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7777451 No.7777451 [Reply] [Original]

A girl asked me at uni how many people of colour / diverse authors I read and I struggled to think of any. She told me that I should "read more books by people who aren't dead white guys" and that I'm a bigot for ignoring all the "great stuff ethnics have to say in literature"

Well, OK then. What are some noteworthy books written by people from diverse backgrounds that seem to write about things that ruffle SJW feathers? I need some good authors here.

>> No.7777454

> I need some good authors here

it's arguable if she's good, but Ayn Rand

>> No.7777455

>great stuff ethnics have to say in literature
I smiled.

>> No.7777457

I think a good place to start is black/African American literature. They have the longest 'minority' literary tradition, and there is some genuinely good stuff in there.

"Invisible Man" by Ralph Ellison is one of my favorite books.

>> No.7777460
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Don't look any further, this is what you need.

>> No.7777462

Yukio Mishima was a homosexual (allegedly) and a major Japanese nationalist.

>> No.7777463

I've been meaning to read Black Rednecks and White Liberals since I saw the Better Than Food review of it. I read the Wikipedia entry and all the essays seem to diverge from the common beliefs of race-based "cultures."

Has anyone read it? To me it sounds like something that could help give an SJW a logical perspective.

>> No.7777467

Chinua Achebe is considered sexist by today's standards, so I guess him.

Also Oroonoko is a book a lot of SJWs complain about so maybe that. It's actually OK, nothing special but it's neat.

>> No.7777473

is there any other notable transgender authors?

>> No.7777479
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>tfw you discovered you can bait oversensitive SJWs into saying shit that oversensitive Jews would consider antisemitic by saying "well, what about Jews? I read a lot of Jews!" and being persistent that Jews are not "just whites"
>tfw some browno SJW starts rambling in front of your Jew friend about how Jews aren't persecuted at all and have infinite privilege and they're just whites, Jews are just whites
>tfw the Jew freaks out and starts playing the "oy vey most persecuted people in history we deserve constant attention every time we get a boo-boo" card and telling the SJW that browners have it pretty good by comparison
>tfw the brownie starts freaking out thinking "this white person is being racist to me" and retaliates harder
>tfw the Jew starts freaking out thinking "this evil antisemite Nazi is trying to holocaust me"
>tfw they both end up saying horrific censorship-worthy (by current standards) things without ever realizing the irony of being on the wrong side of the PC cudgel for once

>> No.7777484


Oscar Wilde and his homosexuality, does that count?

>> No.7777490

>playing by SJW's rules
Just say to her, I'm not a bigot, I just happen to read books that are good."

But if you insist on tapping that SJW poon, there's Maya Angelou, Malcom X, Sun Tzu, and Yoshiki Tanaka at the top of my head.

>> No.7777493

Miles Davis and Charles Mingus, in their autobiographies, talk a lot about pimping, drugs and even sometimes touching upon racism towards whites (although technically neither of the two were racist, but they touch upon it nonetheless). However, I think an SJW seeing you read either of their works will probably just assume it's all about music and not know shit all about what those guys actually got up to.

Also Iceberg Slim's Pimp is always going to ruffle feathers (but it's so beautifully and rhythmically written that I think it should be taught in colleges on their literature and language courses when understanding modern colloquial speak).

>> No.7777494

There really is no better troll of those people than bringing up Jews. You either get the discussion you just described, or you get an equally entertaining rant about how Israel is evil.

>> No.7777495

Just list some Irish, Italians and Slavs the next time she asks for non white lit

>> No.7777496

This never happened though.

>> No.7777497

Fuck you. Here's a list of more diverse authors though and these are actually good, not just an assortment of the first diverse writers on Google.

James Baldwin (black, gay)
Eldridge Cleaver (black)
Zora Neal Hurston (black woman)
Poppy Z. Brite (trans man)
Caitlin R. Kiernan (trans woman)
Kathy Acker (queer woman)
Patricia Highsmith (bisexual woman)
Kim Young-ha (Korean)
Shin Kyung-sook (Korean woman)
Ama Ata Aidoo (Ghanian woman)
Vaslav Nijinsky (mental illness)
Robert Lowell (mental illness)
Mansoura Ez-Eldin (Egyptian woman)

>> No.7777502

but Maya, Malcolm and Yoshiki aren't going to ruffle SJW feathers with what the talk about. OP isn't trying to hit that, he's trying to find diverse writers who write controversial things that SJWs wouldn't agree with. Sun Tzu would kinda work though.

>> No.7777503

it's actually fairly common because most ethnics aren't familiar with the whole jew thing

>> No.7777506

How aren't they, though? it's like world history 101 now

>> No.7777511

non-whites who constantly whine about how they deserve free attention and leg-ups in life for doing nothing are surprisingly self-centered

>> No.7777515


Roastie says you need to read more books by niggers

You just obey her commands like the cuckold you are.


>> No.7777516

I never understood the term "people of color"

It's racist to say "coloured people" but it's not racist to say People of color?

Also why are SJWs so keen on racial segregation? Do they not realise how dreadful that would actually be?

>> No.7777518

>throwing 3rd-worlders and homos together with the insane

>> No.7777520

I guess I misread that last part of ruffling SJW feathers.

>> No.7777525

and how do these guys write anti-sjw themes in their work?

>> No.7777538


Hence the "Fuck you".

SJWs are inevitably interested in mental illness as a discrimination platform on the same level as race and sexual orientation.

>> No.7777539

Christina Hoff Sommers springs to mind. She's a feminist that feminists love to hate. If you want an academic writer who understands how damaging SJW culture is, read her work.

>> No.7777541

What does them being dead have to do with anything?

>> No.7777543


>Listening to roasties

>> No.7777548

Also, Camille Paglia rips feminists apart and has a wonderful book called "Sexual Personae".

>> No.7777551

What's wrong? Can't handle that people don't agree with the SJW belief of thoughtcrime? Don't like being called out for being a hypocrite when you cry privilege? Get fucked.

>> No.7777557

people seem keen on just saying "dead white guys" when you talk about classic literature on campus

>> No.7777563

> Hence the "Fuck you".

why? if you disagree or don't like what the op is asking for, why bother posting? there's a minimisation button beside every thread, if you see something you don't like, you can just hide it (like you can't do in real life).

like it or not, some people want to read things that don't restrict freedom of speech, and freedom of speech includes acknowledging - and, in academic terms, even appreciating - ideas that you don't agree with.

>> No.7777569

I might have read lots of great books by women and non-whites. I don't know, I don't pay much attention to their names or genders.

>> No.7777571

Ryu Murakami writes somewhat pulpy, but very violent psychological horror/thriller/crime books, often focusing on some murder psychosexual mystery of some sort. In The Miso Soup, Audition, Almost Transparent Blue (probably his most grotesque; appeals to those wanting shock-value) and Piercing are his most notable works.

Bret Easton Ellis is a homosexual I believe, so I guess an obvious suggestion is American Psycho, I guess it's also considered a bit of a cult modern classic too.

>> No.7777574

Why not just not give a shit and just read what interests you? Who cares about skin colour, gender, sexuality or whatever? The real bigots are those that need to make a big deal about it; let SJW roasties stew in their own vitriol and you just read whatever sounds good to you <3

>> No.7777592

so they'll deny the holocaust but when asked about their favourite documentaries i bet one of them says shoah

>> No.7777606

Homosexuals being a underprivileged minority is the single greatest subversion of the modern "progressive" movement.

Anyway OP is a tourist from /pol/, his story obviously never happened.

First rule of studying literature is have merciless contempt for everyone with trendy views trying to inveigle you in identity politics. Respect your own integrity for fuck's sake.

>> No.7777610


I chose to respond to tell OP about more diverse offers since he seemed to lack them. I also chose to ignore the criteria of "who are anti-SJW".

The thread is free to continue going, my comments are free to be ignored, and I didn't recommend authors that advocated freedom of speech being curtailed.

Rather than ignore the thread or try to derail it or whatever, I provided additional resources. I merely recommended diverse authors.

>> No.7777618


I'm not bothered by anti SJW, I'm bothered by "I don't read many diverse authors so give me ones that SJWs would hate". So I recommended a list of diverse authors. Maybe OP or someone can enjoy some of them and find the anti SJW material there but he's limiting himself by narrowing it down to the literary equivalent of "just to prove a point".

>> No.7777624

fair enough, anon

>> No.7777635

No one has mentioned Akutagawa or Kawabata yet.

>> No.7777639

I only read books by old dead white guys because what they create isn't complete fucking garbage. 99% of content by women and minorities is all about "hurr durr Im Woman or minority" instead of making a story where something actually happens or something is learned/gained

>> No.7777645


Shusaku Endo, too. His books about Christians are fascinating.

>> No.7777646

Pretty sure VS Naipaul is the go-to guy for this.

>> No.7777664

Anon I hope you are having a good pussy day.

>> No.7777674

To dismiss a person's work based on their skin color is prejudice. Thus, the girl at your uni. is prejudiced since she intentionally goes out of her way to not read books written from the white male perspective.

>> No.7777681

Is David Bowie the most aesthetically attractive human to live on this earth?

>> No.7777684

My God, anon, you're an original genius of earth-shattering proportions.

>> No.7777685

Thanks anon.

>> No.7777687

The very fact that this girl still believes in symbolic racial barriers and other false dichotomies only proves that she is an idiot.

>> No.7777688



>> No.7777696

Iceberg Slim; Pimp

>> No.7777699
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>speaking to women about literature

>> No.7777742
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>> No.7777756

I only read books by old dead white guys because what they create isn't complete fucking garbage. 99% of content by women and minorities is all about "hurr durr Im Woman or minority" instead of making a story where something actually happens or something is learned/gained

>> No.7777833

Where do male hispanic writers fall on the privilege spectrum? Am I diverse enough by reading Bolano and Neruda?

>> No.7777841

itttt: literally cuc'd

>> No.7777848

>A girl asked me

dude, there is already a thread for shutin neets to post their fantasy fiction

>> No.7777854

Basically, if you're a man, and you make a post on 4chan saying you interacted with a woman and weren't a misogynistic piece of shit, you are a cuckold. You have been cuckolded and you enjoy watching black men with bigger penises than your wife. Your wife is unfaithful.

>> No.7777857

both of those were white as fuck

if the writer isn't at least 50% native (mestizo) youre being racist by reading him

>> No.7777865

"Colored people" was very popular during the mid-20th century and been connected to historical examples of racism as a result. The average young person today, when they hear "colored", will think of photographs from the fifties of water fountains, one labelled "whites only" and the other "colored only", or some such thing. "People of color" on the other hand has become popular only relatively recently and, as far as I can tell, its usage has been championed by people of color themselves.

>> No.7777867

If you're American, you should definitely check out some Mexican lit, Juan Rulfo, Octavia Paz, Carlos Fuentes, etc. Great writers

>> No.7777877

poor understanding

mestizo can have native, white, and black ancestry. does not need a minimum of 50% native

>> No.7777879

there's wiggle room for sexual minorities

>> No.7777886

Read Iceberg Slim. He's an underprivileged black pimp, SJWs will struggle to condemn him.

>> No.7777887

It pains me that people like this are allowed to go to university

>> No.7777888
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>you enjoy watching black men with bigger penises than your wife
Fine by me.

>> No.7777908

so you just googled diverse writers. They may win industry awards but that doesnt mean they can actually write, or write well.
what you posted is a list of participation badge winners.

>> No.7777919

That thought and buying XXL condoms will get you laughed at

>> No.7777959

Actually, Jan Morris is pretty damn great. I love Hav, didn't find out she was a tranny until after I read it.

>> No.7777971


Yeah, I never really understood this umbrella term, I think it would really bother me to have my "POC struggle" equivocated with someone else's "POC struggle" that is literally completely different. Also, doesn't it set up this sort of tone of there being "white people" and then "everyone else"? Is that a helpful perspective for anyone involved?

But I'm white, so who cares.

>> No.7777979

i never thought i had a big dick and until i tried a non-xxl condom and it was like fucking impossible to roll down and pinched my dick, then im like shit maybe those chicks werent just trying to stroke my ego after all

>> No.7778355

But anon! Reverse racism doesn't exist because you can't be racist to somebody who has power!

>> No.7778361

Yes, everyone had a man crush on Bowie, even the homophobes and neo-nazis. He was a beautiful man. ;_;

>> No.7778367
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>> No.7778377

> look her up
> comparisons to Borges and Calvino

I can get on board with this.

>> No.7778387

Well, his wife was adamant that Yukio never wanted the D

i dunno, maybe Yukio Din Du Nuffin

>> No.7778389

The Buddha of Suburbia is the fuckin' tits

>> No.7778403

>A girl asked me at uni how many people of colour / diverse authors I read and I struggled to think of any. She told me that I should "read more books by people who aren't dead white guys" and that I'm a bigot for ignoring all the "great stuff ethnics have to say in literature"

Some of my favorite authors happen to be from what the identity politics crowd cite as "oppressed groups". That being said, if anyone addressed me with the spiel proffered to the OP, I don't think I would ever waste words or thoughts on them again as long as I live.

>> No.7778437

Have you read any of his works?

>> No.7778440

I read works based on quality, so of course I read predominantly white guys, since they've always been the best writers. Someone can dispute that all they wish, but if they just look at who the majority of notable writers are through history, it is simple fact.

Of course there are good books that aren't by white guys, but there's no group in quality literature that's as strong as white guys. That's why all these diversity cabals jealously try to take them down. They can't compete on the same ground, so they have to try to undercut the leaders to try to get their inferior stuff seen.

>> No.7778441

I never cared for anything between scary monsters and blackstar.

>> No.7778446

It's pretty easy to make the case that most "Dead White Males" in the literary canon were homosexuals.

>> No.7778458

Sailor that fell from grace and that's it. I'm very new to Yukio. Does it get gayer?

>> No.7778466

I read a few Nigerian authors, reading one by Alexis Wright now, some Abo lady. Thing is, they write quite well, but I personally find it very hard to care about their ethnic struggles. Indeed I find I'm the Apathetic White Man who features so prominently in their work.

It feels like Dr Eggman having to play through Sonic from the Hedgehog's perspective.

>> No.7778474

Confessions of a mask is pretty homogay.

>> No.7778493

i'll ruin u

>> No.7778505

OK I'll read that next

>> No.7778515

Because the typical non-white has never bothered to learn anything about Western culture and but so cannot make the simplest distinctions between white presenting peoples.

>> No.7778529

you know what I would say in such a situation? I don't give a shit.

>> No.7778625


>> No.7778641

I would ask her if it's racist to look at the person's color of skin instead of the quality of their book. And I would tell her that words on a page are not associated with a person or how they look.

Furthermore I would tell her she is racist against white people and is clearly biased and I would ask her what she would respond if I said "So why don't you listen to any music besides criminal chimps speaking a broken dialect of english" to someone who enjoys rap music and whether that would be offensive or not.

>> No.7778658

I miss that beauty

>> No.7778659

think about it.

it's really not that difficult.

>> No.7778663

>where something actually happens or something is learned/gained
>reading for plot
>reading for 'message'/'moral lesson'

>> No.7778962


Definitely recommend it. Sowell is based, and that essay is his best.

>> No.7778986

>its usage has been championed by people of color themselves
I'd think that they'd be the last people to want race relations simplified to the point of there only be white and non-white people.

>> No.7778988

>implying Bowie was human

>> No.7778991

What about Ayn Rand?

>> No.7778993


>> No.7778998

It's nothing but history. There's no reason why "nigger" isn't a perfectly acceptable word, except that everyone imagines the sneer of the white master when they hear it.

Of course, in a way it's not offensive at all. The nigger/nigga distinction is really only a distinction between speakers with different accents.

>> No.7779011

>reading to look progressive
>reading for female and minority approval
Who is the true pleb?

>> No.7779026

lol oh boi

>> No.7779036

Its kind of boggling the hate she gets. From what I've read of her, she never actually says anything disparaging of women, or tries to limit what women can do, yet because she thinks accountability is called for, she's considered vermin.

>> No.7779037

the fuck? Irish are the most white ever

>> No.7779040

She criticized their dead end movement, so the movement despises her. They also hate her because she believes in men and women being inherently different to some degree, and therefor doesn't agree with their attempts to warp or completely abolish gender roles.

>> No.7779054

I'm typically a dead white male author type, but things fall apart by Chinhua Achebe (sp) is probably the best book ever

>> No.7779060

I do neither of those things, friendo

>> No.7779064

they weren't considered so for a while bub

>> No.7779081

"people of color" emphasizes that we are talking about people first and their ethnicity second

>> No.7779123

Yams Fall Apart was ok but it wasn't the best ever.

>> No.7780891

Horses for courses, would you buy crack from a speccy Irish geezer, who wore tweed?

>> No.7780898
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>mfw people doubt Yuki's sexuality

>> No.7780951

>with bigger penises than your wife

>> No.7780961

Just say Thomas Sowell
Blow their mind

>> No.7780968

Damn, he's a post-war Japanese Flava Flav.

>> No.7780994
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>> No.7781005

>why are SJWs so keen on racial segregation
Arw they?

>> No.7781006

Camille Paglia

>> No.7781010

Ezra Pound(mental ilness)

>> No.7781017

Something about the single (Korean) in there cracks me up.

>> No.7781024

>Thomas Sowell
Has he said anything about >>7780994 ?

>> No.7781044

>speaking to women about anything

>> No.7781048

If an author is categorized as a "black author" or a "gay author" they are probably not great writers. You don't hear people calling Proust or Lawrence "gay authors". They let their work stand separate of the person who created it. That's why it pisses me off when SJW's say, "oh im reading this lesbian tri-gendered black author, I'm so much more evolved than you" If the writer was half decent they wouldn't have to identify themselves at all in order to sucker these feminists into buying their pleb tier works.

And same thing goes for authors of color. Why are we blanketing white people and non whites into two distinct categories. Hemingway and Proust are about as different as 2 writers can possibly be but you are gonna cast them into the same category just because they happen to have the same color skin.

lets take race, gender and sexual orientation out of our selection process because it truly doesn't fucking matter, and if it really does matter to you then the real problem lies withing yourself.

>> No.7781049

>Wow this is so eurocentric and problematic
>check your privilege

4chan has destroyed me

>> No.7781058

I would like to take two obscure shorts stories from the same obscure author and attribute one to a white guy and one to a gay latino with two dicks that cut himself because he got teased all his life and laugh as they praise the latter while shitting on the former

>> No.7781083

Politely tell her she should learn to separate a work from its author and the inability to do so is indicative of an immature mind, unable to separate a child from its parents.

>> No.7781084

Literature written by racial diversities?
What about the Bible?
Both the authors and the characters were of african descent after all, so it is absolutely positive that they were of darker complexion than "dead white guys".

Believe it or not, Jesus was not a pearly white man with smooth, flowing long hair and sparkling blue eyes.
His magnificent beard, however, is up to debate.

>> No.7781095

i think you can get by talking about ellison every single time it comes up

>> No.7781100

Esther Vilar

>> No.7781107

You should've told her that only the written word of the pure Aryan is worth anything and then goosestepped out of there, before going to /pol/ to tell about your redpilled encounter.