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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 414 KB, 950x1478, Anna-Karenina[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7456291 No.7456291 [Reply] [Original]

>muh women's rights
why do you people even like this SJW bullshit?

>> No.7456304

anna karenina was about making sure women stay loyal and subservient. if anything, the rights that anna would have desired would be irrelevant, as a result of the incompatibility of her character with vronsky, and their selfishness. if anything, given rights, they'd still fall under the same problem. the woman who played good housewife and shut the hell up was rewarded. i don't know if it's all that sjw, really.

>> No.7456329

It was the big Russian doorstopper of yesteryear. Remember, the 1920s-30s were a period of great curiosity about Russian culture for the West, and Tolstoy fit the bill for what Westerners sought. Add onto that the fact that Communism in Russia produced practically no novels of note, and you find Tolstoy "the" Russian novelist for 100 years.

Of course, we now know that it's not a particularly excellent novel on the level of a Moby Dick or a Gravity's Rainbow, but for readers in the 20s and 30s, it must have been something refreshing, to know that Russians in the late 1800s were grappling with similar issues as the West.

>> No.7456346

when you say SJW as a pegorative the implication is that for social INjustice, which makes you on the wrong side of your own argument.
What do you people call yourselves? Gamergaters? Can you define yourself in any other terms that what you are not, i.e. you arent reddit, for whatever glory that graces you with...but what are you?
Asking for a freind.

>> No.7456347
File: 15 KB, 300x285, $_35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

commie books are for fags.

>> No.7456385

Stale pasta

>> No.7456400


>> No.7456402

>no novels of note
Master and Margarita anyone?

>> No.7456418

the statement stands.

>> No.7456464

There are one or two dialogues where the characters discuss women's rights, which was actually an interesting de bate 150 years ago. The book's main themes have nothing to do with that.

>Anna Karenina not on the level of Gravity's Rainbow.

Jesus, kids on /lit/ these days. I bet you haven't even read the novel completely.

>> No.7456491

to be fair, anna karenina was dimestore romance mingled with preaching and one small scene of livejournal (levin mowing)

>> No.7457348

Actually the novel is about spiritual degradation of Anna and spiritual development of Levin.

>there are no good russian novels written in 20th century
>Moby Dick and Gravity's Rainbow are better than Anna Karenina
You are an idiot

>> No.7457353

weekend /lit/ is such trash with these people here

>> No.7457361

You're reducing a great work of literature to three words preceded by a meme arrow.

>> No.7457419

Perfect summary of /lit/.

>> No.7457486

>A self-absorbed woman gets everything she wants, then kills herself because she's unhappy with how it turns out.
>Meanwhile there's practically two separate novels in there about the value of domestic life for women.

How is this in favor of "women's rights"?