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7521427 No.7521427 [Reply] [Original]

Destroy my beliefs, /lit/

There is no caring god. We are alone in this planet, and our morals are purely human-made. This means evil is just something people agree must be avoided, but at the same time, while it is subjective, it has value by itself.

Since evil its subjective, if a guy steals all his life there is objetively no reason for which he is wrong. But at the same time then, since he is free, the rest are free to put him on jail or execute him.

So, human freedom creates order. As long as two humans, or maybe even one exist, order will be created from chaos. But Order and Chaos are always interchangeable: the universe is mindless, yet it has some laws -like Gravity- to encompass it, and we Humans try to do good yet we still have the seed of evil in our hearts. One should try to accept that evil and do whatever he feels its right.

There is nothing after death. This life and only this is all we have, so we must try to enjoy it. Suicide is the worst act, since you are destroying a reality itself: yours. Thus, suicide should be kept only for when existence becames unbearable.

Since we are gonna dissapear, some people might point that there is no reason for which being good and following the rules. This is true. But there is also no real reason for which to be evil. However, one could be evil just to get an advantage and makes his life easier if he can get away with that.

At the end, strenght its all that matters in human society. Could be intelectual strenght, physical strenght, etc: the winners are the strongest ones, and they live in dominance. Love, morals, reasons, are all pointless towards a destructing force. Furthermore, only the strong ones are allowed to put themselves under the reglaments of morals or honor codes, since they have the strenght to back it.

Love is...

Ok actually i know shit about love.

Since there is no purpose, we are actually free, devoid of all reasons or meaning. We should try to make this world a garden on which to enjoy ourselves the most. Yet, some may try to give significance to their lives by becoming heroes, or dying for an ideal. Both things are good. There is no real answer so we can do whatever we can.

Life is actually pretty enjoyable just on the virtue of being alive itself.

Mint ice cream is the best icecream.

Humanity will never perish by itself. At most, there could be a catasthrophe and it could be reduced by millions, but the world would end up healing itself eventually and humans would dominate again after centuries. The only way humanity could be erradicated is by an outsider agent, like a meteor.

Life is...

Yeah, no idea there. But life expands, so i think there is meaning on that. The problem is that we are single agents of life. Humanity as an entire thing and a single human are very different things; perhaps humanity itself does has a purpose after all. But that doesnt mean im obliged to follow it, since im free.

Ok, i think im done. Rekt me.

>> No.7521429

You sound like you're 13, 15 tops

>> No.7521433
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>> No.7521436

sleep tight porker

>> No.7521443

I remember when I was a teenager.

>> No.7521447

wow seems like you have it all figured out

>> No.7521453

>there is no life after death

Hell of an assumption to make, you really do sound like a child.

>> No.7521462


>> No.7521463

Worst fucking cringy 17 year old stream of conciousness i've ever read in my entire life, good job.

>> No.7521467

>There is no real answer so we can do whatever we can.

you need Dhamma son, tbqh

>> No.7521523

>mint ice cream is the best ice cream


>> No.7521542


>> No.7522416

Is that a Slake Moth?

>> No.7522695

ya don't know shit
start here:

>> No.7522717


>Suicide is the worst act

according to what? since you've noted that all value judgements are subjective and artificial

>> No.7522727

Why read what some random blogger has to say about Nietzsche, when you can read his own words?

>> No.7524509
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>This guy

>> No.7524582

everyone knows pistachio is the better green snow

rocky road master race

>> No.7524596
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I'm not OP and I'm 22 and I thought it was fine.


Occam's Razor

>> No.7524597

>and I thought it was fine

Wait, unless OP intends to publish this or something.

To some place other than 4chan or some random blog or such, that is.

>> No.7524608

>Humanity will never perish by itself. At most, there could be a catasthrophe and it could be reduced by millions, but the world would end up healing itself eventually and humans would dominate again after centuries. The only way humanity could be erradicated is by an outsider agent, like a meteor.

Every single species will die out. That's the way it's been for 3 billion years. Homo Sapiens Sapiens is no different. You contradict yourself anyways, because earlier you say
>Since we are gonna dissapear,

Honestly, how you got through the entire post and couldn't be bothered to fix any of the egregious and numerous typos is beyond me.

Maximum edge, a hodgepodge of pseudo-philosophical nonsense, and it sounds like you're spouting a lot of baseless conjecture as fact. Read more, lurk more, and dammit try to smile every now and then.

>> No.7524609

you could probably save the space and just condense it into "morality is subjective"

>> No.7524610

Why not just start with the Greeks?

>> No.7524616

So close. Green Tea is the godliest green ice cream

>> No.7524627

But i am quite happy. Im sorry if it sounded like a despair speech.

I was refering to the individual death, not the extinction of humanity.

Oh and no, i wouldnt publish this shit. I dont think its even original. But who cares. Its just that thinking this way made me bored.

>> No.7524632

If you knew anything about love, your worldview would be pretty different senpai. (I'm not referring to only romantic love.)

>> No.7524659


Somebody please tell me what word gets transformed into senpai.

>> No.7524676


I still think it's awfully arrogant of you to insinuate that humanity is somehow immune to extinction within a closed system. One well-placed Ebola outbreak or antibiotic-resistant plague and we're well and truly fucked m8.

>> No.7524693

That's easy, it's senpai.

>> No.7524709

These are the beliefs of ancient sophists. I wouldn't call them your beliefs because most likely you picked them up uncritically from the surrounding culture; the modern philosophers have revived the sophists. The idea that Order can arise from Chaos, that man is the measure of all things (truth and falsehood, good and evil), that morality is just the invention of men in power - these are all sophistries.

These are the three main statements that sum up all of sophistry; all ancient sophists and all modern philosophers preach at least one of these:

I. There is no truth (or reality, or being).
II. Even if there was truth (or reality, or being), it is unknowable.
III. Even if truth (or reality, or being) was knowable, it could not be communicated.

All of these end philosophy before it begins. If there is no truth, philosophy has no object. If the truth is unknowable, philosophy is vain. If truth is incommunicable, one could have no philosophical teaching or discussion. Therefore, anyone that holds to any of these statements is certainly a hypocrite, else he would not open his mouth and affirm them.

Order cannot arise out of Chaos. Chaos cannot be the cause or principle of any act, because properly speaking Chaos is not something that exists, and only something that exists can be the cause of anything. Chaos does not exist in being/reality, it only exists in thought, namely, in the thought of those whose apprehension of reality is limited and confused and therefore are not able to grasp its principles. If Chaos did exist it would immediately cease to exist, and then come into existence, and then take on any and every form, because if Chaos was any single existing thing or collection of existing things, it would not be Chaos but that thing or collection of things. So, properly speaking, Chaos is nothing except a certain lack of knowledge in a mind, just like Chance.

>> No.7524714


Ethics has an objective basis. Its objectivity is derived from being itself. The goodness of a thing is its participation in being. Being itself is good of necessity else there could be no goodness, and anything that participates in being is good. Evil is the tendency towards non-being, or nothingness. To smear a masterpiece painting with random paint-strokes is evil precisely because it moves the painting towards non-being by comprising its form. When a flower does not get enough nutrients and begins to whither and die, this is an evil. Moral evils are evils committed by moral agents, rational minds capable of freely determining their acts.

The existence of God can be proven by reason. That God is willing to grant people eternal happiness in heaven is not rationally deducible, but that he is caring is obvious. He is the foundation of all being and as such he is the most caring of carers. Before we even begin to care about anything God cares enough to give us the power of caring. Before we even begin to think God has us in his thought. Our intelligence is a participation in the divine Intelligence. If this were not so we would have no ultimate foundation for our knowledge and so our intellect would be radically unreliable.

>> No.7524724

Well said.

>> No.7524729

Sleep tight porker

>> No.7524737

Occams razor is usually used only in economics because it doesn't mean much in other areas, since there is no need to use it.

>> No.7524742

sleep tight, porker

>> No.7524749

Thats the kind of answer i wanted. Thanks anon. Ill put thought into it later, but so far i can see you have some good points.

>> No.7524751

Yeah, but consistency in atheistc moral axiomatic systems isn't a thing.

>> No.7524758

I'd like to learn from you. Have you published anything I can read?

>> No.7524759

This is a literature board, not a place to make baseless claims

Thread saged; take your clown act to >>>/pol/

>> No.7524773


>Ethics has an objective basis. Its objectivity is derived from being itself. The goodness of a thing is its participation in being. Being itself is good of necessity else there could be no goodness, and anything that participates in being is good. Evil is the tendency towards non-being, or nothingness. To smear a masterpiece painting with random paint-strokes is evil precisely because it moves the painting towards non-being by comprising its form. When a flower does not get enough nutrients and begins to whither and die, this is an evil. Moral evils are evils committed by moral agents, rational minds capable of freely determining their acts.

Here is the only part i dont get. While i do get that morals can be objective by themselves, is there a reason i should follow them? Besides not being a dick, i know.

Im really curious.

>> No.7524790


>> No.7524798

He is called Thomas Aquinas

>> No.7524805


>> No.7524832
File: 80 KB, 736x736, a7f8d3bea39c5e7a9e372a551767dc32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ttry for a week to hold beliefs opposite of these, no matter how much "illogical" they seem to you. You will be surprised.

>> No.7524864

Life is meaningless bud.
People will believe in things when they can't face reality.
All humans can die, and after your death, how can you deny it? Just look at the world with no notion of time, but following the humanity, there's no meaning in humanity itself.
And you cannot prove you're free.

But love is the better medicine that can cure you m8.

>> No.7524870

Moral behavior is an acquired habit. This is actually really good advice, because if you follow some ethical precept enough it will become a habit to follow it, and this way you will improve your behavior

Virtue ethics is related to this, as opposed to systems that simply posit a "law" and expect you to categorically follow it.

>> No.7524887

But I use the word anon all the time...

(And no you didn't ruse me; that string could have contained Unicode characters to work around the transformation, so that would have explained how you could type it without it turning into senpai.)

>> No.7525265

please no, corn father

>> No.7525266
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God damn college students.

>> No.7525279


>> No.7525302

please no, corn father

>> No.7525326
File: 43 KB, 760x517, hsgs-abstracting-760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not exactly what I meant, but I think it fits.
The point of the experiment is to make one realize that the beliefs that he holds dear to his life and consider as absolute truths about reality, life, and the universe (like anon here>>7524864) are nothing more but beliefs and personal perception. If you are depressed, in a miserable situation, or if you're influenced by nihilistic writers because you consider them as authorities, then it's absolutely logical that there will be no meaning in your life and everything will induce nausea.
I know others will say it's bullshit, but look at yourself from a bigger point of you: you are an animal, using noises that are essentially meaningless and whose meaning is a social construct, with senses that are easily distorted with physiological and psychological influences, with a mind so open to influence that it can be compared to a whore and which will make you accept any philosophical stance as real if you think hard enough about it, stranded on a little rock in the black vastness of the cosmos. From such a perspective, it seems foolish to believe in any theory about the universe at all.
If you still don't get it, try the exercise. Change your beliefs to the opposite one for a week. If you're a nihilist, try to really get into the view that the universe is meaningful. If you're an atheist, try to believe in God. If you're left wing, try right for a change. If you hate women, try to love them. You'll learn more about how stupid any assessment of reality is than from books alone.

>> No.7525343

sleep tight porker