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7408936 No.7408936 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women hate Hemingway? Every Hemingway book on Goodreads has several 1 star reviews and they're always by women.

>> No.7408959

They can't self insert without facing the truth tbqh

>> No.7408961

What does it mean if my gf loves hemingway's novels? I haven't read any of them yet

>> No.7408969

She's based as fuck.

he's also a qt

>> No.7408973

She will leave you for a manlier partner.

>> No.7408974

because every one of his books boils down to
>muh masculinity

>> No.7408976

why come here?

>> No.7409000

>have you ever even read one sentence of Hemmmmmmmmingway?

>> No.7409148
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>> No.7410037

this, or she actually has a penis

>> No.7410053

but >>7408974 said nothing about atheism.

>> No.7410071

Probably has something to do with the fact that Hemingway couldn't write a believable female character so save his life.

>> No.7410074


You realize that his treatment of masculinity is FAR from "macho" right? For fucks sake his first novel is about a guy that can't get his dick up.

The Old Man in the Sea can hardly be said to have any masculinity in it aside from vaguely attributing perseverance and strength to masculinity.

A farewell to arms is almost entirely a "romantic" story.

Have you even read his books?

>> No.7410146

How have you not figured out green texting by now? Waste of trips.

>> No.7410175

They have an inherent tendency to react with revulsion when faced by a c uckold.

>> No.7410208

Female review for context:

>> No.7410265

Women are incapable of empathising with men. They don't understand us and they don't want to.

>> No.7411739

>Hemingway couldn't write a believable female character so save his life
this. and their dialogue (I'm thinking of Farewell to Arms in particular now) is cringe-worthy, by modern standards.

>> No.7411754

because he was a shit writer riding on the coattails of his actual talented friends.

he had a couple of good short stories.

>> No.7411767

This. Most women want to use men for their own ends and mate with a strong one. EmpathIzing with Hemingway's damaged male characters would be uncomfortable for someone with a lot of motive to see men the way women do.

>> No.7411769

Was Ernest Hemingway hot?

>> No.7411773

>tfw people actually have opinions as embarrassing as this

>> No.7411777

Do owmen also hate The Old Man and the Sea?
The male character (The Old Man) is the opposite of damaged 2bh.

>> No.7411778

have you really read the old man and the sea.

it pretty macho allegory.

>> No.7411782

Not him but I don't really remember any explicit 'macho' stuff in there.
Just perseverance in the face of overwhelming odds.

>> No.7411786

>perseverance is macho
Why do i come here tbqh

>> No.7411804


Anyway, females can't relate to the masculinity centred at all of his books, they can't fathom how it feels to be at war, they can't fathom what it would be like to be isolated on a boat trying to make a living. His females characters are always submissive, modern females don't like this but at the time of writing it was perfectly normal

>> No.7411807

>women love weak impotent insecure men
>women give a fuck about such men if they're not related to them
I don't worry much about what ugly girls think, so it's not like I'm saying women are inhuman monsters and I'm so much better.

>> No.7411812



>> No.7411813

No him, but it most definetly is

>> No.7411814
File: 190 KB, 760x564, ernest_hemingway_paris_1924.jpg__800x600_q85_crop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a couple on Amazon written by guys which are really dumb as well, here's one:
>I thought I would give this book a go as I have read so much about the great man and the life he led that the stories he would tell would be a great read.
>I was sorely disappointed in the very simple style of his writing. We went here, then we went there. His style of conversation was terribly repetitive, saying a line, an answer and ten repeating the exact line again and again!
>I felt no empathy for any of the characters as they drank their way across France into Spain for the Fiesta.
>The book is set around 1925 and it has not travelled well, unlike the wine they consumed!
Simply amazing. 2/5 stars.

Amazon review from some woman:
>I read this for my book club The Whackademics, where we read our favourite books.
>It’s kind of like two books mashed together. The first half has absolutely nothing to do with the second half.
>The beginning is basically a travelogue of the drunken (so much drinking. So much.) adventures of Americans in Europe.
>There were lengthy scenes with characters who never reappeared in the entire book; the prices of everything was listed as if I cared; and the details of every hotel room and bus ride were given in excruciating detail.
>If it wasn’t for the occasional brilliant bit of wit I would have been bored stiff.
And this part I think is hilarious:
>Then the second half starts, and WOW. Everything kicks off- suddenly there are bull fights and affairs and fighting in bars. It’s amazing! So why happened at the start, Hemingway?
Yeah Hemmingway, what's the deal with that first half man? It's like so boring and dull dude, nothing happens? Come on man, you do better than that!
>I also had kind of a problem with Brett. The book is basically about this one woman and her party of male admirers, who are all in love with her, including the protagonist.
>But I kind of finished the book having no idea about anything about her. There were no details about her personality or any reason given for why these men all loved her – except that she was very sexually adventurous.
>Considering the book is basically all about her, it feels weird that I can’t tell you anything about her character.
>I want to love her – she’s a confident, sparkling twenties girl who gets what she wants – but she felt like a manic pixie dream girl without the quirky hobbies, because she had none.

>not being a dumb whiny wailing bitch who quits the instant something goes against them is being macho
Weird that people out there genuinely hold this belief.

>> No.7411820

>>not being a dumb whiny wailing bitch who quits the instant something goes against them is being macho
>Weird that people out there genuinely hold this belief.
usually when you say 'macho' nowadays, it means some overly aggressive kek compensator not an actual dominating,masculine male.

>> No.7411825

Women are two dimensional characters in real life though

>> No.7411830

Not him, but if we are talking about classic literature I would think people would take the more time orientated definition of masculine

>> No.7411832
File: 71 KB, 647x885, HemingwayLoeb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>His females characters are always submissive, modern females don't like this but at the time of writing it was perfectly normal
>mfw anon forgets Fifty Shades of Grey was a massive commercial success
They might say they don't like it but really they do. It's "liberating" to be in control of your body, and then give it to a strong man.

>> No.7411839

The kind of female that would write a book reviewing dissing a great author wouldn't like it. A normal female would, it's kind of wierd how many females are so submissive

Haha, you're a good man, I like you

>> No.7411843

Holy shit that woman's review


>> No.7411851

I always like the women more and wish he'd done shit with them in his books.

Seeing him be a complete fuckwit and go full MUH WAR MUH MAN BEAR AND BULL in A Farewell to Arms and stiffarming whoever that main chick was just pained me. Hemmy's folks were dicks. Shattered by war and understandable, but still dicks

>> No.7411867

What I was thinking of >>7411830

>> No.7412133

Brett Ashley is a very complex character. The prototypical modern woman. I know a girl just like her.

>> No.7412171


Isn't submissiveness a trait inherent to femininity? I know I'd get bitched out pretty fucking hard if I said that around most modern women but I thought it was understood as a fact.

>> No.7412225

Then who cares if its masculine? If virtuous qualities like strength and perseverance are macho then who wouldn't want to be?

Its been about 3-4 months since I read it now and I have a bad memory so no I wouldn't remember a single instance where he says that.

But even if he does, I wouldn't really call that "macho" and even if its overt, its neither a inherently negative thing nor a thing that precludes enjoying the book on its own merits.

>> No.7412277

Because rad fems hate and ridicule anything men do.
>contact sports
>Bukowski (not saying he's great but he has a male fanbase)
>car enthusiasm

But make fun of teenage girls reading John Green and drinking Starbucks and prepare to have them lose their shit.

>> No.7413992

Yes, Pilar is so submissive and unconvincing.

>> No.7414057
File: 519 B, 32x42, FFVI_Mysidian_Rabbit_Sprite.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody here actually like his prose? He writes without any embellishments or charms. It's about as gripping as narcotized mud.

>> No.7414510
File: 171 KB, 615x290, hemingway21.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he couldn't get into Hemmingway
The true mark of a pleb

>> No.7414631


Women in general have absolut shit tier taste for almost anything. They also consider him to be some weir anti feminist guy or some shit.

>> No.7414639

He's also racist and anti semitic.

>> No.7414658

And he doesn't support animal rights, and he's micro-racist (racist against microbes) also.

>> No.7414662

>female gives one star review on book with high praise
>"it was pretentious"

every time

>> No.7414947

Fedoras are a meninist thing now, too.

>> No.7414962
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How does it feel to go through life with such a stunted world view?

>> No.7414967

-> >>7414510

>> No.7414980

I do. It works.

>> No.7415967


>> No.7416159


>He put and empty glass in front of me, tipped his picture of water over my glass until it was full,
>tipped his picture

>> No.7416171

I have a good job, a girlfriend who loves me and just got another short story published in a lit journal so it's pretty good to be honest man.

>> No.7417701

My ex wife is just like her

>> No.7417716

>Caring what women do, or don't do at all, at any time or place

Haven't we had this talk already?