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/lit/ - Literature

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7444146 No.7444146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Regular /g/ here. Literature sucks. Writers, dramatists and other idiots never, ever solved any practical problems of mankind. All they ever did was write stuff 99% of people never read or needed in life. All the great achievements and solutions of mankind were done by scientists and economists. So long, bookworms!

>> No.7444153


>> No.7444154
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>> No.7444167
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>economists solving problems

>> No.7444173
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>> No.7444186

poets have historically gotten pussy

you're looking at things all wrong, familigia

>> No.7444314

I agree with you, OP. Reading philosophy and literature doesn't give a man any practical skills. It's just a waste of time. At least when I read and study my computer programming book I acquire a real, practical skill. Reading philosophy gives you nothing.

>> No.7444326
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>tfw he's right

>> No.7444330

Yeah but we'll die anyway so whatever

>> No.7444331

Excellent ruse, friend, but, to clear it up for people who believe this, language, which writers are innovators of, is responsible for all the commodities we have today, even the technological ones: without language, thought is impossible, and without thought math is incomprehensible, and, well, you can take it from there.

>> No.7444333


>> No.7444336


Sounds like you need a nice tranny to lick your ads clean dawg. Keep it real

>> No.7444337

writers didn't invent the terms "cpu" or "harddrive" or "ram"

that's such a weak argument

>> No.7444338

I'm always right because I apply math, logic, science and rationalism. I'm not guided by emotions like you /lit/urds.

>> No.7444343

Well, what's to be done, then? What should we do? Should we burn all the books, or just forget about them?

I think burning would be worse, because they'd get rarer (ergo their perceived value would go up)

>> No.7444352

The terms you listed are language and exist solely because language as evolved to the point that they can be expressed. If you were to take away every written work in history, our language system would not be advanced for those words to even exist.

>> No.7444355

Let him roll in his own pile of shits. Reality has proved him wrong. All the things, from toothpicks to space shuttles are the result of work done by scientists and engineers.

Scientists & Engineers > philosophers, writers

>> No.7444358

I think we'd do just fine, actually. As long as we kept the science books

>> No.7444362

For a guy proclaiming his intelligence, you're pretty dumb to not know the difference between individual vocabulary and language, with all of its semantic rules and understandings, as a whole.

Also, I'll bet you're a whiny pussy irl.

>> No.7444367
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it is true
philosophy is a load of shit, but literature isn't good because it solves problems, it's good because it kills time while also encouraging thinking skills

>> No.7444369
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Why are you guys falling for such obvious bait? Even if the guy really is this idiotic, he's too self-assured and obstinate to change his inane ideas. Just let it go. "STEM vs humanities" is a dumb meme.

>> No.7444370

We should only burn the useless fiction like Anne Carenine, War & Peace, In Search of Lost Time and other useless books. We should keep science books, engineering books, programming books and other books which teach us how to manipulate the physical world. Also, we should keep all the non-fiction books, such as Capitalism and Freedom, which teach us how to organize our society the best.

>> No.7444371
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The mist of your ruse has thinned. The truth has been revealed. I am beyond your pitiful bait.

>> No.7444373
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>caring about anything
Uh, have fun faggot.

>> No.7444376

You can kill time by solving practical problems.

>> No.7444378

well op is obviously trolling but I do think that literature is pretty much pointless. it's fun to write it in the moment, but what's gained, in the end? I haven't enjoyed reading since I was like 12 years old

>> No.7444380

what is this, a picture for tralfamadorians?

>> No.7444384

but literature is interesting and accessible to a large portion of the population
it's better to have a somewhat intelligent populace than to have a portion of people that don't enjoy practical problems and just stay retarded for their whole lives

>> No.7444390

Literature is just a method for useless people to feel smart and have a sense of achievement. Bill Gates is worth more than all of writers and philosophers because Bill Gates actually made something and made the world better and more fun. That was just an example.

>> No.7444408

Reading--and not just reading but art as a whole--provides the deepest and most profound connection one can have with another being. When art is made, it is tinged by the artist's conscious; it is an extension of the artist; it contains his beliefs, his emotions, and his dreams. By reading, watching movies, and listening to music, you become privy to how another being, a separate entity interprets reality and information. While there is no intrinsic value in this (there's no intrinsic value or meaning in anything, for that matter), it is still consoling, soothing.

>> No.7444416
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OP here. You sound like a faggot. Man up and learn to build a laser cannon like I did.

>> No.7444422

Since this thread is shit, I'll just post here.

Is warosu down for you guys too?

>> No.7444423

>inb4 logic is a branch of philosophy
>inb4 math is applied logic
>inb4 science is a branch of philosophy
>inb4 rationalism is a branch of philosophy
>implying STEMfags actually use rationalism instead of empiricism

I'll just wait for reality to hit you, anon.

>> No.7444426
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>muh feelings
you're not going to convince a stem autist of anything that way m8

>> No.7444434

Your bait is weak, friend.

>> No.7444439

>this is a category of this because I said so
labels don't matter, the skills you use in a scientific setting are entirely different than those you would use in a literary setting
philosophy requires similar thought processes, but it focuses on intangible shit that can't actually be applied to the real world
it's more of a workout than anything else, of no inherent worth, but useful in the skills you hone while doing it

>> No.7444440

> I see no value in any form of entertainment
>especially a thought provoking variety
>the development of empathy and universal comprehension has no place in modern industry
> specialization is great except when applied to creating this commodity

3/10, made me reply

>> No.7444449

I'm not your friend, nor would I be friends with a poetry faggot.

>> No.7444455

>>this is a category of this because I said so
Not him, but if you can't even understand how the categories of science fit together, you're retarded.

>> No.7444461

In other words, you value natural philosophy (science) more because you are a materialistic churl; and rather than do something difficult like learn about reality or how to think, you just want life to be more comfortable and convenient.

>intangible shit

If you cannot apply philosophy to your own life, that is due to your dearth of a sufficient mental capacity and is no legitimate criticism in itself.

>> No.7444472

Your projection cannot mend the thin veil you have attempted to construct. Give up: your posts no longer mean anything to anyone.

>> No.7444474

rationalism and empiricism aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.7444481

In their pure forms, yes they are. You can combine the two, but let's be real here: Pyrrho destroyed any shred of validity that empiricism could have ever had, so rationalism is all we're left with.

>> No.7444503

I hear all this shit about practical skills (science) being better than philosophy/literature. We need philosophical systems provided by writers to determine what we're GOING TO DO with the technology we develop. For example, say we develop technology that allows us to upload our consciousnesses to a computer, effectively ensuring ourselves an afterlife. Do we do it? How can we know if the uploaded version of ourselves is continuous with the original copy? Is it right or wrong to extend life indefinitely? Philosophical systems provided through literature help us answer these questions.

Maybe I'm an idiot but I don't know why you included economists in your post. You do realize that what we do with the money we have is determined by our own system of beliefs and values, right? Our systems of values and beliefs are derived from, and can actually be directly traced to, philosophers who wrote down shit literally thousands of years ago.

You can say some literature is useless. I'd be cool with burning whatever shit John Grisham just put out, but don't try to make the argument that literature is worthless because it is guiding all technological achievement today, whether you choose to acknowledge that or not.

>> No.7444515

What OP has brought up is really a subjective view on what one values more: it's basically do you value doing worldly shit that you think is entertaining, or would you rather be able to think. Enten/Eller, anon, aesthetic life, or ethical life.

>> No.7444528

If literature sucks then life sucks.

If literature never solved practical problems then there were never any problems to begin with.

If literature isn't necessary then life isn't necessary.

>> No.7444532

I was pretty sure OP was saying literature/phil is worthless. People like what they like, some see the value in "worldly shit that they think is entertaining" some value "being able to think." Those two things are inseparable though.

Can you elaborate on your post more? I'm drunk and alone and wanna talk more.

>> No.7444552
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>implying rationalism isn't just jerking off in a self contained system with no basis in reality
>implying trying to apprehend an arational foundation for truth isn't the best method
>implying the Sufi's don't have it right

I have bad news for you anon

>> No.7444557
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>> No.7444558

My main criticism's of OP's post are these:

He severely plays down the role of philosophy and literature.
He severely exaggerates the roles of STEM.
And then he makes an objective value claim based on his statements (ironically ignoring the fact that the majority of the problems that technology "solves" would not be problems had it not been for superfluous additions technology has made to society).

Now, I can sympathize with your drunken solitude, but I'm just here while I proof-read my essay; and I have a final to get up for tomorrow at 8 EST, so I will not be here for much longer.

>> No.7444564
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we live in a world where machines do all the work and people exist just to keep the machines going
philosophy, literature, art... it's all useless, but usefulness is no longer a factor in our lives so it's basically the best stuff we have

>> No.7444567

Are you actually a Sufi? Do you speak Arabic, Farsi, Urdu, or Turkish?

>> No.7444574

No, I'm a north american university student who took a class and a half on Arabic philosophy

It does have me considering religion much more seriously though

This close to Christmas has made me break out the Bible a few nights of the week

>> No.7444579
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>problems that technology "solves" would not be problems had it not been for superfluous additions technology has made to society
>food shortages are superfluous additions technology made to society
>the need for shelter is a superfluous addition technology made to society
>disease is a superfluous addition technology made to society

>> No.7444588

Oh OK. I've been spamming this link here but you'd like it: http://muslimphilosophy.com/

>> No.7444590

Alright we have the issues with his post then. Good luck on your essay bro.

>> No.7444598
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Bookmarked, thanks anon

>> No.7444600

Okay, thanks anon; be well.

>> No.7444611


>> No.7444616

No problem. Once you get to modern age with Mulla Sadra's transcendent theosophy/al-hikmaat al-mut`aali gets very complicated. As advice, learning Shia theology would be very helpful then. It's very important in modern-day Iran and Iraq and has influenced some thinking in al-Azhar but to a lesser extent than in the Shia world, which I study in particular.

>> No.7444621

/g/ here

>imblying writing code isn't writing

Fuck off

>> No.7444629
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philosophy started and ended with the greeks

>> No.7444656

There's reason to love both engineers and artists, for they both engage in the highest human activity: creation.

>> No.7444698
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OP, that's a really childish approach to life.
You are underestimating the power of philosophy. You seriously fucking are, the most destrutive weapon ever used, developed by engineers, have not killed nearly as much as destructive ideologies such as communism. The world is still being shaped by ideologies and religions.
But let's assume that the most important thing a human can do is solve problems (helping society grow, making life easier, minimize pain or suffering, etc).
You should also ask yourself:
Why do you need to solve problems ? Why should problems be reduced or eliminated?

This being said, you shouldn't associate yourself with this 'creators' or 'problem solvers', you just know some random code language and probably basic physics, you have not ever solved any problem, you are just following instructions from the internet. You loser fuck lmao

>> No.7444711

the communist manifesto has never shot anyone
economists implement its policies and engineers design the weapons used to enforce them
ideology only has as much power as people choose to allow it to

>> No.7444723
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Tfw he hasn't had a major personal development through a culmination of poetry and prose reading that made him become a wholly different person.

>> No.7444730

>op is just sad and probably thinks he lives in one large predictable and definite system

>> No.7444754

>caring about the problems of mankind
>thinking you can fix the problems of mankind

you've already lost my friend

>> No.7444764

OP isn't entirely inaccurate. Writers don't really solve the practical problems of mankind but they can inspire the people who do.

I had a physics prof who was a really smart guy. Had a stint at NASA and everything. Main reason he got interested in science was because of reading Asimov and Clarke's shit.

Also a lot of scientists are trekkies and hard-core sci-fi lovers whose big inspiration for getting into science was Star Trek and other shit they read/watched as a kid.

No it may not be literature but a writer certainly dreamed up all of that shit.

>> No.7444773

>63 replies and 17 images omitted.

that's depressing

op practically prefaced the whole thing by saying he was a troll

>> No.7444850

OP is totally an autist that can't connect with other humans and will die alone, but art does serve to connect and relate others, and it furthers proves my idea that most autistic people are an advanced form of humans, the beginnings of the next steps of evolution

>> No.7444864

writers, dramatists and other idiots tend to be stupid. the problems of mankind are pretty hard to solve.

please econ pill me on the achievements of economists.

>> No.7444924
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>writers, dramatists and other idiots tend to be stupid.

>> No.7445226
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Gr8 b8

>> No.7445290

>implying man is rational and practical

>> No.7445426

>what is the chomsky hierarchy
>who is william gibson

>> No.7445437
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>> No.7445446
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>he thinks humans can, in the true sense of the word, "create."

>> No.7445453

It is the stillest words that bring the storm.

>> No.7445458

This. Also this shit has been posted before. I'm ashamed everyone here fell for this bait again.

>> No.7445509
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Those are some cute spooks you have there, my property. It'd be a shame if something bad were to happen to them.

>> No.7445647

he looks like he has a really flat skull

>> No.7445685


Stale pasta gets 76 replies.

Also, economy isn't a real science by a long-shot.

>> No.7445686
