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7882108 No.7882108 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck? Was Tolstoy retarded? The "debates" between Levin and Sergei Ivanovich, where you're clearly supposed to think Levin's right, are insane.

>Hurr Russia doesn't need medicine because I don't believe in doctors
>Hurr Russians don't need education because serfs who can read are lazy
>Hurr I don't need a fair jury because I won't commit a crime

>> No.7882127

It's not a very good book, don't worry about it too much.

>> No.7882156

I'm currently reading it

Levin a cute

>> No.7882161


>> No.7882918

>tfw no rosy cheeked retarded bear bf

>> No.7882949


he had some annoying ideas

>> No.7882972

Why is AK considered the greatest novel ever written and not just a tripe melodrama?

>> No.7883203

You can think whatever you want of the debates, but obviously the author will have a preference of one argument over another.

>> No.7883320

Lol, I was shocked like you while I was reading that part.

Lev and his views evolve through the book, don't worry.

>> No.7883328

maybe you should figure out what melodrama actually means first before asking that question

>> No.7883372

does it trigger you that I just called your favourite book a melodrama?

>> No.7883383

Lev isn't Tolstoy. Neither is Pierre. Both say and do stupid facepalm shit. That's part of his theology. People blunder into grace.

Levin + Kitty and Pierre + Natalia are similar in that sense.

>> No.7883411

>Lev isn't Tolstoy.
Tolstoy's wife, Sonia, told Tolstoy that Levin was "you, without the talent."

>> No.7883467

no it just makes me realize you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.7883472

he's pretty much universally acknowledged as Tolstoy's most direct self-insert

I'm pretty sure Tolstoy was aware that he could be at times too idealistic

>> No.7883478


lol good fuckin burn

>> No.7883508

Fiction is not an elucidation of "correct thoughts."

>> No.7883525


you guys are both insulting without telling your reasons, over an old book which will always be acclaimed at that


>> No.7883551

>he fell for the russian literature is good meme

>> No.7883570

tolstoy really hated him some doctors

>> No.7883571


lol i never read it, just in context it was a good burn no harm intended

>> No.7883572

How do you know you're supposed to think Levin is right?

His spiritual awakening at the end was anticlimactic though, I'll give you that.

>> No.7883633

If you had read closely you would know that Levin recognized and bemoaned this inability to debate successfully. Perhaps his style of thought could be likened to the caged-oracle-ineffable-wisdom style of Our Lord Wallace. And defining that element of Levin's character is one of the key functions of those debates. It's important to the kind of private epiphany he experiences later.

>> No.7884006

>the gift of long-sought faith in God almighty and the accompanying peace of mind and paradigm shift of thought was anticlimactic

w e w

>> No.7884995

tbhf all medicine before even the 1940's was fucking awful.
Levin who tries pushing modern inventions on his serfs can't accept modern inventions? Almost as if the character is flawed or something

>> No.7885002

Welcome to russian political discussion. Stay tuned.

>> No.7885308

Doctors in the 19th century were in fact pretty terrible.

The education argument is the contemporary equivalent of "should everyone go to college?"

I don't remember anything about the legal stuff but I do recall the nobles' council or whatever it being portrayed as a bunch of pompous busybodies in AK. Worth remembering that Tolstoy was a literal aristocrat and didn't think that democracy = better than.

>> No.7885328

looks like someone read a translation