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/lit/ - Literature

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7896852 No.7896852 [Reply] [Original]

Let your hate fly. Reasons optional.

>> No.7896865

I hate you for not loving Kafka.

>> No.7896883

Nabokov stupid ugly face keeps me from taking anything that he says seriously

>> No.7897323

Fuck everything written after 1968

>> No.7897335

Fuck everything ever written. As soon as a letter is written down it becomes shite. Fuck the Mesopotamians, Chinese, and Mayans for independently inventing the concept of writing.

>> No.7897340

I fucking hate symbolism. It is the most autistic and lazy thing possible in writing. Oh, and also over analyzing shit is for faggots.

>> No.7897341

prose fiction is fucking retarded shit. as a medium of conveying knowledge it's incredibly primitive and inefficient compared to essays and treatises. as art it's inferior to poetry as verse is necessarily more aesthetically pleasing. what is the point even

>> No.7897344

>Oh, and also over analyzing shit is for faggots
what is the difference between overanalyzing, analyzing, and underanalyzing desu

>> No.7897351


DFW was a pathetic hack who couldn't handle getting up in the morning. Maybe if he had gotten a regular job like a functional adult, he wouldn't have had to make a depressing career out of convincing the right people that his diarrhea on paper was worth something.

>> No.7897450

People analyzing others' writings.
In particular, I mean taking ten minutes to explain a simple thing that happened, describing to one's self or others why a character did something, even though they're just fictional characters and not real people, crap like that.

>> No.7897477

ok dis bait

>> No.7897707

That's hardly the good sort of literary analysis though, as in, it really doesn't put the language first. This is autistic tvtropes plot focused drivel

>> No.7897727

I'm beginning to develop a hatred towards people who live good lives eithout having to work for it.

I know that's just how the world is, some people are born into good homes, have good childhoods, are more attractive, etc.
Still anger is growing inside me, it just feels so unfair.
It's really unhealthy and I'm trying to get over it, but I'm just pissed now, especially when I hear another unchallenged easy-goer complaining about his/her petty problems

>> No.7898436

I wont to go outside and people's heads in with a bat. They're all a bunch of scared apes, tracing an abyss not with bravery, but through ignorance. Fuck them and the terrible world they've created.

>> No.7898860

Books praised as good because of good writing/deep meaning but are boring as shit.

>> No.7898872

i hate david foster wallace is every halfway intelligent persons entrance into contemporary literature when there immensely better choices for books published in the late 90's let alone the rest of the time he wrote.

>> No.7898924

I hate you, retard.

>> No.7898931

I hate Dostoevsky and his sentimental, self-important garbage. When someone tells me they love Dostoevsky, or worse that he is among their favorite authors, I immediately know their tastes are middlebrow at best, that they're shallow and have no real interest in literature.

Just... fuck Dostoevsky. Fuck his readers.

>> No.7898933

What is your opinion on Tolstoy?

>> No.7898937

I hate everything written before 2600 BC.

>> No.7898939

I hate 1984

>> No.7898943

what happened in 1968

>> No.7898954


>> No.7898961

Vietnam yo. Hippies n shit

>> No.7898965

Zadie Smith and Junot Diaz make me irrationally angry.
Zadie Smith's work always feels vaguely smug, like some girl who spent her whole being told how great and clever and she is.
Junot Diaz is a prick(personal experience), and is really a shit tier example of Latino literature that is highly overrated. I think if I had another shitty encounter with him I would take a swing.

>> No.7898966

so basically a normal 4chan thread

>> No.7898968

I have people who are happy. I hate people who are too stupid to think critically about facts that should make them upset.
Instead they just brush it off. They don't even try to comprehend it and don't grasp things even the tiniest amount.
It must be so easy worrying about your job and what what you will have for dinner. I wish suicide really was a way out.

>> No.7898969

Science fiction and fantasy are garbage genres for garbage people. I haven't read one "classic" in either that was worth the paper it was printed on and wasn't written at a grade school level.

I'm sure there are some great books that I haven't read, to make those the primary focus of your reading as so many people do is pathetic. Really, learning that someone reads is into any genre fiction at all makes me respect them less than if they didn't read at all.

>> No.7898974

oh thought there was a specific book or something

>> No.7898976

Gatsby is shit. It's so goddamn boring.

>> No.7899000

his pathetic attempts at moralizing and the disgusting nature of the things he writes about make me want to vomit

>> No.7899001

>the disgusting nature of the things he writes about
Gtfo, moralfag

>> No.7899004

>look how cool I am
>a true man only reads nonfiction
>Books are only good if they're incredibly well written
>there more boring the better

>> No.7899616
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Prose is for pedants. Everything else about a book is more important, even the plot, and prose should only serve to better communicate it. The reason nobody ever discusses prose is because no one really gives a shit about it.

PS: poetry fucking blows, and it is good that it should become throughly extinct, instead of moribund.

>> No.7899619

You're trying too hard.

>> No.7899624
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I'm not trying.

>> No.7899668

>Prose is for pedants.
>Poetry fucking blows
Lol, radical dude.

>> No.7899669

go fuck yourself.

>> No.7899689

I hate philistines.

>> No.7899690
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What happened during your interaction with him? People seem to overlook that he left latin america as a very young child and barely grasps the culture there.

>> No.7899698
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Agree 100%. I don’t care how finely crafted the prose is, if the writer fails to entertain me, they DO NOT WRITE WELL. This is not a dichotomy either, there are entertaining plots written with elegant prose.

>> No.7899707

You should be able to enjoy finely crafted prose on it's own, you're just a pleb.

>> No.7899711
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I only enjoy it coupled with a story. One example of prose and plot tied nicely is Suttree. Like pairing cream with coffee is necessary for many people.

>> No.7899724

i hate processes

>> No.7899725

I truly hate any and all attitudes or beliefs that differ from my own, as an when I encounter them and dependant on what mine appear to me to be at that time. I think this is true of all people.

>> No.7899729

took me awhile.

>> No.7899749


Millennials who are incapable of delaying gratification, and furthermore belive that the cause for the feeling of boredom lies in the external object rather than in themselves.

Then again, hate is too strong a word. Annoyance is more fitting.

>> No.7899751


Could you throw a few titles my way? DFW is almost the only 90's literature I have read.

>> No.7899760


Chastising people for being middlebrow on /lit/ is an example of self-contained performative hypocricy.

I quite liked The Idiot, as well as The Gambler and The Eternal Husband.

Care to put a few words on why you hate The Brothers Karamazov?

>> No.7899764


Check out Knausgård grampa

>> No.7899771


Thanks for the chuckle. You realize you are a ridiculous edgelord, and sound like a sullen high school teen, do you not?

>> No.7899778


You realize that what you deem stupidity, that is, not whining about the same things you do, actually makes people happier and gives them better function in their day-to-day life? Calling it stupidity seems like a misnomer. I think I would rather call it not being a whiny little bitch.

>> No.7899787


It becomes obvious due to your choice of picture. Had you made the exact same post without Joyce, I would have taken the bait.

>> No.7899814

Fuck that shit symbol "E". If any of you faggots apply that symbol in your writing, you cannot link your mind with that of an artistic author.

>> No.7899843

So? Hate isn't dignified.

>> No.7899846

eat shit

>> No.7899847


So nothing, and boy are you right. Hate is undignified, especially the impotent kind expressed ITT

>> No.7899858

Top counter argument lads, bet you spent a long while choosing your words.

'Obvious'? The only thing obvious here is your blind admiration.

>> No.7899874
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>He reads an english translation of Kafka

>> No.7899889
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So, what do you want me to do? What was the point of your posts? Why are you in this thread? Is there any way in which we can be terrible people that pleases you, your highness? Or are you just being to be a cunt yourself?

>> No.7899906

I've told this before on here, so inb4 someone says I'm just repeating the story
When I was in undergrad, shortly before Oscar Wao came out, he came to my school for a reading. We have a pretty well respected MFA program attached, and they were the ones that brought him their and paid him. He gets up there, and unprompted begins to talk shit about MFAs, the people who literally just paid his reading fee. Beforehand, he also agreed to let the student news record the reading on cameras. They were staying off to the side, quietly doing their thing. Throughout the evening he directs snide remarks at them, and tries to act like he never gave them permission to film. ON TOP of all of that, he didn't read a very long piece at all, so he took up most of the time with random rambling and bitching about white people, how we don't care about latino culture, etc. Little undergrad me did nothing about it, but he still rustles me to this day. Smug cunt.
And, I know if I ever did take swing at him I would be seen as a racist, and as being jealous of his greater success.

>> No.7899909
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>He cares about what other people read.

>> No.7899982
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I don't know how someone can physically bring themselves to writes something like this. It took me over an hour to read the last twenty pages because of how sick it made me feel and how little I wanted to continue reading. I don't understand why his son would put up with his sick perversions and allow it to be translated.

>> No.7900056

Based Wordsworth, kill yourself my man.

>> No.7900073

pretty much. The Western Cultural Revolution was a mistake and has ruined art, music, and literature.

>> No.7900077
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>> No.7900081

symbolism is awful
however I do like to analyze

>> No.7900083

me too man

>> No.7900141

B8 detected

>> No.7900327

>hating on Kafka

Spotted the virgin

>> No.7900431

College HR departments suck dick. Underage crazy girls can ruin people's lives and need to suffer an eternity in hell for their lies.
Robert borski blows.
Postmodernism is a bad joke.
Everyone in charge in the boomer generation is an incompetent overprivileged piece of shit they have shit on everything.

>> No.7900485
File: 452 KB, 1871x2560, ij.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7900496


Author here. Sincerely not bait.

>> No.7900500

i hate this cover
its obnoxious

>> No.7901020

I don't hate people like that. I envy them, and I hate myself for not being them, but I don't hate them. I think everyone has the right to be happy, even if they get that shit on a platinum platter, getting angry at someone for having what I want is just petty on my part.

I'm happy for them. I'm happy that they have what they do, that they get to be attractive, to live exciting lives and be interesting people, more power to them. But when I'm around them, I hate, I hate so god damn much, I don't hate them, but I hate me. Why am I so weak, ugly and stupid? Maybe I deserve to be. Maybe useless scum like me should just cease being. I'm just irrelevant filth on the boot of people who matter, powerless to change. It isn't unfair, it's just that I am disgusting and a being like me has no right to even pretend I'm entitled to anything in this world I do not earn.

>> No.7901040


It's such a nice cover. Why do you hate it?

>> No.7901059

Another author here. Books are best when something in the book pushes you through without having you get bored. An actual entertaining book.

>> No.7901071

Don Delillo is boring af

>> No.7901094

I really feel bad about it, but I hate black men. I feel threatened every time I walk past one. Maybe it's just the area that I live in, but all of the black men here dress like - and seem to look up to - criminals, and (perhaps related) violent crime where I live is overwhelmingly committed by black men. I get along fine with black women, but I hate black men. Is there any literature that would help me change this?

>> No.7901096

I agree. all the infinite jest covers blow though.

>> No.7901110
File: 23 KB, 216x324, Black-Man-In-Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you went into an office building and saw a guy like in the pic, would you feel threatened?
If you answered no that's good.

Don't feel bad about hating those black thug guys because it probably is less about their skin color and more about the way they act.
It is good to be on edge when in public anyway.

>> No.7901139

I wouldn't feel threatened by him, so I guess that's encouraging. Come to think of it, I feel threatened by white and Asian and Latino men who dress like those black men, so it does probably have more to do with behaviour and choices than race - it's just a sort-of coincidence that most of the people like that in my area are black.

In a broader sense, and in keeping with the topic of the thread, I hate anti-intellectual culture. It drives me insane when people criticise me for even implying that some art is better than other art (although I don't retaliate or argue because I'm polite, and I try to avoid the topic altogether for the same reason), or that science beyond basic physics and math beyond arithmetic should be taught to everybody in school. It frightens me to see how school children hate art and science, and how culture never straightens them out (or sometimes even encourages their distaste), so they go through their entire lives hating knowledge and ideas in general.

>> No.7901202

I hate tomatoes, I cannot eat one without gagging and spitting it out. However, I love ketchup and pizza.

>> No.7901216

Hemingway's ability to say absolutely nothing is applaudable.

>> No.7901227


Uh-huh. To that I'll say that books with beautiful prose and deep meaning can only be seen as boring by idiots who lack the capacity to appreciate those things.

>> No.7901257

>I hate anti-intellectual culture. It drives me insane when people criticise me for even implying that some art is better than other art (although I don't retaliate or argue because I'm polite, and I try to avoid the topic altogether for the same reason), or that science beyond basic physics and math beyond arithmetic should be taught to everybody in school. It frightens me to see how school children hate art and science, and how culture never straightens them out (or sometimes even encourages their distaste), so they go through their entire lives hating knowledge and ideas in general.

blame the marxists. they did this.

>> No.7901276

How so?

Not arguing, legitimately curious. I don't know much about Marxism.

>> No.7901277

Bollocks, he has plenty to say

>> No.7901304

cultural pessimism and ideological subversion

disconnect people from their culture, turn the population into a hivemind that looks down upon intellectual expansion, willingly discrediting or changing history to fit political goals, self censoring and limiting expression because of political correctness, etc.

There are people who intentionally try to rip apart our culture so they can gain more power and influence. Shits fucked. During ww1, a bunch of marxists all though that the war would be the catalyst to start all the communist revolutions in west europe and they were wrong because they found that people were more willing to rally around their culture, nationality, and ideological identity than their work place or occupation (which isnt difficult to understand desu), so the marxists decided that they needed to get rid of people's strong cultural ties and invented critical theory to erode at a nation's culture. End goal is something like Chinese cultural revolution or soviet union cultural suppression because it means people's only unity left is their occupations and the state.

>> No.7901313

He means the left wingers who believe that all cultures are equal and that they should all be valued.
The people who fly communist flag and such hardly know what it means.
They're the kind of people who think that putting artists' shit in cans (literally) is a good work of art.

>> No.7901317

I hate Stendhal.

>> No.7901324
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>> No.7901391

This makes sense, thanks. I'd never associated that with Marx - like I said, I don't know much about him. I don't understand how anybody thinks that that sort of culture is a good thing. It seems comically evil to me.

>> No.7901451

I preferred the End of Alice desu. Lolidom is the kink of the gods.

T.S. Eliot gets on my nerves. He seems so hackish, but there's something else in his poetry I can't pin down and people seem to love him for it. The Wasteland was pretty good though.

>> No.7901464

There are a lot of good books and writers from after 1968.

>> No.7901470
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Great ideas.
Horrible prose.

>> No.7901593
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>mfw someone praises the prose of an author they haven't ever read in the original language

>> No.7901639

See, this is my main problem with Kafka, as many good writers as german has I just don't have the time to learn it and I know translations don't do justice because of how different the structure can be. Can you sor of explain how the difference feels in terms of prose between the original and an english translation?

>> No.7901670

For me the use of the of the letter "I" would be a far greater offense. True art can only be crated sans that ugly symbol.

>> No.7901692

I think you've missed the point. Shelley was the romanticist's response to Voltaire's rational enlightenment. Her prose is extremely well intended and cognizant to that of her contemporaries. I believe it was to utilize the discourse of rationalist dialect (something that was highly prided) to explain her values in the romanticist's ethos, in a hint of irony, and that reflects in her writing.

>> No.7901713

I felt the same as you until I realize their weakness. They're soft, fleshy, and non-calloused. Their lives are predictable and infantile by their complacency to comfort. It's as if they've never left the womb and are thus always searching for the perpetual warmth and comforts of mother. But, I've grown hungry in hunting, and thus have become tactful and clever. I can hide and conceal my intentions, because I'm weary of challenges and well-tried. These people are transparent and shallow because they've never needed to develop much further. And because of that, I don't envy them. I look at them as marks, to be used to my benefit. That is where you're failing to live.

>> No.7901727

People aren't idiots, they're just conditioned to behaviors that reflect what you'd consider idiotic (or, as I believe, shallow). The real idiot is the one who knows more, but is unwilling to act better; Hence, an author who has the capacity to reach an audience but refuses to adjust his work for the pretenses of his vain notions of artistry. And what is art if not appreciated by its audience?

>> No.7901740

david wallace's work goes over the head of 95% of this board

>> No.7901747

>any genre fiction
What about Le Guin? Have you tried The Dispossessed? I agree though, most of it is crap.

>> No.7901780

he had a job tho

>> No.7901809

I hate people like yall who hate people who are happier / more "privileged." I think you are pathetic angsty teenage fucks who can't even pick up a dumbbell let alone a girl or a job. I think you cope with your misery by dismissing happiness out of hand as a spook. I also think you compensate for your own stupidity and ignorance by doggedly pointing it out in others. Time will mellow your anger with wisdom. Until that day, I will live a awesome life just to spite you.

>> No.7901811
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Michael Chrichton chooses his next book by skimming pop science/tech advances and then vilifies them and coasts on the success of the Jurassic franchise

literally a Luddite hack

>> No.7901823
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I only want you to know you can take the training wheels off your bicycle.

>> No.7901833
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>I hate people like yall who hate people who

>> No.7901836

Is it not O.K. to be a Luddite?

>> No.7901841

the fact that your worldview is shared, legitimized, and eventually normalized on webpages around the world, is why we have school shootings. back in the old days society would send you to the coal mines or the asylum. now we let you sit on a computer until you get hold of a firearm. true, you didn't ask to be born, but neither did those kids in Burkina Faso or Syria, except they're not bitching about it

>> No.7901847

you're like angry-Soflo who cuts off the referenced video after 1 second and thinks this proves a point

>> No.7901856

The whole post was retarded. I just picked a specific example to sufficiently represent its retardedness. It just so happens that the passage I chose was the very first string of words you used.

>> No.7901860

whatever you need to tell yourself, angry teen

>> No.7901874

Anti-technology societies are inevitably outcompeted by those with less romanticized views

Luddites can be kind of charming, but for a society to share those values very much is harmful

>> No.7901879

Look up the Dunning-Kruger Effect. I think it might aid you in understanding your condition.

>> No.7901886

here's a counterargument for you
>I R 8 0 / 8

>> No.7901887

>except they're not bitching about it

Yes, they absolutely are, just not on Mongolian cartoon imageboards

>> No.7901905

dk refers to skills. i think you better check urself before throwing random names around. regardless you're a angryboy and im glad im not you

>> No.7901915

>you're a angryboy

am not

>> No.7901916

You should do it anyway but before you get arrested leave a handwritten copy of this paragraph on his unconscious person.

>> No.7901931

>there's something else in his poetry I can't pin down and people seem to love him for it
you mean talent?

>> No.7901976

Be cautious when someone anonymously states source-less material over the internet. His statement is incredibly one-sided and shallow. Revisionism and critical theory are actually responsible for deeper interpretations of history, as we see the implicit political bias of dominant authorities that created and mold contemporary societies. "Cultural Pessimism" reflects our growing understanding of authority and exploitation over people and citizens in ways that we once held to be sacred and true, as these systems of power were divinely and rightfully inspired; but, today we now understand that this not so, and thus may view the collective history of some cultures and societies pessimistically, though that does not mean we're not optimistic for a better future. His whole "leverage for power" thing is right, in the sense that these ideas are gaining a larger foothold outside of academia and are now becoming more prominent in mainstream culture at large. You can find lectures about what this jackass is saying on YouTube about how cultural marxism is the decay of society and that we need to revert back to Christianity, but when you listen beyond ten minutes you realize it's a lot of propagated ignorance, like a southern grandpa suggesting we segregate schools and water fountains again.

>> No.7901982

Oh, I got that.
Doesn't mean I like it, or at least how it was presented.

>> No.7901995

It is truly sad, all of these well read people and this board still consists of nothing but hateful neckbeards giving in to their base human nature. The constant desire to be superior to the point where they will feign elitism, to focus on what others have rather than making anything for themselves, to blame all of their woes on external influences forgetting that their woes belong to them alone. They haven't gained any real wisdom, simply more words to parrot with which they use to justify their pathetic actions or mental gymnastics to online.

>> No.7902017

School shootings have been going on way before the internet, you stupid shit. And what the fuck do I care if some little shit is crying for his momma on the other side of the planet? Why shouldn't it make me angry that with all the bullshit this society has constructed people are still fucking miserable? Why is it MY fault that all this shit is making ME sick you fucking asshole? Do you think I like being this way? Do you think it's fucking gratifying to be around hundreds of people I don't know, which I will never know, which just by being next to them I need to treat as fucking objects, and they do the same and they come back from their monotonous and pointless jobs devastated, and go back to their little houses in a neighbourhood that might as well be deserted because people don't get out of their little cement cubes, and they go through the streets like they're in the middle of the jungle because the schizophrenic fucking news have rotted it into their brains that the world, this world made of other people, for people, is trying to rape, rob and murder them, oh but it's OKAY, just buy this uselless shit, or fuck some cute slut you don't care about, or destroy your brain with some chemical, and they don't EVEN SEE IT, they don't even REALIZE that they are contributing to this stupid, dumb, heartless fucking SHIT, and they are killing themselves for THE THINGS THAT SHOULD MAKE THEM HAPPY.

I want to be good goddamnit, I really do. But all they will let me be is an animal.

>> No.7902019
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Lels, I love faggots like you.

See, I make an effort to approach the world, and people, with joy and curiosity. While I feel things like anger and hate, I dismiss them because they cause me feel ugliness and displeasure.

I work hard, and I try my very best. I do this in seeking my own praise of me; I don't do this in spite of losers like you, or for any hopes of being better than anyone. However, when I greet a sad piece of garbage like you with genuine sincerity, and your response is usually shame. Here I am trying to empathize and relate with you, and there you are shying away angrily and nervously. On one hand I feel sorry for you, but on the other I'm grateful. I feel sorry that in my pride causes you to reflect on your lack of it, but I feel grateful for your reminding me of my superiority. Now, you must realize that I typically take very little joy in my own well-being as when compared to the well-being of others. I find it to be a fleeting means of valuing yourself. However, when I cast my gaze into the eyes of losers like you and I find jealousy, I am given a sweet, sweet treat. It's akin to the joy that a chiseled athlete feels when he eats a piece of candy that was given to him by a child. It's an obligatory thing, you know. And holy fuck is it sweet. Your shame is delicious. I won't eat it every day because it'd fuck my shit up -- the reason being that my focus would be on you instead of myself. However, in this moment of looking at you looking at me, I then turn back to myself with a rare speandor that I don't usually go for. Damn is it good. I love piece of shit losers like you for this.

Despite this, I also hate you for it. I'd much rather you be confident in yourself so that I'd be willing to make you my friend, and I yours. So focus on yourself you fucking bitch. That's the reason why I'm happy and fulfilled and you're not. Don't play this flavor of comparison game. It's a meme from which you will not easily return.

>> No.7902030
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What will you do when you greet me and all you get is a void of nothingness staring back at you? Will you be happy and fulfilled then?

>> No.7902064

So, what do you blame for anti-intellectualism? Out of curiosity.

>> No.7902114
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it didn't take you all very long to get angry at each other.

Let's get back on topic.

An old oneitis is seeing someone.
I'm ok with it because I had my chances.
But I'm still tied up with self pity and listening to shitty art rock from teens.

Can you guys direct your anger at me and tell me what a sodden cunt I am so I can snap out of this.

>> No.7902180

Please don't feel bad, fleshy mortals are shit and will drag you down anyway. You're worth more than them. Learn to love yourself and become the only one for you, become your own god, worship and treat yourself. But for now, work through it, feel whatever you're feeling to the fullest and then forget it when it is over, and when it is over treat yourself the way you wanted to treat them.

>> No.7902209
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I'd probably empathize with you. I know that feel, and damn is it boring. Then I'd use all the stuff I've learned from social engineering books to try to make you feel something. Hopefully to make you feel good. Just for a moment to make you feel like the world isn't so flat. I do this often, and it works better than you would expect. Every interaction begins with a game of conviction, and I can be pretty convincing. It's how I make a living, actually.

Pic related bc am femanon.

>> No.7902231

fuck everything written prior to 1900 at the latest
it's intended for audiences who are totally different than us
it has no value in the living sphere of arts

>> No.7902233

>The real idiot is the one who knows more, but is unwilling to act better
Nice, because it is just as conditioned to behaviors you consider idiotic, or shallow, as you believe.
>Hence, an author who has the capacity to reach an audience but refuses to adjust his work for the pretenses of his vain notions of artistry. And what is art if not appreciated by its audience?
Authors should write what they like to write. They should be artits, not "fun-generators". An artist is egoist because the art is based on his own beliefs. Art which is not based on this is merely made for the market, thus, being outside of the artist's real views. Also, making everything having to be popcorn-level of fun is actually making fiction be some part of self-insert into wild adventures rather than the food of thought it intends to be for most people. Most people who read want to have some fun, yeah, but they also want to gain something to think about, hence most of them will wrongly believe they gained something and think they can articulate better thoughts than someone who doesn't read as often. Reading is also for "making you smarter", lad.
(I'm not the same anon and english is not my main language, I gotta say).

>> No.7902237

Yep, sounds like a typical self-righteous affirmative-action member of the literati.

>> No.7902247

>It's how I make a living, actually.
I'm curious about this. What do you mean? (Other anon).

>> No.7902249

Neat. You sound like a very selfish and manipulative person, but I suppose that's the name of the game.

>> No.7902252

I can see your point, but I think it would be better expressed that very old literature loses the ability to resonate with living audiences as much. To say it has simply NO VALUE in the living sphere of arts is completely wrong.
Also, there are plenty of exceptions. There are passages of Shakespeare and Twain, for example, that give me chills, and Moby Dick is timeless.

>> No.7902293
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>> No.7902314

I think fundamentalism to any degree is anti-intellectual. There's a quote from a preface that I really enjoy saying something along the lines of when the heaviest ideals of the left come into fruition, they are as volatile and oppressive as the furthest values on the right. You can't be so naive to think of the world in black and white, and that applies to most branches of humanities. What I believe to be most threatening to intellectualism in this age is globalization shifting political borders into nothingness and thus plummeting the world into a global poverty, subordinate to the New World Order and an inaccessible government hidden beyond bureaucracy and distance. This is similar to what we see with the Federal Reserve and centralized banking in the US. However, contemporary marxists makes criticisms of the same infrastructure and institutions being utilized to encourage this disparity and the dissolution of borders by imperialistic neo-colonialist corporatism. The conglomeration of wealth is the single biggest threat of intellectualism today, and that's something everyone can agree on whether you're left, right, or moderate.

>> No.7902330

She's a whore.

>> No.7902335

>globalization shifting political borders into nothingness
>federal reserve is a bad thing
>we can all agree a concentration of wealth is the greatest threat, regardless of political ideology

Can't agree with any of that, to be honest

>> No.7902344

I double majored in English and Philosophy, but now I work in loss prevention for a very big company. It's my job to get people to spill the beans about stuff.

>> No.7902350

You're an even bigger whore.

>> No.7902357

That's an interesting perspective, thanks for responding. I don't agree with all of what you said, but I'm glad that you followed through. You seem like a nice person.

>> No.7902438

>Globalization shifting political borders into nothingness
My idea is that the more industrial nations allowing corporatism to profit in their state at the expense and exploitation of underdeveloped nations with relaxed or no regulations will lead to the decline of political boundaries in the sense that countries will be willing to do business with these corporations for the sake of their economic influence and thus creating a government that is bought, representing a plutocracy, that are the most powerful corporations. We already see this today in the United States.
>Federal Reserve
A monopoly over the banking system not held accountable by government and loans fictional currency to be paid back with interest by the American tax-payer. Completely undermines a free market economy.
>concentration of wealth
Wealth is power, power is influence; Influence over infrastructure, media, education, etc. You can undermine anyone who thinks or speaks contrary to your position and thus silence most debate or contention.

>> No.7902450

I dont really hate so much as lack trust in people

>> No.7902467

Businesses, and right wing ideologues, are generally very at odds with the Federal Reserve for those reasons (among others)

A Marxist might tell you that everything is rooted in economic incentives, and cultures originate from these incentives, but even if you accept that as true - regulations are the reaction to the incentive of public support, which is to say that though many businesses will take advantage of people because their competition will surely do the same (be amoral or hamstring yourself, leaving only more amoral companies) they are in fact in favor of increased regulations - because they know their competition cannot take the advantage and they will not be punished for acting ethically

Globalization is not only inevitable, it's desirable to do so quickly, as to be able to recognize and mitigate damage to the environment - but I sincerely believe it can improve opportunities and standards of living for future generations, and if I'm wrong about this it's still desirable to globalize quickly so that we may recognize our mistake and stop them

>> No.7903232


I'm not sure when the toxic stupidity invaded /lit, but it's getting cringey. While I agree with your first point mildly, I can't help picturing you with chinos on your head after your second point.

Globalism is bad for the environment. First, the gap between policy & law and enforcement are too large in liberal democracies for it to be an effective control mechanism. As the liberal democracy is incredibly inefficient and the normative form of gov't du jour, your argument is unconvincing and flatulent. Second, if you haven't noticed, globalization tends to produce people who all want the same things and more of them. China for example. After increased trade with rich countries, they all started buying cars etc. etc. While China's pollution problem is serious, they tend to be more diligent about enforcement of enviro policies than Western countries.

>> No.7903259


Edgelord/10. Fucking ridiculous. Supreme cringe.

>> No.7903429

Catcher in the Rye is a piece of shit. Salinger wrote the whole thing in "Nigger Jim voice but for teenagers." Nobody should read it after middle school.

>> No.7903447
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>> No.7903454

You can say what you want, but it is self-delusion, and it it stupid. If you don't confront the facts of your pointless existence and instead choose to run away from it, it is cowardly, yes.

The only reason you can say what you're saying and feel right is because you're in ignorant the majority.

>> No.7903461


Is this the newest meme among normalfags? According to them, a person never has a moral right to voice their discontent about anything, they should just suck it and swallow, since that's what everyone else is doing.

>> No.7903488

Disgusting servant to the capitalists.

>> No.7904141
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Be honest with yourself. For all your disdain for capitalism, what are you doing to change it? If nothing, than you're just an apathetic faggot. Reading, thinking, disagreeing, and feeling does not do anything for anyone other than yourself. While it's true that I'm also just acting for myself, at least I'm playing well. You're an irrelevant pleb where as I drive a BMW.

If you're not going to try to beat them, you may as well join them.

>> No.7904672

I hate books
I go to the used book store down the street and buy a few titles every day on my way to finding food and I burn them; I only do it bc supporting small business is important to me; I only read Gilgamesh.

>> No.7904674


i hate tards

>> No.7904680

the truth is participating in capitalism is more fun than hating on capitalism, and if capitalism is more fun than not-capitalism why the fuck u so mad about capitalism them? edgy teens gonna edge, but then u grow up

>> No.7904686

there's a reason so many people work hard, become successful, start a family, raise a family and retire to somewhere comfy, the reason is because it's actually a fucking satisfying way to live, meanwhile all u do is complain about how much ur life sucks

>> No.7904878

I hate Joyce so fucking much.

>> No.7904887


fuck everything written after 1973

>> No.7905125

>proud to be a whore, if you're not pro-whore then you are a LOSER

Go somewhere where someone cares ya cunt.

>> No.7905129

>implying there's no inbetween

Fuck off with your bottom feeder capitalistic western insecurities. You're playing the game of the system? Good for you! Doesn't make you better than anyone else. GET YOUR OWN LIFE.

>> No.7905590
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You're less than I am and you always will be. Realize, there is no ideological foothold that will actually make you feel better. In the real world outside of books, you are a true low life who is worthless, has no face, and no power. I can afford to pay for shit like your most beloved family member's medical emergencies (I won't; you can't). I can afford to look good, smell good, and feel good. You can't afford anything but shitposting.

That's the problem with people who live only in their own minds. You don't play the game to win, you simply play in such a way so as to make yourself feel safe. You're like the faggot who plays monopoly and feels good about collecting all four railroads but loses anyway. You're too privileged to realize how worthless you are, and you won't realize it until it's too late. It's like my sister who hit me up for 400$ for a surgery to pay for her cat. Did I pay it? Of course! Why? Because I can. That's what this game is about you piece of trash.

>> No.7905592

You know, a book that doesn't have a problem and a solution, some mystery, or other great thing that you really want to keep turning pages forth, even though you have to work, is garbage. A good author combines good writing, and entertainment. This is why Shakespeare is so well praised. He knew how to write problems and give them solutions; give suspense and a reason to keep watching/reading. Lovecraft did it. Poe did it. Tolkien did it. Hell, even mediocrities such as Stephen King keep me attached, and it's all because they know how to keep good problem/solution interaction throughout the story.

>> No.7905603

>I am a whore and by proxy think I am actually a capable self-sufficient human-being.

You'd be nothing without your precious system that bends over backwards to make cunts like yourself feel important and needed.

What kind of useless unnecessary and backwards skill is that? You're a fraud and that's the only way whores like you know how to survive. You deserve to be caged and only let out to give birth to the next useless cunt. Keep licking those boots so that people like me don't have to!

>> No.7905623

Fuck everything dystopian. The dystopian theme didn't even ever start well. I have never read a single enjoyable dystopian book. All are shit.

>inb4 kdnwjshr Infinite Jest was the best thing ever nsndjidoeksjj

>> No.7905624

hes been dead for nearly a decade m8

>> No.7905643

Again, you don't get it. If the system were to change, I'd change. It's simple as that. Put me in any system you like and I'll thrive. If there's anything I've learned from all the shit I've read is that it sucks to lose. This is why I'll surpass you every time. You're not playing the game correctly, if at all.

I don't need to win, I just need not to lose. This is the essence of power; if you don't have power, you don't have options. You're trash.

>> No.7905664

>power to tell everyone I'm a womanz
>power to pay for my sister's cat
>power to drive a shit car to make up for my lack of individuality and purpose
>I'll do anything to go along with whatever system is presented to me because I have no concept of integrity or moral

Oh fuck off. None of your shit impresses me.

I don't mind that you participate in capitalism and do relatively well with it. That's cool. That's not what is awful about you.
The problem is that you're proud of your so-called "accomplishments" and think that you're somehow better than other people for collecting a few extra shekles at some useless job that does more to hold humanity back than it does to drive it forward. You have no life of your own and you are actually proud of it. You assume the worst out of others because they don't think you're automatically flawless for not complaining about a faggot western way of life. You think we should be impressed that you are a woman working? No no no no no no. That's nothing to be proud of. I'd respect you as a woman if you lamented about your husband and kids. Your shitty fraudulent job does nothing to give back to the world.

All of your insane projections about winning and adapting to any shitty scenario legitimizes nothing. It just reaffirms my initial explanation.

You are a whore.
A worthless whore.
But thank god your sister's cat is still alive. GREAT JOB!

>> No.7905667

Frogposters ruined this site.

>> No.7905680

]Your life is also shit compared to many other people's. Enjoy your fractional animal pleasures now because a vast eternity of infinite voidlessness awaits.

>> No.7905685


>> No.7905688

I'd make fun of you for being angry, but I empathize with you as the loser. It would suck to be you. You know I'm better than you. You know I have more power than you. You know I'm happier than you. You know that my kids will surpass your kids. You can explain all this to them when you tell them that you're sorry you cant afford to buy them the stuff they want. Face it: you can't box with people like me.

You have this huge ethical and moral agenda that's all made up nonsense. You're less than me in every way. Remember that the next time you have to do something you don't like because you lack power otherwise.

>> No.7905694

>implying he hasn't been personally blessed with so much wealth and success by god himself and will have an afterlife even more wonderful than his earthly time

stay preterite

>> No.7905706
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>> No.7905715

You better hope.

>> No.7905718

My life is shit by no measure. You can think that if you like though. Go read some Whitman and stroke your faggot bf's beard while you tell him your outrage at this thread. I'll be busy reading Robert Greene while getting pounded by my tall norwegian programmer of a husband. Lol, you guys are so stupid.

>> No.7905723

damn, beta fag btfo by uberfraulein

>> No.7905726

>getting pounded
lol faggot

>> No.7905727

That heaviness you lug around day to day will disappear one day, don't you worry.

>> No.7905730

lol look at mr philosophy bringing out the slave morality like anyone gonna be spooked by that, bitch plz

>> No.7905731

Fuck hegel and all the intellect poison that has flowed from his obscurist sham philosophy

Marx is the worst philosopher in history

>> No.7905734

stfu shefag

>> No.7905736

make a wish niggaz

>> No.7905738

hegel is one of the stupidest things that ever happened, and thats how u can tell philosophy is a waste of times, autistic nerds and angsty virgins been wasting thousands of years on the shit and all they end up with for all that is fucking hegel and demented son marx

>> No.7905741

>tips diaphragm

>> No.7905754

Philosophers don't waste any time on Hegel. Only "literary theorists" and French pseudo-intellectuals read that nonsense.

>> No.7905757
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Stupid bear.

You aren't even a bear.

>> No.7905768

Sorry, just pointing out that your feelings of superiority are unmerited.

>> No.7905773

her feelings of having a stacked bank account and big dick husband aren't tho, enjoy those hot pockets ur mom heated up while u read ur kant, nerd

>> No.7905784

I'm so glad I'm not a woman.

None of the petty handouts will ever makeup for not having a soul.

>> No.7905794

epic tipping btw u got any snack size doritos in those cargo shorts bro?

>> No.7905803

Fucking stupid animal

>> No.7905857
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As if we could ever hope to be anything more than stupid animals.

>> No.7905948

Lol it's so funny that this is how you justify the fact that you're life is shit and you suck at everything...

Everyone else just isn't as deep as me. those pathetic sheep.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7905985

I'm in a buddhist philosophy class and the guy in front of me keeps saying stupid fucking shit and when he started rambling about the buddhist implications on free will all I could do was fantasize about hitting him in the face with a shovel

god damn his stupid fucking peacoat and scarves and beard just shut the fuck up don't you understand metaphor stop taking everything so literally you daft cunt

I just really needed to put this out there somewhere

>> No.7906035

The Tunnel was published in 1995. Ergo, fuck you

Nabokov loved Kafka

>> No.7906045

t. Nabokov

>> No.7906064

>An old oneitis is seeing someone.

Does this help at all, or no?

>> No.7906081

Burn in your own hells you remorseless lot of fiends, let you be eternally confused with your meanderings between two extremes. May you all never cease your restless and pointless struggle to grasp reality, may those of you who seek nothingness fade into oblivion and may those of you seek everything explode into into eternity. For those of you who seek war, have peace, for those of you who seek peace may you have war. May all those think themselves Kings may you find yourself a peasant, a meagre ant. May those of that think yourselves a peon, a parasitic rump of skin, may you find yourself a paragon. You are damned here to this paradigm, you will be allotted no time to think but you will be given time to act. Most of you however, will not.

>> No.7907352
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This motherfucker right here.

Oh man, I used to love him. He was my favorite philosophers. "I totally relate! Why is everyone else so stupid?"
Then I turned 15.

His stuff is shit. If you really like him I can only assume you have never read any other philosophers and are still in high school.
Before you go and defend him, ask yourself this; Am I a teenager, have I read any other philosophers?

You don't need to answer because we all already know what they are.

>> No.7907464

The Lost Scrapbook by Evan Dara is by far the best but you can also include Naive. Super by Erlend Loe

>> No.7907677

My lit classic has lots of fucking idiots in it. We were doing Doctor Faustus in one of my classes and this girl starting doing a point by point comparison of Faustus and Voldemort for no real reason. Luckily the prof stopped her and told her Harry Potter was shit. Same kid won't stop trying to bring up YA in other topics even tho the prof always visabley looks disappointed.

>> No.7907687

I'm 25 and I read lots of other philosophers (he was not even close to the first I read) and I like him just fine. When you emotionally grow up you'll understand you can love something without worshiping it. Maybe if you actually understood Nietzsche you would have learned that.

>> No.7907688

So much this

>> No.7907706

There are two Nietzsches. The romantic subject philosopher of secularism, nihilism and romantic striving. This is the one for the 14-year-olds coping with angst.

Then there is the nifty epistemology oriented Nietzsche, laying the groundworks for modern day cognition theoretics, making genealogical accounts a philosophical tool used by many since.

Also he wrote some decent art theory.

tldr: you should read more.

>> No.7907843

>He reads an english translation of Borges
I can play too

>> No.7908230

Hg wells yo

>> No.7908258

Don't listen to thise idiots spouting Marxist conspiracies. Marx saw socialism as a way to liberate art and science from its prostituion to the bourgeois class. If you think he was anti art or science then you are obviously retarded. Capital, thought to be a dry economic text, is littered with; biblical, Shakespearean, and many other literary references. He wrote his PhD on Epicurus. In literature and revolution Trotsky defends the value of all previous art regardless of class content against the crudity of the proletkult.

>> No.7908320

And I hate poeple like you. The weak.

>> No.7908335

But she's a red, so dropped.

>> No.7908340


>> No.7908351

Not the guy you were talking to, but, so what? Dunno about you looks like all this buisness, globalization and the rest has been a boon for humanity.

>> No.7908357

But he is.

>> No.7908367

Borges preferred the English translation, in addition to him being an angloboo.

>> No.7908369

It's a she.
And I disagree with you based on what I perceive to be a superiority complex achieved by false merit.

>> No.7908453


>> No.7908768

i think this is b8 but im gonna respond anyway

i think you should get checked out, (your conception of reality) =! (reality)

>> No.7908798


>> No.7908826

Nah, in Canada.

>> No.7908852

I hate Native lit and anything written in the genre of "magical realism" or whatever the fuck it's called. Perhaps I should make up a progressive pseudonym for myself, get an arts grant and write an anti-white book crammed with gratuitous rape, start inserting pretentious forced symbolism and juxtaposition that was obviously placed there for the benefit of future reviewers and book club sluts, then get it published by Vintage Canada and win a GG. After I have made several million dollars by having the book become mandatory reading in English Lit courses I will reveal my identity and proceed to tell all the fucking pseuds that sometimes a speedboat is just a fucking speedboat and has fuck all to do with spirituality, the meaning of life or anything.

>> No.7908877

lol this is such delicious bait

>> No.7908884

u know kafka invented magical realism. thank him.

>> No.7908911

I hate Stranger in A Strange Land

>> No.7908917

I pretty much does hate /lit/
hi guys

>> No.7909565
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>born into good homes, have good childhoods, are more attractive, etc.

>> No.7909588

WHAT THE FUCK?!? Thers no draguns, no cnigths, no wizerds in these shittarded boook¡¡
This's dickless son of an ugly bitch is just talkin' about *sptts* his goddammed patetic life Xc
what the fuk is metafisics?! i ain a ciensetist!!

>> No.7909608

He preferred the spanish language for writing, that's why he is now one of the most important spanish writers of all time. He loved english, for sure, but the magnitude of his work can only be FULLY grasped in spanish.

Get out of your idioticly narrow, culturally-sheltered bubble of mediocrity, you stupid retarded crippled beta baby bitch boy.

>> No.7909691

you're kid are gonna suck bc you a str8 b*tch

ur like the guy in fight club b4 he become brad pitt, but lacking the self-aware

>> No.7909696

You have the shittiest taste on this entire board. Congratulations.

>> No.7909844

Okay Harold.

>> No.7909998
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My kids will surpass your trash kids in terms of power, influence, and value. Legacy is all that matters, and you won't have one because you're too weak. However, please do teach your kids about the virtues of moral and ethical authenticity. Teach them to be the perfect little betas that they will inevitably become due to your shit genetics and ignorance. Meanwhile, my kids will be crushing it. My sons will be assfucking your daughters, and maybe even your sons. Your kids will learn to despise you for being incapable of adapting; they'll hate you for being who are. Sigh. You really don't get it.

In terms of Fight Club, I'm more like a Pitt/Norton tag team. I have the strengths of both yet the weaknesses of neither because they work hand in hand rather than in opposition. It's a game about manipulating context rather than being manipulated by it.

Don't be sucker, guys. The narrative about always being yourself openly and freely and all that is the oldest snake oil in the books. It keeps you rigid, exposed, and weak.

>> No.7911191

Fuck you for being right.

>> No.7911201

>Legacy is all that matters

In the scheme of things, no. The only thing that matters is saving your soul, and God has obviously predestined you for Hell.

>> No.7911769

>blame the Marxists
>not blaming capitalists

>> No.7911798
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Sam Harris and all his fans.

He just says the same bullshit that's been said forever and then his high school fans all stroke their dicks and cram more doritos in the fat mouths.

>> No.7912766

if English is your native language German is easy for the most part

>> No.7913087
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>> No.7913189

I was going to make a snarky comment about how /lit/ deals exclusively in hate threads, but this piece of shit has to be the worst thing I have ever pointed my eyes at. It's the Big Bang Theory with no jokes. It's a gluttonous pile of allusions with a plot too stupid for a video game and twice as predictable. I only read this for an hour and a half in a waiting room, but I'm actually irritated at the thought of someone liking it. And supposedly the author's following novel was WORSE.

>> No.7913194

Marx, really every communist socialist writer and work.

>> No.7913198


There it is again. Another brainwashed college Marxist or actual Communist internet subversion agent. Same thing, tobehonestwithyoufamily.

>> No.7913230

I hate the idea that adults who only read books for teenagers are above criticism.

>> No.7913478
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I fucking hate how the college English curriculum as it's taught in California.

I learned a fuck ton about the suffering of blacks and Mexicans, but not enough about the actual English language itself. There is way too much praise for shit literature and poetry that was written by immigrants. It's horrible as fuck.

Also, as an undergrad it's confusing as FUCK when you're allowed to read post modernist shit before you go through the classics, or even through modernism. I always envied math and compsci majors for the fact that their colleges have both careful planning and trajectory.

>> No.7913497

That's just because you went to a shit school, m8

>> No.7913563

Partially accurate. I went to UCLA. It was shit. The sensitivity towards minorities is destroying the major, there.

>> No.7913570

And you prefer whom exactly, you ballfondler?

>> No.7913575

Maybe don't get an English degree.

>> No.7913582

Ex-GF loved that book, can confirm that she is a Hodor.