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/lit/ - Literature

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7449393 No.7449393 [Reply] [Original]

>Barely writing 300 words a day
>And every single one of those 300 words are shit

What's the point of even going on?

I'd be better off learning how to be a plumber or electrician or something along those lines...

>> No.7449412

something something plumber something something you're writing is shit

>> No.7449420


Go to a therapist to talk about your bullshit.

Go cry on tumblr.

If you are here, kindly shut the fuck up.



>> No.7449421


I write 300 words a day

And they're all "shit"

Everyday I add another 300 "shit" to my draft

I'm still looking for a publisher to take on my ever-growing manuscript

>> No.7449423


>> No.7449551

'An hero' Paul Auster.

>> No.7449560

Write more
How much time have you been writin?

>> No.7449626

Many great writers take many tries to achieve a good chapter/book. Make sure you are trying your best and don'

>> No.7449629

>don't give up

>> No.7449711



>> No.7449713

>every single one are shit

>> No.7449721

>What's the point of even going on?

There is none.

>I'd be better off learning how to be a plumber or electrician or something along those lines...

I don't know, a plumber or electrician requires you to have half a brain and a good work ethic which you obviously don't have. Have you ever though of being a janitor? Garbage Man? Think trash and filth related....

>> No.7449740

>>every single one are shit

The removal of the "those" makes the sentence grammatically incorrect, but only because you made it so, neyh?

>> No.7449755

Do you like to write? If yes, do it. Who cares if it's shit if you like doing it?

Don't hope that your book is going to be popular or that you will live off it.

>> No.7449776

You will slowly get better. Just keep reading and writing every single day.
I used to cringe at my writing but now it's pretty good.
if only I could come up good ideas

>> No.7449809

Trying to hard

>> No.7449853


not the same anon, but in fact the original sentence was equally incorrect since the subject was still 'one' and called for a singular verb. 'Those' is an object of a preposition.

>> No.7449882


Modern English (i.e. English following 1968) has always accepted plural verbs in substitute for non-gendered verbs.

>> No.7449891

>Be OP
>Sit down to write paper
Shit shit shit shit shit shit. Shit shit, shit shit shit shit shit shit shit. Shit shit shit shit shit...

>> No.7449900


See >>7449421

Your idea has already been taken

You fucking hack

Kill yourself, pretty please

>> No.7449902


>I'd be better off learning how to be a plumber or electrician or something along those lines...

Yup. Art is for the rich.

>> No.7449916

>Art is for the rich.

Gogh lived and died poor

>> No.7449922

I came here to write shit and pass captchas.

And I'm all out of captchas.

>> No.7449924


Yeah. That fucking sucks.

>> No.7449928


So the admission that art is NOT just for the rich is accepted, no?

>> No.7449941


Van Gogh's brother was an art dealer though, so he still had connection to the bourgeois art world that helped cement his legacy, it;s not like he was some "outsider" living in a tiny town in America

>> No.7449947


No. I do not accept. Van Gogh lived and died poor and in a pit of depression. That's a shitty life.

>> No.7449950


Yes, because Van Gogh was accepted less than a decade after his death.


>> No.7449953

But what would Modern English have to say about subject-verb agreement? Because that's what's actually relevant.

>> No.7449956

>4,000 pages of library books due in 2 weeks
>still reading at 10 pages a day

>> No.7449995

the literature career can't be just read a lot of fucking books all the time. we have to stay quiet, get older and think a lot. you just have to be patient, dont give up. just keep thinking. and always remember: there'll always be someone better than you.

>> No.7450106


What book is 1000+ pages?


>> No.7450134

Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.7450221

>something along those lines.
There's your problem, OP. Avoid Cliches.

>> No.7450223


What would be a non-cliche way of saying "a profession dealing with those two that I have just mentioned before"?

>> No.7450230

just say " or someshit" thats wut i do

>> No.7450232

>I'd be better off learning how to be a plumber or electrician or something along those lines...
That would also be true if you were an excellent, prolific and even already-published writer. It's best not to assume you can earn enough even to survive by writing fiction.

>> No.7450235


But that's also cliched?

That's what I'd imagined your cliched Tony Amerzero to say?

>> No.7450252

yeah but it relieves the pretension so it doesnt matter if its shit, the problem is when u try to get all serious like "omg i don't know if my career as the greatest writer in american history is going to take off, what should i do?" and then drop a big stinky ol cliche its just ... bad

>> No.7450259


Is "something along those lines" really more of cliche then "someshit"?




>> No.7450270

well it sure is a hell of a lot shorter; this isn't an essay for school, you don't have to try to wring an extra 3 words out of every phrase to make the page count

>> No.7450276
File: 173 KB, 284x361, huh.....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well it sure is a hell of a lot shorter;



this makes it better

Thank you, Hemingway

>> No.7450884


Are you implying Hemingway isn't one of the greatest writers of the English language?

>> No.7451108


Not even 800 pages


>> No.7451119

Are you reading any books on writing or taking classes or getting critiques? Because you're probably not going to figure it out on your own

>> No.7451138

Not OP but interested
What books do you recommend?

>> No.7451448


>> No.7451470

Are you implying Hemingway is one of the greatest writers of the English language?

>> No.7452793


>> No.7453108


weak bait