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/lit/ - Literature

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7396273 No.7396273 [Reply] [Original]

Recommendation list thread

>> No.7396302

>not a single kafka or camus book
This is not litcore enough.

>> No.7396375

Someone please tell me the saddest one. I want to cry over the weekend.

>> No.7396379

The only story that ever made me tear up was The Overcoat by Gogol

>> No.7396425
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>> No.7396446

>he thinks Kafka is supposed to be sad
You must be reading a shit translation my man. Or you just don't understand what you're reading.

>> No.7396448
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>> No.7396451

Same with Camus. He's not sad.
Kafka and Camus' writings are hilarious most of the time.

>> No.7396459

Death of a Salesman

Seriously, don't listen to that fuck boii telling u to read the overcoat, if u want to cry, read the death of a salesman

>> No.7396489

I read the Setting Sun and found it was the most depressing thing I've ever read and is now quite possibly my favorite book.

I read No Longer Human and didn't find it nearly as good. The main character is pretty pitiful and does an awful lot of whining.

Dazai is great, but in my opinion The Setting Sun is MUCH better than No Longer Human. No Longer Human seems to get all the hype on this board though but I found it to be a bit of a let down.

>> No.7396617

Pale Fire not in ultimate mode?

>> No.7396628

>The Recognitions
>Women and Men
I like this update

>> No.7396632

pretty approachable if you just read / pay attention

nabokov can be oblique, but at least he's stylistically consistent

>> No.7396636
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Bumping with shit list.

>> No.7396637

2666 isn't hard to read it's just boring

>> No.7396643


>> No.7396648

>sartre at level 1
Sure pal

>> No.7396653

I'm currently writing a post-grad thesis on Nabokov. If you think he's stylistically consistent then you just haven't read enough of his work.

Pale fire is approachable, in the sense you can read the sentences and understand them, which sets it apart from Ulysses. However that's part of why I think it's more difficult, it's the novel as a whole that's hard - the relationship between Nabokov and the narrator is very mysterious, and the reliability of the narrator in regard to his commentary on the poem is shaky at best. Personally I think Pale Fire is one of the hardest novels in existence, certainly more opaque that Ulysses when considered as a whole.

>> No.7396658

I said it was shit, friend.

>> No.7396855


>> No.7397044
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>> No.7397063

>gomez's shit packed ass is boring

>> No.7397075


>> No.7397095

>Industrial Society and It's Future
>It's Future

>> No.7397348

giving Ulysses a try as a /lit/ newfag. Yes or no?

>> No.7397351


>> No.7397358

No, no, megano, athousandtimes no. Read the Odyssey to contextualize it, and read lesser works to improve your reading skills.

>> No.7397391

examples of good "lesser" works? The ones on the bottom of the picture?

>> No.7397395

Try The Crying of Lot 49.

It's short and a good intro to harder stuff.

>> No.7397407

Thanks for the recommendation, i'll check it out!

>> No.7397411

Yes, those are a good start, especially if you are just getting into reading. Trust me, though: without what could be called "practice," little to none of Ulysses will make sense: sequences of events will be incomprehensible, the language will be indecipherable, whole passages won't parse. Even with "training," it will, of course, still be a (no exaggeration here) -rocky- ride.

>> No.7397432

I see. English is not my first language either, so i guess that wouldn't make it any easier. I just got into "serious" reading a couple months back and i've been trying to get trough some of the classics (1984, Brave new world, Slaughterhouse 5, lolita etc). Currently reading to kill a mockingbird and got Atlas Shrugged and Metamorphosis (and other stories) waiting on the shelve. Thanks for the advice!

>> No.7397441

>English is not my first language either
Ooh, depending on your proficiency with English, you might want to get a translation.

>> No.7397490

probably, but i just find it so awkward reading in my first language (Norwegian)

>> No.7397502

Good historical surveys?

>> No.7397544
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>Elliot Rodgers manifesto

>> No.7398196


Read Joyce in chronological order, starting with Dubliners.

>> No.7398248

but it is.

>> No.7398250
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>O'Brien above Pynchon and Krasznahorkai
Overall, the list seems to make sense, somewhat. But a lot of them are in the wrong area.

>> No.7398253

>Eliot Rodger
>The Quran?

>> No.7398311

I agree. It fucking boggles me that Mann, Kafka, Proust, and other modernists are so low. And, considering the fact that this list is based upon obscurity and difficulty, Hawkes should be at level 6.

>> No.7398318

>Level 4

but that's wrong

>> No.7398338

Ehh, I don't know. Lowry is damn good, so I'd say he deserves level 4 status, but Pynchon should definitely be lower than him.

>> No.7398396


I think 0 is kind of harsh, putting real authors with trash like Coelho, King and Atwood is pretty insulting, I mean you're right, they're not good, but they're not in the same category as pure garbage.

Names to add:

....maybe Fallada too but that's just a personal opinion

>> No.7398699


Are you implying that most of those names you've listed belong in 'Level 0'? I hope not.