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/lit/ - Literature

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7888637 No.7888637 [Reply] [Original]

>As long as you don't grow up in legitimately dangerous circumstances you will most likely mature at a normal healthy rate and so will never do anything intentionally mean spirited or cruel from the age of like 14 onwards
>You won't feel the need to give other people a hard time to relieve insecurities and protect an ego
>You won't judge people because it'll seem creepy (rambling about strangers like you've known them for years doesn't become not weird just because you're being a jerk about it. You're basically a stalker.)
>You won't judge people because you will have an understanding of the individuals obligation to a community/society (As long as you don't hurt/limit other people you are allowed to do literally whatever the hell you want. If this isn't the case you have a superstitious ritualistic tribe, not a healthy community.)
I don't understand how issues like homophobia and racism exist in the developed world.
Can someone please explain?
Why would grown people in positions of responsibility act like petty little children?
Do they not realise people grow up because it's important to have a practical, realistic and comprehensive perspective of the world around you? Or do they think mentally healthy adults are just overly nice weirdos?
I honestly don't understand.
What are you even fighting for?

>> No.7888646

It's hard to understand what you're saying, anon. It's not very coherent.

If you're really so perplexed as to how homophobia and racism can exist in the developed world, just examine your own attitudes. You're making judgemental statements about other human beings based on their behaviour, saying they act like "petty little children," for instance.

In the same way, a poor white person who grows up around black people might find himself completely fucking perplexed and angry at how these people act.

Someone might have bad experiences with homosexuals and being gay myself, bad experiences with homos are not hard to come by

I think you don't have a well-developed sense of how people outside of your circumstances think, and are very much only familiar with a multicultural, liberal democratic viewpoint, which is why you don't understand the perspective of people whose views don't line up with your kind of "live and let live" ideology.

I dunno, I might be completely wrong anon. I just think my thoughts are so distant from your own it might be hard for me to properly engage with what you're saying.

>> No.7888656

Being polite is not the same as being a saint. Polite people are cruel and mean spirited in a polite way. These people are not "racist" or "homophobic" because they have learned that these things are impolite, not because they are saints ready to die for their neighbours.

>> No.7888704

Teach highschool and you will know people are monkeys, as photo shows. My first year teaching highschool out of college a kid spit in my water bottle and gave me mono, teaching me to never, ever leave my water unattended on my desk. These are lik 17, 18 year olds and they suck. Actually makes you want to sterilize most people.

>> No.7888708

Who will judge? I will judge, and I have determined this weak and pathetic generation is worthy of hanging from the neck until dead, dead, dead. Baby boomers, too, for good measure.

>> No.7888716

I genuinely believe faggots are sick, and that practicing homosexuality or homo romance is evil. And that multiculturalism is detrimental to everyone involved, as is it evil to displace one people from there native lands.

>> No.7890514
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You have assumed so much and from these assumptions inferred so much while ignoring so much.

>As long as you don't grow up in legitimately dangerous circumstances you will most likely mature at a normal healthy rate and so will never do anything intentionally mean spirited or cruel from the age of like 14 onwards.... (ALL of your greentext).

Definitely not true. You seem to have a ridiculously idealistic and simplistic perspective of people, the circumstances in which they grow up and the beliefs they adopt according to it. Not everyone adopts a peace-loving-love-everyone-egalitarian-flower-distributing-live-and-let-live-hippie. In a limited world with desire, there will always be conflict of almost every sort.

>I don't understand how issues like homophobia and racism exist in the developed world.

same reason as above. not everyone adopts abstract ideals as their own and almost everyone is more heavily influenced by the context in which they grow up. >>7888646 summed it up pretty well. Also, people can be irrational. wow! big surprise!

>Why would grown people in positions of responsibility act like petty little children?

aren't you, just like them, passing out value judgements? same thing as what i wrote about your greentext. most of their "pettiness" can be explained by their goals and the value system they chose to adopt while growing up. what is "pettiness" even?

> do they think mentally healthy adults are just overly nice weirdos?

"mentally healthy". wow fuck off mate. you don't set the gold standard on what is mentally healthy. they might just as will call you retarded for being "nice" and practically giving up on things they believe in.

>Do they not realise people grow up because it's important to have a practical, realistic and comprehensive perspective of the world around you?

a lot of them would probably think you're a sucker for being naive and overly idealistic and might call this a mentally unhealthy and irrational attitude

>What are you even fighting for?

what are YOU fighting for here?

>> No.7890572

People become weak and passive; and when they realize they have no struggles in life they pretend they are being persecuted. These are actually non-issues.

Also, some homosexuals can be annoying. I've never had a problem with ethnic minorities, though.

Of course some people are just naturally mean-spirited, but it isn't a social issue. It's a part of existence.

>> No.7890779

someone redpill me on literature

>> No.7892303


you can live a happy and fulfilled life without ever investing a lot of time in literature. most people do it this way.

>> No.7892309

Define 'native' lands. Should we all return to one valley in Africa?

>> No.7892318

>trying to come up with "big ideas while questioning why people have different opinions then you that you deem unintelligent or cavemen like

I'm assuming you are a black homosexual, cause you specifically mention those two. Go to /reddit/