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/lit/ - Literature

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7388374 No.7388374 [Reply] [Original]

I used to think /lit/ was exaggerating how autistic and metaphysically braindead STEMfags are, and then I read this post by Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist Paul Graham, who shall be permanently confirmed to be a complete dumbfuck.


>philosophy sucks because Aristotle was wrong about things
>philosophy is just messing around with language
>Wittgenstein saved philosophy
>I took philosophy classes in college, so I know what I'm talking about

>> No.7388387

I just finished the PI and I've never felt more at peace in my life.

>> No.7388440

STEMfags are joyless dullards, water is wet

>> No.7388458

Ever consider that STEMfags might just understand it better because they think more clearer?

>> No.7388461
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I'm going to go with "no".

>> No.7388463


Private Investigation?

>> No.7388464

>think more clearer
You know where to go, dilettante.

>> No.7388470

>implying philosophy has added as much value to society as the 'STEMfags' who invented the machine you're bitching on

>> No.7388473

He is talking about Philosophical Investigations, Wittgenstein's book.

>Implying that intrinsically matters

>> No.7388474

>more clearer

>> No.7388482

Ahh shit. You want a nigga to lay some Heidegger on you?

>> No.7388483
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>more clearer

>> No.7388489

Why? All I got from that book is that humans invented language to perform tasks.

>> No.7388491
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Do it, faggot

>> No.7388500

>implying the rediscovery of classical philosophical texts didn't lay the groundwork for scientific rationalism in the renaissance and enlightenment

Go back to reddit

>> No.7388505

>le this field is better than that one maymay xD
It's always funny that people who care about the practicality or quality of one field over another usually are pseuds who know relatively little about the field they're defending.

>> No.7388510

Can someone elaborate on this? First time I heard the term (not from the States) and am in engineering myself. What's the exact problem people have with them on this board?

>> No.7388514

Read Paul Graham's post explaining philosophy to /lit/ and you will know everything you ever wanted to know about STEMfags.

>> No.7388518

>>philosophy is just messing around with language
He's right though. The entire free will debate is basically faggots arguing over definitions.
>free will don't real!
>no, free will means I can think and choose
Wow, what a breakthrough.

>> No.7388521

>there are still people in 2015 who can't get over the fact that God's omnipotence doesn't preclude you from having free will

Even kids understand that YOU have free will regardless of what God knows or doesn't know about you.

>> No.7388527

look fag, I didn't bring up god anywhere in my post. if you ask most people whether they can think and choose, they would say yes, hence they have free will by your dumbass definition. I'm mocking philosophers for thinking they're insightful because they're not

>> No.7388529

Scientists are explorers. Philosophers are just tourists.

>> No.7388535

>hence they have free will by your dumbass definition


>> No.7388537

It's difficult to talk about philosophy when people like this enter the thread.

>> No.7388538

Philosophy is a powerful force, and it can be practical. The thing is that most modern philosophers just feed off grants and indulge in their hobby and expect people to respect their work. But it's their responsibility to go out and make people see value in it. Socrates would got out into the street and confront peoples beliefs. At least the "STEMfags" are doing something. Let's be honest even if they do think highly of themselves, they kind of have the right.

>> No.7388539

honestly I think a lot of folk are intimidated. In my scholastic experience science and math classes are much more difficult than LA and history classes. As such STEM majors do get more technical education and do become smarter in certain ways that are easier to measure and often more applicable in work situationsThis can lead to willful ignorance or arrogance, such as shown by the man OP is talking about, but I don't think STEM folk are any more or less guilty of this. I do believe they (I'd say we, but I've only recently started on this track) are generally less selfconcious about their choice of major. An English major may read about incredible things, but STEM majors more often get to do or be directly involved in those things. While I do read as a hobby and want to write later in life, I think I will have a more useful and interesting life if I study math and science and get a job in the field I want.

>> No.7388541

>admits in the very first paragraph that he took philosophy classes to be edgy
Ah, you see, the problem is not that this man is in STEM--it's that this man is retarded.

>> No.7388543

You mean the machine that was conceived through...philosophy...?
Read some analytics you fucking philistine

>> No.7388544

Only if you acknowledge their vocation to be more worthwhile.

>> No.7388548

Philosophy just isn't rational. It's appeals to the emotion, like art.

>> No.7388550

STEM is vocational training at worst and, at best, let's us understand reality at a level so general to not really be insightful to our lived experience of it. Knowing why the universe works mechanistically doesn't help me appreciate a beautiful thing, give me emotional catharsis or give me metaphors to empathize with people, whereas humanities has developed the means to do that for as long as people have told stories, sang songs, painted pictures, etc. Many STEM students appear numb to this distinction and even arrogant in their comfort with it, and our indulgence and distraction loving consumer culture is ready to give them all the cultural authority they ask for in exchange for more trinkets.

Basically it's just a reaction to autists on the internet, with a few other threads in the fabric.

>> No.7388555

It was contrived by an autistic homo who was sick of having to build a new machine every time he wanted to do something new.

>> No.7388556
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>he didn't double major in math and philosophy

>> No.7388558

nietzsche destroyed analytic philosophy. philosophy basically boils down to opinions and aesthetics. it's why no one takes it seriously anymore.

>> No.7388561

/lit/ - literature

>> No.7388562

Jesus christ. This weird notion that philosophical thought is secluded somewhere in the 1500s is so bizarre.

>> No.7388564

"Paul Graham is a massive faggot" isn't an uncommon opinion among STEM people.

>> No.7388565

> An English major may read about incredible things, but STEM majors more often get to do or be directly involved in those things.

You have to be undergrad. I can't wait for you to get a job so that you can see how the world actually works. Or worse, become a grad student. You're in for a very rude awakening, regardless of whatever science black man or whoever's dick you're on have sold you.

>> No.7388567

Return to your cave, then. The machine in front of you that's making the fundamental forces of the universe its bitch for your pleasure is clearly interfering with your ability to appreciate beauty.

>> No.7388573

I don't think you've actually met people in those fealds and if you can't appreciate the underlying beauty of how the universe works, of how math is consise yet undefined at times, how complex physics is, then how can you really appreciate the beauty of everything from humans to the work they produce? It's like a baby who thinks that the cover of a book is pretty and all those letters look cool, but doesn't actually know the meaning of everything that's written inside it.

I've seen lots of people in humanities who have no appreciation for their feald, just went there cause it's easier to get a diploma. Seen the same thing with people in engineering. But what's the difference is that I do meet people in SMET who have both understanding of the material world around them, the rules by which we define it AND the human heart and its creations. I almost never meet people like that in humanities.

>> No.7388574

Any fellow Common Lispers here?

>> No.7388581

At least try to not shit from your mouth when you speak. I work in STEM dumbass; my speech wasn't anti-STEM. But you're deluded if you think learning about how a computer works is telling you anything interesting about what it means to be a person.

ffs I don't think anyone but a small handful of organization men would give a flipping fuck about computers if not the fact that they turned out to be useful for things that have humanities at their root.

>> No.7388588

But what are philosophers doing now for humanity? Computers and the internet are allowing more and more people to have access to the works of greatest philosophers. And the works of engineers and scientists are helping in crafting an environment where people have more time to indulge in it. What are modern philosphers doing that brings value to their work? Having a hobby is fine but expecting for people to respect you for it and pay you money for having one, not so much.

>> No.7388591

What has been your experience? You are right, I am an undergrad. However, judging from the lives of people I've met, the ones who studied math and science generally have more interesting sounding lives.

>> No.7388592

>And the works of engineers and scientists are helping in crafting an environment where people have more time to indulge in it.
>implying that's a good thing
The Luther Bible and the printing press were the greatest mistakes in all of history.

>> No.7388594

>PI instead of Tractatus

>> No.7388598

Well, there are some negative parts for it. For example the fact that people are able to voice shitty opinions like that for anybody to see.

>> No.7388603

How can I flip you off on here?

>> No.7388606

muh nigga

Nigga your post is basically jibberish. You aren't even arguing in my direction.

> if you can't appreciate the underlying beauty of how the universe works, of how math is consise yet undefined at times, how complex physics is, then how can you really appreciate the beauty of everything from humans to the work they produce
That is the dumbest argument I've head in a long time.

>appreciate the underlying beauty of how the universe works
The sorta beauty science shows you has as much in common with what's useful in the humanities as a computer has with a conversation. I'd recommend some you read some aesthetics if you think that makes any sense desu.

>I almost never meet people like that in humanities.
This I'd agree with, but you seem to be attributing it to some imagined superiority of the intellectual character of STEM people when really you're probably just misattributing the effects of the educational system. Surprise surprise; people are more likely to be willing to learn about the humanities for personal enrichment than STEM. Totally couldn't be because STEM education is basically self-inflicted autism that requires years of dedication and is likely only pursued owing to future monetary reward, and that humanities are usually seen as personally enriching seeing as they use the language you already think about your experience with. Quit complimenting yourself, asshole.

>> No.7388607

Why do you never hear about maths and theoretical computer science people doing this autistic shit? It's always the STE.

>> No.7388613

What the fuck has he done? I know he wrote some unmaintanable spaghetti code in a research language for yahoo and likes to brag about it like he's the second coming of christ but what else has he DONE?

>> No.7388614
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That's because Mathbros are on our side.

>> No.7388616


>> No.7388618

...eh, math people are basically the artfags of the STEM world. It's not even surprising; their subject is basically just a really rigorous, systematic form of art desu.

>> No.7388619

he's basically right. scientists and engineer build and understand the world while philosophers argue over semantics.

>> No.7388621

I like how Donald Knuth manages to espouse a philosophy a hundred times more thought out than this guy but edgy teenagers still give him shit for being a theist when the alternative is just "hey hey, philosophy is dumb, I don't have to prove anything, lol explorers, tourists, etc".

>> No.7388630

Almost everyone who works in STEM is an office drone. It's Office Space irl for almost everyone in that field. The subject matter may occasionally be interesting but the work, by the time most STEM workers touch it, is exactly as boring as you'd think office drone work usually is.

>> No.7388631

I remember someone on his ama on reddit said he "could never respect him, despite his accomplishments, because he was a christian", he just responded with "That's alright" I wish I had saved it.

Like STEMfags are willing to shit on a man who has made huge achievements for science and mathematics because he doesn't conform to their secular materialist world view.

>> No.7388636

>That is the dumbest argument I've head in a long time.
>The sorta beauty science shows you has as much in common with what's useful in the humanities as a computer has with a conversation
Just look over what you wrote. I know, you know it's not true.
>Totally couldn't be because STEM education is basically self-inflicted autism that requires years of dedication and is likely only pursued owing to future monetary reward, and that humanities are usually seen as personally enriching seeing as they use the language you already think about your experience with. Quit complimenting yourself, asshole.
Yeah, you went full retard on this part. Didn't you?

>> No.7388639

Not even trying to defend STEMfags but don't blame on STEMfags what could more likely be blamed on the crass simplemindedness of redditors.

>> No.7388643
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>mfw thereof you must remain silent

>> No.7388648

How exactly do scientists and engineers "understand the world" better than your average moron on the street, let alone philosophers. What special insights do subjective models based on suppositions give us?

>> No.7388654

They build it, so they understand it. :^)

>> No.7388656

>subjective models based on suppositions
That's philosophy actually.

>> No.7388661

lol get out of here with that depak chopra tier shit

>> No.7388663

How is science different?

>> No.7388664
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>Wittgenstein saved philosophy
>the popscifags who haven't studied STEM or philosophy in this thread won't remain silent

>> No.7388672

Wow, what the fuck... Social and political philosophy are the only reason these idiots received the gift of being free to do whatever they like... The works of thousand of great men over thousands of years in fields like ethics or ontology are the reason they are not slaves.

>> No.7388674

You really need help with that one?

>> No.7388675
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>> No.7388676

what do you mean by the time most STEM workers touch it? who gathers the information? STEM is too broad to lump it all into into the same field. I know what I would like to do, and am doing all in my power to get there. I understand there may be a certain amount of drudgery, but that must be factored in for most if not all steady employment. Real quick here, are you defending something or only attacking STEM?. What do you do?

>> No.7388679

>Yeah, you went full retard on this part. Didn't you?
Nigga if you know enough about STEM to really understand the "beauty" it'll give you ... you had to fucking learn a shit ton, right? Took a lot of time and effort, right? Expecting people to put in that effort when it isn't their focus is unrealistic. Simple as that.

Huhhhh fine. The beauty sciences gives you never rises beyond a sorta "golly gee, isn't the world so complicated and intricate, with all these moving parts all moving together, with all that shit we don't quite understand but damn it sure is purty". It's an autistic child's idea of what's beautiful.

Beauty in art, by contrast ... well first off, it's not even important to the humanities (this is the 21st century ffs). The humanities is interesting because it gives us a language for our experience that, by allowing us to step away from reality through a sorta simulation, enriches our experience of reality once we return to it. Tho you could argue with that and substitute a shit ton of other conceptions of aesthetics. At any rate, "golly gee that poem sure is purty" is maybe the least interesting part of humanities.

....huhhhh okay hot shot Imma attempt to stop the tension and ask you an actual question: why do you think science is beautiful. Articulate its value relative to the value of the humanities (don't repeat what you just said - the fact that the physical universe had to exist before lit autists could have infinite infinite jest threads isn't an interesting justification for it).

>> No.7388681

Does it matter? I just asked a question. You could explain it but since you didn't I suspect you can't.

>> No.7388684

And, without the study of aesthetics Wittgenstein hadn't made fucking beautiful architecture.

>> No.7388685

Why do we have to respect modern philosophers though. How are they improving modern society?

>> No.7388687

What is Chopra-tier about acknowledging that any model of reality is inherently subjective? I've never read any Chopra, but the fact that you apparently know his work well enough to associate such a notion with him shows that you're pleb as fuck. The semi-pleb thing would be to have said Robert Anton Wilson, but you went full pleb.

Now everyone knows you watch Oprah.

>> No.7388691

>Beauty in art, by contrast ... [rant about some other shit]
>never explains what it actually is

Yeah, your "beauty" is really no different than his. You're just mad that science is both beautiful and practical.

>> No.7388693
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Anyone arguing in this thread is propagating the non-issue of philosiphy vs science. Anybody good at either dosent view them as opposing. Anyone arguing in this thread is both shit at philosophy and science.

>> No.7388695

Now I'm not sure if you know what I was referring to.

>> No.7388697


>> No.7388698

> improving modern society
> improving
> modern
> society
You spooky as fuck, nigga.

>> No.7388702

...I didn't explain what it is because it doesn't matter. That was my point; that he argued at me by saying that science is beautiful because *insert here* but that I didn't even start from the premise that humanities is important because it's beautiful (and probably nor would anyone else, because this isn't 1800).

>> No.7388705

I wanted to say this but knew I would be (youd) with "nice meme".

>> No.7388735

I got it, anon. Except that's a myth: Sraffa actually brushed his chin in contempt.

>> No.7388738

I love science for the same reason I like surrealist fiction. My favorite books are the ones which you have to often re-read a couple of times to grasp what was going on. First is the confusion, the so called "mids-screw", then you start putting the pieces together and finally the catharsis when you fully understood it. It brings in a certain level of interactivity.
But art appeals not just to the mind, but also to the art and eyes. I think the latter is obvious, but the former might not be so. Yet think about how much the development of technology has done for humanity. People have contemplated societies in which humans are more free, more equal, without slavery, without feudalism. Yet it's technology that realized that and it's what we descripe in science that made well, everything be realized.
>Nigga if you know enough about STEM to really understand the "beauty" it'll give you ... you had to fucking learn a shit ton, right? Took a lot of time and effort, right? Expecting people to put in that effort when it isn't their focus is unrealistic. Simple as that.
It just requires determination, mobilization and practice. These just as important things when you want to create art.

>> No.7388744

Nice memes guys. Where do I take a course on those?

>> No.7388749

Yeah, actually you did right here:

>> No.7388751

7/10 b8
not unsubtle

>> No.7388778

A thing being beautiful is different from my appreciation of a beautiful thing in the same way that a name (drawing on the cultural memory of meaningful names, communicating to other people who also have access to that memory) is different from the thing named. See the difference? It's the difference between science and humanities desu.

>> No.7388783 [DELETED] 

What you're describing isn't humanities just the things it describes.

>> No.7388795

Yeah, those aren't humanities, just the things it describes. Just like the planets and living organisms aren't thesmelves science.

>> No.7388798

...spoken like someone who's never had a piece of art actually affect how they think. What I'm describing is the thing you carry with you from the humanities once you put your book down. Maybe you missed the point of humanities education entirely?

lol thx

>> No.7388806
File: 103 KB, 1437x908, neet_philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people favoring STEM over humanities and vice versa
>not striving to be a polymath NEET who excels in every field

>> No.7388914

I don't see a problem with humanities if you find a way to voluntarily finance yourself.

>> No.7388917

>using the word materialism wrong

>> No.7388920

I don't think you'd get in.

>> No.7388941

Somehow this ends up being the most despicable post of the thread. Well done.

>> No.7388945

>words can have more than one meaning
what a concept

>> No.7388949

Because you're a dirty socialist who thinks others should have to fund your useless lifestyle.

>> No.7388956

Where's your ethics and philosophy when you see nothing wrong with theft?

>> No.7388968

Heidegger was an obscurantist, hack mystic who said nothing of value. A nigger could lay that on him, but it wouldn't be of any use.

>> No.7388984


All of the really intelligent STEM students I've met at university had a respect for Philosophy.

>> No.7388994

And all of the really intelligent philosophy students I've met at uni respected the sciences and mathematics as well.

It just seems fools from either discipline or perhaps those who have no real vested interest in either discipline want to instigate conflict of quality along the lines of "Goku vs. Superman: who wins?".

>> No.7389002

Thing is those STEM students usually have a good undestanding of philosophy while philosophy students rarely have a good understanding of science, and their reasons for that respect is rather trivial.

>> No.7389003
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>>>subjective models based on suppositions
>That's philosophy actually.
found the undergrad in science.

>> No.7389004

Case in point.

>> No.7389007

>implying anyone can know anything

>> No.7389013

I'm not even being a quirky meme guy when I say if you think Superman could ever beat Goku beyond the Saiyan Saga at the LATEST, you are a fucking retard.

Goku is consistently godlike, faster than light, and planet destroying for the entirety of Namek and post-Namek DBZ. Superman is unable to lift mildly heavy objects half the time, is maybe Saiyan Saga tier strong 40% of the time, and the other 10% is him doing stupid inconsistent bullshit like punching a sun out of the galaxy in one comic written by Liefield during a PCP trip.

That 10% constitutes 100% of Superman fanboys' arguments, but it either needs to be discarded as not representative of Superman's average or canonical power level, or simply because it makes the whole exercise completely meaningless anyway, because you can just take any egregious example from any badly written comic, like Speed Force being the alpha and omega of all superpowers, and say that all the other limitations that actually characterise the Flash (e.g.) don't exist. The Flash being stabbed by Deathstroke is an example of a shitty writer, just like Superman punching a black hole to death is an example of a shitty writer.

Superman is fucking weak and Goku would bitchslap him into oblivion without even trying.

>> No.7389020

If you truly are an intelligent STEM student who understands philosophy, then you would understand the issues in natural philosophy and in trusting our models and observations. And if that's the case, you wouldn't act so smug as this post comes across as.

>> No.7389024

Is this copypasta? If not, I applaud your zeal. At least it produced something of more worth than the discourse in this thread.

>> No.7389033

I don't understand what the complaint in this thread is. Some of the greatest philosophers are physicists or have some sort of STEMs background. I'm about to graduate but the best arguments I've had regarding philosophy have been with physics majors. You at least need to understand the world and how to form an argument if you are going to argue a point.

>> No.7389044

I was a highly respected member of the narutoforums vs debate forum for several years and I can say that this whole argument is entirely meaningless without defining what version of superman we are using as comic book canon is wack as shit and thus any conclusion you make before a version is stated is useless and wrong.

>> No.7389049

>Some of the greatest philosophers are physicists or have some sort of STEMs background.

>> No.7389063

The problem is that philosophy can be deceptively simple, so STEMfags think they have it figured out when in actuality their opinions are shit, they don't really understand the actual philosophical issues, and they no formal training in the kind of rigorous thinking that is needed to make sense of the issues in the first place. A BA in philosophy doesn't cut it.

>> No.7389103

STEMfag here, can confirm philosophy is dumb as fuck and the good philosophers just become scientists

>> No.7389120


>> No.7389148

>STEMfags this out of touch with their own existence

>> No.7389297
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most mathematicians do not care about logic. they do not even know why they do math, and why should other people be interested in their work. they have no idea why they get up each morning.

same thing for logicians who do not know why they attempt to formalize the usual abstractions of our daily life.

same thing with the scientist who has no idea what he is doing besides asking money for running experiment. so far he is only able to tell us that his work permits a comfy life, because people are too hedonistic to live without computers and other technologies; but he fails to even prove once and for all that science is required to improve hedonism.

>> No.7389552

>Philosophy just isn't rational. It's appeals to the emotion, like art.

Get cancer, faggot.
Die a slow and painful death.

You're a waste of meat.

>> No.7389578

desu senpai

>> No.7389581

I'm sure you don't even understand Heidegger.

>> No.7389583

you don't know many people do you

>> No.7389601

Paul Graham is such a weird person

I've read Hackers & Painters, a collection of his essays, and it was a roller coaster of wonderful insights into LISPs, and pants-on-head-retarded black & white "us techies are best" bullshit

Even now I from time to time stumble over his essays (they suck his dick at HackerNews) and they are embarrassing, I mean, look at this one:


These people (along with other auto-fellateurs like Thiel, Musk) are the current and future rulers of "our" world (that is, the Internet and everything associated) and I have to weep

>> No.7389619

>all STEMs are idiots xd because a venture capitalist wrote some blog post xd lol, I'm smarter than them despite giving no proof of my supposed intelligence or giving any rebuttal as I post using greentext with straw men and ad hominem "arguments" as anonymous in an image board frequented by teenagers and people in their early 20s
Reported. Take this to /his/ - History & Humanities. If you intention was trolling take this to /sci/ or /g/. Or maybe /b/ or /trash/, which has a more adequate discourse level for you, OP. Plenty of boards to choose as you can see.

>> No.7389638

Go to bed Paul

>> No.7389685

Jewish women. Most evil creatures on the planet.

>> No.7389697

>more clearer
Damn, really "more clearer".

>> No.7389700
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>> No.7389716

All philosophy is seduction though

>> No.7389729

Paul Graham doea not represent us. If you enjoy hating OG and HN I recommend /r/programmingcirclejerk.

>> No.7389778


>> No.7389801
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>STEM is vocational training at worst and, at best, let's us understand reality at a level so general to not really be insightful to our lived experience of it.

STEM is anything in the Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics fields of work/ study. Rather than giving your opinion just give the information that he asked for.

Also >...understand reality at a level so general...

Yeah, I don't think that's what you meant. You really think STEM is general knowledge?

>Knowing why the universe works mechanistically doesn't help me appreciate a beautiful thing, give me emotional catharsis or give me metaphors to empathize with people, whereas humanities has developed the means to do that for as long as people have told stories, sang songs, painted pictures, etc.

Why are you trying to find these things in STEM? You wouldn't expect to find interesting character development in case studies of contract law would you?

It's not supposed to help you find beauty in the physical world, that is a personal journey. It does exactly what it sets out to do, quantify and understand the mechanics of the universe.

>Many STEM students appear numb to this distinction and even arrogant in their comfort with it

To imply arrogance rather than indifference is just misleading. If they are arrogant I would say that is a geographical phenomena rather than a industry one.

>and our indulgence and distraction loving consumer culture is ready to give them all the cultural authority they ask for in exchange for more trinkets.

Everything used in modern culture->trinket. If you're so jaded about the industry, get out. Why do something you obviously hate?

>Basically it's just a reaction to autists on the internet,...

I see this more in /sci/and /lit/ than /b/. Why are supposed intelligent boards, the rudest?

>...with a few other threads in the fabric.

Yeah, just those few other threads are anything to do with modern life.

>> No.7389808

>Big Boys of English Speaking academia
The philosophical equivalent of Judge Judy, Singer's self-contradictory pap ("abortion and infanticide are acceptable because these immature humans are incapable or rational preference" vs. "rationality is not a requirement for ethical conduct. Any irrational being will avoid pain, which is why cruelty to animals is unethical", which are flatly contradictory positions). Makes money by writing books that tell Liberals 'doing what you want is A-OK"
A buffoon.
A decent linguist, his work in every other field is no more (or less) than self-serving rent seeking which he publicly admits that he, himself, does not believe.
Darn good at making a buck of gullible college students, but (unless you are speaking of linguistics, where he is very good) not a big academic.
A mediocre-at-best scientist who will leave exactly zero mark on actual science, he became popular as a writer of PopSci books. When that income source dried up (because his theories were soundly thrashed by scientists) he switched to a series of popular books trashing what he thinks religious people might believe.
Never was a great thinker, never will be.
A man who counted on his readers having never heard of Gorgias, Rorty took facile rhetoric, relabeled it neopragmatism, and sold it like snake oil.
About time an actual academic appeared. although, to be fair, while he does a fine job of reminding everyone of the hard problem, he has no answers. Which is no one's fault.
Refuses to use proper terms, mainly to hide that, deep down, he he knows any clear statement of his theories leads to eye-rolling
Not a serious academic.
This list is a list of "People that stupid people think are smart"

>> No.7389842

post your other reallys pls

>> No.7389848

That's a philosophy

>> No.7389855

Descartes, Leibniz, Russel, Wittgenstein, Husserl....

>> No.7389858

Praise Boethius
*winks valve*

>> No.7389859

He has a philosophy BA from Cornell

>> No.7389966

He's confusing philosophy with sophistry, but that's what philosophy is since Hume. Can't really blame him.

I mean, the whole cultural marxism thing sprouted out of Frenchie word games centered around papa Freud.

>> No.7389974
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whats going on here?

>> No.7389978


>> No.7389981
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STEMfags are too autistic to truly comprehend the world, so their sad little brains retreat into a world where only le scientific method matters. Not only do they live dull, joyless lifes, they want everyone else to be like that, too.

STEMfags have gone so far as to spit on the very idea of being "bewildered" by a "mystery", because it's really just a slightly more complex puzzle that gives out answers when you apply le scientific method.
In other words, if you're 'impressed' by some riddle of reality, you're a fucking retard who should not be.
Their ultimate goal is basically to rid humanity of emotion and make us all walking Spocks who have no comprehension of, say, aesthetics. This is why Nietzsche valued emotion over "logic", because he was as pissed at these fucking autistic, soulless subhumans as anyone else.

I remember Dawkins calling the meaning of life a "silly question to ask", because you can't empirically verify it. That about sums up STEMtards.

>> No.7389987

Bertrand Russell, Göttlob Frege, Kurt Gödel, W.V.O Quine, Saul Kripke, F. P. Ramsey, Carnap, Ayer, Shlick, Neurath etc.

I mean, if you don't have a good grasp of mathematics you will always do shitty philosophy with a foot deep inside history and will deal more with culture than with real issues.

>> No.7389992

Meant for

>> No.7390002

Ugh. Shitposting on a phone is shit. It was only meant for

>> No.7390071

>In other words, if you're 'impressed' by some riddle of reality, you're a fucking retard who should not be.
Aside from all the dumb shitflinging ITT, this one is definitely true regarding STEMfags.

>> No.7390076

What a dagger.

>> No.7390080

Yeah it is fight me

>> No.7390163

Humans throw away the ladder after climbed up it. Metaphilosophy tells us that it is indeed outdated. But when AI comes along, Math(not sure about other STEM) will be no longer anthropocentric and bound by human cognition.

>> No.7390208

This 'divine perspective' that exists outside human cognition is the same kind of abstraction as 'God'; there will never be such a thing in the same way there will never be a 'Last Judgement' of the Christian lore. It's pure ideology that people use to justify the here-and-now reality.

>> No.7390294

he didnt say it would be a privileged perspective. just not anthropocentric anymore. if an emergent artificial mind starts creating its own math, it will be intuitive common sense to itself but look completely incomprehensible to us.

>> No.7390315

I'm sorry to tell you that, but it's unimaginable for us to not be 'anthropocentric'; whatever humans posit something that exists in-itself (Nature, God, Universe, whatever) is only so we can make use of it without feeling that we are destroying something and that we can always make use of it again some time later. Nothing exists that is not reduced to human experience.
>if an emergent artificial mind starts creating its own math
Don't computers already do that to some extent?

>> No.7390321 [DELETED] 
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There are many cases where human beings find it meaningful to count something as TRUE without a logical support. Terms like "gut instinct" and "flash of inspiration" appear all over our societal structures.

One of the paradoxical loops that arises with the term "empirically verifiable" is that one has to define that criterion. How does one determine that that is the true criterion? Empirical verification of course -- and the cycle continues. Either:

There has to be a root of that cycle, which is accepted without empirical verification.
You have to rely on non-standard set theories to describe the mathematical structures with which empirical verification occurs (these cycles cannot be described with a well-founded set theory)
Or you have to decide on another approach to truth.

Another thing to consider: perhaps there are other definitions of "true" and "false" which are more nuanced than those you use currently. Both are just words, four and five letters long respectively. It's the concepts behind those words that are so powerful. However, logic does not define True nor False. In fact, if you look at the fundamentals of mathematics, True and False are not constructed using predicate logic or anything like that. They are constructs that are defined implicitly by defining their behaviors with respect to operators (such as X OR False -> X)

One utilitarian point of view would be to declare that the version of "true" you are using can never possibly be attained via empirical evidence, because there are always questions of whether we perceive what we perceive. Such a truth becomes a mathematical oddity, creating a skeptic mindset. However, if we recognize that, we can repurpose "true" to also include things where determining their truth-ness is actually more expensive (from a utilitarian POV) than the gains which one can get from knowing the answer. Why not declare something to be true when one's value is increased by such a declaration, even if one is ontologically wrong.

This is certainly not the only definition of "truth" out there, but I provide it as a tool to kindle ideas for other meanings. For example, many religious individuals "count" something as true without any empirical evidence for it at all (or, in some cases, empirical evidence which cannot be described to the non-initiated). Thus one can say there are many many individuals who have other definitions of truth besides the one you are using, and you have the freedom to explore them all, if you so wish.

>> No.7390322

STEMfaggot detected. Go to your cubicle and punish yourself for trying to think outside binary categories.

>> No.7390392

>Nothing exists that is not reduced to human experience.
it will create tools to increase its power and this will be the interface for our experience of it.
our anthropocentric judgments would collapse with each decision of this new non-human, non-animal individual.

>if an emergent artificial mind starts creating its own math
>Don't computers already do that to some extent?
there were articles about strange results in automatic chip-design. but it still seems to be understood within framework of traditional mathematics.

>> No.7390403

>our anthropocentric judgments would collapse with each decision of this new non-human, non-animal individual.
I can't take all this ideology m8.

>> No.7390490

>self-serving rent seeking which he publicly admits that he, himself, does not believe

[citation needed]

Chomsky is one of the good guys, m8

>> No.7390505

>Makes money by writing books that tell Liberals 'doing what you want is A-OK
I guess this is true if the only thing liberals want to do is to give their own money to charity, but I don't think that's the case.

>> No.7390526

The intelligentsia as a caste are not neutrals and non-interested actors engaging in public policy, it is a social group with it's own political power project that can be easily identified through the ages. Marxism, post-modernism, deconstruction, liberalism, anarcho-syndicalism all these ideologies attack the power structures of other castes and enhances the social status and power of intellectuals.

Your criterion of being an "actual" academic or not is whether he is apolitical.

>> No.7390534
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>Marxism, post-modernism, deconstruction, liberalism, anarcho-syndicalism all these ideologies attack the power structures of other castes and enhances the social status and power of intellectuals.

That is why all of those ideologies are utterly pedestrian, as is "the intelligentsia". The fact that they get killed in pogroms every time one of their "ideologies" takes off is reified justice.

>> No.7390555


Kids also understand that Santa can visit every home in the world in one night. The understanding of children is a very, very poor argument. I've seen refutations of the kind of epistemic determinism you're referring to; I wish you the best of luck in finding a child who understands them.

>> No.7390562
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What do you think of my last statement though? I sort of lied. There are two kinds of intellectuals, general and specific. General intellectuals are exactly what >>7389808 this anon identified and deserved to face against the wall. Specific intellectuals whose expertise is one sector emerged after WWII. They are granted a lot more power (think Oppenheimer) but they too, divided and conquered by the power structure by definition.

>> No.7390569
File: 2.48 MB, 1689x1184, Computer-Code-image-Depositphotos_15383137_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Face it litfags: the only relevant pieces of literature written in the 21st century are written in code. And Tbh this is an advance for civilization; programming unifies the beauty and purity of logic with the sensitivity and subjectivity of natural languages. This is the next evolution in human thought; you guis with your aestheticization of natural language had your turn to shape culture and you did it well for a few millenia - now it's the turn of aestheticized formal languages to shape culture.

You keks.

>> No.7390572

>can't understand Berkeley
how dumb can you get? Berkeley is one of the easiest philosophical writers to understand ever

>> No.7390574
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tfw you take this seriously

>> No.7390587

What does that even mean?

>> No.7390588

Translating your post to "code" would be a logical next step

>> No.7390594

This is interesting but

>> No.7390616

When was the last time a piece of lit actually affected the way culture works? Hell, when was the last time a product of any field of the humanities actually changed the general educated public's thought (autist book worms on the internet or careerist MFA students don't matter)? It's a faint memory at this point; it's been decades, maybe even a century; that basic function of culture has been drowned out by cheap distraction enabled by ... you guessed it, TECH!

Ffs lit used to really shape things. Religious texts shaped worldviews of entire civilizations. Poetry used to be common touchstones for whole communities. Now what's left of it? Almost nothing. The only aspect of culture that survives is the way people access information, the perception of the world being shaped by the structure of the medium, that structured being created out of ... CODE!

Face it keks: you and your whole project and all those pages you've read are irrelevant. You learned a dead language. You don't matter. Accept it, keks.

>> No.7390621


Pretty solid b8, surprised to see so few replies.

>> No.7390631

Prescriptivism is so last century

>> No.7390636

>Paul Graham
That guy isn't just a STEM fag. He's at the center of the SV echo chamber.

>> No.7390671

Thanks for reminding me.

4chan hates everything. I should stop posting desu

>> No.7390712
File: 90 KB, 700x520, kant news.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hell, when was the last time a product of any field of the humanities actually changed the general educated public's thought ?
This prodigious event is still on its way, and is travelling, it has not yet reached men’s ears. Lightning and thunder need time, the light of the stars needs time, deeds need time, even after they are done, to be seen and heard. This deed is as yet further from them than the furthest star, and yet they have done it!

>> No.7390762


The last time this immeasurable event was successfully measured was around seventy-five minutes past minus two o'clock on the twelfth of Never.

The non-occurrence of this non-event will not itself, of course, be taken as evidence of very much of anything by 'the general educated public'. But maybe it will by spergs.

>> No.7390828

why can't all philosophers write as good as freddy-kun

>> No.7391143
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>> No.7391152

It's because he's absolutely right. It isn't bait, he's just preaching to the choir.

>> No.7391155

>philosophy but no philosophical literature

>> No.7391168

>by ... you guessed it, TECH!
>out of ... CODE!
>Accept it, keks.

>> No.7391230

>It's because he's absolutely right.

He's right that a) Dawkins advanced numerous "theories" [sic] which were "soundly thrashed" AND that b) Dawkins' popular science books ceased to be profitable AND that c), a) is the cause of b)?

The first thing you should consider when thinking about that is the question "Has Dawkins stopped publishing popular science works since beginning his foray into professional fedorism?" That the answer is "No" is really all you need.

>> No.7391243

so much this.

you're not allowed to be awed by anything anymore. you're not allowed to think beauty and art are worth living for because le chemicals in your brain lmfao.

a proper STEMfag would see the underlying physical processes that gird reality and feel a sense of exaltation knowing these dry physical constants gave us so much beauty and splendor. the real STEMfag sees the evolutionary advantage of love and scoffs at anyone who thinks otherwise.

joyless, dead inside autists. fuck 'em

>> No.7391273

check your ressentment

>> No.7391769

all the salt in this thread from LAtards

I hate autistic stemfags as much as the next guy but you're all really mad lmao

>> No.7391827
File: 37 KB, 213x200, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This has to be b8

I'll bet you all of my money that one of the Supreme Justices has read philosophy and made a decision that "shaped things." Any serious politician worth his marbles has read some political philosophy.

Get over yourself

>> No.7392519

>offer no rebuttal other than raging at STEM or saying read x philosophy without posting a clear and cogent summary of the argument
>proceed to get into STEM vs. non-STEM shit-flinging

Seems like /lit/ is getting pretty buttblasted from this.

>> No.7392521

ok ^_^

>> No.7392546

What gives people the idea that science and philosophy are diametrically opposed? Science attempts to discover how the universe works. Philosophy (among doing other things) unpacks the findings of scientists and explores the various implications, moral or otherwise.

>> No.7392572

>more philosophically literate, competent, and successful than all of /lit/
What an awful board. I need to stick to /a/.
Wadda fallacy.
Science and mathematics are too prideful to deserve any praise.
Nutshelling massive arguments is one of the most disgustingly reductionist things a single entity can attempt.

To put it in terms you'll understand, it's like reducing empiricism to: "look at thing and write what u see."

>> No.7392576

>becomingly reading what he wishes to, in the sole purpose of not facing his despair

>> No.7392577
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Linguist here. Both literature/philosophy and STEM need to die.

>> No.7392581

strawmanning STEM people like this is more autostic than STEMfags themselves

what are you going to do with a philosophy major?

>> No.7392584

Nice argument. ;)

>> No.7392586

Wow good point. Who knows how I can possibly fit into society without a "useful" degree.

>> No.7392587

>No refuting points whatsoever

>> No.7392590

No, really. It was a great argument. You sure convinced me! ^_^

>> No.7392591
File: 180 KB, 999x1395, ludwig-wittgenstein-nacido-en-viena-austria-1889-fallecido-en-cambridge-reino-unido-1951-125700_w1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>what are you going to do with a philosophy major
>he thinks philosophers have to work

Nice going wageslave.

>> No.7392592

You didn't make a point.

>> No.7392596

So you just mooch of of people who actuslly work for your worthless ass?

>> No.7392597

why not? -_-

>> No.7392599

If you were physically here I would beat your ass to the ground

>> No.7392600
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>His family doesn't love him enough to leave him an inheritance

I feel bad for you. Literally the only argument you have in favour of STEM is that it makes you a better slave.

>> No.7392603

I don't understand. What is your justification for not just living from the means provided by your family, friends, or the welfare state?

>> No.7392605

while I'm making things that actually exist, you go ahead and keep thinking about things that don't exist

>> No.7392607
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How do you know what exists?

>> No.7392608
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>While I do something menial my entire life because I have no inheritance, you go ahead doing what you love because your family was intelligent enough to save and invest for the future

No problem wageslave faggot :^)

By the way, you don't 'make' shit, you just refashion it into a different form so someone somewhere else can buy something they don't need :^)

>> No.7392610

Witty was an engineer; Witty was an architect; Witty worked most of his adult life; Witty forfeited all of his money as part of one of the richest families in Austria to work for a living. Quit using his picture to try and justify your NEET-dom.

>> No.7392612

kinda like how you split hairs with all your different philosophies that are the exact same

>> No.7392614

Also, what did your parents do to leave you with inheritence? Because they sure as shit couldnt have been philosophers

>> No.7392620

messing with language? language is used as tool to represent ideas, feelings, concepts, etc

is he confusing philosophy with poetry?

>> No.7392622


Actually my father WAS a philosopher, (as well as a hedge fund manager).

Stay mad, faggot.


No, you are dumb.



Nope. He designed one house and even that was a philosophical project as much as anything else.


No, and even when he was forced into engineering (briefly) he hated it. Read Monk's book you dumb pleb.

>work for a living

No, pretty much his entire life was devoted to philosophy.

Wageslave STEMkeks stay mad.

>> No.7392626


STEMtards can't into subtle distinctions, and they can't think any thoughts that don't glorify STEM.

>> No.7392628

I did read Ray Monk's biography. He was a schoolteacher and spent time fighting in wars most of his life. He developed an engine which was later used in helicopters in WWII. I'd count that to qualify him as an "engineer." Like most idiots you bend the truth to fit your agenda.

>> No.7392646


>> No.7392670



A job he hated and didn't stick to.

>fighting in wars

No, retard. World War I was one SINGULAR war, not 'wars' plural :^) :^) :^)


Pretty sure he spent the vast majority of his life studying and teaching philosophy, fucktard. Stop distorting history to fit your preconceived "muh STEM" meme.

>> No.7392698
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>STEM is just a meme and everyone in the field is an idiot and worthless, philosophy is so much more important

>uses technology to shitpost about failosophy

Explain to me the importance of philosophy to me without using anything in STEM.

>> No.7392700

>Explain to me the importance of philosophy to me

>> No.7392703


>> No.7392704


No, because you define 'importance' in terms of ability to make people buy shit they don't need, like my computer and my Iphone. STEM is responsible for creating these things, but I'd be able to cope if STEM and computers didn't even exist, whereas you couldn't handle it because you're a consumerist faggot.

>> No.7392713
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>ad hominem

I apologise that I didn't proof read before posting between HVO switching steps. I was kind of distracted with work. Keeping power on so you can sit under the air-coin and talk crap.

But continue using technology to shitpost.

>> No.7392715

He was also a physician during WWII, and a homosexual.

Btw, is it impossible for you to argue without memes?

>> No.7392720

>he isn't NEET

>> No.7392723


>I alone am responsible for all of the electricity in the entire world

Holy shit. Are all STEMtards this delusional?

>> No.7392732

Why do fucks like you have to give STEM autists like me a bad name?

If you really were in STEM, you wouldn't be so arrogant like you are right now. Nearly all of us don't amount to that great shit and being proud of the achievements of others is ridiculous, but OK.

>> No.7392738

That's reductio ad absurdum not ad hominem you nonce.

>> No.7392743
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Except I love camping in remote places. I live in Alice Springs for faarks sake. I would survive without technology or society. Where as you need people to validate your philosophical views, I am happy either way.

As for STEM being responsible for those products. It is true that they made it but consumerism is a philosophical stand-point. You choose to be a consumer of products. But whatever, continue please.

>> No.7392746
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>implying that's how I meant it
>implying I'm not acting as a voice for the floor staff in these fields.
>implying you're not just avoiding the points made

>> No.7392747

*tips fedora*

>> No.7392750

just starting learning

>> No.7392752
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Why does /lit/ hate STEM so much?

>> No.7392763
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>Why do fucks like you have to give STEM autists like me a bad name?

You're name is mud? That's all you buddy!

>If you really were in STEM, you wouldn't be so arrogant like you are right now.

Which part is arrogant? I make a point to say I am working in the field and that people like me do this shit so dickheads like you can sit comfortably inside and bitch about how shit me and the people in my trade are!

>Nearly all of us don't amount to that great shit

Congrats on being a miserable cunt, confirmed for not going to make it. How about having some confidence in your abilities mate?

>and being proud of the achievements of others is ridiculous, but OK.

You're young aren't you? Under 23 I would hazard to guess?

>> No.7392765


>> No.7392766

>being this insecure

>> No.7392769

>You're name

>> No.7392771
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>only has one hobby

You must be so interesting, please tell me more.

>> No.7392773

Hi Dad, I'm Name is Mud.

>> No.7392775


Some eminent STEMfags criticize philosophy (e.g. Hawking), but no competent philosopher seems to dismiss science are useless or lacking merit. I would agree that scientists and mathematicians usually aren't autists who think empiricism and stereotypy-utilitarianism are the hard endpoints of human philosophy, but some of them actually are. The stereotype isn't totally baseless.

>> No.7392780

Not your blog faggot.

>> No.7392783

Will Mr. Zyzz get me my Nobel prize? ;-;

>> No.7392786
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I'm not really proof reading. Only shitposting between switching steps.

>> No.7392787


fug, I totally botched this post. I got distracted and edited it several times, while completely forgetting to correct the contextual grammar.

Oh well

>> No.7392789

not your blog :p

>> No.7392792
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Where as you just have number 3.

Well meme'd M'lady

>> No.7392793

>Silicon Valley entrepreneur and venture capitalist

There's your problem. Most physicists and mathematicians I know have philosophy as a kind of a beloved hobby and the smart ones mostly shut up about it.

Also, as a STEMfag, I shall never forgive PG and his idiot committee friends for that abomination of something truly beautiful that goes by name Common Lisp

>> No.7392798


>> No.7392800
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Now I know you're trolling.

>> No.7392802
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You know, this thread reminds me of a story I'd like to get off my chest about the arrogance of STEM people about the "difficulty" of our major.

I was happily walking across campus towards our massive new shiny, glass walled multi-million dollar government funded cheme laboratory when I realized I needed to take piss. And what other building than the the Visual Art department happened to be the nearest? So I was walking through the old building noticing that even though they haven't seen funding for renovation in decades, they seem to have done a good job preserving and what they do have, it felt very cosy. The bathroom was kind of nice clean and the halls were quiet.

On my way out I happened to see an active lecture hall, the lecturer was quietly helping one student at the front while the rest worked so it seemed somewhat akin to a tutorial session. Everyone there seemed pretty relaxed and as if they actually had enough time to properly wash and get well dressed this morning, they put a clear effort into their appearance. I had a minute so I stopped to glance at some work the students were producing.

This experience made me realize 3 things:
>This lecture hall is filled with complete and utter fucking plebs.
>I could draw geometric shapes by hand better and more accurately after my 1st semester tech comm. class than half the hacks and idiots in this class who can barely draw a straight line.
>Our arrogance is completely justified, fuck these tards, arts should not be a real university degree in the 21st century, keep your hobbies outside academia.

Copy-pasta but still true.

>> No.7392808

not your blog ^_^

>> No.7392810


History, philosophy, and law ought to be regarded as quasi-STEM.

Or discreet in some other way

>> No.7392813

15 more posts to the bump limit so this cancerous thread can finally die.

Let's do it guys!

>> No.7392816
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>implying I go on the internet enough to go anywhere other than 4chan/ Facebook/ porn

Sure buddy, what ever helps you sleep at night.

>> No.7392817

Science and Math ARE philosophy, it's just that philosophy also has retarded branches like morality and metaphysics so they can't be part of the serious club

>> No.7392818

>uses normiebook
ree ;)

>> No.7392820




>> No.7392826



>> No.7392827
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>> No.7392894

Are you trolling because you sound quite silly

>> No.7392899

yeah I am

truth is I'm too dumb to read science papers or philosophy books

at least I baited some of you guys though lol

>> No.7393157

>All of the really intelligent STEM students I've met at university had a respect for Philosophy.
>And all of the really intelligent philosophy students I've met at uni respected the sciences and mathematics as well.

But this is 4chan, "everything I don't know and/or I don't like it's shit" place

This go from /sci/'s ignorance of humanities, /lit/ talks about book they didn't even read, to /m/ pretended elitism and /a/ "your waifu is shit"

And if we're all like that, we can fool ourselves and boost our egos for a while.

>> No.7393166

>The proof of how useless some of their answers turned out to be is how little effect they have. No one after reading Aristotle's Metaphysics does anything differently as a result.

It caused me to literally change the entire foundation of my life.

>> No.7393180

>I think Wittgenstein deserves to be famous not for the discovery that most previous philosophy was a waste of time, which judging from the circumstantial evidence must have been made by every smart person who studied a little philosophy and declined to pursue it further, but for how he acted in response.

It seems that some people are deaf to philosophy the way some people are deaf to poetry or music. This anti-intellectualism, this denigration of words like "abstract" and "concept", is what makes Anglo philosophy of the last 300 years worthless. Not only is philosophy not useless, it is the most useful of the sciences. All of the work of engineers means nothing if we do not understand by philosophy the nature of good society in which their technologies are to be employed, and it is impossible to form a notion of good society without first forming a notion of goodness itself. Like Plato said - we always have to go back to first principles. People that live their life without reference to first principles are walking around blind. Their lives are completely in vain, necessarily, because if you asked them why they were living not only would they not be able to tell you why - which is entirely forgivable - but, worse, they would express indifference, as though it doesn't matter why one lives or for what purpose. Such a life is based on forgetfulness, drunkenness.

They want to put a knife through the mind's eye and call it the end of philosophy and the triumph of science.

>> No.7393196

Guys guys guys.

The determination "STEM > Phil." is a value judgement, a comment on the relative merits of partially overlapping and non-rivalrous systems of thought. To make that determination is to assert a system of values and present, even implicitly, a set of criteria by which systems may be judged and placed on a hierarchy of correspondence with those values.

It will not have escaped notice that the above is not Science. It's certainly not Technology or Engineering. It bears no relation to Mathematics.

I wonder what we might call it?

>> No.7393204

There's really more than 10% of comic books that support Superman being mega-strong.
It was less than 50 issues (in the golden age) when Superman could already fly at the speed of light, survive an atomic bomb and survive in the earth's core. And in the Silver age he was way more stronger.

It was really the more modernist works of Dennis O'neil and John Byrne that restricted his abilities in the way that you mean.

I mean, like the idea that Superman is unable to lift mildy heavy objects. That's not true, in the comic book world even someone like Spider-man (known for agility and considered a more frail type of superhero) can lift up to 20 tons. And that's Marvel, where the supes are a bit more "realistic".

Superman being able to push and move planets around by sheer strength is one of the most iconic images. It's not just Liefield being silly.

Also, Goku himself has been highly inconsistent at times. Master Roshi was able to destroy the moon VEEERY early in the comic. Being able to destroy planets in the Namek saga doesn't seem as important at that point.

>> No.7393392

When will the the software engineer memers be kicked out of STEM? Every bad stereotype in STEM is due to them or electrical engineers.

>> No.7393402

This is true for me as well. Reading philosophy has changed my life.

Good post.

>> No.7393410

wtf is STEM

>> No.7393411


>> No.7393466

He's retarded.
Everyone with over 3 digits in IQ can understand that Philosophy and Mathematics are the only true sciences, the rest are just technical disciplines.

t. engineer

>> No.7393468

>as though it doesn't matter why one lives or for what purpose

Well it doesn't. Seems like the average person is smarter than Plato.

>> No.7393476
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>Seems like the average person is smarter than Plato

>> No.7393522
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This article literally gave me cancer.

Fuck you OP why do you show me this?

>> No.7393528

Know your enemy

>implying based Paul Graham is wrong

>> No.7393534

/pol/ here
you guys are keks
philosophy is degenerate garbage for pretentious people full of themselves who can't excel in any other field

fuck you!!!

>> No.7393540


I believe that you are indeed /pol/ because you sound dumb as fuck.

But why don't you try reading Plato's Republic, if you want to know more about the science of politics?

>> No.7393572

Philosophy is dead. It's garbage. Sorry boys.

>> No.7393571

Even professional mathematicians can give elevator talks on their research. I refuse to believe that if a rebuttal exists, a summary cannot be written, even if many nuances and deeper understanding of the argument are left out. It's done all the time in other fields, why do you claim philosophy is unique in this respect?

>> No.7393586
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>> No.7393593

I'm not baiting. Anyone who thinks philosophy is worth a damn is a pseudo intellectual that performs mental gymnastics daily.

>> No.7393600
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>> No.7393610
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dat fashion sense

>> No.7393627

this. maths is just super rigorous philosophy desu. just playing around with precisely defined concepts

>> No.7393633


>> No.7393643

>I'm care to much about things of the mind to think about clothes.


>> No.7393653

I care about clothes when I'm going out, there is no point in thinking about on /lit/ of all places.

>> No.7393661


It's not unique, though. Try asking a cellular biologist for a 30-second rundown of their current research. They may give you one, but it won't illuminate their methods or the problems they're facing. They might just about be able to tell you the general area their work is concerned with. They won't be able to convey anything useful or illuminating.

>> No.7393907
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1. Of prime necessity is life: a style should live.

2. Style should be suited to the specific person with whom you wish to communicate. (The law of mutual relation.)

3. First, one must determine precisely “what-and-what do I wish to say and present,” before you may write. Writing must be mimicry.

4. Since the writer lacks many of the speaker’s means, he must in general have for his model a very expressive kind of presentation of necessity, the written copy will appear much paler.

5. The richness of life reveals itself through a richness of gestures. One must learn to feel everything — the length and retarding of sentences, interpunctuations, the choice of words, the pausing, the sequence of arguments — like gestures.

6. Be careful with periods! Only those people who also have long duration of breath while speaking are entitled to periods. With most people, the period is a matter of affectation.

7. Style ought to prove that one believes in an idea; not only that one thinks it but also feels it.

8. The more abstract a truth which one wishes to teach, the more one must first entice the senses.

9. Strategy on the part of the good writer of prose consists of choosing his means for stepping close to poetry but never stepping into it.

10. It is not good manners or clever to deprive one’s reader of the most obvious objections. It is very good manners and very clever to leave it to one’s reader alone to pronounce the ultimate quintessence of our wisdom.

>> No.7393939

That's complete bullshit. I did menial work for a biochem lab in high school (got turned off from the hard sciences but that's another story) and even with that low level of knowledge I was able to understand the general idea behind the research. You don't need to know detailed methodology or limitations of the research to get an idea of 1) broadly what the researcher is trying to show 2) why it's important/significant 3) the general sort of roadblocks they're encountering in their research. Even understanding what's going on at a low level is useful and illuminating although you would need a deeper understanding to offer a serious critique of the research. For instance I find particle physics research fascinating even though I don't have a deep understanding of it. Why can the same not be true for philosophy?

The fact that no one on this thread is giving an outline of an argument against OP's essay shows that either 1) no rebuttal exists 2) no one here has a deep enough understanding of philosophy to construct an accessible abstract of an argument, instead invoking philosophical texts that they don't understand 3) /lit/fags are too lazy to do so.

>> No.7393952
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>That's complete bullshit. I did menial work for a biochem lab in high school


>> No.7394992

Please stop trolling.
Philosophy isn't mathematics. Mathematics is philosophy, and a brief summary of their research will be miniscule.

Nuances are much more important to philosophy and high literature. I dare you to summarize something like the Recognitions into something the size of a Tweet, and accurately depict it.
Maths is not rigorous though.