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7498809 No.7498809 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: God tier villains in fiction.

>> No.7498816
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>> No.7499110

Who's he? He's a big guy.

>> No.7499134

For you

>> No.7499141


>> No.7499144

If he pulled that off would he die?

>> No.7499202

Pigs head in the lord of the fly.

Enough themes and motifs to fill a fucking book.

>> No.7499207

>le judge
>good "villain"

>> No.7499213

Lomax was petty as fuck

>> No.7499235

Master Necro Mega-Damage Rapeface

>> No.7499403

The Judge was beyond good and evil niggy. He was war and peace

>> No.7499425
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>> No.7499447

who dat what's his story?

>> No.7499461

Wernher von Braun, Captain Blicero in GR is an allusion to him

>> No.7499523
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>> No.7499793

Judge Holden.

>> No.7499795

the bully from my diary, tbqh

>> No.7499799
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>> No.7499808

I'd argue that even Edith wasn't really a villain, more of a self-deconstructed southern belle.

>> No.7500245
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voland tbH

>> No.7500254

This. Satan is so fucking based.

I don't think there's a single incarnation of Satan in literature that isn't interesting.

>> No.7500260
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>von braun

>> No.7500287

>edgy fucking teenagers talk about how awesome Satan is in Milton, and how unsatisfactory and distant God is.
>kids too fucking stupid to understand that Milton, and in fact most religious authors (Save that fuckboy Dante who had the audacity to just put the people he liked in heaven, let alone depict heaven) NEVER suggested they could portray characters or things more divine, good, or just than themselves, because not only would it be presumptuous but foolish, in that a man trying to explain the ways of an angel would be like a fish trying to explain a starship
>they can only portray characters who's debauchery exceeds their own, and not out of an affinity for evil or angst but out a deep and horrible human understanding that were they those figures in those situations they would have done the same, in all cases, and vary only by the light shed by God upon their souls and the circumstances of their birth
>a knowledge that man's capacity for justice is finite but his capacity for sin is infinite

>> No.7500302

Did you read the opening stanza? He said he was going to assert eternal providence justify the ways of God to man with the help of the Holy Spirit who spoke to Moses on Sinai. I think you're underestimating Milton's arrogance.
You might want to rethink "edgy fucking teenagers." William Blake wrote that Milton was "a true poet and therefore of the devil's party without knowing it."

>> No.7500306
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He was so despicable, without actually being at all super villainy.

How I felt about him as I read was analogous to how I felt about Meredith Johnson reading Disclosure, but Disclosure was Michael Crichton pulp salami caca, so it doesn't count.

>> No.7500377

The judge may have been the antagonist but it's hard to call him out as the villain. It seemed to me that humanity was the real villain here, although that communion with gunpowder part may have implied he's equally tied to our bloody history.

>> No.7500388
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>> No.7500392

Scrooge in ACS

a great tale of miraculous redemption, 2bh one of the greatest character changes

maybe not the best villain, but definitely topical

>> No.7500445
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>account for what he did with God's precious gift
>dedicate life to designing ICBMs that rained death on Europe using concentration camp inmates
>war crimes completely concealed by U.S. Faustian bargain to technologically outpace the Soviet Union

can't tell if serious

>> No.7500832

>Implying he's the villain
>Implying if it weren't for him Adua would be a pile of shit surrounded by rapists and murderers.

>> No.7502732

Judge Holden Caulfield. (I don't even want to know how many times that joke has been made before.)

>> No.7502881

smerdyakov from Brothers K was an eerie dude imo

>> No.7502887

did nothing wrong

>> No.7502895

The Mule

>> No.7503031

he is a villain
he raped children and probably the protagonist
he is implied to be 'supernaturally' skilled
He says we should worship war as god
he's a villain.

>> No.7503066
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The Judge is meant to reflect human nature, which is what makes him so terrifying: he represents a dark, disturbing part of us that we try to ignore through culture and learning. His love of violence and sexual gratification reflect how people are just as sex-obessessed and violent as he is at their cores. His sophistery and knowledge stands in sharp contrast to his bloodlust, reflecting how even the smartest, most learned people can't truly overcome their primeval instincts.

>When the Judge says he'll never die, he means that human beings will never not be humans: violent, Id-driven monsters
>War is God because war is eternal (it will always be with us) and war has always been the ultimate form of expression (people have fought one another for a very long time)
>mfw I finally realized that after rereading BM for the second time

>> No.7503070

and by personifying that he is a villain
I'm mostly just arguing with the other guy saying he wasn't a villain I agree blood meridian is about us being dicks

>> No.7504060


>> No.7504070


>> No.7504103
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god tier fiction doesn't have the childish concept of villains

>> No.7504111

Except when used as in "chillin like a villain".

>> No.7504144

>Has intelligence that scales with the complexity of the plan he's thinking of
>In the space of a single day, writes up a 150-page plan to eliminate world hunger with 18 years and three trillion dollars
>Sends it to the United Nations and to governments worldwide
>Sees that no one's interested in upsetting the status quo
>Embezzles funds from his employer to make it happen
>Gets caught and imprisoned
>Escapes and becomes a crime boss so that he can fund the plan independently

A quote (https://parahumans.wordpress.com/2013/04/06/interlude-20/):
>His plans weren’t observably closer to fruition, but he had contacts and he had wealth, and that went a long way. He would take the slow, steady path to victory. The binder relating to world hunger had been expanded on, with the addition of further binders to detailing the specifics. Other sets of binders had joined it, each relating to a major issue: disease, population, government, energy, and climate. He spent an hour and a half every morning ensuring that everything was up to date with recent changes to the economy and international politics.

>> No.7504150


>> No.7504166

William Blake was a filthy heathen.

Satan tempts us into sympathising with him despite him obviously being evil, that is Milton's genius.

>> No.7505485
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Are there any villains that are anywhere near as meta as he is?

>> No.7505550

I need Christ fags to leave

>> No.7505566

I didn't give a fuck about kylo, he felt kinda shoehorned, what makes him meta?

>> No.7505576 [SPOILER] 
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>talk about Milton

>> No.7505682
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His arc is a commentary on the Darth Vader story and the franchise as a whole.

He's ironically very similar to Anakin in the prequels, a young man incapable of living up to an ideal, just that in Kylo's case it's not some prophecy, but the very expectations of the fanbase (and himself). But in his yearning to be Vader 2.0, he ends up destroying the very objects of his love, and hindering his own potential; if you actually watch him closely you'll see he's actually pretty distinct from Vader in the way he dresses, fights, uses the Force, but he puts a mask on, trying to be some character who never actually existed, rather than a real person; and in the end he's a much fuller character than Darth Vader was during more of the OT.

He's everything that went wrong with Star Wars in a single, simple character arc.

>> No.7505694
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This guy.

>> No.7506077
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You're scaring me Wojack!

>> No.7506112



>> No.7506153


>> No.7506180

underrated post

>> No.7506188


>> No.7506515

Noob here. What book is this it sounds a good.