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/lit/ - Literature

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7827669 No.7827669 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/ writes a poem. I start.

Fuck me, as a man i want a dick
A big dong right un my big anus

>> No.7827677

You would think I have one very long and thick
but I must admit to my own plainness

>> No.7827678
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>> No.7827680


'please no, corn father'

>> No.7827683

It's too much.
The dick is too big.
I cry out in pain
please no, corn father

>> No.7827685

corn father's meme magic only works for prose, sorry. take your terrible poetry elsewhere

>> No.7827691

le pong on the dong
saliva on cut
choke and thrust
humid secretions

>> No.7828142
File: 38 KB, 450x300, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate seals.
Because they are stupid.
And annoying.
If I ever meet one I will tell it to shut up.
Nature's only mistake...

I really wish they would go away.
And stop being so ugly all the time:
they have no arms, they have no legs;
they don't have feathers or wings;
they're not lizards;
they aren't even fish.
So fucking what even are they, actually?

Why couldn't they have just become dogs or something good
instead of making a mockery of evolution,
by leaving it unfinished,
and giving up as a species
halfway through the process?

I hate them all so much...
If only they weren't so lazy.
And probably such bad fathers.
That's why they don't have jobs.

Seals are stupid and piss me off.

>> No.7828155

/lit/ is fucking dead. there are 14 year old children posting shit threads like this here who think this is funny.

>> No.7828182

I can understand where you're coming from. Would it help you feel any better if you knew that one of the posters ITT is twice that age and spent the last 3 hours straight writing his post?

>> No.7828190

please no, corn father