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7941762 No.7941762 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the most depressed writer to ever live?

>> No.7941802
File: 9 KB, 250x238, vPAvtn2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hear Cioran is supposed to be this deep figure of infinite pathos
>read his stuff and about him
>just endless livejournal whining
>constantly taking cringy pictures of himself looking sad

>> No.7941813

Apparently he enjoyed life. He was just really pessimistic. He's like those nihilists who go full "YOLO" instead of whining.

>> No.7941836
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Not sure, but he's writing certainly puts him as the most cynical. But beyond that, and more essentially, his ideas have no holes, he follows them to their Natural conclusions. His insights are actually uplifting.

Though, given his propensity for purple prose, coupled with his educated thoughts, indicates a lot to the contrary. Delightful, witty, self-indulgent, and above all marvelously superfluous. God bless his soul.

>> No.7941961
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He at least had a gf.
>yfw gf.

>> No.7941992

If Sartre can get a gf anyone can get a gf.

>> No.7942011
File: 87 KB, 994x374, phil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mainlander hung himself with a stack of copies of his published work for a footstool.

>> No.7942014
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>He at least had a gf.

>> No.7942019

Hitler was one of the greater artists of the past century.

>> No.7942024
File: 1.99 MB, 390x241, hitlertsundre.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was pretty good looking in my opinion.

>> No.7942025

Premium bait.

>> No.7942028

Not even.

>> No.7942031

nice one reddit

>> No.7942032

>Even Hitler had a girlfriend
Hitler was alpha as fuck and the most desirable man in Germant when he was on top. Retarded picture.

>> No.7942033


nice bait man i almost wrote a serious reply but then i realized that would have been stupid haha well memed friend nice memes haha

>> No.7942037

of course not. he let it all out straight, he thus lived a happy married life.

>> No.7942038
File: 75 KB, 468x569, article-2170448-13F8D224000005DC-152_468x569.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That smile.

>> No.7942039

Yeah, you're right. Giving women the vote was a mistake, because if it wasn't for women getting wet gashes when he held speeches, he would never have been elected.

>> No.7942040

>edgy 12 year old who knows nothing about Hitler
The guy was a complete beta.
Seriously, read a fucking book.

>> No.7942043

If only Hitler God rid of Christians too.

>> No.7942052

On Leopardi's unrequited love and loneliness

>"Against Leopardi, then, the house of love was doubly barred. When he was about nineteen, he watched the usual young girl who lives over the way, and with a naivete which seems exquisitely pathetic he made no sign, but simply watched and loved. The young lady does not appear to have been in any way conscious of the mutely shy adoration which her beauty had fanned into flame, and at any rate paid no attention to the sickly dwarf across the street. She sat very placidly at her window, or else fluttered about the room humming some old-fashioned air. This went on for a year or more, until finally she was carried away in a rumbling coach, to become the willing bride of another"

>> No.7942067

Obama kills ppl daily, what does it matter? 1000 deaths, 1000000 deaths, what's the difference? I don;t think there is such a thing as 'jews'. Hitler killed people. They were people in those gas chambers.

Besides, in Zen they say, there is no difference between life and death. So what does it matter? Everyone just needs to relax and chill and analyze things calmly.

>> No.7942072

>The guy was a complete beta
Pretty much. I found it funny in Huxley's Island that the characters used Hitler as their example of the "Peter Pan" type of young boy who is so beta in his youth that he becomes a sociopath in his adulthood. Hitler was a fucking nerd, if he'd grown up in the present he (along with a few other famous Nazis) would have been weeaboos.

>> No.7942168


>> No.7942188
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Fuckin' weeaboos. The worst. Just the worst. They all look exactly like they'd be fuckin' weeaboos, too. God damn. Fuckin' weeaboos.

Goebbels definitely would have been a fuckin' weeaboo. Definitely.

>> No.7942348



>> No.7942394

I see I've touched a nerve. Did you cry when Alucard came back to life?

>> No.7942400

This thread is a mess.

>> No.7942975

I guess its my fault, only >>7942052 got my joke. If only Hitler posting would stop.

>> No.7943007

I don't think 'beta' can be properly applied to dictators.

>> No.7943029

Robert Plant isn't dead chump

>> No.7943073

No, I am.

>> No.7943111

he was a beta when he was younger (the thread where OP posted several excerpts from his friend's memoirs of hitler when he was a young man was one of the best /lit/ threads ever) but the unchallenged dictator of one of the 3 strongest countries in the world is a super alpha no matter what.

>> No.7943123
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>> No.7943130

>white male
Nope. He can't feel sad. It's physically impossible.

(this was sarcasm)

>> No.7943148

>just endless livejournal whining

you are like an old man saying rock music it's just noise

>> No.7943157

ha! Nice post

>> No.7943182


I really wonder about her, how he even managed that. There is an interview or two, but I haven't been through the process of translating that.

I romantacize the idea of a quiet hermit edgelord who manages to attract and keep a gf of many years, while they pass the time, waiting to die, so to speak. Isn't that supposed to repulse a woman? What did she think of him? Why did she stay? Was it his previous success, that he then sat on? What good is it to a woman if she can't show it off somehow?

Did Cioran possess a big dick or something that we don't know about?

Her name was Simone Boue.

>> No.7943208
File: 51 KB, 600x320, 7725.mariotwins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do know that people can love each other just for their own sake. You don't have to be successful or have a big dick to be loved, but if you think that's the case, you probably aren't going to attract anyone to you. I feel really sorry for all the guys on here that are so cynical and jaded when it comes to relationships. I'm married to a great girl in a phd program who loves me even though I work at red lobster. Maybe I'm just extremely lucky, but I don't want people to think women are shitty on the whole just because they haven't found the girl for them.

>> No.7943212

That requires having the ability to form and maintain a relationship, something most people on here lack, for whatever reason.

>> No.7943275

can be that thread in the archives?. im interested

>> No.7943283

I think it's a self perpetuating thing. Guy can't get a girlfriend or female friends in general, and so sees women as an unattainable other, alternately idealizing them and thinking they are somewhat subhuman because of his frustration at being unable to get one. This lack of awareness that women are just regular fucking people, only they don't have dicks, causes women to avoid them like the plague. Yada Yada Yada ">tfw no gf"

>> No.7943649


>> No.7944217

Edgar fucking Alan Poe

>> No.7945055

I think Sylvia Path wins this contest. She cooked herself alive. She was only thirty too, just depressing.

Edgy Allan Poe come 2nd.

>> No.7945062

Look at him posing like that for the cameras, looking as sad as he can like a guitarist making the most difficult chord with their hand. Poseur. Fake. Fraud, venerable.

>> No.7945071

god damn judith butler didn't age well

>> No.7945073

>mental illness is measurable

>> No.7945109

Pretty much.

Also people here don't seem to understand that Cioran might not have had a lot of money but he was funny, entertaining and smart. He loved to talk with artists and intellectuals so he had a lot to say. He never writes about her but in some interviews and articles I've read about him it says that he would entertain his writer friends in his apartment and she was cool with that and liked their discussions.

>> No.7945139
File: 476 KB, 1024x768, clement book tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

depressive realism is real
normieism is mental illness

>> No.7945143

Pretended depth is retarded.

>> No.7945213

How can you be happy if the world is full of evil.

>> No.7945220

Nobody's happy.

>> No.7945414

its real though

>> No.7945418


>> No.7945436


>> No.7945450


>> No.7945469

mirin eyeliner

>> No.7945487

Yes, but one can also assume that you have to let her sleep with black and mexican men whenever she pleases.

Unless of course, you are yourself black or mexican, in which case you are a living sex toy, a primitive curiosity and a pet project.

>> No.7945731

I think instilling yourself as absolute dictator and conquering most of Europe exempts you from beta status.