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/lit/ - Literature

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7542312 No.7542312 [Reply] [Original]

(Sorry for any english mistakes bellow)
As a Brazilian I obviously read a lot of authors from my country, and I really love the way that some books like "O Alienista" ou "Lucíola" are written but in the foreign scenario those books are rarely mentioned. This kind of thing also happens with some authors from Africa and other Latin countries who became overshadowed due to theirs birthplace.

>> No.7542320

Yeah, it's almost like this is an English language board or some shit
Half of the great writers from the anglosphere are completely unknown outside of it tbqh, shill your country elsewhere

>> No.7542361

Have you read O Alienista in english as well or know anyone who has?
If so, how do they compare?
I'm intrigued, hungry, and hope it's not a tear jerker.

>> No.7542388

Machado de Assis was a hack who admittedly plagiarized foreign writers; this is also the case for almost every "great" Brazilian writer.

Few authors have actual talent such as João Guimarães Rosa, Dalton Trevisan and Aluísio Azevedo, but I wouldn't like to see their works being translated anyway.

>> No.7542667

Macunaíma is the best thing I've read in Portuguese but there is no way it could possibly be translated to English, or any other language really.

>> No.7542673


How do you like Euclides da Cunha? And what about Clarice Lispector?

>> No.7542682


Pick one, you cucked, foreign-cock worshipper, filho da puta. Next time you read Memórias Póstumas de Brás Cubas don't shove your head up your ass.

I mad.

>> No.7542703

So, what y'all niggers think about:

>Quincas Borba
>Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma
>O Vampiro do Curitiba
>O Fantástico na Ilha de Santa Catarina
>O Continente (O Tempo e o Vento)
>Relatos de um Certo Oriente


>> No.7543279

Read some Brazilian novel called The Devil to Pay in the Backlands (Grande Sertão: Veredas) in a comparative lit class. Can't say I've read anything else by a Brazilian author, although I feel that Spanish speaking Latin American authors get a lot more attention.

>> No.7543282



>> No.7543296

Well, maybe because there is only a few good brazilian and african writters.

Machado de Assis and Guimaraes Rosa are great but there isn't much more to explore.

The european/american universes are vast, incredible and more interesting. I'm brazilian too.

>> No.7545260

My sides.
>Quanto à linguagem, o romantismo brasileiro é, bem sabemos, o império do adjetivo, da hipérbole, do arroubo grandiloqüente.
>Translated to english: As far as language, brazilian romantism is, we all know, the empire of adjectives, hyperbole, magniloquent rapture

I bet you think "O ateneu" or "A moreninha" or "O cortiço" are great pieces of literature.
Brazil lacks in representants for naturalism and romantism, yet the ones we have are lauded as "the greatest writers of our canon". All mediocre tbqhwyf.

No wonder no one will take serious brazilian literature, most of the time brazilians try to highlight bad writers.

At least we have one of the greatest realist writers. (Machado for the non-brazilian anons).

>> No.7545800

> not reading "O Alquimista" by Paulo Coelho

He's our own Tolstoy, you cock-suckers

>> No.7545809
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>> No.7545855

>>most of the time brazilians try to highlight bad writers.

Explique essa parte, a quais escritores você se refere?

>> No.7545882

Wow, I guess everybody on /lit/ is racist because we don't read Brazilian literature.

Get out.

>> No.7545889

Eu não entendo vocês. O que constitui um autor ruim ou um romance ruim?

"O alienista" do machado é ruim filosoficamente qusndo comparado a "memória póstumas" que tem uma mensagem transcedental. Mas por outro lado "O alienista" é uma história mais divertida e criativa.

O Lima Barreto por exemplo, em "Policarpo Quaresma" basicamente resumiu o que é a mentalidade brasileira até hoje. Em "memórias do escrivão Isaías caminha" ele mostra a importância de seguir sua vocação apesar das adversidades do meio.

O Aluísio, apesar de ter um estilo passivo de críticas, trabalhou muito bem a questao da inveja e intriga no livro "Casa de pensão". Ele também demonstrou muito bem a importância de seguir a verdade em "O coruja".

Me expliquem por que esses escritores são ruins criticanso a obra e não usando "literatura comparada".

>> No.7546320

o alienista is funny af

>> No.7546402

>overshadowed due to theirs birthplace
More like they are overshadowed because authors from other countries dwarf them.

Like it or not, Brazilian literature has always been irrelevant shit tier.