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7795026 No.7795026 [Reply] [Original]

Psychopathic Authors?

Heya, so, as a nihilist I try to be as callous and unfeeling as possible since emotions are for the weak, and, I really admire the psychopathic mind and wish I was a psychopath. I think reading Books by Psychopaths could help me in my transition.

So whom are some psychopath authors in, your opinion? Of course we got Adolf Hitler, but whom else? Was Dostoevsky a psychopath? I think Albert Camus is a contender tbqh.

Thanks in advance, and book on!

>> No.7795038

Camus is as far from it as you can possibly get you nut.

>> No.7795039

Hitler was the opposite of a psychopath, he dedicated his entire life to his people.

Hillary Clinton seems like a textbook psychopath to me.

>> No.7795055

He advocated a hedonistic, atheistic philosophy of selfishness and cruelty. His chief hero is an unrepentant racist murderer whose lack of guilt is lionized. Nice try troll.

>> No.7795075

Killing Arabs is okay by even the loftiest of moralities, anon.

>> No.7795082


Looks like this b8 was good enough to get four replies. Five now I guess. Great lesson for us all in knowing what words mean.
>Was Dostoevsky a psychopath?
Fairly amusing I suppose.

>> No.7795095

>Heya, so, as a nihilist I try to be as callous and unfeeling as possible since emotions are for the weak,
What the fuck is this post?

>> No.7795117

gtfo edgy emo kid

>> No.7795135

I consider Dostoevsky a potential psychopath because of his rank, vile sentimentalism that absolves monsters of their sins and even romanticizes their perversion.He was most definitely a sadomasochist and, probably, a coprophile. It is telling that one of his vilest characters is named after himself.

Not bait.

>> No.7795183

psychopaths? that one kid that gets posted around here a lot, he's definitely psychopathic, the one who killed all them thar people, you guys know the one.

>> No.7795188

highly doubtful he was psychopathic, one of the distinguishing factors is complete absence of empathy. no one could say that Dostoevsky was not empathetic, and not in just a superficial way. After reading The Dream of a Ridiculous man, especially. Also, his first publication showed a strong sense of the plight of his fellow man emotionally, Poor Folk.

>> No.7795193

Oh my Gottfried Wilhelm Hegel! I can't believe I forgot! Adding him to my Psychopath Reading List immediately. Thank you so much!

>> No.7795194

yeah, after watching just 1 minute of one of his videos, it was absolutely apparent that he was a psychopath, would have said so even if he hadn't killed.

>> No.7795210

Elliot Rodger. that's who i was trying to think of. I usually don't pay much attention to murderers. I can't glorify their actions with my sense of curiosity

>> No.7795270

Unabomber manifesto. Although he was a paranoid schizophrenic.

>> No.7795375

>rank, vile sentimentalism that absolves monsters of their sins
That's properly speaking not psychopathy but the essence of the Christian faith (which from the outside does appear to some as 'rank' and 'vile', or at least 'foolishness').

>and even romanticizes their perversion
Not seeing this. Are you talking about Raskolnikov? Because he went through repentance and transformation. Do you mean Dmitri, or Ivan, or father Fyodor (I can't imagine you mean Smerdyakov)? They're explicitly not heroes or protagonists. Do you mean ... any of the main characters in Demons? They're not romanticized, they're explicitly demonized.

>He was most definitely a sadomasochist and, probably, a coprophile
This is an extraordinary claim and requires extraordinary supporting evidence.

>It is telling that one of his vilest characters is named after himself
What it tells is that Dostoyevsky recognized his own sinful nature. (Incidentally it's also telling that the hero of that story is named after Dostoyevsky's beloved son who died young.) He didn't revel in this vileness though; exactly the opposite. This too gets at the essence of Christianity, which seems like a crucial piece here you're not accounting for or understanding properly. For example, a familiarity with the writings of the apostle Paul shows that he identified himself as 'chief of sinners', which was not a boast but a recognition that all of his own supposed righteousness and piousness counted as nothing before God and that his righteousness before God came entirely on account of Christ. This is what's behind Dostoyevsky's late thought, his naming the vile father Karamazov after himself, and so on.

>> No.7795389

>Elliot Rodger

pick one

>> No.7795411

the guy wanted a psychopath, i gave him one. don't shoot the messenger.

on point. i agree that Dostoevsky was hardly a psychopath.

>> No.7795422



>> No.7795436


You understand the word psychopath in the hollywood way. It's unsurprising given your boring reading direction.

>> No.7795445

I'm assuming this thread is full of psychiatrists who've gone to med school and had a total of 12 years of post high school education.

>> No.7795449

Hmm. You make some cogent arguments. Impressive. I suppose Dostoevsky may not be a psychopath after all.

Here are some other suspects. Penny for your thoughts?

Ayn Rand.
Louis-Ferdinand Celine and his lover, Jean Genet.
Charles Baudelaire.
Oscar Wilde.
Jonathan Franzen (hate him)
Evelyn Waugh.

>> No.7795476

My admiration is cold and Aristotelian, like marble sculptures of dismembered Adonides, coarse, chiseled, and crudely angular, built for prime time, like a fucking dump truck plowing through the wall of an industrial beef mill.

>> No.7795482
File: 2.52 MB, 1789x2429, hm ... could it be ... SATAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't think of any.

>> No.7795529

You don't need to be a doctor to not be memed by Hollywood.

>> No.7795775
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>as a nihilist I try to be as callous and unfeeling as possible since emotions are for the weak, and, I really admire the psychopathic mind and wish I was a psychopath.
You're not a nihilist dumbfuck, you clearly place value on being capable of manipulating others, you've probably just been memed by capitalist society to think you need to be a hedonist superman when you're likely to already have a good life.

>> No.7795820

I am too a nihilist. I don't "value" it, or anything. I simpy see it as being in my rational interest to be a coldly calculating fuck machine and to view the universe as a massive chess board, on which other people are pawns and sometimes knights or bishops, but I am the King.

>> No.7795879

those are obviously values with hierarchy and a systemic worldview. congratz, you're an edgy moron. go back to watching anime.

>> No.7795891

It's just a metaphor for how everyone is my bitch. I thought this was a literature board, sheesh! To use an anime parallel, I am like Lelouch from Code Geass, but rather than save the world, I want to get all the pussy and the weed, and ruthlessly crush any obstacles (other people) in my path. You see?

>> No.7795906
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Pic related, it's me. So maybe I'm more like the wizard controlling the chessboard from behind the scenes, actually?

>> No.7795914
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>> No.7796108
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>rational interest

>> No.7796143

If you really were a nihilist, you wouldn't care enough to be callous and unfeeling, because even that doesn't matter. You just come off as an edgy wannabee.

>> No.7796152
File: 243 KB, 1452x1936, pissed_wet_pussy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jack Unterweger. Killed a bunch of hookers, was in Austrian jail and released after 16 years. Continued to kill hookers while writing a book about how he got sane again and about the mindset of psychopaths. Went to the US for "research" and got the cooperation of local police to show him the redlight districts.
Half of the hookers were killed in the US so there should be a translation.

>> No.7796155

Why would you consider yourself a king when kings are completely irrelevant in the big picture? The universe doesn't give a fuck about you edgelord.

>> No.7796170

You're right, it was a poor choice of metaphor. I am the gartanguanly intelligent chessmaster-wizard, and the atoms of the universe are my pawns, manipulated deftly by my every genius motion.

>> No.7796171

Holy fuck. You are clinically retarded. 'I'm an anime. You can't fuck with me. I am supreme lord of my basement bedroom... Mom! Get me some chicken tendies!'

>> No.7796188

You're still placing emphasis on yourself.A nihilist knows they are nothing. A miniscule, insignificant blip on the cosmic radar; destined for nothingness after their brief useless existence. You sound more like a narcissist.

>> No.7796189

I know serial killer Carl Panzram got his autobiography published, but I've never seen a copy of it.

If any of you anons have it, scan it as ASAP as possible.

>> No.7796193

That's why I need to be more psychopathic by reading psychopath books. A psychopath doesn't just jeopardize others, but also himself. Because he just doesn't care if the world burns.

>> No.7796430

>36 replies
Is this the New Sincerity?

>> No.7796441


just a wicked sense of humor

>> No.7796465

Is Bret Easton Ellis, creator of Patrick Baitman, a psychopath? How about George R R Martin, ruthless killer of characters?

>> No.7796473

I refuse to believe that anyone is this autistic.

>> No.7796518

You really don't understand how a psychopath works at all. They're petty little people who're so scared of others they have no choice but to lash out violently. You've been duped by their pomp, thinking they're some sort of geniuses; but believe me, tricking strangers through generalizations and appeals to emotion is neither an admirable nor a difficult thing to do, nor a way to live a healthy life.

>> No.7796680

>Ayn Rand.
Yeah, no.

>> No.7796702

>You really don't understand how a psychopath works at all.

Pot calling kettle black

>> No.7796712
File: 21 KB, 420x314, JohanLiebert-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this look like the face of a coward? Studies have shown psychopaths are, in fact, much less fear and anxiety-prone than average. They just don't give a shit.

>> No.7796946
File: 43 KB, 850x400, quote-i-d-rather-betray-the-world-than-let-the-world-betray-me-cao-cao-75-81-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any actual arguments?

>Does this look like the face of a coward?
It looks like the face of a fictional character.

>much less fear and anxiety-prone than average.
Animals are less prone to being scared and anxious, that does not mean their main motivator isn't fear.

>> No.7797045

Patricia Highsmith, the author of Mr. Ripley books.

>> No.7797098
File: 280 KB, 1450x967, Joker_(Earth-Nolan)4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff, your arguments are incoherent, poor fool... I think YOU'RE the one who's afraid... Afraid of those who transcend human, animal, vegetable, mineral, reality... Because the people who push the envelope... Who know that in this world, it's kill or be killed... May just push... YOU

>> No.7797239

>Studies have shown psychopaths are, in fact, much less fear and anxiety-prone than average. They just don't give a shit.

You are not talking about psychopathy. You are talking about sociopathy. There are, for example, large numbers of paranoid schizophrenics.

>> No.7797334
File: 134 KB, 372x334, akagi really.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>those who transcend human, animal, vegetable, mineral, reality...
>know that in this world, it's kill or be killed...
You're the one who's incoherent.

Please, at least learn to troll better.

>> No.7797525

>chief hero
>lack of guilt is lionized

>> No.7797534

take your shit meme pics back to /pol/

>> No.7797540

you got a link to that autobio senpai

>> No.7797553
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Oh, resorting to "I know you are, what am I" now are we? This isn't grade school anymore Anonymous, buddy. You can't shove me around anymore and take my coat and give me rude nicknames that rhyme with my name, because you don't KNOW my name!

Explain to me how for even an instant "they're less fear-prone, but are still driven by fear, (implicit) moreso than normal humans, who are thus superior" parses logically at all. Have you heard of that? "Logic"? Aristotle talked about it oh, 5000 years ago. Might want to check it out heh!

>> No.7797677

william s burroughs

>> No.7797696
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I have absolutely no idea how nihilism and feelings tie together. I started developing a nihilistic approach to life as a child, but being callous and unfeeling aren't actually necessary.

>> No.7797697

was rodger a psychopath? can't fully remember the definition, but he seemed to experience overwhelming emotions of self pity, envy and lust, as opposed to the muted emotions of psychopaths.

>> No.7797699


>> No.7797888

he was not a psychopath. i believe his mom claimed he was aspergers spectrum

>> No.7798976

>they're less fear-prone, but are still driven by fear, (implicit) moreso than normal humans
Because they attack people under the assumption that they will be attacked otherwise, or have otherwise been wronged; this isn't the attittude of someone who doesn't care about their well being, let alone someone who has "transcended humanity", it's the complete opposite.