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/lit/ - Literature

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7503273 No.7503273 [Reply] [Original]

What's your writing schedule like?
I wrote 2 new poems and 5 pages today

>> No.7503295

write something if I feel like it throughout the day.

>> No.7503344

Wake up at 7:30, write untill 10:30, take a nap and eat, write again from 11:30 untill 2. It's pretty great.

>> No.7503347


I've worked on three short stories in the past two weeks, editing and writing a bit. been working like 40 hours minimum past few weeks though so hopefully I'll get more work done once work cuts back

>> No.7503397

/lit/, how do you get back into the habit of writing if you fall out of it?

>> No.7503417

I usually write 800-1000 words a day. Finishing my novel's first draft this week. Going great.

>> No.7503425

This happens to me because of my job.

I combat it with reading poetry I love . I'll even reread a short novel sometimes. It sort of gives me a jolt.

>> No.7503431


7-9am - Transcribing texts. Doing my own writing. Nonsensing.
9-11am - Reading poems out lout and doing some memorizing.
Rest of the day - Reading and doing other useful stuff;

>> No.7503449


I wrote a line in my notebook.

>> No.7503523

I wanna ask you all, what do you do with your work as soon as you finish it?
Are there any sites for helping someone starting, kinda like bandcamp?

>> No.7503534

I wrote nothing today.
But I'm not a writer so it's pretty commonplace for me.

>> No.7503602

I used to produce one or two poems a month, to write down and finish ideas for short stories very soon after I thought of them (they're mostly ridiculous satire with a structure of a Lovecraftian story), but it's more than a half a year that I make nothing but fragments of prose or poetry, that I'm not satisfied with. Further, writing seems to have become excruciating and irritating, and I give up soon on what I started instead of trying to work something out of it. Feels bad.

>> No.7503682

I don't have a writing schedule, i work out concepts and try out things, i focus on them, and if it feels real i may turn it into a novel and fully focuss on it. If it just doesn't feel true to me or real, i drop it

>> No.7504911

Tumblr? I don't know man, I just want to write for me

>> No.7504915

Give an example

This sounds pretty neat