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/lit/ - Literature

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7562405 No.7562405 [Reply] [Original]

Good books that don't get often discussed on /lit/

>> No.7562448
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>> No.7562510
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>> No.7562512

My diary desu

>> No.7562558

>I browsed nyrb and picked a book at random and now I have obscure tastes

>> No.7562587

Considering /lit/ discusses the same 20 novels over and over, you dont quite have to delve into scholarly quarterlies to get decent books that arent discussed here.

The last two years have been huge in contemporary /lit/, and no one talks about it or has read them

>> No.7562599

dont read hungarians they are racist

>> No.7562604
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>> No.7562614
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Arno Schmidt
>obscure German-James-Joyce-Core

>> No.7562616
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>> No.7562620

Good on you for finding "obscure" works. Now if only you could find threads in the catalog.

>> No.7562624

>Remains of the Day, by the author of Remains of the Day

Wew didn't know I only had to write one book to get infinite writing credits

>> No.7562631

I'm not OP faggot. Also, calling a book obscure because it isnt circle-jerked around on this board is idiotic.

>> No.7562634
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>> No.7563242

>The last two years have been huge in contemporary /lit/
In what way?

>> No.7563715

He's full of shit. He just walked into Strands and saw this on one of their tables and thinks it's good.

>> No.7564209

lol this was the NYT book of the year you tard

>> No.7564213
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Insatiability by Witkiewicz
Pornography by Gombrowicz
Autodafe by Canetti
The Year of the Death of Ricardo Reis by Saramago
Nazarin by Galdos
Lost Steps by Carpentier
The Moon and the Bonfires by Pavese
Les Faux-Monnayeurs by Gide
Hourglass by Kis
Moskat Family by Isaac

>> No.7564215

>implying that's not a fun way to find new books

Get outta here pseud

>> No.7564232

weird, i just bought this last week

>> No.7564287

you're right though, it always gets mentioned but no-one ever talks about the book itself

>> No.7564302


What are these huge contemporary lit books of the last 2 years? Not trolling, just want to hear what you have to say.

>> No.7564317
File: 9 KB, 204x308, baricco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally (no meme-ing) one of the finest and most beautiful pieces of prose-poetry ever written. It is the finest example of how magical realism -should- be done and yet people still stroke off Murakami. Baricco is who Kundera secretly wants to be, and he writes achingly beautiful prose and something that makes you want to cry L I T E R A L L Y every 5 paragraphs. I defy -anyone- to name a book with more beautiful writing than this. (You can't -- sidenote, there's a reason it's rated so highly on GoodReads).

>> No.7564342
File: 109 KB, 400x582, emmaus_pbcover_FINAL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Seconded, completely underrated. Emmaus is also spectacular.

>> No.7564351

fuck it i will give it a go and shitpost it endlessly if it turns out i like it

>> No.7564358


You'll love it man.

>> No.7564368
File: 131 KB, 333x509, House_on_the_Borderland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better than Lovecraft by far.

>> No.7564568

gonna check it out despite dumb title

>> No.7564584
File: 19 KB, 300x512, la_invencion_de_morel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How similar you will say that is to the King in Yellow?
Also this one.

>> No.7564616

I liked Castelli di rabbia better (no idea of what the English title is), but Oceano mare wasn't bad either.

>> No.7564684

>sidenote, there's a reason it's rated so highly on GoodReads
So is The Martian. Goodreads scores hardly mean anything these days.

>> No.7564739

anyone have a pdf? can't find this on any of the usual book torrent sites.

>> No.7564786
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Got you a copy from what, it's in epub but you can use Calibre to make it any format you want.



Yeah it had a super limited release in the U.K called Lands of Glass, I got a copy and it's excellent -- not as good as Ocean Sea imo though. It was his first novel so it felt really ambitious.

>> No.7564792

thanks f.a.m.

>> No.7564795

>Got you a copy from what, it's in epub but you can use Calibre to make it any format you want.

where the fuck did you find that? google and slsk did turned up nothing

>> No.7564802

The Martian is pretty good, for genre fiction at least.

>> No.7564804



Go interview it's not as difficult as people make it seem (^:

>> No.7564810

you are a living breathing meme.

>> No.7564814

nah, i dont seed, so it'll just be a waste of everybody's time

>> No.7564863
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SPOILER: he writes better than horgey lorgey borgey

>> No.7564870
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gorgeous writing

>> No.7564875

>I know because i read translations XD

>> No.7564882


hey man post a book and move along shitter

>> No.7564886

He is Borges

>> No.7564892


they were friends but he wasnt a hetronym, he even has his own wikipedia page

>> No.7564899

they were lovers

>> No.7564901
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Musil should probably be talked about more.

>> No.7564908
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>> No.7564914

He's written very little that's notable, though. His short stories aren't bad by any means, but aside from Morel they're at best comparable to Borges' most standard efforts.

>> No.7564916
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Anyone know any other lyrical prose writers like Baricco besides Celine?

>> No.7564925

They were each other

>> No.7564972
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>> No.7564992
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Anyone got any good depressing /lit/? Thinking along the lines of Stoner

>> No.7565042

god i really just want this fucking thread to work so i can wake up tomorrow to a bunch of good recommendations

>> No.7565150

>isabel allende

>> No.7565152

Probably my favourite prose of any book

>> No.7565157

That book is actually pretty good from what i remember. Eva Luna was shit though. Her opinions would embarrass her uncle.
Venceremos Allende!

>> No.7565312

One last bump before bed -- if you have a book you like that isn't discussed much please post it.

>> No.7565410
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Mrs. Bridge by Evan S.Connell

also Hannah Coulter by Wendell Berry

>> No.7565416
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Walser never gets enough talk.

>> No.7565442

Is this worth reading if I loved the movie?

>> No.7565536

Yes. I'd say it's nearly on par with the movie.

>> No.7565656
File: 33 KB, 300x475, the devil in the white city.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the best prose in the world, but still a nice piece of historical fiction, especially if you like reading about serial killers. Also heard they're making a movie out of it with DiCaprio.

>> No.7566043

The Invention of Morel owns.

>> No.7566059

Wow I almost picked up Auto da fe today and didn't.
I'm kinda bummed now is it worth reading?

>> No.7566831



>> No.7566889
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Loved it

>> No.7566906

That's a fucking insult to genre fiction

>> No.7566924

honestly i think i like krasznahorkai's books even more than the tarr movies

>> No.7566999

It's not that bad.

>> No.7567004

nearly on par with the movie? back to rateyourmusic

>> No.7567021
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>> No.7567042

Yes, it is very good as a psychological study on what drives a man to self-destruction

>> No.7567056 [SPOILER] 
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Anyone have any non-meme suggestions for good/underappreciated novels?

>> No.7567057


Any Saramago is underrepresented on /lit/, really.

>> No.7567064


Is there a Volume 1? I got Volume Two in a sharethread last week but can't find Volume 1.

>> No.7567072
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where my bernheads at?

>> No.7567076


A Schoolboy's Diary is sublime. One of the best books I read last year.

>> No.7567157
File: 390 KB, 600x450, pessoa-thebookofdisquiet01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uglier cover, but the superior translation. Why does /lit/ hate Pessoa?

>> No.7567207

Yes, you retard. You seem too dumb to be reading him.

>> No.7567218


Because he's a sullen fuck who says the same thing some 500 times.

It's because they relate too much, likely due to schizoid personality disorder.

Personally, I adored it, although it was quite repetitive.

>> No.7567222

It's mostly for tumblrinas.
They identify with it so much. It's one Pessoa's worst works

>> No.7567224

I dont get it as well...

>> No.7567227


>It's one Pessoa's worst works

Come on shitposter, you can do better than that.

>> No.7567272

Anatomy of Melancholy > Book of Disquiet

>> No.7567342

>hasn't read anarchist banker
Okay pleb

>> No.7567351

/lit/ hates Pessoa now?

When I came here a few years ago he was a /lit/ favorite. I suppose the older users have left the board.

>> No.7567357

Book of disquiet is just overrated

>> No.7567359


What's a better Pessoa work (that's been translated into English) than the Book of Disquet then?

>> No.7567391


Good read

>> No.7567400
File: 59 KB, 400x577, East-of-eden-novel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Popular but I never see it talked about on /lit/

>> No.7567413 [SPOILER] 
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Lolita is good and all but this is the best thing vladdy nabz has ever written. (ada isn't good btw stop fooling yourselves)

>> No.7567474

Pale Fire mo'fucker.

>> No.7567536

pretentious trash

>> No.7567560

Poesia Completa de Alberto Caeiro > Livro do Desassossego.

t. Alberto Barbosa

>> No.7567580
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>> No.7567778

I'm from Somerset and even I find this too English

>> No.7567779

Essential chinese cuck-core