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/lit/ - Literature

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7505511 No.7505511[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

List your favorite:

>TV show
>artist (hard mode: post album)

And other anons rec books.

Obviously if you don't have a favorite for any of the above, it's not applicable. I doubt there will be many answers for vidya.

>> No.7505519

Synecdoche, New York
Rick and Morty
Radiohead (Kid A for the album)
Life is Strange

>> No.7505525

>Lost in translation
>Soda Stereo - Dynamo
>Ace Combat Zero

I'm looking for something in the vibe of lost in translation

>> No.7505531

James u ?

>> No.7505542

Chungking Express or 400 Blows
Susurrate by Ecstasy of St Theresa
favorite book is Lolita

>> No.7505543

>Rebel Without a Cause
>True Detective Season 2
>Hot Chip (In Our Heads)
>Bioshock 2

Def something Pynchon. First 3 make me think Gravity's Rainbow. Your vidya choice makes me think Mason and Dixon.

Norwegian Wood, maybe?

>> No.7505553
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>TV Show: Person of Interest
>Artist/Album: Chance the Rapper - Acidrap
don't watch movies or play vidya

>> No.7505564

A Clockwork Orange
The Office (not a huge fan of dramas on TV)
I don't know. Lately Ka and Death Grips, but Haken, Yes, and Death are also big favorites.
Vampire: The Masquerades Bloodlines
Favorite book is Crime & Punishment

>> No.7505568

Synechdoche, New York
Samurai Champloo
(Music?) Junior Bob
Nothing now, I feel like I'm wasting my time whenever I play video games

>based Kaufman
>In Rainbows is superior
I mean Ulysses is an obvious suggestion but you either already have read it/know of it. I just finished reading some Proust and I really enjoyed it. In the book I read (In the Shadow of Young Girls In Flower) I felt there was a lot of learning to gain, emotionally/interpersonally/artistically. I feel the same way every time I watch Synechdoche, New York. It's so life-affirming, I get up and have to go on a walk or write, just do anything that steeps me in the beauty of the world. Proust made me feel that way, too. I appreciate life differently now.

>> No.7505580

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
The Fall or Notes From Underground

>There Will Be Blood
>It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
>Johannes Brahms (Violin Concertoin in D Major)
>Don't play vidya

>> No.7505594
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Blood Meridian

Spring Snow


>In Bruges
>King of the Hill
>Cult of Luna - Eternal Kingdom
>Metal Gear Solid 3

Fav book is 2666

>> No.7505627

Mulholland Drive
Doctor Who
The Beach Boys-Pet Sounds
Mother 3

>> No.7505642

>Eastbound and Down
>[Hard Mode: Engaged] Surfer Rosa
>Metal Gear Solid 2

>> No.7505653
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Empire Strikes Back
Michigan by Sufjan Stevens
Super Mario World
>tfw videogames are just a distraction now

>> No.7505674

>Almost Famous
>Dont want tv
>uh, Grateful Dead or The Doors

>> No.7505681
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>Tim and Eric's Billion Dollar Movie, desu
>Rick and Morty atm
>why? alopecia

>> No.7505690
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>Dog Man Star by stan brakhage
>unironically watching narrative non experimental film
>implying I watch tv
>john cage or stockhausen (inb4 popular 'music' is art too!1!)
>implying I would lower myself to play videogames

Im disappointed /lit/, sure I knew you was plebs but really?

>> No.7505736
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>trying this hard

>> No.7505739

tv shows, pop music and video games are not art

>> No.7505741
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get fucked you pompous oil seed

>> No.7505743

50s Mickey Mouse Club
Pop Goes the World - Men Without Hats
Fur Fighters

>> No.7505746

Will I like the second season of True Detective if I thought the first sucked? I hear it's just worse

>> No.7505749

Spring Breakers
>TV show
The Sopranos
>artist (hard mode: post album)
Phil Spector
Fire Pro Returns

>> No.7505752

repo man
twin peaks
metal gear solid 3

>> No.7505760
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Both suck.
Watch Fargo

>> No.7505763

>movie: Valhalla Rising (honorab;e mention to Branded)
>tv show: My Name Is Earl
>album: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZWIRzDE1XcM&list=PL_2lO65R6I7CR-5mQ2mdTrxoBbk9SUL9N
>vidya: this and only this (taken down) version of tetris - https://web.archive.org/web/20150107164656/http://www.htmltetris.com/

>> No.7505767

Fargo doesn't look like my kind of thing.

>> No.7505771

Burden of Dreams (Les Blank)
Andrew Bird - Armchair Apocrypha
Mafia I

>> No.7505772

Season 1 is good. Season 2 is "cool" in the same way Tarantino movies are cool and has about the same amount of depth.

Could go either way. Massively divisive. I'd recommend at least binging the first three eps to see how you feel, but there's a MASSIVE quality spike halfway through the season, so bear that in mind. But it's definitely not for everyone.

Why did you dislike the first season? I may be able to give more specific answers with specific reasons.

>> No.7505778


Being John Malkovich (got me into film)
Arrested Development or Twin Peaks
Pet Sounds, Whenever, if Ever., Your Favorite Weapon, Pinkerton; or Heaven or Las Vegas.
Tony Hawks Underground or Sly Cooper

>> No.7505797

I just felt like it was a generic thriller with cartoonish characters. Only thing that kept me watching was the directing, but apparently the director left for season 2, so...

I don't like Tarantino.

>> No.7505816

Tree of Life
Welcome to the N.H.K.
Grouper (Ruins)
Silent Hill 2

>> No.7505820

/lit/ has trash taste in cinema

>> No.7505821

Shame, Seinfeld, Young Thug, dota (we play at work, only video game I play).

>> No.7505824

My Dinner with Andre
Talking Heads - Remain in Light
Persona 3
Alissa Nutting - Tampa
Renata Adler - Speedboat
Marlon James - A Brief History of Seven Killings

>> No.7505830

People on 4chan typically get their tastes from 4chan itself, so most people on /lit/ are just going to have /tv/-tier taste in movies

>> No.7505837

The characters in S2 are very over-the-top. The entire season is basically a genre examination. Sorry to say you prob wouldn't like it.

The Tarantino suggestion was over the top, but that was what it reminded me of more than any Coen film. But yeah, still rec Season 1 of Fargo.

I also recommend Mad Men.

>> No.7505840

I did like Mad Men.

>> No.7505844

Wolf Of Wall Street (Don't judge I don't watch a lot of movies)
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Civ 5

>> No.7505855

BTW my favorite American TV show is John from Cincinnati

>> No.7505874


if you have to try to get on my level I feel bad for you

>> No.7505886

Look I like Brakhage but unless you're undergrad you need to realize he's not the be all end all of film studies.

Though I do consider him one of maybe ten filmmakers who really use the medium in full.

>> No.7505893

Guess I'll make a full list for the thread

Queen Kelly (with Stroheim's intended ending)
John from Cincinnati
This particular recording of Guillaume de Machaut's Quant en Moy: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UCgQMBNe1XI
Goblet Grotto

>> No.7505898

Twin Peaks
Talking heads - remain in light

>> No.7505904

>Mulholland Dr.
> Twin Peaks
> La'cryma Christi - Sculpture of Time
> Final Fantasy VII

>> No.7505908
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>> No.7505921

I wonder if anyone's actually going to be able to recommend me a book based on this

>> No.7505922
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>Shaun of the Dead
>Breaking Bad
>Lupe Fiasco

>> No.7505927

Favorite book is The Dream of Perpetual Motion

>> No.7505934

8 1/2
Portal 2

>> No.7505944
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Seven Samurai

>TV show
The Sopranos

>artist (hard mode: post album)
Talk Talk - Laughing Stock
Conveniently enough it's also a "post" album

Dota 2

>> No.7505956

Holy kek this board has the worst fucking taste in movies

The Double Life of Veronique
True Detective Season 1
Sun City Girls (Carnival Folklore Resurrection Vol. 9)
Solitaire on my computer :^)

>> No.7505961

Nice generic taste

Try Infinite Jest

>> No.7506025

>Pigs and Battleships
>The Wire
>A Love Supreme
>Fallout New Vegas

Am I a pleb?

>> No.7506134

>The Shining
>Rick & Morty, currently. Or Bojack Horseman.
>Death Grips (Album: Exmilitary), Tyler the Creator, or Crywank (Album: Tomorrow Is Nearly Yesterday And Everyday Is Stupid)
>I don't play video games.

>> No.7506137

>worst taste in movies
>posts meme detective

>> No.7506140
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Pierrot Le Fou or Taste Of Cherry

Don't watch TV

Mouthus (Album: Saw A Halo) or Janacek



Not really. ALS is a fantastic record

>> No.7506142

Actually, split movie-wise between The Shining and Being John Malkovich.

>> No.7506150
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I don't like movies that much
American Psycho I guess (meme value)
>TV show
Tim and Eric Awesome Show. Great Job!
Grimes - Visions or Halfaxa
Europa Universalis IV

>> No.7506157


Carlos Fuentes- The Old Gringo

Anton Chekhov- Selected Short Stories

Voltaire- Candide

>> No.7506281

>Renata Adler
Thanks for the rec!

>> No.7506295

album and vidya god tier

>> No.7506306
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>The Office/It's Always Sunny In Philadelphia
>Radiohead/OK Computer or In Rainbows
>currently have a gay affair with Company of Heroes 2, but all time would probably be tossup between some old strategyshit

>> No.7506313
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Movie: The Conversation
TV Show:
Artist: Animal Collective or maybe REM but I've only listened to their debut album. I can never answer this question. I don't have a favorite band. I like krautrock alot
Vidya: Resident Evil 4

>> No.7506339

Apocalypse Now
Mad Men
In the Court of the Crimson King
World of Warcraft

>> No.7506359
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Xavier: Renegade Angel
Young Thug/Rich Gang Tha Tour part 1
Zelda on the super nintendo was fun but that was 38 years ago and I don't enjoy playing video games anymore

>> No.7506371

Come and See
>TV show
The Trailer Park Boys
>artist (hard mode: post album)
Modest Mouse (Building Nothing Out of Something)
Animal Crossing: Wild World

>> No.7506375

>The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
>Mad Men
>Rage Against The Machine - Self titled
>Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater

>> No.7506384
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The Exterminating Angel
Twin Peaks
Coil - The Ape of Naples
Dark Souls

Pynchon and One Hundred Years of Solitude

Tao Lin? Foster Wallace?

Read Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad

Herman Hesse or Thomas Mann

>> No.7506385

El llano en llamas and Pedro Paramo by Juan Rulfo.

>> No.7506386

The SpyWho Came in from the Cold

>2001: A Space Odyssey
>Either The Wire or Riget by Lars von Trier
>Geogaddi by Boards of Canada
>Don't have one

>> No.7506388

In The Mood For Love
Laughing Stock
Half Life 2

>> No.7506391
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I dunno, I guess the movie ive watched most times is Full Metal Jacket (about 10-15 times) but the one I connect with most is Buffalo 66
>>TV show
>>artist (hard mode: post album)
But what ends when the symbols shatter? by Death In June
Quake 2/3

>> No.7506392

Thanks; I've never read a Mexican-authored book before.

>> No.7506393


>Marketa Lazarova
>Rectify or Carnivale
>Thelonious Monk
>Final Fantasy 4

>> No.7506439

Mexican here, i can see why, but that boo is comfy as fuck, and you loo like you like comfy stuff.

>> No.7506443

Come and See is pretty fucking horrifying, but you're right in saying that I like comfy stuff.

Where's your list?

>> No.7506465


>> No.7506476

2001 a space odyssey. (book). shit answer cause youve probably already read it.

>2001 a space odyssey
>Breaking Bad
>Tool - Lateralus
>no idea.

>> No.7506481
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I can't give you a book rec, but your favourite film sounds similar to pic related.

>> No.7506490

It's also made by Buñuel and its excellent too.

>> No.7506496

Barry Lyndon
Prisoner (1967)
Zeppelin IV
Betrayal at Krondor

>> No.7506640

Chungking Express
Arrested Development
Joanna Newsom - Have one on me
CK2 but I don't really play vidya

>> No.7506646
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>Life is Strange

>> No.7506647

Catcher in the Rye. Don't worry, bud: you'll grow up some day.

>> No.7506663

Ergo Proxy(? I don't watch a lot of TV)
Glitch Mob
Metroid: Zero Mission

I feel meme-tier compared to a lot the other replies here. I also play a shit-ton of vidya

>> No.7506665
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The Cook, the Thief, His Wife and Her Lover
The West Wing
pic related
nes zelda

>> No.7506683

IDK about my favourite movie
Twin Peaks
Shadow of the Colossus

>> No.7506688

>Over the Garden Wall
>Holy Sons: Decline of the West
>Talos Principle

>> No.7506697


Say, what do you think are the essential qualities of art, Glaucon?

>> No.7506700

>Fargo season 2
>no depth
They literally reference Camus about eight times in the second season, what are you talking about?

>> No.7506718

Barry lyndon
Twin peaks
King krule
Europa universalis (the only one i actually play)

>> No.7506734

>Network by Sidney Lumet or Simon of the Desert by Buñuel
>Camarón, La Leyenda Del Tiempo. OK, easier one. Parliament, Mothership Connection.

>> No.7506738

>Classic Simpsons
>Alex G - Trick
>Tetris (don't really play vidya but Tetris is great)

>> No.7506756 [DELETED] 

Death in Venice or Ingmar Bergman's Persona

>TV Show
Bates Motel

Keane (Under the iron sea)

TES: Skyrim

>> No.7506759


Death in Venice or Ingmar Bergman's Persona

>TV Show
Bates Motel

Keane (Under the iron sea)

TES: Skyrim

Fav books are The Metamorphosis and The Stranger

>> No.7506761
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>Favorite director
Francis Ford Coppola, Rob Zombie, Sergio Leone, Wolfgan Petersen (just because Das Boot), Roman Polanski, Nicolas Winding Refn, Sam Raimi, Michael Mann, Coen Brothers (just because of NCFOM), Kathryn Bigelow (based Point Break), Clint Eastwood (damn good director), Andrew Dominik (based The Assassination of Jesse James), Brian De Palma, Cronenberg, Abel Ferrara, Tarkovsky.

SouthLAnd, Twin Peaks, Generation Kill, Band of Brothers, Top Gear later seasons, Z Nation, the Wire, Sopranos (especially from season 3 onwards), Ginga Nagareboshi Gin, Berserk, FIRST season of Game of Thrones, the Swede-Dane collaboration Bron/Broen, Forbrydelsen, Finnish TV show named Raid, the 1995 bits of first season True Detective, Mr Robot list goes on

Townes Van Zandt and bunch of Finnish artists that you don't know.

The Witcher trilogy, GTA San Andreas and GTA III and GTA V, Bloodborne (inb4 Lovecraft recommendations Bloodborne outdid him by far), Demon Souls (inb4 Berserk manga recommendations), and then a bunch o competitive online games.

>> No.7506764

Trailer Park Boys
Snowing FYEB

>> No.7506766

>considering referencing Camus and Sisyphus deep

Ok then

>> No.7506771

>In Bruges
>Either Chance or Kendrick depending on my mood (GKMC/Acid Rap)
>Haven't played vidya since childhood so Star Wars Battlefront 2 I guess

>> No.7506782

>Prisoner (1967)
What a classic. Would of course recommend Kafka

>> No.7506791

Lord Byron - Don Juan

Vladimir Nabokov - Pale Fire

László Krasznahorkai - The Melancholy of Resistance
The Night of the Hunter
Fargo S2
Love - Forever Changes

>> No.7506810

Paulo Coelho because you're a big poser faggot.

>> No.7506813

i don't get it? isn't that james?

>> No.7506814

>List favorites
Anon is everything alright?

>> No.7506820

Sorry, maybe you're more of a Stephanie Meyer kind of guy?

>> No.7507063

You have the most annoying kind of nerd taste in everything

>> No.7507077
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>Bunch of popular directors and bunch of popular TV-shows
>nerd taste
Someone's really insecure today?

>> No.7507083

Says the retard who only likes watching/playing shit that glorifies murder

>> No.7507089

l m a o.
and nice misinterpretations I guess or are you SJW? That might be it 'if it shows something, it glorifies it' is a common SJW argument.

>> No.7507093

Like 90% of the shit you listed is edgy ultra-violent shit. Extremely fedora-tier

>> No.7507101

>If it shows something, it glorifies it!
Don't you have some safe space to go into? Fight for the rights of fictional characters! Stop the rape culture! *Hugs the safe space doll*

>> No.7507109

Just admit that you're a faggot nerd what wears a fedora and we can be done with this.

>> No.7507111
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>Calling bunch of extremely popular directors and shows 'nerd taste' second time in same convo
Now someone is really REALLY insecure today ain't he?

Did you get laughed at Christmas table or what? Just tell me.

>> No.7507119
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>Only God Forgives
>Black Books
>Hackensaw Boys
>Dwarf Fortress
Looks and weep you plens

>> No.7507126

Says the guy what only watches gross gory shit because he's a mentally ill dork

>> No.7507132

Anon please you should be inside your safe zone, 4chan promotes rape culture on fictional characters how can you live with this

Did you just unironically insult someone with 'dork'

What are you, a nerd?

>> No.7507134

Peace, by Gene Wolfe.

A Song of Ice & Fire

God I hate you right now

You sound cool. Have you read The Stars My Destination?

Most of the stuff in this thread would disgust the average /tv/ patrician.

Phantom of the Paradise
The Simpsons
Kings of Leon (Aha Shake Heartbreak)
UFO: Enemy Unknown

>> No.7507139

Only thing worse than you are people who watch giallo and think it mkes them cultured

>> No.7507141

the insecure anon is back from his safezone!

>> No.7507147

"projecting" and "inescure" are the most thoroughly abused/misapplied insults by dweebs who want to justify being faggot retards

>> No.7507150

Nah that other anon is definitely projecting as he thinks I ever thought I was cultured.
He is also very insecure as proven by his posts which are full of buzzwords like fedora and whatnot.
He also seems to be even more uncultured than average movie-goer as he thinks bunch of directors that are extremely popular are 'nerd' in anyway.

>> No.7507157

>complains about buzzwords
>tumblr SJW safezone
The irony is astounding.

>> No.7507160

Lol I'm the same person you dipshit. And think about what you're saying: /of course/ nerd shit is popular, nerds only like popular shit, and there are /a lot/ of nerds out there. And in any case, it's really the particular combination of things you have that screams "NEEERD".

>> No.7507161

The other literal blabbering retard honestly implied that showing something was glorifying and supporting it, if that is not social justice warrior's most common argument then I don't know what is.

and I didn't even say anything about tumblr, your brain must have tilted? Are you okay anon?

>> No.7507165

>giallo to appear cultured
That seems like a weirdly specific thing to accuse someone of.

>> No.7507166

so insecure, what, did you get laughed at school for saying Tarkovsky is your favorite director and now you think everyone was laughed at for it?

Pretty sad dude or dudette.

>> No.7507167

The fact that 90% of the crap you listed has tons of violence suggests that you get pleasure from watching it.

>> No.7507172

Like I said this dude(tte) (you never know with SJWtypes, they might call themselves Xanax and identify as attack helicopter) is really insecure and projecting hard. It's pretty funny to follow.

>Showing something is glorifying it and supporting it
stop the rape culture amirite?

>> No.7507173

>Blade Runner
>True Detective

Artist: This is a tough one because I listen to a lot of music. I think it would be a tie between Miles(favorite album: sketches of spain) and Paolo Nutini(Caustic Love). Obviously they're both very different types of music so I think they can both be my favorite.

Vidya Gaem: Morrowind and Dwarf Fortress tie.

>> No.7507174

> movie:
Probably fargo at the moment but it changes regularly
> artist
Queens of the Stone Age or Mogwai
> album
For QoTSA id say Rated R, for Mogwai probably The hawk is howling
> vidya
I dunno, I'm not really a vidya kinda person but probably Hotline Miami

>> No.7507177

It's something I've observed.

>insecure and projecting
There you go again.

>> No.7507179

Glorifying is the wrong word, but people tend to watch movies about subjects that interest them. People interested in space watch star trek. People interested the wild west watch westerns. People interested in violence play violent video games and watch violent movies and TV shows.
Also, the tumblr thing. Nice gotcha. Oh wait, you're still using buzzwords and complained about buzzwords. You're probably new here, but there aren't SJW's except for a once in a while troll. The dude just thinks you have shit taste.

>> No.7507181

>Blade Runner
>True Detective
If you haven't read most of Phillip K. Dick's stuff already you should.

>> No.7507184

Rape culture. That's the buzzword I meant to list instead of tumblr. Thank you for using it again.

>> No.7507187

Mulholland Drive? Really?
Do you ever get tired of being a pretentious douchebag?

>> No.7507188

I'm an insecure SJW from tumblr actually and I want to turn 4chan into a safe space because of the rape culture here

>> No.7507190

Yeah and the other Insecure Anon really showed his ignorance by implying any of the directors there glorify or support it. At best he might argue some movies of Ferrara do it since he has a psychopathic Robin Hood in King of NY and that's about it.

>there aren't sjws
'if it shows it, it supports/glorifies it' was the Insecure Anon argument and claim, and it's an SJW argument to the bone, and full of ignorance and insecurity.

>> No.7507191
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True Italian kino masters know that Lucio Fulci's zombie movies are as good as it gets.

>> No.7507197
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>There are anons raised by single mommy right now ITT who do not want to taste the essence of the man, the eternal war and violence in them.

goddamn did you drink water without filter and use plastic bottles

>> No.7507199

Not him, what's wrong with Mulholland Drive? After 2 viewings 90% of the plot makes sense and the way that the whole thing is shot and presented is very pretty and rewatchable. I prefer Blue Velvet but it's still really good stuff. There's so many memorable parts.

>Well he's probably upset!
>So she got the poolboy, and I got the pool!

>> No.7507200

>Shutter Island or Reservoir Dogs, can't decide
>Game of Thrones (anything after season 4 don't exist) or Fargo, can't decide
>Explosions In The Sky - The Earth Is Not A Cold Dead Place
>Persona 3 FES

>> No.7507205

Take away this violence /lit/ is my safezone there will be only talk of flowers and rainbows here >:(

Mh. Dr is pretty much a scrapped TV-pilot and you can see it everywhere, SILENCIO scene is still amazing but does not movie make.

>> No.7507207

>'if it shows it, it supports/glorifies it'
Half the reason I said that is because I knew it'd trigger (LOL!!!!!!) you, but actually, in this case, ti's true that many of the things you listed glorify violence

>> No.7507212

>I was merely just shitposting
Good you admitted that.
>Many things glorify violence because they show it
Ok lol

>> No.7507220

It's an SJW argument, sure, but I feel more like I need to point out the flaws in your argument because you already got their's. But I would draw the SJW line at wanting to censor the art for the purpose of not promoting violence. They did not do this. The bottom line for them is that you glorify violence like a faggot nerd, not them. I personally like a bunch of the directors you listed.
The bottom line for me is that you're actually a bigger idiot and should take an honest look at how many ridiculous mistakes there are in your argument.

>> No.7507226

The buzzwords still don't stop. Are you forgetting that you don't like buzzwords or that you think they are a bad thing?

>> No.7507239

Also, the core social justice warrior argument is "I'm right because I'm a victim." You should know that.

>> No.7507245 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, 1451147654801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'll fix whatever is wrong with my argument once the Insecure Anon rides back from the safezone to show me how they glorify, support or promote violence (the directors). That was his claim and he can probably put it on Abel Ferrara's King of NY and that's it in that list.

First he claimed the directors support it, then he claimed popular directors are 'nerd taste' then he admitted to shitposting when his 'if it shows, it supports it' got blown the fuck out, then he used the same argument after admitting to shitposting, then you jumped the ship by claiming I support violence for some odd reason when I watch directors that don't glorify, support or promote it which is literally, again, the rape culture argument.
