no black holes
>no spaceships

>> No.7955357

lmao i remember reading this in like year 8
stay gold, ponyboy

>> No.7955405

It's not supposed to be funny.

>> No.7955429
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>published in anything except braille

>> No.7955461


>> No.7955504

>it isn't on fire senpai

>> No.7955606

can't tell if it's bait or just you being stupid

>> No.7956250

> tfw people don't understand that it is not a literal "comedy"
> high literature in Italy was written in latin at the time, whereas comedies and trash was written in Italian
> Dante wrote The Divine Comedy in Italian
> the name is more of a statement on the usage of the Italian language in literature

>> No.7956255

He's talking about Knausgaard's autobiographical series called "My Struggle."

Would recommend, anon.

>> No.7956319

> The Great Gatsby
> Gets cuck'd

>> No.7956325

The Inferno actually is pretty funny........ If you've got, oh.. let's say... a ~*TwIStEd*~ sense of humour. Hahahahah.... muahahahaha..... Mu/ahaHAAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH *gets slapped by a fish* Ow!

>> No.7956326

> The Republic
> Plato's ideal society is an elitist dictatorship

>> No.7956333

> In Cold Blood
> Not about reptiles

>> No.7956347
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>foricng the gays to run on burning sand
>drowning fat people in food goop
>dunking the troops in a sea of burning blood
>not funny

ok faggot

>> No.7956502

>Infinite Jest
>Eternal Meme

Which is exactly what that book is

>> No.7956583

>Atlas shrugged
>There is not one single map in the book

I was pretty disappointed.

>> No.7956655

>David Copperfield
>not a single magic trick

>> No.7956678

>For Whom The Bell Tolls
>no one is tolling any bells man

>> No.7956694

>Into the Wild
>dies in a man-made structure

>> No.7956698

hearty kek

the irony is sad and funny and then more funny and less sad

>> No.7956719

>Owen Meany
>Owen isn´t mean at all

>> No.7956723

>Atlas Shrugged
>No Atlas shrugging

>> No.7956727

>>foricng the gays to run on burning sand
what is the symbolism behind this?

>> No.7956744

>The iliad
>Contains no endorsements of illy brand coffee grounds

>> No.7956773

> John Dies At The End
> John dies in the middle, comes back to life and is alive by the end

>> No.7956781
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>> No.7956782

It's supposed to be like the punishment God gave to Sodom and Gomorrah, fire raining from the sky. Or some shit like that.

>> No.7956783

This post was not funny.

>> No.7956793

Thank You, I almost thought it was.

>> No.7956794

guess you haven't read inferno then
it's mostly dante just making up different torture techniques or wacky scenarios and putting people he didn't like in them

greedy people gotta play a weird sport where they roll boulders down a hill at eachother

for eternity explain the symbolism in that to me

>> No.7956807

What they're doing is fruitless. Acquiring wealth in moderation is a virtue. Hoarding wealth is a waste. Like pushing stones at one another.

>> No.7956824


>> No.7956984
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>the color out of space
>it came out from the well

>> No.7957253

wow, deep. there should be one where atheists wrap their nuts in salami and let dogs bite them because not worshipping god is fruitless and only serves to hurt you

>> No.7957332

Dude you're retarded. He met lots of people he loved in hell. Also the Inferno is very symbolic. You could dismiss symbolism in any other book as >loldeep, but it is obvious that the Inferno has symbolic elements.

>> No.7957381

Is the film good?

>> No.7957575

Pretty sure atheists wouldn't even make it into the first circle. I think Dante included them with the Futile, doomed to run around chasing after a white flag outside the gates of Hell forever, but's been a decade since I read the thing.

>> No.7957590
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>The annals
>no sex at all

>> No.7957599

topest of keks

>> No.7957607

This is the best kind of bait because I know these people exist

>> No.7958333

>Never mentions Ulysses S. Grant

>> No.7958335


>> No.7958373
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>Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman
>actually a compilation of refined ungentlemanly maximum shitposting

>> No.7958401

what's wrong with symbolism?

>> No.7958402
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>the Stranger
>the main character is actually known by other characters

>> No.7958497

end of the tour? yeah. but any associations with IJ are superficial so keep that in mind. and if you're expecting a good portrait of dfw, dont. but yeah decent flick on relationship dynamics of an interview, etc.

yeah it's fine fuck it

>> No.7958550

They are in a barren desert because they were not reproductive.

>> No.7958577

Or is he, really?

>> No.7958582

*smokes cigarette*

>> No.7958583

Boohoo, let's all curl up in a ball and drink ourselves to death.

>> No.7958626

Always triggered me

>> No.7958656

>till we have faces
>no one is lacking any anatomy

>> No.7958679


>> No.7958691

>literature board
>there are people who have THIS poor comprehension skills

>> No.7959443

atheists were in the first circle dummy
its called limo circle 1 and all the greek philosophers live there together in a frat

>> No.7959453

Dante was sick. I mean Divine Comedy=not funny, hello? I thought it was the fucking best comedy of all time, thats why they named it Divine

>> No.7959991
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>> No.7960504


>> No.7960506


>> No.7960511

>not understanding the differences between the early definition of comedy and the current definition

>> No.7960529


> not understanding the meme

>> No.7960583

sounds like a plan anon,
where are we going to do this?

>> No.7960587

>using meme unironically

>> No.7960629

What do you think of Symbolism in visual art, then?

>> No.7960644


It's a shit fucking series with an edgelord title that says "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME!!"

>> No.7960649

>Plato's ideal society is an elitist dictatorship

That's exactly what a Republic is.

>> No.7960654

Who cares?

Gays being tortured is always funny. That's why Dahmer is the greatest SK of all time. Not only did he torture, fuck, and eat faggots but he got caught and got a broom stick shoved up his ass and killed in prison.


>> No.7961102


> using unironically
> using this meme
> the whole board is a library of memes

>> No.7961120
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>> No.7961187

Why wasn't this book written in Latin?

>> No.7961204

No better. Allegory is okay, but symbolism is absolutely autistic.

>> No.7961804

Have you even read it? The Greedy have to push boulders up a hill, only for it to roll back down when they near the top, they're not rolling boulders at each other.

It's symbolic for them constantly searching for greater wealth, yet never finding enough to satisfy them, as they desire to be richer the richer they get. Hence when they near the top of the hill, the boulder rolls back down, stopping them from ever reaching the satisfaction of getting that to the top. They're also surrounded by gold, which symbolises how pointless and worthless wealth is in spiritual terms.

Dante's depiction of hell is largely based around depriving sinners of what was their great sin. Lust is pretty much whatever turns you off most, in your face forever, Wrath is (mostly) them being trapped in a cold swamp, completely unable to take out their frustrations on anything at all, and greed is what I defined above.

>> No.7961951

Well, according to the Book of Mormon...

>> No.7961974

>The hobbit
>No man named Robert bites anyone

>> No.7962519

This is an amazing shitpost

>> No.7962547

>The Odyssey
>main characters name is Odysseus

come on

>> No.7962632
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This post is so shitty, I can't understand how anyone couldn't like it.

>> No.7962654

>Life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman

Come on man.

>> No.7962656


>> No.7962657


>> No.7962704

>not knowing anything: The Post
It's because it's the typical thematic comedy structure: Shit start that gets better as the text goes on. Git gud or git rekt, son of a bitch.

>> No.7962814

but it was funny

>> No.7962976

This was good bait.

>> No.7962979

Ah yes, the Divine Comedy
Written by my favorite author: the Divine Comedian.

>> No.7963132

Fucking idiot those were the virtuose ancient who did not know jesus

>> No.7963175

Have you ingested some cannabis mate?

>> No.7963411

>being this autistic

>> No.7963419

It's incomprehensibly lazy and retarded. "This sculpture of a man jerking it symbolizes the plight of dirt farmers in the middle east." No. The only thing is symbolizes is a man jerking it.

>> No.7963422

>No small pieces of ham

>> No.7963457

>Grapes of wrath
>No anger inducing grapes in entire novel. Waiting all day for that witchcraft

>> No.7963541

Actually kys.

>> No.7963543

Stop posting now.

>> No.7963642


>> No.7963876

>>>/sci/ is that way, imbecile.

>> No.7963887


I actually laughed at the fist part

>> No.7963970

kok tep

>> No.7964077

Is Divine Comedy any good actually

>> No.7964093

this is such a great fucking post and im a bit upset about no one getting it

>> No.7964562

I found it very hard to read, with the occasional pay off that I understood, but I'm an idiot

>> No.7964614

Jesus christ what a bunch of retards.

>> No.7965051

>doesn't understand the meme

>> No.7965057

>crime and punishment
>plot is exactly as described in title
thanks based dostoyevsky

>> No.7965060

>don quixote
>not about the mafia

>dead souls
>no mention of capra demon

>> No.7965123

Of course it requires a divine mind for the comedy to happen.
The plot was self-referencing the title.
Its infinite for God.
If this post is mentioning mein Kampf hitler was talking about his.childhood
The three musketeers were the main characters.
Steinback was of course, metonamising the classic phrase "through the grapevine". The title literally heard wrath through grapes.
Gatsby's legacy was great.

Come on /lit/, comprehension should be a given here.

>> No.7965173

Are you faggots dense?
Why do so many think that that post is referencing mein kampf?

>> No.7965297

>autism speaks: the post
not everyone is American anon...

>> No.7965303

>non sequiteur: the post

>> No.7965351

only two people said Hitler and Im sure one was joking (spoiler: not this one >>79651239)

>> No.7965379
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>taking the joke literally.

>> No.7965385

It's not a non-sequitur if it's possible to deduce the related conclusion. I am German so mein Kampf translates to my struggle in English. It's common knowledge at this point.

my conditional statement here >>7965123
supposes that post was talking about Hitler. It's supposed because that anon might have been confused at the time of his writing since "My Struggle" typically references "Mein Kampf". Hence the condition.

You're autistic for assuming for everyone who assumes it's not OK to assume the book assumed to be by Hitler, by another anon is dense in the head. You clearly fit the definition of autism.

>> No.7965407

I laughed harder at this than any of the other, objectively funny comments in this thread.

>> No.7965451

Why would you just assume that someone has translated the name into another language for no reason, when my struggle isn't the title, mein kampf is. If I made a joke about a book with an english title, would you immediately translate it to german and start looking for a completely different book?

Also, no-one thinks Hitler was Norwegian.