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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 118 KB, 1536x2406, o-ANNA-KARENINA-facebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7493647 No.7493647 [Reply] [Original]

Who the fuck wants to talk about this masterpiece of a book. Get in here.

Just finished it yesterday, thought the end was great. By far one of the best books I've read.

>> No.7493658

Excellent book. One of my favorites alongside 1984 and Fahrenheit 451.

>> No.7493670

who was yr favourite character?

>> No.7493677

My favorite character was Anna Karenina.

>> No.7494325

Is this the book where Han Solo dies?

>> No.7494334

how long did it take you to learn russian?

>> No.7494373


>> No.7494447

Frou-Frou's death made me sad as fuck desu senpai. baka...why? I had to take a 2 day break

>> No.7494688

It's ok.

>> No.7494714

>reading the original Russian instead of Maude's translation

Can you get any more pleb? She took an average novel and transformed into one of the greatest works of art ever created.

>> No.7494719


>> No.7496109

Is is true that this book is about cucks? I'm not meming in here

>> No.7496172
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>> No.7496329

I didn't really care for it. I mean it was probably well written (I don't have the qualifications to make that statement), but I just didn't really enjoy it

Everyone but Levin annoyed me. I felt for Karenin, but he still allowed himself to be cucked. Memeing aside, most characters did stupid things, in my opinion

Seriously though Levin was based

>> No.7496336

Anna Karenina has an affair, so yeah - someone gets cucked.

>> No.7496344

Dolly gets cucked as well, and Anna is afraid of being cucked herself. So yeah, cucking is a big part of the book. Still a masterpiece tho.

>> No.7496371

I loved it. I'm sorry I put it off for so long.
I had been reluctant to read a book about a woman but fortunately there are all those parts with Levin on his farm that were just so damn comfy.

>> No.7496384
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Pasta detected

>> No.7496497

Thanks for appreciating that exchange.

>> No.7496739

This cannot be one of the best works of literature, for it features cucks.

>> No.7497113

Im going to read it very soon, or should I say I must read it, as it will be on my matura exam. I look forward to it.

>> No.7497123
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>soap opera with no redeeming philosophical content
You guys just like it because its old
Its literally just aged genre fiction
Dostoevsky ran circles around this hack

>> No.7497133
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>its a Levin tries to talk politics chapter

>> No.7497457

>being this much of a complete pleb

>> No.7497468

Go watch real housewives of Miami again you absolute philistine

>> No.7497478

>the Iliad and odyssey
>hamlet and the comedies
>madame board

>> No.7497483

all shit

>> No.7497488

>dostoevsky's philosophical content
>not absolute trash
Only appeals to angsty teens and relies on wrong statements like " if there is no god, everything is permitted."

>> No.7497510

Dostoevsky was a Czarist and an orthodox christian.
He literally mocked moral nihilists and their shitty distopian dreams, and wrote about the need for religion and god.
Edgy teens read Harris or Nietzsche

>> No.7497531

I got half way through it and then stopped for some reason. I vaguely remember some guy who rode a horse in some race and crashed with it? Was he important?

And I believe I left off at some familys summer cottage or something? Do you know what part I mean? If I didn't really enjoy reading it that much up to this point, will reading the rest give me something?

>> No.7497536

>missing the point this badly

>> No.7497540

Yes! I though I was about to dig into some ancient russian knowledge, and instead got what is essentially Sex&the city set in tsarist 19th century Russia. Am I missing something?

>> No.7497547
File: 52 KB, 437x598, muh 12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the deal with Tolstoi constantly referencing vronsky's "Strong teeth" or "sturdy even rows of teeth"
was this like some sort of "meme" in 1850s russia or something?

>> No.7497549

>Am I missing something?
a heart :/

>> No.7497556

how pleb can you get?

what are the three best novels of all time, Mr Faulkner? “Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina, Anna Karenina".

''Anna Karenina. Incomparable prose artistry. The supreme masterpiece of 19th-century literature'' - Nabokov.

>> No.7497563

Sorry maine. I evolved emotionally since then so maybe I should give it another go?

>> No.7497564



>> No.7497571

>reading for the prose
>reading for the plot
There is nothing wrong with prose or plot, however the are untimely just vessels that should be used to convey broader ideas.

>> No.7497616

I d'awwed when they admitted they liked each other by writing notes.

And for all the shit Garnett gets I think her translation was perfectly fine. Reads completely different from her Dostoevsky. I guess people just like to parrot Nabokov to sound smart.

>> No.7497622

Who would think quoting a prosefag makes them sound smart?
L O L!

>> No.7497627

>muh academic generalizations are more important than aesthetics

stick to non-fiction

>> No.7497635

>thing aesthetics is about prose

damn son u on some pleb

>> No.7497636

>bragging about fiction

>> No.7497637

dental hygiene wasn't exactly common in the 1850s, let alone in a country as underdeveloped as russia

>> No.7497640

muh philosophiez xd

>> No.7497646

>thinging art is about "philosophy"

wrong again fuckwits

>> No.7497649
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I cringed tbqh
Levin was such a beta and obviously Kitty's backup guy to Vronsky Thundercock
Then to make things worse after they get married Kitty cucks him in his own house with her fucking cousin

>> No.7497651

>thing aesthetics

>> No.7497668

Nice satire anon, it gave me a chuckle. To think there may be people who actually think like this LOL.

>> No.7497673

What are you implying?
Im not claiming to be an "alpha" or anything, the reason I found levin so despicable and pathetic was because he reminded me of myself

>> No.7497681

nobody's going to believe it dude

>> No.7497710

there are people who literally cannot handle fictional characters doing bad things. I have friends who refuse to watch The Office despite finding most of it funny because of the "cringe" parts

>> No.7497768


>> No.7498941

I don't mind bad things. I'm just sick of these russians and their cuck fetish.

>> No.7499344

What's with 4chan's obsession with cucking? It's not like most of the guys in here have girlfriends that could cuck them anyway.

Also, why would you not want to read a book about a serious aspect of real life? Do you need your dragons and wizards that badly?

>> No.7499758

my sides

>> No.7499764

Tell me again about the dragons, George.

>> No.7500288

Couldn't agree more. Probably innovative for its time but the story is dull. Only interesting for the characters psychology descriptions

>> No.7500295


I don't care about wizards but dragons are super important to me.

>> No.7500408
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>being this dumb

>> No.7500705

>implying FICTION has to have "redeeming philosophical content" to be worthwhile? really? No one writes characters as fully developed and human as Tolstoy, it's worth reading just for that.

>> No.7500715

probably not, Vronsky's horse dying is a pretty great/emotional moment. If you didn't connect to it at all the book's most likely not for you (which is a shame)

>> No.7500725
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"Vronsky Thundercock"

>> No.7500728
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Transexuality is the ultimate cuckold because your desire is to be a woman (and fuck a man), yet your ego you can only resign you to fucking a feminine facsimile that embodies your own desires, releasing you in catharsis.

Note often the transsexual fetishist fixates on the penis, the larger the shemale penis the more pleasurable his cuckoldry is, For he can both slay a superior male (despite his inferiority) and be physically taken and dominated by a direct superior, but in a shameful way which only heightens his pleasure.

I imagine it would've been the ultimate intellectual romance for many great writers to sexually conquer the feminine and surrender to the masculine all with the same partner. A lot of Russian literature reads like someone taking pleasure from their own suffering, a perverse satisfaction coming from being dominated, trodden upon, forced down to the ground, giving up total control- this is effectively the sissyboy movement jazzed up with 21st century ideologies.

Cuckoldry is quite a fascinating thing, I believe it stems from allowing too many males to exist in a society that demands them all to be at the top, obviously many of them will fail and adopt a collective schadenfreude not only about others but themselves.

It is a scary future we look forward to, where there will be no more taboos, in a society where everything is permissible, quickly actions lose value to the collective and are only self-serving and self-gratifying.

>> No.7500734


>Note often the transsexual fetishist fixates on the penis, the larger the shemale penis the more pleasurable his cuckoldry is
>People still think this is how transsexuals work

>> No.7500742
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I am a psychology major and I have read a lot of literature on this subject and consider myself to be fairly well versed in the motivations and pleasure principles behind it.

>> No.7500778


You're full of shit, full stop.

>> No.7502508


>> No.7502554

So many trends in 1 pic yet I can't resist the urge

>> No.7502594

she has short hair

>> No.7503615

my favorite character was Anna Karenina's husband, Alexei Karenina. Don't really know why, the guy just seemed genuinely nice to me

>> No.7503636

Levin is the most based character. Did like Vronsky despite being a home wrecker. God tier characters included Anna, Koznychev, Nicholas Levin, Oblonsky, Dolly

This dude was kind of a bitch especially with his high-pitched squeals.

Recently finished this book. The story seemed a bit lacking in suspense, but, it was so well written, I easily overlooked that aspect.

>> No.7503672

Based Vronsky going to Serbia to remove kebab or die trying

>> No.7504032


Karenin was "cucked" by definition, yeah. But that was what I enjoyed about the Karenin aspect of the story - his Christianity in adjusting and forgiving the cuck, the impossible hatred he receives for the forgiveness. Arguably with the happiest end to any of the characters in the book. Karenin is "cucked" by outside forces but outlasts all of the shit talkers (and people who deny him promotion) by finding that absurd faith in an omniscient figure.

Vronsky is the best character, truly an aristocrat in ideals and action, so his flaws are easiest to identify. And Trains, Trains really made the book for me