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/lit/ - Literature

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7488123 No.7488123 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite 5 films, albums, and books, and get recommendations.

>> No.7488137

I might do that if anyone here had anything interesting to recommend

>> No.7488152

I think dicks would be right up your alley.

>> No.7488160

The Bible (KJV)
Hamlet, Prince of Denmark
Moby Dick
Iliad / Odyssey
Wuthering Heights

Astral Weeks
King of The Delta Blues Singers
Highway 61 Revisited
White Light / White Heat


>> No.7488172

What's funny about films?

>> No.7488179
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The Mirror
The Tree of Life
The Suspended Step of the Stork
A Woman Under the Influence
Winter Light

>> No.7488189

Infinite Jest
The Way of Kings
The Lord of the Rings
Gravity's Rainbow

The Heist
Night Visions
Jenny Death
In the Aeroplane Over the Sea


>> No.7488190

That's boring, I'll just list 5 anime instead and see what I get:

- Jinrui wa Suitai Shimashita
- Mawaru Penguindrum
- Monogatari
- Haibane Renmei
- Shinsekai Yori

>> No.7488196

You'd probably like Twilight by Stephenie Meyer, Anonymous.

>> No.7488197

End of evangelion
Lost in translation
Fight club
Cowboy bebop movie

mbv - loveless
soda stereo - dynamo
wild nothing - nocturne
Interpol - turn on the bright lights
Tokyo shoegazer - crystallize

Hundred years of solitude
No longer human
The time of the hero
No one writes to the colonel

>> No.7488198

Nice meme.

>> No.7488199

Music, Literature and Art have existed since the dawn of mankind.

Cinema as a medium is like 150 years old. It's on the same plateau as video games or anime.

>> No.7488202

And yet you list a bunch of shitty pop music as your favorite

>> No.7488209

>Music and Literature are separate from 'Art'

>> No.7488210

The shit you listed is Twilight for boys.

>> No.7488212

No it isn't.

>> No.7488213

Actually, yes, it is.

>> No.7488215

Nice argument... NOT. Come back to /lit/ once you have a REAL argument. What you just used is the AD HOMINEM FALLACY. I don't talk to people who use FALLACIES, only ARGUMENTS.

>> No.7488217

No it isn't. You can't argue about things you haven't seen.

>> No.7488218

I'm more likely to get recs if I post albums people have heard of.

Popular music aside, I listen almost exclusively to sean nós Celtic folk and Negro field hollas.

I meant paintings.

>> No.7488219
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He likes comedies.

>> No.7488222

I've seen too many of those. Just ten minutes were torture.

>> No.7488228

Why don't you ever listen to real music?

>> No.7488233

>I listen almost exclusively to sean nós Celtic folk and Negro field hollas.
If you're being serious, you might enjoy Afro-Celt Sound System.

>> No.7488242

come on guys, let's be friendly ^_^

>> No.7488244

Hard to believe something like this exists, but it sounds really interesting and I'll check it out, thanks for the rec.


>> No.7488250

Dog Star Man
Taxi Driver
City of God
Apocalypse Now
In the Court of the Crimson King
Pink Moon
The Seer
The Recognitions
Gravity's Rainbow
The Tunnel

>> No.7488257
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Why Dog Star Man? That seems a bit out of place in that list. Is this a joke?

>> No.7488270

This is the kind of list that someone who gets their tastes entirely from 4chan would make

>> No.7488272

The track "North" part 1 was the piece I was introduced to them with, it's pretty decent.

>> No.7488275

Yes, actually.

>> No.7488279

Is their a problem with that? I'm not saying any of it is good; I just like it.

>> No.7488280 [DELETED] 

Oh, okay. In that case you can direct yourself to IMDb top 250 list and pick at random.

>> No.7488293

The Heartbreak Kid
The Last Days of Disco
Wild Strawberries
Paths of Glory
Tokyo Story

Goldberg Variations
Take Care
waste yrself
Presenting the Fabulous Ronettes
just got back from the discomfort--were alright

Invisible Cities
In Search of Lost Time

>> No.7488300

The Mantle by Agalloch
Pain is Beauty by Chelsea Wolfe
Let Love In by Nick Cave
Lioturgya by Batushka
Nightfall in Middlearth by Blind Guardian
Children of God by Swans
Deathconciousness by Have a nice Life
In Aeroplane Over the Sea by IAOTY
At Folsom Prison by Johnny Cash
Hildegard von Bingen by Sequentia
A Senile Animal by Melvins
Kid A by Radiohead
Dawn of Victory by Rhapsody
Wish you were here by Pink Floyd
Black Sabbath by Black Sabbath
Blood Mountain by Mastodon

The Brothers Karamazov
The Republic
Book of the New Sun
The Divine Comedy
Sickness Onto Death
Chekhov and Gogolj short stories

It's a Wonderful Life
Ghost in the Shell
End of Evangelion

>> No.7488305

Damn son, pretty intro tier /mu/ and /lit/ here. You should read Herzog by Saul Bellow and the Death of Ivan Ilych, those are more true psychology and character development than I think you get in most of lits normal recommendations. Tolstoy and Bellow are both prose masters. I-I have pretty shitty music taste too, b-but Sometimes I Sit and Think, and Sometimes I just Sit is a good album you probably haven't heard.

>> No.7488309

You don't understand the Goldberg Variations. You read somewhere that it was good music and you thought you would look smart for agreeing. In point of fact, it made you look stupid and insecure

>> No.7488311

You really like No Longer Human? I was crazy disappointed by that book, the character didn't feel like a depressed guy, he just felt flat, and the rape scene was supposed to be traumatic, but it was played down I barely knew if it was significant.

>> No.7488317

Oh wow, nice bait, son. You couldn't be more wrong and I'm embarrassed for you if you genuinely think that film is on the same level as video games/anime.

>> No.7488320

th-thanks i will check them out

>> No.7488321

Posts like this make me scared to reread Ulysses in public. I studied it for a year and definitely understand it (mostly because it was explained to me) and feel like I would get a lot out of a second reading, but I know people would see me reading it on the subway and think "That kid's trying to read Ulysses? He probably has no idea what the fuck is happening."

>> No.7488325

You should read Love in the Time of Cholera, Conversation in the Cathedral, Hopscotch

>> No.7488329

Most of them probably havne't even heard of it, tbf

>> No.7488336
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This is prefect for me. I'm decently new to literature (despite having a BA in English) but not to film and anime.

>Ikiru - Dir. Akira Kurosawa
>The Third Man - Dir. Carol Reed
>Only Yesterday - Dir. Isao Takahata
>Good Morning - Dir. Yasujiro Ozu
>The Bad Sleep Well - Dir. Akira Kurosawa

>I really only listen to The Decemberists and Ben Folds.

TV (All anime):
>Takarajima (Treasure Island) - Dir. Osamu Dezaki
>Future Boy Conan - Dir. Hayao Miyazaki
>Lupin III - Various directors
>The Rose of Versailles - Dir. Osamu Dezaki
>Fantastic Children - Dir. Takashi Nakamura

Recommend me some books.

>> No.7488337

Stop being an insecure teenager. If you legitimately think Citizen Kane or The Godfather are comparable to Homer's Iliad, Da Vinci's Last Supper or Beethoven's 9th then you deserve to be ridiculed.

>> No.7488338

No, but it's just the odd film out by far. Looked like it could've been a possible shit post. I honestly don't know anything like it. Stan's other films are hardly similar. His early stuff is a lot like Maya Deren, which is far from Dog Star Man. Maybe Walter Ruttmann's stuff, idk.

>it made you look stupid and insecure
Projecting. It's also laughable that you should have to "understand" music to like it. What is there to understand about it?

>> No.7488341

Patrician book list anon. I'd recommend Flannery O'Connor's short story collection Everything That Rises Must Converge, particularly The Enduring Chill story.

>> No.7488344

What do you care what people think? And if you do, just wrap the book in a paper-bag cover.

>> No.7488348
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>> No.7488350

Im trying to think of a clever "My literature should affect young minds like my public drinking" thing but I cant get the words right

>> No.7488353

I'm definitely going to read her, but I'm kinda depending on what comes through my hands with sales and things I borrow and she isn't very popular here. Maybe I'll ask it for Christmas instead of Introduction to Medieval Metaphysics.

>> No.7488356

Normies don't even know who Joyce is. If you wanna look that way read Moby Dick or War and Peace. Those are titles they're more likely to have heard of.

>> No.7488368

Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans
Andrei Rublev
La Dolce Vita

The Powers That B
The Money Store
My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy
The Velvet Underground and Nico
In The Aeroplane Over The Sea
Kind of Blue

The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7488373

Just keep it in the back of your head man, I think you might get a lot out of it. You could probably get a pdf of that story online if you have a boring evening or something

>> No.7488374

>Doopees - Doopee Time
>Scott Walker - Scott 4
>Glenn Branca - The Ascension
>Hymie's Basement - s/t
>Fantastic Plastic Machine - s/t

>End of Evangelion
>8 1/2
>The Passion of Joan of Arc
>My Winnipeg
>The Holy Mountain

>Invisible Cities
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>Norwegian Wood

>> No.7488378

You're wrong. Lots of normies know who Joyce is because they had to read Dubliners or Portrait of an Artist in the one lit class they took in college

>> No.7488381

Watch The Last Laugh, The Cranes are Flying, The Leopard

>> No.7488384

Yeah, I bet tons of people read The Dead in high school or something, and their professor probably told them about Joyce and Ulysses.

>> No.7488387

jesus this fucking post man

i like goldberg variations, i like it a lot. after reading GEB i read a lot of books written about Bach and found myself entranced by the goldberg variations. do i understand them? the fuck does that even mean, i know what Bach was doing but i dont doubt i fall short of his appreciation of the work

if you have something to contribute feel free, but this post is awful

>> No.7488390

>it made you look stupid and insecure

Oh, we're talking about you now?

>> No.7488392

I'm Irish, and Joyce is ubiquitous here.

>> No.7488397

Don't they teach YA shite in college nowadays? I swear, I heard on here Harvard had an Harry Potter class or something like that.

>> No.7488399

They're different mediums with different strengths and weaknesses. Film is a visual medium, so you must take into account cinematography and direction.

>> No.7488403

A Clockwork Orange
Elephant Man

Don't really know for albums
I just really like Händel, Schubert and Schumann

Fathers and Sons
Snow Country
Against Nature

>> No.7488404

Would reading Ulysses in public in Ireland be commended or would people think everythings going over your head? My roommate at trinity said he read a lot of Ulysses in high school, so I think that book is handled differently there.

>> No.7488408

Nothing written in the past 150 yrs compares to the Illiad either... should we scrub all literature from the past 150 yrs from our lists? ok then

>> No.7488409

Any contemporary lit class at any uni will be filled with YA and popular lit.

Studying literature is living up to the reputation it already has.

>> No.7488410

Thanks. I've been trying to see The Last Laugh for ages, no idea where to get it from though.

>> No.7488412

Watch anything directed by Mizoguchi

>> No.7488413

>books (pls no bully, they are all entry level)
Moby Dick
Crime and Punishment
Don Quijote
Divine Comedy

>movies (even more entry level)
Caesar Must Die
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

Klaus Schulze - Irrlicht
Klaus Schulze - X
Autrchre - Tri Repetae
Art of Noise - Who's Afraid of the Art of Noise?
Mike Oldfield - Ommadawn

>> No.7488415

I can't read on screens desu I need physical books, but I'll definitely try to get it some time next year.

>> No.7488427

Everything else is good, but why?

>> No.7488429

Not a book, but I'd recommend The Tree of Life if you liked Zerkalo and The Brothers Karamazov. Shadows of our Forgotten Ancestors is another one. Massively influential on Tarkovsky, and it shares similar spiritual themes with a focal point on a love relationship.

As for books it's hard to recommend. Sculpting in Time is good if you really like Tarkovsky. Tao Te Ching was influential on Tark too. So was Pushkin and Tolstoy. Since we have similar taste I personally would say Moby Dick and Dubliners.

>> No.7488436

In no particular order:
Synecdoche NY
Lost in Translation
American Beauty
The Seventh Seal
couple of polish moral anxiety cinema movies fill the rest of my top 10 with the only addition being Apocalypse Now

F#A# oo
Flowers From Exile

The Magus
Catcher in the Rye(pure sentiment though)
The Trial
but I dig lots of interwar period plays just as much as my top 5 epics

>> No.7488438

My intro lit class in college covered Proust and Joyce

>> No.7488442

Watch 2001

>> No.7488446

>American Beauty
Just rewatched this recently, amazingly better than I remember. First time I saw it I was like 15 (and a pleb). It was weird rewatching and realising I missed the message of the film somehow.

>> No.7488453

Is there a specific movie where I should start ?

>> No.7488454

Thats not a contemporary lit class.

>> No.7488459

Cries and Whispers, and Winter Light would definitely be to your liking if you want some of that Camusian despair. Kierkegaard if you want a more in depth and "academic" approach to despair. Namely The Sickness Unto Death and The Concept of Anxiety.

>> No.7488462


>> No.7488465

It gave me insanely strong feels (only H-8 beats Interstellar in that regard) and it was gorgeous.

Already have and I didn't really love it or anything - I think Kubrick's style isn't for me.

>> No.7488466

You were probably in a more advanced class. Most of what I have heard is that YA shite and pulp books are studied there.

>> No.7488467

Ugetsu is my favourite, it's like a surrealist Kurosawa.

>> No.7488470

>Dr. Strangelove
>Kicking and Screaming
>Texas Chainsaw Massacre

>People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm
>The Doors
>Uptown Saturday Night

>The stories of Vladimir Nabokov
>The Cyberiad
>A Confederacy of Dunces
>American Psycho

>> No.7488473

Dig the taste anon. I recommend Andrei Rublev, Au Hasard Balthazar, or anything by Malick.

>> No.7488474

15 might be too young to fully grasp it, it's an amazing movie indeed.

Thanks, was considering some Kierky recently but wasn't sure whether I should prioritize him over other non-fic.

>> No.7488476


>> No.7488479

Looks like I hit the nail on the head. Nobody who sincerely considers a Drake album to be one of their favorite albums has any sort of knowledge of music theory, which means that a significant portion of the beauty and intellectual art of Bach is lost on them (and most of my repliers, I'm assuming). If you derive pleasure from a generic and manufactured pop album that is marketed to middle schoolers then what are you doing listening to the Goldberg Variations? It's above you, and you recognize that, it's why you sought it out in the first place, but don't pretend that you're capable of understanding it just to look smart to 4chan. You don't understand it, you lack the intellectuals tools to understand it, which is why you enjoy the music of Drake.

>> No.7488482

>Au Hasard Balthazar
Seconding this.

>> No.7488488

>all pop music
/lit/ is once again confirmed a self-glorifying /mu/

>> No.7488490

La Notte
Mulholland Dr
Every Man For Himself

Soundtracks For the Blind
Sunny Murray
The Harry Partch Collection Vol. One
The Ascension
Telegraphs In Negative/Mouths In Static

Notes From Underground
Outer Dark
Fear and Trembling
Eichmann In Jerusalem

>> No.7488496

Thanks. I'll cap your comment and explore them in the following weeks a bit.

>> No.7488507


Wings of Desire
The Killers
Days of Heaven
Samurai Trilogy

Lift Your Skinny Fists Like Antennas to Heaven
Trilogy / the Weeknd
The Tired Sounds of Stars of the Lid
Within and Without
I am a bird now

The Recognitions
In the Heart of the Heart of the Country
The Savage Detectives
Too Loud a Solitude
The Long Ships

>> No.7488511

Pop music is good

>> No.7488519

Try Death of Ivan Ilych by Tolstoy
Fifth Head of Cerberus

>> No.7488520

Pop music is the musical equivalent of genre fiction.

>> No.7488523

No it isn't; it's barely music.

>> No.7488525

I don't listen to pop music, you twat. Who the fuck is Drake?

>> No.7488535
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Hi Kenzo!

>> No.7488547

>Projecting. It's also laughable that you should have to "understand" music to like it. What is there to understand about it?
Yes you do.

>> No.7488550

Ben-Hur aesthetically looks like Caesar Must Die, and it's a long epic. Watch Stalker if you haven't already. It's probably a bit different than what you want, but it's worth the watch. Seven Samurai is another epic film done really well.

I personally think Kierkegaard is a genius. He definitely goes hand-in-hand with Bergman, and influenced Sartre and Camus. But he writes more similarly to Hegel if that puts you off.

>which means that a significant portion of the beauty and intellectual art of Bach is lost on them

Top kek, what a joke. Knowing music theory doesn't increase your emotional experience when listening to music. It's technical knowledge and it appeals to that knowledge only. Goldberg Variations were explicitly written to cheer someone up and keep them company. Regardless of the quality of the pieces, that was the goal of it. Would you also say you can't like poetry unless you knew prosody in and out? How absurd and pretentious of you. Bach would disagree, you can tell just by the way he handled counter-point. Everyone else doing counter-point made it sound autistic, but Bach actually made all the melodies sound like one, like a fucking melody should. Of course, this is probably absolute bait.

>> No.7488553

try harder

>> No.7488561

Oh lord, it was bait.

>> No.7488567

Tiнi зaбyтих пpeдкiв
Journal d'un curé de campagne
Τοπίο στην ομίχλη
Faust: Eine deutsche Volkssage

Orlando Furioso
Mémoires d'Outre-Tombe
Wallenstein trilogy
Durtal trilogy
Das abenteuerliche Herz

>> No.7488570

>Ben-Hur aesthetically looks like Caesar Must Die, and it's a long epic. Watch Stalker if you haven't already. It's probably a bit different than what you want, but it's worth the watch. Seven Samurai is another epic film done really well.
Thanks. I've already watched Stalker and it was great.

>> No.7488572

Hallie was right as hell when he said that bit about believing that the influence of Kierkegaard on Camus was underestimated, yep.

>> No.7488574

Learn to argue you shallow-minded dumbfuck. Listening to music without theory is like reading illiterate.

>> No.7488583

I really don't, but I'm not a little cunt about it.

>> No.7488585

No, it's like reading without literary theory.
Or praying without having read tomes on spirituality.

>> No.7488594

Just a question - what does "knowing music theory" mean for you?

>> No.7488598

>thinks academicizing art makes it good

>> No.7488599
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I'd also like to say that Tarkovsky watched Seven Samurai during pre-production of each one of his films.

Tarkovsky was together with me then. He was at the corner of the studio. When the film was over, he stood up, looking at me as if he felt timid. I said to him, "Very good. It makes me feel real fear." Tarkovsky smiled shyly, but happily. And we toasted vodka at the restaurant in the Film Institute. Tarkovsky, who didn't drink usually, drank a lot of vodka, and went so far as to turn off the speaker from which music had floated into the restaurant, and began to sing the theme of samurai from Seven Samurai at the top of his voice.

As if to rival him, I joined in.

For I was at that moment very happy to find myself living on Earth.

He won't respond seriously. He doesn't know music theory. He's just stirring the shit pot.

>> No.7488612

You do, link your post or get out.
Nope; theory is the only universal context to music. Considering that, it is far worse to listen to music as an illiterate than literature as an illiterate.

Of course, this is /lit/; you teenie boppers only care about looking interesting to your little friends.
Studying it as long as needed, like one would do with any complex language.
>wah i shuldnt hav 2 no nuffin
Don't you have to fake-read your order of the Meme Trilogy?
>He won't respond seriously. He doesn't know music theory. He's just stirring the shit pot.
Don't project.

>> No.7488618

music and literature in the forms we use them haven't at all, really

long playing records are a later development than full length narrative films, it's not like you listed symphonies

not to say that you have to like film

>> No.7488620

>everyone here except me is a pseudo intellectual
Fuck off Adam

>> No.7488624


books: madame bovary, stoner, immortality (kundera), moby dick, to the lighthouse

film: stalker, city of god, eagle vs shark, blue valentine, brazil

music: vaudeville villain (mf doom), madvillainy (madlib ft mf doom), los angeles (flylo), deadringer (rjd2), ancient mechanisms (lv)

>> No.7488626

Yeah, I'm not sure why it's not mentioned when it's so pronounced. His influence on Heidegger is also unnoticed, or at least not mentioned often.

>Don't project.
Told ya :^)

>> No.7488642

>You do, link your post or get out.

I haven't posted my favorites, I've been too busy judging your cuntiness

>> No.7488648

>Studying it as long as needed, like one would do with any complex language.
This really is no answer. I expected a more concrete answer, a list of examples of things a musically literate person should know. I'd expect someone who critiques poetry to recognize type of verse, rhyme scheme, metaphors, alliteration, ellipsis, caesura... So give me musical equivalents for this.

>> No.7488660

All of those are on my backlog, nice senpai

>> No.7488688

Seeing as you're into Japan, let me recommend the following:

The Woman in the Dunes - Abe
No Longer Human - Dazai
Snow Country - Kawabata
Makioka Sisters - Tanizaki
Kokoro - Soseki

>> No.7488692

books: Siddartha
Crime 'n' Punishment
Dead Souls
White Noise

Films: Lost in Translation
Human Traffic
Blue Velvet

music: my bloody valentine - loveless
joy division - unknown pleasures
King Krule
Ice Cube - the predator
Leonard Cohen - Songs of Leonard Cohen

>> No.7488695

The Savage Detectives
Madame Bovary
Complete short stories of Julio Cortázar
If on a Winter's Night a Traveller

La Haine
Eyes Wide Shut
City of God
Auf der Anderen Seite


Now for the recs:
>Notes From Underground
The Tunnel by Sábato
>All this LatAm lit
Have you read Cortázar yet? People here seem to praise Hopscotch but it's not THAT good IMO. If you want to check some of his shorter (and better) works I recommend: Carta a una señorita en Paris, Un lugar llamado Kindberg, Autopista Sur
Try Bolaño. I think The Nazi literature in America is his most borgian work, but his whole corpus is very influenced by him.

>> No.7488700

My point exactly, you're just a pseud.
>this answer isn't an answer because it doesn't fit into my solipsist definition
Go back to /mu/ moron.

>> No.7488705

>Kicking and Screaming

you should watch a lot of Walt Whitman's stuff, ie Metropolitan/Barcelona/Last Days of Disco

>> No.7488710

>>7488624 here replying to:

judging by the fact that I pretty much like what you like, i'd recommend to the lighthouse or portrait of the artist if you haven't read either of them already

>> No.7488727

I am assuming you mean Whit Stillman

>> No.7488729

ya im retarded

>> No.7488730

Thanks! I'm halfway through To the Lighthouse and liking it very much so far. I tried to read the portrait but my English was not good enough at the time so I gave up halfway through. I'm still kinda struggling with Woolf's prose (even though is beautiful) so IDK if I'm ready to retake it.

>> No.7488737

Alright I will check it out, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.7488738

Do androids dream of electric sheep?
Army field manual to improvised explosives
Simulacra and simulation
Marvel trade of original Secret Wars
Memnoch the devil

NIN-The downward spiral
Pink Floyd the wall
Sarah brightman- phantom/opera
prince- purple rain
Daft punk-homework

Blade runner
Ghost in the shell (1995)
Zero theorem
the cabinet of dr ciligary
The breakfast club

>> No.7488750

Irréversible (or anything by Gaspar Noe)
À ma sœur! (or anything by Catherine Breillat)
As Tears Go By (or almost anything by Wong Kar-wai)
The Decline of Western Civilization
(honorable mention: most of Harmony Korine's films)

The Money Store (or anything by Death Grips)
Madvillainy (or anything by MF DOOM)
[gets a lot harder to pick at this point]
Original Pirate Material
De-Loused in the Comatorium
Filth & Cop (very much 2 albums of the same mold)

Less Than Zero
Blood and Guts in High School
Frisk (or anything from the George Miles Cycle)
Jesus' Son
Everybody Talks About the Weather...We Don't

>> No.7488768

Robinson Crusoe – Defoe
The Iliad – Homer
The Odyssey – Homer
Dubliners – Joyce
The Quiet American – Greene
Might replace the last one with Moby-Dick once I finish it.

Trout Mask Replica – Captain Beefheart
Éthiopiques, Vol. IV: Ethio Jazz & Musique Instrumentale – Mulatu Astatke
Ring – Glasser
Energy Field – Jana Winderen
Music for 18 Musicians – Steve Reich

I have never liked any film enough to call it my favourite.

>> No.7488783

I shouldn't respond because you're either an intensely unenjoyable person bent on ruining everything for others as you've already ruined it for yourself or you're trolling for a reaction

Regardless, I should have left gbv off and put pet sounds instead, considering gbv isn't an album. To suggest that drake and Bach have any overlap is laughable, and that's probably why they appeal to me in terrifically different manners. To apply classical music theory to drake is similarly idiotic

>> No.7488800
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Blood Meridian
A Separate Peace
Portrait of the Artist

The Devil And God Are Raging Inside Me - Brand New
Transatlanticism - Death Cab For Cutie
Hatful of Hollow - The Smiths
The Lonesome Crowded West - Modest Mouse
Illmatic - Nas

The Departed
There Will Be Blood
Wedding Crashers
Forgetting Sarah Marshall
The Royal Tennenbaums
BONUS: (Television) Band of Brothers, the true patricians show.

>> No.7488811

having read both of them i'd say to the lighthouse is the more difficult one - you should be fine with portrait :) with english not being my native language, i just use sparknotes when shit gets rough

>> No.7488816
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ITT: Tryhards

>> No.7488841

You’re surprised that books generally talked about on /lit/ are named as favourites on /lit/?

>> No.7488858

Cheers, will do. It's the constant changes of point of view that sometimes throw me off, but then again that's the beauty of the book.

I'd recommend you Salambó by Flaubert, and maybe some less well known films in Spanish that you may like: Y tu mamá también, Celda 211 and Nueve Reinas.

>> No.7488879

Cooper, Acker, Death Grips... Why not try some Burroughs? Kathy was heavily influenced by him, and if you like Korine's films you'll feel at home. Or perhaps "Les Chants de Maldoror"?

>> No.7488912

Resan till Melonia
Duck Soup
My Neighbour Totoro
Cable Guy

To All My Friends - To All My Friends
Femme Fetale - Britney Spears
II - Crystal Castles
The Law of Large Numbers - Emma Pollock
Brustna Hjärtans Hotell - Blå tåget

The Twelve Chairs
Women and Appletrees
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Alice's Adventure in Wonderland
Tranströmer Collected Poems and Prose

>> No.7488948

I've yet to read anything but Burroughs but yeah he does seem in the direction I'm heading. Also, being a fan of Trainspotting and Jesus' Son, would welcome the opportunity for more heroin fiction.

>> No.7488975

thank you! been looking into salammbo, so i guess you tipped me over the edge. will check out the spanish films too

>> No.7489057

War & Peace
Anna Karenina
The Death of Ivan Ilyich
Family Happiness
Hadji Murad

Tree of Life
The New World
The Thin Red Line
Days of Heaven

>> No.7489118

Not the one you answered to, but thanks !

>> No.7489126

I'm afraid all of your favorite movies are reddit-tier, Anon.

>> No.7489154

Swann's Way
In the Shadow of Young Girls in Flower
The Guermantes Way
Grapes of Wrath
In Memoriam A.H.H

Teenage Dream, Katy Perry
Rated R, Rihanna
Nevermind, Nirvana
The Black Album, Jay-Z
Sucker, Charlie XCX
Treasure Island.

>> No.7489179

Frances Ha was a shit film.

>> No.7489185

I like you. Have you seen The Assassin? I am sad it didn't make the December Oscar list this year.

>> No.7489196



>> No.7489203


The Crossing
The Republic
Journey to the End of the Night
Infinite Jest

Inherent Vice
2001: A Space Odyssey

Muse - Origin of Symmetry
Death Grips - The Powers that B
Father John Misty - I Love You, Honeybear
Bjork - Vulnicura
GDragon - Coup D'etat

>> No.7489267

Stalker by Tarkovsky
Network by Lumet
8 1/2 by Fellini
Simon of the Desert by Buñuel
Rashomon by Kurosawa

La Leyenda del Tiempo by Camarón
Mothership Connection by Parliament
Enter the Wu-Tang (36 Chambers) by Wu-Tang Clan
Brilliant Corners - Thelonious Monk
We're Only In It For The Money - Frank Zappa

Demons by Dostoyevsky
Absalom, Absalom! by Faulkner
Yes by Bernhard
Complete Short Stories by Flannery O'Connor
Seven Madmen/Flamethrowers by Roberto Arlt

>> No.7489274

Visually appealing, well directed. Shit everything else.

>> No.7489302

The Force Awakens
Star Trek: Into Darkness
The Martian
Ender's Game
(bit of a sci fi movie nerd lol)

Metropolis Part 2: Scenes from a Memory by Dream Theater
Ride The Lightning by Metallica
13 by Black Sabbath
In The Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson

1984 by George Orwell
A Brave New World by Aldous Huxley
Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury
To Kill A Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Fellowship Of The Ring by Tolkien

>> No.7489326

In The Mood for Love
Chungking Express
Princess Mononoke
High & Low
The Taste of Tea

The Brothers Karamazov
The Red and the Black
The Castle
The Counterfeiters

(Shit, I don't know...)
Rome - Flowers From Exile
Rome - Nos Chants Perdus
Brel - Boîte à Bonbons
Dylan - Biograph
Martyn - Solid Air

I mostly read poetry, though, and would enjoy some recommendations in that department.

>> No.7489329

So funny I forgot to laugh

>> No.7489340
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i'll do three that i really like currently

mulholland drive
Aguirre, der zorn gottes
The conversation

niggas on the moon
the mystery of the bulgarian voice
first utterance

crying of lot 49
the politics of heroin in southeast asia
sexuality and gender in the classical world

>> No.7489349

I dont understand
I came to /lit/ just recently so I was just looking for recommendations

>> No.7489353

In order of preference for each list, top being favorite:

Late Spring
Blade Runner
Lawrence of Arabia
The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly
It's A Wonderful Life

Furious Angels (Rob Dougan)
Heathen (Bowie)
Pet Sounds (Beach Boys)
Yeezus (Kanye)
Flaming Pie (McCartney)

Don Quixote = The Brothers Karamazov
The Idiot = Crime and Punishment

I've only started seriously reading around March this year, please be gentle.

>> No.7489363


>Demons by Dostoyevsky

What is it about this book that you like so much? I'm 450 pages (of ~570) right now and am not liking it very much compared to Dostoevsky's other works. There's been a lot of talking so far but very little of it is philosophical or interesting, unlike in either of his 3 other major works.

>> No.7489388
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check out derek jarman

check out Voyage of Time when it comes out

check out La Haine and Clipping.'s CLPPNG

Aceyalone - All Balls Don't Bounce

Terry Riley (you've probably already listened to him), Julius Eastman's Evil Nigger

B L A C K I E or Kill the Vultures

uhhh . . . Roadside Picnic ? ?


Summa Theologica

>> No.7489400

Shout out for Jarman!

>> No.7489401
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Synecdoche NY
Holy Mountain
Laughing Stock
Choirs Of The Eye
Rock Bottom
Monster Movie
Pink Moon
Lines Of Oppression
Sheet Music
Leaving Your Body Map
>book(don't h8 I'm new to reading)
House Of Leaves
Mao II
My Struggle (knausgaard)

>> No.7489445


Bicycle Thieves
La Jetée(1962)
The Human Condition Trilogy
Marketa Lazarova

TV shows:
The Prisoner(1967)
Twilight Zone(1959)
Legend of the Galactic Heroes
Rose of Versailles

Books(I'll just write authors instead):
Andrei Bely
Kenji Miyazawa
Meryvyn Peak
Marcel Proust
Miklós Bánffy

The Doors-The Doors
Charles Mingus-The Black Saint and The Sinner Lady
The Beach Boys-Pet Sounds
Lee Morgan-The Sidewinder
Thelonious Monk-Straight, No Chaser


Look into The Spectre of Alexander Wolf


You would probably enjoy the Hungarian novel Prae, which is basically their equivalent to In Search of Lost Time, you might like The Transylvania trilogy too.


Hard to be a God or maybe some Borges, I have a feeling since you like Bunuel you'll enjoy his writings a lot.


Read The Machine Stops by E.M Forster if you enjoy Brave New World 1984 or Fahrenheit 451. I think you'd like it a lot but it's pretty short.


Try All Quiet on the Western Front

>> No.7489468


Watch Red Dwarf and The 400 Blows

>> No.7489485

>B L A C K I E
Thanks, I thought VICE was kidding when they said noise rap was a genre that stretched beyond Death Grips

>> No.7489486

Here are my lists.

James Joyce, Ulysses
Aldous Huxley, Brave New World
Friedrich Nietzsche (everything)
Witold Gombrowicz, Ferdydurke
John Milton, Paradise Lost

Stanley Kubrick - A Clockwork Orange
Milos Forman - One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Ingmar Bergman - Persona
Ron Howard - A Beautiful Mind
Wachowscy - Matrix (because philosophy)

Steven Wilson - Grace for Drowning
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick
Gazpacho - Demon
Can - Tago Mago
King Crimson - everything

>> No.7489487

Taxi Driver
There Will Be Blood
The Comedy
The Devils

Loaded - Velvet underground
Violent Femmes - Violent femmes
Bloom - Beach House
Sgt Pepper
Rumors - Fleetwood Mac

Gravity's Rainbow
Catch 22
Book of Disquiet
The Gay Science
Blood Meridian

>> No.7489498

watch blow-up

>> No.7489503

Read Junky

>> No.7489514

>B L A C K I E
some of his stuff is just not rap at all. full experimental


>> No.7489577

>one item of our taste is an immovable and infallible anchor to which all other items of our fixation are appropriated to, forming a like infallible net of taste, within which we are hopelessly bound, and anything disaligned with this framework we may never reconcile with one bit, for if we claim we do we must be posturing insincerely and nothing more
>we may only ever love top 40 music if we love drake
>we may only ever love british romantic poetry if we love wordsworth
>we may only love people whose relationships to us are like our mothers because we love our mothers
>we are static and hopeless
Anon, I am fucking ashamed.

>> No.7489578

- 3-Iron by Kim-Ki Duk
- A Brighter Summer Day by Edward Yang
- Millennium Actress by Satoshi Kon
- Rope by Alfred Hitchcock
- Double Indemnity by Billy Wilder

- The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway by Genesis
- In The Court of the Crimson King by King Crimson
- Pet Sounds by The Beach Boys
- good kid, m.A.A.d city by Kendrick Lamar
- Yellow Magic Orchestra by Yellow Magic Orchestra

- Ulysses by James Joyce
- The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoevsky
- The Rabbit Angstrom tetralogy by John Updike
- The Tropics (Cancer & Capricorn) by Henry Miller
- Hamlet by Shakespeare

>> No.7489580

Didn't read Karamazov Bros desu. But I think Demons is a really fine novel if you have already learnt Dosto's philosophical thought through other novels like Memories From The Underground and C&P. It has some philosophy in characters like Kirillov or Shatov, or even Stavrogin (I think Verkhovensky should have been more written about in this matter), but there ain't no vast philosophical speechs. Although you can recognize Dosto's philosophical themes and obsessions in the action an the characters. I also like the kinda noir history around the terrorists, and his satire on the SJW landlords and shit is really funny.

>> No.7489586

Le Samourai
The Wild Bunch
Seven Samurai
A Man Escaped
The Count of Monte Cristo
One Hundred Years of Solitude
The Sound and the Fury
Cannery Row
The Brothers Karamazov
Surf's Up
Era's End
Helplessness Blues
Space Oddity

>> No.7489591

>>7489267 (You)
I be currently reading Ficciones and it's really fine. Had read some more Borges short tales before.

>> No.7489593


I respect the choice of Steven Wilson anon, but The Raven That Refused To Sing is the superior album IMO.

>> No.7489601
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gravitys rainbow
been down so long it looks like up to me
blonde on blonde
workingman's dead
pet sounds
vu & nico
giant steps
two lane blacktop
dr strangelove
after hours
el topo

>> No.7489643
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Italo Calvino- Invisible Cities
Knut Hamsun- Growth of the Soil
William Gaddis- The Recogntions
Cesar Aira- An Episode in the Life of a Landscape Painter
Franz Kafka- The Trial

Women- Public Strain
James Blackshaw- The Glass Bead Game
Shabazz Palaces- Lese Majesty
Albert Ayler- In Greenwich Village
Sun Ra- The Heliocentric Worlds of Sun Ra

pls suck my face

>> No.7489645



I've never heard of him before until now, would you mind giving a brief idea of what he's about?


Ah, I see. I agree with all you're saying here; it really it just the long psychological speeches in his writing that I like so much, which is probably why Demons is my least favorite so far. Have you read Fathers and Sons before? I've heard that it serves as a good introductory piece to Demons

>> No.7489721

Shit, man, I'll just use your list as a recommendation.

This is mine, by the way:

>> No.7489768

Didn't read Fathers and Sons, been a long time tryna find it. Think this week my local book store will deliver me.
Borges... damn, it's hard to tell you about him if you've never read anything. Let's say he's known for his kinda abstract, dreamy, mathematic short stories. Some of them aren't even stories: he talks about fictional writers or books. In one of the stories in Ficciones he just talks about one of his dead so guessed friends who died tryna write again El Quijote. Not a modern version, but El Quijote itself. Like he wanted to be able to be comparable to Cervantes even in different times and countries. Other one is about an endless library that keeps every possible book inside. It's like the infinite monkey theorem. You can check some of the stories, I think you'll enjoy em, especially if you speak spanish.

>> No.7489827


That sounds really interesting, thanks!

>> No.7489832

Damn, ESPECIALLY. Dat spanglish of mine.

>> No.7489904
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this thread is probably nearing death, but it should be fun to try and summarise my preferences so here i go

pic random

breakfast of champions
rabbit, run
death of ivan ilyich

popol vuh -- hosianna mantra
gy!be -- f#a#oo
steve reich -- music for 18 musicians
colin stetson -- new world history vol. 2: judges
fire! orchestra -- enter

one flew over the cuckoo's nest
taxi driver
sunset blvd.

>> No.7489944

Book of Disquiet
The Anatomy of Melancholy

Aguirre, The Wraith of God
Picnic at Hanging Rock
Winter Light
7th Continent

Randy Newman
Gordon Lightfoot
Chuck Berry
George Thorogood
The Kinks
Tom T. Hall

>> No.7489964

Lawerence of Arabia
Tree of Life

Lermontov - A hero of our times
Stendhal - La chartreuse de Parme

I'm not sure I really like any albums enough for this.

>> No.7490005

watch O Lucky Man

>> No.7490017

>O Lucky Man
thanks, looks interesting

>> No.7490064

>subjective assessment and comparison of two movies and one book is proof that one medium is better than the other

Anon, pls. If Godfather and Kane are the films you point to when talking about this stuff, all you're doing is showing us how little you've explored the medium.

Go watch Bergman, Kurosawa, Jodorowsky, Kubrick, Fellini, Tarkovsky, and Lynch. Honestly, your argument is so absurd that I'm having a hard time taking you seriously.

Now watch this video:


It's insane how much is communicated in the frame. Just because you haven't learned to pick up on any of it doesn't mean it isn't happening.

>> No.7490080

>and Lynch.

>> No.7490084

pleb taste. you haven't explored the medium if you're just citing those names. i bet they were recommended to you as well

>> No.7490099

some pretty heavy posturing man

>> No.7490110

>two lane blacktop


>> No.7490140

Never said they were the end-all-be-all of directors. They're miles better than Kane and Godfather anyway.

We're on an anonymous image board. Your post makes no sense m8.

>> No.7490281

Citizen Kane is amazing. I get it you're a "mount stupid" pleb who thinks he's special for watching foreign films and has to be contrarian but really, do stop being such a pompous asshole, Citizen Kane is one of the best films of all time and the only people who disagree are doing so to be contrary or are visually illiterate

>> No.7490282

Naked Lunch
A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Drinking Songs
Spirit of Eden

Inland Empire
Synecdoche, New York
The Godfather
The Tree of Life

>> No.7490323

Try "My Twisted World" by Oliver Robertson Rodger

>> No.7490349

2001: A Space Odyssey
The Wolf of Wall Street

Georg Friedrich Haas - String Quartets (specially no. 4)
Kid A - Radiohead
No Love Deep Web - Death Grips
The Seer - Swans
A Love Supreme - John Coltrane

Ficciones - Borges
El Aleph - Borges
Un Tal Lucas - Cortazar
Karamazov Brothers - Dostoyevsky
Catch 22 - Joseph Heller

>> No.7490354

Oh shit, forgot There Will be Blood, my second favorite after 2001.

>> No.7490407

By objective standards, yeah, I think Citizen Kane is great. The reason I haven't been defending it is because it isn't my cup of tea; it doesn't resonate with me the way other film does. I prefer other movies with different settings and aesthetics. I don't think Citizen Kane is the pinnacle of film, but that's a much more palatable opinion than saying that film is inferior to literature because of a comparison between The Iliad, Citizen Kane, and The Godfather.

Most of my posts hinge on the fact that the OP thinks The Iliad makes Citizen Kane look like an inferior piece of art. And yeah, I've been condescending... I apologize for that. The Iliad/Citizen Kane anon got my jimmies rustled.

And no, I don't think I'm a special snowflake for watching foreign films. I was just referring to directors that the OP may not have heard of so he could see a wider range of film.

>> No.7490571

The giver
The Balloon hoax

>> No.7490613

The Master
Punch-Drunk Love
The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou
In Bruges
The Long Goodbye

The Smile Sessions - Beach Boys
Because the Internet - Childish Gambino
Currents - Tame Impala
Jungle Blues - C.W. Stoneking
Hunky Dory - Bowie

Gravity's Rainbow
The Double
Martian Chronicles
Franny and Zooey

>> No.7490797


The Last Bolshevik
Memories of Underdevelopment
Amores y Perros


Juggaknots Clear Blue Skies
ElP I'll sleep when you're dead
Miles Davis Sketches of Spain
Fugazi Repeater
ATCQ Midnight Marauders


The Short Stories of Franz Kafka
Gravity's Rainbow
Go Down Moses

>> No.7490833

The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly
The Elephant Man
The Kid
2001: A Space Odyssey
The Exorcist

Sound of Silver - LCD Soundsystem
Pet Sounds - Beach Boys
F#a# infinity - GY!BE

The Iliad
The Oresteia
The Sun Also Rises
Crime and Punishmenr

>> No.7490862

Andrei Rublev
Fata Morgana
Buffalo 66'
The Seventh Continent

Discreet Music
Peel Session (Autechre)
Tago Mago
Oblivion Access
The Smiths

The Counterfeiters
The Temptation fo St. Anthony
The Trial
Absolom Absolom!

>> No.7490870

You might like Godard's newest film "Goodbye to Language", it's like Inland Empire on acid in France

>> No.7490971

Days Of Heaven (Malik)
Amadeus (Forman)
The Cook the Thief and His Lover (Greenway)
True Grit (Coen Bros)
Vicky Christina Barcelona (Woody)

AIA: Alien Observer (Grouper)
6 Feet Deep (Gravediggaz)
Drowning By Numbers (Nyman)
Anxiety (Autre Ne Veut)
Sometimes I Wish We Were an Eagle (Callahan)

Zizek's Introduction to Lacan
Journey to the End of the Night (Celine)
Blood Meridian (McCarthy)
A german book on semiotics

I obviously haven't read much yet that I really liked and I tried to keep the other picks varied and as precise as possible

Waiting for recommendations!

>> No.7490988
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my favorite movie is The Dark Knight Rises