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/lit/ - Literature

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7767435 No.7767435 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you find out George Bush cut the budget for public libraries by $40 million.

>> No.7767439

Who cares about amerifat politics

>> No.7767441

Gotta pay for the military. Sorry nerd.

>> No.7767442
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>being an american

>> No.7767448
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>being this poor

>> No.7767462

I'm not going to share my books with poopy-fingered plebs.

>> No.7767465

Should've assassinated him tbhl&l (to be honest lads and lasses)

>> No.7767479
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>tfw you thought you read Kate Bush and were exited for a thread full of Catherine

>> No.7767480

Literature was better when it was reserved for the upper classes. He did the right thing.

>> No.7767495
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>> No.7767501


Truth. And when literature was a man's arena.

Women and filthy peasants have ruined our literary culture.

>> No.7767505

He's baiting. He basically gets a small dopamine release when he gets a (You). When you give him a (You) you're essentially a drug dealer giving a junkie his drugs.

>> No.7767506

This one time I checked out Blood Meridian after waiting forever for it cause some asshole checked it out then returned it like three months past it's due date. Anyways I got it and it had blood stains all over it. What the fuck. Do you think he bled on it because of the title or did he have a bloody nose and was like "fuck man i'm just getting to the good part i can't go get a kleenex right now!" and just bled profusely onto every single page.
That was the worst library experience I've ever had.

>> No.7767519

He also ruined the economy
Thank god for Obama
>inb4 Obongo didn't do nothin!

>> No.7767521

And the coloreds. You forgot the coloreds.

>> No.7767571


Niggers don't read or try to be a part of literary culture and they never have or ever will.

Thank God.

>> No.7767581

And closing down public libraries is going to change that? As far as I'm concerned getting kid off the streets and in the library is a good thing.

>> No.7767606

I'm not paying 100$ a month on books

>> No.7767634


>basketball players are tall, so if we force short Asians to play basketball, they will become taller

>people who read are intelligent, so if we force dumb niggers into libraries they will become more intelligent

>> No.7767648
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>not being able to afford $1200 of books in a year

things were better when the poor felt shame

>> No.7767661


>> No.7767668
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>> No.7767683

Amen to that.

>> No.7767692


>> No.7767693
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I agree

Aren't there places we can ship them off to work as indentured servants? Congo mines maybe? Most of these apes would fit right in.

>> No.7767720

sure is hp lovecraft in here

>> No.7767776
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Too much of a hassle. I say stick to the plan. Automation is ready to go. All that's left is to keep forcing the climate change meme until they willingly submit to sterilization.

>> No.7767822

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting I'd like to remind you.

>> No.7768104

>posting watches that only new-money Wall Street bros would ever wear
I like pretending to be a Bilderbergian as much as the next guy, but think it through.

>> No.7768110

good, i dont want my tax money to be spent so you can jerk off to the sex parts of ASOIAF in the poorly lit back corner of your musty collapsing library

>> No.7768187
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>new money

you're thinking of Hublot faggot

>> No.7768270

Wow i didnt realize that libraries were being given so much. Ive been in my local library and honestly, I dont see where the money went. If it had more than $40 million to spend, it must have been wasting it.

>> No.7768292
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good to hear
i want to read my emerson in peace and not be taxed to pay for other people's reading

>> No.7768298

>posting this bullshit
>old money
pick one, faggot

>> No.7768344

looks like the kind of watches nigger boxers wear

>> No.7768366


>paying 1200 dollars for stuff that I get for free


Do you also pay for air?

>> No.7768383


Sorry but if you think either of these look good then you have more money than taste

>> No.7768399

No, his parents do.

>> No.7768408

/pol/ explained in one post.

>> No.7768458

>$40 million federally over 4years
>meaning anything to you

US runs a massive deficit anyhow, it's probably literally just tidying up useless tasks and services

>> No.7768478
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/int/ and /tv/*

especially /int/

>> No.7768484

>libraries being good meme

Most libraries are utter shit and not worth being open anyway.

>> No.7768545

>negativity meme

>> No.7768572

look at this american ah ah ah

>> No.7768607 [DELETED] 

I don't like libraries, you take book and you need to bring it back later.

>> No.7768635

Libraries are where poor people go to print stuff and use the internet. The books are incidental.

>> No.7769700

Like I should care. Just finished building my dream house with a 10000 capacity library. I'll prob be spending 100 every other month filling it. Sharing books with grubby folks is not my cup of tea. Besides who the fuck actually uses the library anymore? (Outside of niggers using the free internet on those Windows 98s of course.)

>> No.7769722

nice dubs

>> No.7769741

This. 90% of the books in public libraries are shit; 90% of the books in my home are patrician. I'm building large collections of quality authors which most libraries won't even touch.

>> No.7769760

please post pics of the process.

>> No.7770499

Sure, no prob. As soon as I get off work.

>> No.7770517

Hate to tell you, but no one uses libraries

>> No.7770524

Exactly. Everything in my local library is either outdated or dime store novels. The local library system practicality bans anything mildly suggestive. It's so much easier to build my own collection.

>> No.7770623

No, really. Outside of the big and important ones, the majority are terrible. The average library has a terrible stock of books making them almost worthless.

Books are really cheap too, so it doesn't even serve as free books for the poor as basically anyone can afford books today.

>> No.7770629

And all books are in print forever!

>> No.7770639
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Must suck to have a shitty librsry, mine is freaking awesome. Every single book I've ever wanted I can get, or request from ILL. 50 item limit.

Pic related is my current books waiting for me. They have almost the complete NYRB.

>> No.7770648

You know you're on a board filled with retarded pseuds when they all hate on libraries.

>> No.7770699


in my country libraries are literally just places where poor people go to write resumes on the computers

>> No.7770717
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Here you go anon.

>> No.7770728
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Without the timestamp. More shelves behind me, but I won't post because it's the same and nothing's on them yet.

>> No.7770733

I hope someone breaks that china.

>> No.7770740
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A close up of what I've got so far. Everything else is just kids books and magazines, a few 'trash' novels here and there.

>> No.7770749

All my kids are adults so that's doubtful Anon. ;)

>> No.7770758

i hope you're not as ugly as your hands

>> No.7770763

I bet more adults have broken china than kids. Just sayin'

>> No.7770768
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No matter how hard you try, you will never reach the standard of pic related

>> No.7770770
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>> No.7770774

Honestly, I wouldn't dissagree with that anon.

>> No.7770776

Nah, that's not really my style. To each his own.

>> No.7770781

military > libraries

>> No.7770791

>tfw ebooks started to become widely available for free to anyone with an internet connection

>> No.7772143


>> No.7772154

>A visit that I paid to the house of a newly-married friend the other day set me thinking. My friend is a man of great wealth and vulgarity. When he had set about buying bedsteads, tables, chairs and what-not, it occurred to him to buy also a library. Whether he can read or not, I do not know, but some savage faculty for observation told him that most respectable and estimable people usually had a lot of books in their houses. So he bought several book-cases and paid some rascally middleman to stuff them with all manner of new books, some of them very costly volumes on the subject of French landscape painting. I noticed on my visit that not one of them had ever been opened or touched, and remarked the fact.
>'When I get settled down properly,' said the fool, 'I'll have to catch up on my reading.'
>This is what set me thinking. Why should a wealthy person like this be put to the trouble of pretending to read at all? Why not a professional book-handler to go in and suitably maul his library for so-much per shelf? Such a person, if properly qualified, could make a fortune.

>> No.7772216

Is it normal that I get a hard-on ?

>> No.7772223

Now THAT is fedora-core

>> No.7772243

Well, the lamp is ugly and the glass-thing on the table should be destroyed, but besides from that, it should only be a bit comfier to be perfect.

>> No.7772245

It's not bad. It's not 10000, though.

>> No.7772246

You have remarkably young looking hands for someone with adult children. Such aspirational lower-middle-class British décor and reading material too. I can smell that room already.

>> No.7772255

That ceiling is very low. I feel like I'd have a great time if I stumbled on this room at some kind of function, but I wouldn't want to remain for any length in here. It looks cloistered and humid.

>> No.7772260

What's the most /lit/ colour to paint your walls?
I was thinking terracotta but >>7770768 is a lot darker than that.

>> No.7772264

It's 1979. Color it hot pink.

>> No.7772744

Thanks anon, I appriciate that.

Nah, we're old money. I'd say bottom of that 1% if you will. Wealthy but not extravagantly so. Double digit millions anyway.

I'm pretty sure you don't know what British decor actually looks like, however.

>> No.7772751

Thanks anon, I meant 1000, forgive me, my brain often runs faster than my fingers, or perhaps the other way around.

>> No.7773157
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>Trying this hard not to sound middle class. Middle class af.

Then why don't you post pics of your library anon? And while you're at it let me fix you a drink, you sound thirsty as hell.

>> No.7773217

This sounds like a curious case anon. The wealthy of the word tend to put more stock in reading the the average pleb. In my experience the rich and super rich value learned information more than actual school-aquired education. Most wealthy people I know don't send their kids to college after prep school, they just encourage them to learn money making skills. Certainly the richest man I know never attended college, yet makes millions. He is also highly intelligent in the ways of the world, which I respect.

I believe that higher education is more valued by the middle class (of which I belong) as an attempt to escape the middle class. Now I'm not knocking college, I went and enjoined myself; and for those not born in that 1% college is mandatory to survive.

What gets in my crawl are people who are upper middle class with degrees (like doctors, lawyers, ect.) who think they are better than less educated upper class gentlemen. Having a piece of paper saying you completed university is worthless is you are not worldly. Your skills and intelligence represent your intellectual value, not a degree.

>> No.7773234


he just wanted to make it accurate to its title, anon

>> No.7773250


Which Lovecraft collection is that? There's like three different ones available that all have a few minute differences and I'm trying to figure out which one I want.

Although I know that there's three Penguin collections with notes by Joshi that seem pretty comprehensive (together) without being handbreakers.

>> No.7773261

Americans don't use libraries.

>> No.7773276

>library of barnes and noble collection shit and paperbacks
Why even bother

>> No.7773302

>Being a Doctor
>It's just a piece of paper
I agree. They have no skills or intelligence.

>> No.7773485

on a national scale $40 million is next to nothing

>> No.7773520

A Barnes and noble edition. It's the only one I've seen with a complete set of work.

>> No.7773543

those rugs probably cost more than my rent

>> No.7773552

Not sure if you're trying to be sarcastic or sincere, sounds like I might have hit a nerve. Was daddy a doctor anon?

I did not say that all doctors are unintelligent, merely that having a degree should not make you feel like you are better than someone of the upper crust, because you're not. Having a degree doesn't qualify you as intelegent.

That being said many doctors cheat through medical school and far more are truly inept and or money hungry. It's harder to find a good doctor in America than it is a poor one.

>> No.7773562

Because I prefer used copies and attractive covers, they have more character. A cookie cutter leather bound library is trying too hard. I'd rather spend more on books I'll actually read than 1st edition books I'd have to handle with gloves.

>> No.7773566

lol you sound mad and dumb. either super rich or super poor. i'm guessing the latter

>> No.7773569

I urge you to find a time when literature was a masculine hobby, you pleb

>> No.7773581

>library banning books


>> No.7773585

nigger you have fucking twilight and harry potter hardcovers, you're a waste of money

>> No.7773594

I already stated I'm middle class, go back and read the post you illiterate pleb.

No, I'm not mad. Wasting human emotion on /lit/is rather fruitless don't you think.

Now tell me more about your daddy anon...did he come home smelling like blood from a long day in the ER? Did he smoke camels?

>> No.7773598

Yes, those were my kids. What can I say, that have shit tastes. :)

>> No.7773599

the books are visibly untouched

so, your pleb kids are the sons of a pleb parent (whose books seem untouched as well)

I see

>> No.7773604

You'd be very suprised anon! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_most_commonly_challenged_books_in_the_United_States

>> No.7773616

Unlike some I taught them to respect books. The only ones that ever too serious abuse are the picture books up top which I have a hard time parting with. I hate spine bending and such. Shake the sand out of your vagina anon, you look silly.

>> No.7773627
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I haven't read it all, I'll do so when I get home, but I'll lay down some opinions on a quick skim while waiting to leave work:

It's amazing how through all of the 20th century, american intelligentsia pushed for including Mark Twain to canon status (I won't argue for his merit or demerit, since I don't feel the slightest interest in his work, but even his fans have to admit he's a mostly american thing)

As I Lay Dying is one of the best books I've ever read and a ABSOLUTE american classic, how the fuck can people get so upset about it?

Bone is probably one of the most comfy and innofensive series I've ever read, and I actually went and bought the paperbacks just to get my cousins into reading, and they love it. What's there to ban about it? It's one of the first (and most well done) pieces of the typical "for the family" media we get from Pixar and Dreamworks these days.

Isn't banning Farenheit 451, a book about the dangers of censorship, a little too-good-to-be-true? Do these people seriously lack self-awareness this much?

The same goes for Animal Farm, specially considering how it should be grade A material for murrica red scare.

gooes fucking bumps? Seriously?

I don't even know what to say, honestly

(my boss actually saw me skimming the list and he's actually amused at it as well)

>> No.7773635

If you're abbreviation requires parenthesis explaining what a portion of it means, it isnt worth abbreviating.

>> No.7773640

those fucking numbers mate.

>> No.7773651

that's part of the joke
it's not a funny one, but still

>> No.7773679

Agreed on all counts. Glad I could hook you up anon, happy reading.