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7433948 No.7433948[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Currently reading pic related - our pc generation is a degeneration

>> No.7433957

>reading something by someone called Mick

S m h

>> No.7433974
File: 48 KB, 313x499, 51BdhMx1J7L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I realized someone willingly wrote this, and other people willingly gave that person money to read it.

>> No.7433976

Oh look, more reactionary /pol/ alarmism blowing things way out of proportion.

>> No.7433994

>endorsed by Salman Rushdie

Stop, please.

>> No.7433996

>blowing things way out of proportion.


>> No.7434001

Yeah. I remember in the good old days when we didn't get so riled up over every single thing and we'd come together to discuss ideas and strategies for overcoming problems, instead of going to the internet and whining on forums asking how to solve X or why Y was such a bastard.

There was so much diversity in our experiences and ideas that we could learn from and we didn't separate ourselves on these arbitrary lines like political parties or something.

I remember when all the kids in my neighborhood played Nintendo together instead of worrying about console wars.

>> No.7434011

>Mick Hume (born 1959) is a British journalist and author whose writing focuses on issues of free speech and freedom of the press.

>Hume was a columnist for The Times for 10 years from 1999, and was described as "Britain's only libertarian Marxist newspaper columnist". He has more recently written for The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times.

Sounds like quite the asshole, to be perfectly frankincense.

>> No.7434024

I fucking get sick of hearing people complain about people "being offended." Nigger it's about being a better person in the twenty-first century, not about coddling someone's precious fee fees.

I'd throw that fucking book in the trash if I were you.

>> No.7434027

>Salman Rushdie

The islamophobic? Yeah, totally not /pol/.

>> No.7434041
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>> No.7434242

>news sources being objective/neutral
>any year for that matter

>> No.7434248

I'd recommend the first few chapters of "Pornography and Civil Rights" for those interested in a very good critique of the dogma of free speech.

(It happens to occur in that book because porn is usually protected under dogmatic "free speech", but it's a very general critique.)

>> No.7434266
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here's a handy summary of the book,
>waah waah im required to treat all people with a minimum of empathy and human decency regardless of their identity. the cultural marxists have taken over! Its orwellian,1984 all over again! soon its gonna be illegal to be a straight white male!

>> No.7434283

to be honest, his interpretation of Islam and the figure of Muhammad in the satanic verses is rather problematic and follows western orientalist discourse.

>> No.7434292

Who are you trying to fool /pol/?

>> No.7434349


There was just an article in The Atlantic liberal rag condemning the whole situation that was well received by almost everyone who read it.

>> No.7434363
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>> No.7434387
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>mfw its a proven therapeutic finding that avoidance is less conducive to recovery than confrontation.
>mfw le fedora meme XD is used to mask your utter retardation

It's hilarious when reactionaries automatically assume that feelings take precedence over freedom of speech. Its even funnier that its actually BETTER for the students to be exposed to it.

Intellectual diversity trumps all others. Assuming you aren't a troll, fuck off. The only reason that "Trigger Warnings" are being utilized is so that Universities (as a BUSINESS) can continue getting strong profits.


A threat? Maybe not to freedom of speech in open society in general, but its a litmus test for how the next generation deals with conflict. The fact that Obama has openly condemned the practice on several occasions must be demonstratable of something.

Let alone the fact that dozens of universities across the states have had idiotic protests over non-issues such as it, or student bodies that boycott benign lectures. Its a concerning example of regressive thought, although it could never be enshrined in law.

Tbh your bait is pretty stale m80, Islam isn't even that significant to the novel over all.

>> No.7434404


>> No.7434408

oy vey shut it down

>> No.7434412

That guy was baiting but Salman Rushdy hates Muslims.

>> No.7434417

the only time I've ever heard of "muh free speach" being threatened in a idealogical way is on the internet. I have never heard of a legitimate real life instance of speech being limited by fringe leftists.

and no you not being allowed to dox some games journalist whore doesn't count as a real life instance of censorship.

>> No.7434421

Can't really blame him for that.

>> No.7434427

Your post would have carried more weight if you hadn't attached a picture of a nazi statue to it.

>> No.7434439

At my college, there was some "nicer language" or some shit project where they stuck up posters saying that using some particular offensive word is a microaggression. Some activists started lambasting the university for being against free speech and for wasting money on this project. People were blowing it out of proportion.

Stop with your shitty bait. >>>/pol/

>> No.7434470
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>> No.7434501

It's only a problem if you realize it's a problem. Only someone who browses 4chan would go out of his way to be offended by whatever leftist jewish humanities student have found to offfend white conservatives rich old fucks. What's more, this is all in Clapistan, where controversies grow on trees and freedom is harvested bullet by bullet in elementary schools.

>> No.7434505
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Welp, that's awkward. Oh well, I thought it was just classical statuary, or at least a non-modern imitation.

>> No.7434521

>everything the nazis have done is bad

>> No.7434529

>Arno Breker, Hitler and the whole wehrmacht are one person

>> No.7434535
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>mfw its a proven therapeutic finding that avoidance is less conducive to recovery than confrontation.
MFW this is literally wrong.

>> No.7434536

You're too stupid to post here.

>> No.7434546

>>mfw its a proven therapeutic finding that avoidance is less conducive to recovery than confrontation.

except that's wrong numbnuts

t.: psychology student

>> No.7434548

Leaving aside the questionable "confrontation therapy", one would ask how the fuck a random classroom full of strangers is supposed to be a therapeutic atmosphere.

I'm sure those repeated panic attacks making you run out of the room and feel a crushing embarrassment are going to be a huge help towards treating your PTSD. Just man up amirite?

>> No.7434553
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>tfw you got anally raped by six different truckers at a truck stop
>tfw it's a proven therapeutic finding that avoidance won't lead me to recovery
>tfw becoming the eternally dribbling anal whore of every truck stop in a 500 km radius of my apartment

>> No.7434558

>tfw that is mfw Guts>Griffith

>> No.7434575


I guess the big problem I have with all the whining about trigger warnings is that nobody likes it when the minorities argue back either.

>> No.7434581

No, that's not what it's about. It's about coddling people.

>> No.7434587


>> No.7434602
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>> No.7434608
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>> No.7434616

>he doesn't auto update

>> No.7434622

I'm autistic and seeing the numbers change at the bottom makes me a bit anxious.

>> No.7434624
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try again faggot

>> No.7434630

You forgot to change the filename

>> No.7434637
File: 1.83 MB, 3617x2615, Triggerwarnings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


T: psychology professor at an esteemed university.

I literally just read this article published in my university paper and i'm writing an essay on the topic of academic freedom. Fact is the american and the canadian teachers associations see trigger warnings as an infringement of academic freedom.

Can that be useful? Can they be courteous? Sure. But the focus on them is overall a detriment to intellectual discourse at universities.

>pic related, from my paper.

>> No.7434638

all were me

>> No.7434640
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>> No.7434649

>not knowing that academia is full of discourse and professors vehemently disagreeing with each other

Thanks for proving you know shit.

"I prefer 'Content Note'. Trigger warning is, well, triggering." -- Julie Bindel

>> No.7434651

You forgot to add this
>>7434622 since that's also me

>> No.7434660

nobody was talking about trigger warnings (which have very little to do with therapeutic methods) but rather with your retarded statement that direct confrontation is somehow the end all be all treatment for PTSD and related conditions

>> No.7434680

PTSD isn't real.

>> No.7434681

Mental illness isn't real.

>> No.7434683

>full of discourse and professors vehemently disagreeing with each other.

(That's 68 000 faculty)
(That's 47 000 faculty)

Wew lad that's some impressive condescension, did you even read my post? Did you just think i was pulling that out of my ass?

Sure, you'll find a minority that disagree, but your idea of a discourse "full" of dissent is factual inaccurate. Unless you can find a counter-point group, but to my knowledge these are the largest respective representative groups of Canada and America that have come to a unanimous consensus on the issue.

And i'm not even entirely against it, i'm just pointing out the fact that its infantilizing and that it can actually be regressive to the recovery of supposed victims, not to mention harmful to the student's academic progress.

>> No.7434689

Illness isn't real.

>> No.7434692

Le ebin

>> No.7434693

the cancer is real and the jews Israel boom

>> No.7434696

We aren't real.

>> No.7434700
File: 73 KB, 728x546, the-pyramid-of-hate-6-728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Intellectual diversity trumps all others
its easy to say that when you are no being asked to tolerate the idea that you are inferior/evil/unworthy of life due to your identity. It's more than just feelings, even at Yale they are students that feel so threatened by the hostile atmosphere they cannot bring themselves to go to classes. Folks are getting death threats. Racist graffiti on their dorms, just for asserting their right to be treated as human. Cops murdering folks of color with impunity. The rise of far-right and xenophobic sentiment has become obvious all over the world. Just look at the neo-nazis on this board, do you think is it even worth it trying to negotiate with them? we have a chance to stop it now, but soon it may be too late.

>> No.7434702

ill shit keep it real

>> No.7434708

The square root of minus one is not real.

>> No.7434709
File: 58 KB, 675x591, fuckofffaggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. You're right, that's such an uninformed opinion. I'll defer to your opinion

Oh wait, what's that? I can look up confrontation therapy vs avoidance and LITERALLY find an empirical study within seconds that substantiates my allegation? Wow. Go fucking figure.

Who knows, maybe there are confound variables, or perhaps there's some type contrary study. But its pretty fucking obvious that its not a "retarded" observation to cite a university psychology professor and a study as the basis for saying that confrontation is GENERALLY superior to avoidance at recovering from these things.

For fucks sake if you have PTSD over the kind of shit you find in literature (as benign as most of it is) then you shouldnt be in school.

>> No.7434714

Mathematics isn't real.

>> No.7434721
File: 36 KB, 512x512, wewladtoast.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw he's trying to b8
>mfw he mixes up Yale with Missouri

Laddie, you gotta try harder than that ;)

>> No.7434748

>Is the fear of being offensive killing free speech?

Yes or no? I need an answer, Mick Hume. The suspense is killing me.

>> No.7434761

I think that one of the biggest problems is the way that trigger warnings don't actually work the way they are intended to.
For example, I have a family friend who was raped in a bathroom with turquoise-ish tiles. Obviously it was a horrible experience, but now that its year later, she's pretty well come to terms with it and can talk about it. However, whenever she sees that shade of turquoise tile, she completely breaks down.
The point of all this is that triggers are normally unique to the individuals experience. Putting a warning on Metamorphoses that the gods like to rape young women isn't going to deal with actual triggers. Like a lot of initiatives, its a commendable desire to make life easier for people who have suffered, but this isn't an effective way to go about doing that.

>> No.7434767

Nothing is real.

>> No.7434770

There is no "real".

>> No.7434772
File: 8 KB, 179x172, kill youareself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-if I make fun of it then it's not true, right?

>> No.7434783

being is indistinguishable from nonbeing

>> No.7434792

>For example, I have a family friend who was raped in a bathroom with turquoise-ish tiles. Obviously it was a horrible experience, but now that its year later, she's pretty well come to terms with it and can talk about it. However, whenever she sees that shade of turquoise tile, she completely breaks down.

Completely unrelated to your point but that's actually really similar to a plot point/twist in the I Have No Mouth, and I Must Scream game.

One of the protagonists, a woman, has an intense fear of yellow but can't remember why and has to move through an entire yellow Egyptian tomb. She ends up in an elevator, and it's revealed that she was raped by a man who pretended to be a janitor and was wearing a yellow set of coveralls.

>> No.7434796

>Even Obama doesn't agree with this shit

Probably the only thing I've agreed with him on for some time.

>> No.7434798

You know, it's all fine and we'll to dislike someone's point, but why did you resort to responding like a teenager? You know that only makes you look worse, right?

Mockery is a tool of the weak.

>> No.7434803

The being and non-being are solely shared perceptions of the state of being "there" which is that which is not except with the being and non-being.

>> No.7434815

>You know, it's all fine and we'll to dislike someone's point
>it's all fine and we'll

>> No.7434817

First world problems. First world mentality.

>> No.7434822

Are you gay? Because that statute might be the gayest piece of art I've ever seen.

>> No.7434827

Strawberry Fields forever.

>> No.7434830

Sorry, I'm typing this on my phone. Autocorrect likes to do that.

>> No.7434834
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>implying appreciation of the human physique is gay

Bet you don't like David either, faggot

>> No.7434861
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>> No.7436243
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>do you think is it even worth it trying to negotiate with them?

And there we have the death of thinking. When two sides make the other one look like a monster that can't be reasoned with