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7928268 No.7928268 [Reply] [Original]

What is the correct answer to the trolley problem?

>> No.7928270

jus b urself

>> No.7928273


>> No.7929533

Someone please post the image

>> No.7929567
File: 534 KB, 1920x1080, 1460663929156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trolley problem
>correct answer
pick one

>> No.7929595

Seeing as consequentialism is correct, the answer is obvious.

>> No.7929616

Genius pic senpai

>> No.7929621
File: 121 KB, 1102x720, n0H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>"Well, you know that the purest morality comes when an action is done with pure intent, hugh. Any decision will be right based on your will."

>"Oh, hi Mark. isn't philosophy cool huuugh."

>> No.7929730


>> No.7929735
File: 126 KB, 959x573, trolley1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7929747
File: 277 KB, 1465x546, trolley2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7929771

You close your eyes and imagine yourself on a lovely tropical island.

>> No.7929786
File: 168 KB, 689x475, image_3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the trolley problem is easy. You go ahead pull the switch. If I were the man tied to a railroad track, I would accept my death as consequence of saving more people. So I hope if I were pulling the switch, the man on the tracks would have that same mindset. I think a harder problem is if the only way to stop the trolley were to push another bystander in front of it. In that case, the loss of human life is the same, but pushing a man into a trolley seems so much worse. Why can I rationalize one but not the other?

>> No.7929793
File: 88 KB, 553x509, 1007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

end justifies the means

>> No.7929807

>If I were the man tied to a railroad track, I would accept my death as consequence of saving more people.
These words mean pretty much nothing coming from someone who's not tied on a railroad track.

>> No.7929816

Yeah, that's a good book

>> No.7929847

>I think a harder problem is if the only way to stop the trolley were to push another bystander in front of it. In that case, the loss of human life is the same, but pushing a man into a trolley seems so much worse. Why can I rationalize one but not the other?
Why wouldn't you just jump in front of the trolley yourself, then?

>> No.7929858
File: 212 KB, 506x632, 1439479571032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Multitrack drifting

>> No.7929867
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It doesn't even matter.

>> No.7929882

What if I'm too much of a skinny twink and the train would just run right over me like a fly?

>> No.7929904
File: 162 KB, 1199x869, 140522630784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the correct answer

>> No.7929913

I would let her pull my lever

>> No.7930091
File: 984 KB, 3180x2088, 1458948420356.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7930122

get on the tracks

>> No.7930155

The correct answer is not to switch.
You have a much higher chance of ridding the world of another feminist that way.

>> No.7930163

Illustrates the problem differently but efficiently. Choosing Lane A saves more people = less people dead = more people happy = """righteous""""" choice.

>> No.7930199

mocking laughter

>> No.7930216

I've thought about it a lot actually and I've come to the conclusion that not pulling it is correct.
You can tell from the fact that they're alive and clothed that they're not willing to give up their lives or even their wealth to help many others (eg organ donation, money to charity) so why would any one of them have the right to ask a single person to sacrifice his life for the greater good?
The best you can hope for in a society which commends and allows self protection is punishment for whomever tied them up.

>> No.7930219


Sorry you're not getting laid.

>> No.7930228

The same number of people die either way if that track extends indefinitely, because a subset of an infinite set is also infinite. This is why it's okay to kill anyone.

>> No.7930229

What if you impose manifold horrors on the survivors leaving them forever crippled by their traumatic memories? Wouldn't going for the tracks with more bodies decrease the overall unhappiness? Even better try some multi track drifting.

>> No.7930252
File: 1022 KB, 395x309, GoFuckYourself.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pull that mothafucking trolley switch.
I'm not gonna let 5-1 peeples die.

>> No.7930267

answer is kill fat people.

>> No.7930380

The one on the top right is a legitimately interesting modification

>> No.7930385

That there's no answer, it trascends human thought so it would be foolish to try to give a correct answer.

t.Generic chinese philosopher

>> No.7930388

Sure, if you value death over unhappiness.

>> No.7930392

Bull freakin' shiz.

>> No.7930393

Choose the option that kills less ammount of people, it's the logical choice.

>> No.7930426

this to be honest family

>> No.7930524

What economic incentive is there to pull/ not pull ?(I'm a Libertarian)

>> No.7930534

i guess it depends if u a capitalist or a proletarian...if u pull and the five dudes get squished the labor supply is reduced putting upward pressure on wages, so if u are a worker u want the most carnage possible, but of u are a capitalist u want the fewest deaths so u can have more workers for less cost...kind of weird how that works out

>> No.7930548
File: 165 KB, 800x600, trolly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trolleyposting is my favorite

>> No.7930572

For the purposes of this bit, I am a bitter satire of a Libertarian who doesn't care about the greater good and is only interested in my own short term gain. I guess saving five people would distribute the possibility of a reward better. But I don't want to perform labior for free if I am not certain that I will be remunerated in kind. I think I will destroy the tracks in a Ayn Randian gesture of defiance, the people tied to the tracks are parasites dragging me down, bro.

>> No.7930580

The trolley question is the ultimate spook-revealer

Of course you pull it so it switches to the line with 2 guys

>> No.7930587

extra credit: do u give the death penalty to the guy who tied them up and put them on tracks?

>> No.7930588

don't touch the lever and walk away. I refuse to assume responsiblity over this event

>> No.7930595

irl if i saw that i'd call the cops and hope the 911 operator tells me to wait for the police, like when someone falls in the subway tracks in nyc, do u risk ur life to pull them up or like come up with an excuse not help