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7384806 No.7384806 [Reply] [Original]

What's your favorite brew to drink while reading?

>> No.7384816

Tieguanyin, it cools down pretty fast and tastes good.

>> No.7384817

Rooibos or Earl Gray.

>> No.7384824


>> No.7384826

Cheap lager.

>> No.7384842


>> No.7384845


>> No.7384855

I drink da hong pao a lot

>> No.7384860

Water and a deep sense of sorrow

>> No.7384873


>> No.7384884


>> No.7384887


>> No.7384891

Earl grey, Irish breakfast, or sometimes massala chai if I'm feeling spicy

>> No.7384896

oh boy - let's just sit here and make ourselves look even MORE pretentious! yes fellow intellectuals - what tea do you drink? do yu enjoy a good spot of tea while you read your ebin books?

>> No.7384914

>i feel threaten because im a pleb so they are pretentious!

>> No.7384920


>> No.7384952

Why is there no coffee?
Are there no Americans here or something?

>> No.7384953

Coffee is a shit-tier drink. Would rather drink soda.

>> No.7384976

Coffee master race, reporting in. Tea is for emasculates and men who've never been tested.

>> No.7384981

Congrats Ameritard, you just insulted all of western Europe with one statement.

>> No.7384993

Western Europe is shit, honestly. You either are: in high school with dreams of being an ex-pat or a European. In either case, you're a pleb.

>> No.7385000
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>Western Europe is shit, honestly

>> No.7385020

I love coffee. Brew up a nice cup of joe every morning.

Dunkin Donuts packaged coffee with milk and a little bit of sugar = the beverage of gods

>> No.7385157
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to be honest

>> No.7385161
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>[the birthplace of most all of the greatest writings of the Western Canon] is shit, honestly

>> No.7385167


>> No.7385189

Let's take it to /int/ nerd, so I can see what gayhole you come from. You probably have some fucking weird flag from a poor country and that's why you post on /lit/ because you're just jealous of what others have hahahahahahaha

>> No.7385208


>Let's take it to /int/ nerd, so I can see what gayhole you come from.

You just gave him the win by letting him get you this riled.

Go take a time out from the internet, you are triggering on Jezebel levels.

>> No.7385301

I believe I have invented the best cup of coffee. I eyeball my proportions of each ingredient but it goes basically
2 part maple syrup
3 parts milk
2 parts hot cocoa mix
pinch o' salt
2 pinches o' cinnamon
pour coffee in and stir.

I've had like a liter of this shit while reading every day for the past week. I should slow down.

>> No.7385315

Bros, do you keep reading when you reach to the glass and take a sip or do you stop reading briefly then resume after the sip and placing the glass back down?

>> No.7385320

Yunnan usually, sometimes cistus incanus or coarse robusta. Beer goes well with the likes of HST, too.

>> No.7385324

Anything hot and full of caffeine. Coffee, Yerba Mate. I drink tea usually in the evening (past 18:00).

But it's not really connected to reading as I'm (physiologically, psychologically? I don't know) addicted to caffeine. The withdrawals are similar to a hangover. But I've seen a video on YouTube saying that it's not gonna kill me and might be actually good for me so I have no incentive to break the addiction.

>> No.7385327

I prefer taking bigger gulps inbetween chapters. That's why I hate books with long, overdrawn passages.

>> No.7385328

I sip at the end of paragraphs.

>> No.7385329

Yerba is GOAT. What brand you drinking, anon? What's popular where you live? For example here it's Amanda, mainly because Polishfags founded the plantations (I'm a Polishfag myself).

>> No.7385330

The best coffee is black and bitter. What you described is a goddamned candy.

>> No.7385340


I'm from Prague. The brand I usually buy is called Grešík. It's a Czech company specializing in teas and herbal shit. It's nothing fancy, you can find it everywhere. Especially in these hippie "bio" (organic) grocery stores.

>> No.7385351

From what I've seen it's pretty cheap, I might want to stock-up when I come to Prague, lol. Btw - any bookstores you would recommend in Prague? Preferably something with an English section. A ticket to Prague would cost me less than the shipping rate from Amazon.

>> No.7385380

Neo Luxor and Academia are good (their main stores are almost opposite each other on the Wenceslas square). Neo Luxor definitely has better English (and original language) selection, but it's not stellar.

There are also a lot of good used book stores. There is this website called muj-antikvariat.cz that attempts to search through all of their offering but I have no idea about the availability of stuff in English, but I expect it to be poor. It's usually dirt cheap though (I got a nice hardcover of Epictetos' Discourses and Enchiridion for about 100 CZK).

Czechs, sadly, don't read much in English.

>> No.7385391

>The best coffee is black and bitter

No way, dude. Iced sugary syrup coffee is best.

>> No.7385399

Thanks! That muj-antikvariat.cz site is great, I think I visited it once or twice looking for some old occult stuff, some time in the past.

Since I mentioned Prague, any fun /lit/ places to hang around there, and preferably drink good tea/coffee?

>> No.7385677

>milk and a little bit of sugar

>> No.7385733

Wow you're really pulling a Gregory Berrycone there, OP.

>> No.7385739

The official beer of Rust Cohle

>> No.7385998

Espresso + L-theanine + little bit of dank weed = ploughing through books

>> No.7386011

That or Old Milwaukee, nothing snooty.

>> No.7386044
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>coffedoras surprised their piss-slime isn't welcome here

>> No.7386045
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>> No.7386047

good taste

>> No.7386138

mmmm delicious dragon tea!

>> No.7386181

>Favorite brew
>Not scotch
>Not gin
>Not some mind numbing highly alcoholic drink

Wow, it's like you all want to be labeled as plebs tbqh family.

>> No.7386190
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Oolong desu senpai

>> No.7386229
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>> No.7386253

You're gonna fucking balloon, man. You need to tone that shit down.
I make a shot like that.
15 g maple syrup
15 g bacardi spiced rum
top it off with 70 g iced coffee

>> No.7386265

I didn't have any water so I just tried to make tea by boiling cheap wine.
It was awful.

>> No.7386271

tap water

>> No.7386276

wtf, senpai

>> No.7386304

The worst part was when I tried to add milk it formed those disgusting clumps that usually only happen when you are using expired milk

>> No.7386310
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Every 2 weeks I go to "Coffee Review" Magazine, and read their most recent reviews, and purchase the highest one. I french press it for 7 minutes with filtered water in a course consistency and drink it with light sugar and cream. Pic related is pretty god tier.

>> No.7386318

These are the only correct answers.

>> No.7386320
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Neat only.

>> No.7386337

Pleb as fuck

>> No.7386339

Hot wine needs spices and often a bit of sugar (and or brandy) and citrus to be delicious.

Also, how does one not have water?

>> No.7386341

I give up, let's rename this board to /reddit/.

>> No.7386342

Lapsang Souchong
Iron Godess Oolong

>> No.7386350


He's talking about tea, not microbeers.

>> No.7386352
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I like old school roasted oolong the best.

>> No.7386358

I didn't want to use the tap in this shitty dorm bathroom, though I suppose if I let it boil for a while there's not going to be anything to worry about.

>> No.7386364

There's not going to be anything to worry about in the first place. Just let it run for a bit.

>> No.7386375

Looks pretty. Is that what Canadian non-snoots drink?

>> No.7386390

In Alberta and Saskatchewan at least. It's the beer preferred by farmers.

>> No.7386397

And it's so hard to think of a word for tea other than brew-

>> No.7386402

why does 'brew' trigger you so much?

>> No.7386415
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>Oh, I can't just say tea like a normal person, I have to use a synonym so people can tell I'm good with words.

>> No.7386420

Yeah, I've never seen anyone drinking Pilsner pilsner outside of the prairies.

>> No.7386430

I've heard that Alberta is the Texas of Canada.

>> No.7386437

Shutupyou wanker; brew's a fairly common word -- a working class one at that. There's more of a world outside your autist bubble storm_wolf97

>> No.7386439

Well it's like ten parts coffee.

>> No.7386440

Yeah I'm sure working class people often put stupid leaves on their tea plates. My father sure does.

>> No.7386442

We just got it recently in Ontario it's become pretty popular as a tall boy because we're sick of Old Mill

>> No.7386444

>Muh man drinks. It's not good if it tastes good.

I'll bet you savour your cheap beer too and pretend you drink it for the flavor. or scotch?

>> No.7386447

I go to Texas for work quite often, and this is a fair comparison.

>> No.7386449

You ever heard of a teabag? Ya silly old troll

>> No.7386453

I was referring to OP's pic.

>> No.7386462

Watch 4chan manage to argue hatefully now about hot stimulants.

>> No.7386469

No, I actually spend a lot of money on quality micro-brewed beer.

>> No.7386470

Lapsang Souchong followed by a double espresso

>> No.7386473



>> No.7386504

Port, red wine, or water - like any true patrician.

>> No.7386509
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>> No.7386512

What's your point anymore?

>> No.7386513

>not sperm

>> No.7386517

The same as in the beginning. And also that your defence doesn't hold.

>> No.7386520

Water and English Breakfast (decaff) desu

>> No.7386548
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Black coffee with 50mg of mescaline in it in the morning.

Rum at night.

>> No.7386551

English Breakfast for the morning, Darjeeling for the afternoon and Eart Grey for the evening.

>> No.7386577

Builders cup of Irish Breakfast all day erry day

>> No.7386580

Sencha or rooibos mostly.

>> No.7386586

Disregard these, I'm an Amerifat!

>> No.7386589

Why are you defending redditeering?

>> No.7386592

both me ;)

>> No.7386606
File: 8 KB, 209x241, moron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no they're not ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) ;) xD xD xD :P ;> ,<

>> No.7386613

you mean me :D ;)

>> No.7386913

'brew' is builder tier english you silly cunt

>> No.7386920


>> No.7386964

Stop drinking this 'brew' and build my damned library, peasant!

>> No.7387251
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Can any patrician tell me how to into tea. I used to enjoy genmaicha with macha but have difficulty finding decent stuff now. What kind of pot should I buy? Any good places to buy tea online in the UK?

>> No.7387258

Just don't concern yourself with all that fancy shit. There is nothing better than a hot cup of English Breakfast or Earl Grey

>> No.7387281

With milk and sugar?

>> No.7387287

that nay got cunt all to do wi ot you sen mate

>> No.7387331

My critique of op's word choice can't be criticized without acknowledging the context of the post.

>> No.7387348
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>I believe I have invented the best cup of coffee. I eyeball my proportions of each ingredient but it goes basically
>2 part maple syrup
Stopped there.

>> No.7387354

Are you trying to get a date?

>> No.7387355

ha. gayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

>> No.7387456
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>total satisfaction guaranteed

>> No.7387748

I only like things that are delicious. Black coffee is not delicious.

>> No.7387916

Underrated post

>> No.7387926

any half decent single malt. sipped slowly. water on the side, not in the whisky.

>> No.7387931
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>> No.7388655

sounds overboard senpai

>> No.7389093

Ugh. Fuck all this pretension on fucking tea and coffee. Drink what tastes good to you.

>> No.7389099

I swear you guys are like high schoolers following whatever someone who sounds more knowledgeable and trendy says. Do you.

>> No.7389448

In the morning, coffee, in the afternoon, tea with honey, if black tea maybe a little milk, end of afternoon, more coffee

>> No.7389464

I've never understood the sugar thing but I usually use milk

>> No.7389701

i just made it with the same ingredients but i have no idea what unit of measurement "part"

bredy good, sweet at the start and gets more like coffee at the end

>> No.7389725
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>> No.7389750

Tea is second to only water for the most widely drunk beverage in the world

So he just insulted most of the planet.

>> No.7389751

Psychopath detected


>> No.7389780


That sizzurup senpai

>> No.7389783

Isn't coffee rather shit in America. At least that's my impression

>> No.7389787

I usually drink my coffee with a little bit of chocolate milk

It's delicious

>> No.7389803
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ITT: Plebs

>> No.7389845

Coffee brewed in an urn, sweetened with a milk/banana blend.

>> No.7389869

Homemade coffee with white sugar and clover honey. I like my coffee just a touch too dark for my palette.

>> No.7389873

Sounds delish. How to make, exactly? What do you mean by "milk/banana blend"?

>> No.7389899

Rooibos is the worst herbal drink IMO

>> No.7389901

>Dunkin Donuts

bruh come on, milk and sugar in overly roasted beans...

>> No.7389960


>> No.7389996

>letting your culture dictate what's for kids and what isn't


>> No.7390004

pleb opinion desu lad

>> No.7390019

I puree the bananas in milk, then mix it into the coffee. Nothing complicated.

>> No.7390030

What ratio of milk to bananas do you use?

>> No.7390042

Whatever you think tastes the best. I make mine in large amounts, then refrigerate it.

I'd say a good ratio is 1 cup milk/1 banana

>> No.7390048

Am I a pleb for liking my coffee with all the gay american trappings like whipped cream, powdered chocolate, flavoured syrups; you name it, I'm into it, but taking my tea exclusively black and unsweetened?

>> No.7390064

You aren't an anything for liking coffee a certain way. Although that is an unhealthy amount of sugar to be drinking every morning, if you get all of those toppings its more a dessert than it is a drink.

>> No.7390070

oh god no I don't have it like that every morning, I have a cappuccino or an espresso if I'm pressed for time, I basically do have the topping-y version as a desert drink

>> No.7390075

As long as you acknowledge that it is a dessert and you don't slam 3 larges a day, it doesn't really matter

>> No.7390078

That is perfect.
Nothing wrong with indulging yourself every now and then, it's certainly better than a lot of other shit people drink.

>> No.7390079


>> No.7390119

Coffee. Black. Heirloom Ethiopian Sasaba.

That shit is ambrosia in a cup.

>> No.7390659

Hello reddit!

>> No.7390887
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>> No.7390904

Yeah as if you drink it you injecting mongoloid. At least show us that heroin addicts can be creative. You know, like crack addicts.

Make heroin tea now. I dare you. I double dare you!

>> No.7391061

>Heirloom Ethiopian Sasaba

This man knows his shit.

>> No.7391063

It's actually called poppy pod tea

>> No.7391182

Pff! As if you ever take heroin like that you needledick. Post timestamp of doing poppy pod tea naow!

>> No.7391276

I drink a glass of orange juice you guys should stop drinking coffee one day you'll end up with cardiovascular issues.

>> No.7391305

You know that fruit juice is basically as bad for you as soda, right? Coffee is healthier than orange juice.

>> No.7391338

Your painfully wrong fruit juice is loaded with good nutrients soda is not and sure coffee has some benefits but there are way better alternatives out there that don't contain an addictive drug in them.

>> No.7391352

Being an addict isn't bad for you. Diabetes is.

>> No.7391400

Why do you hate your palate so much? What do you have to prove?

>> No.7391434

my man

>> No.7391588


>> No.7391600


>> No.7391694

Repping wanker, nice. Excellent insult which seems to be getting less common even in bongland :(

>> No.7391699

Do you do the coffee+mescaline regularly, as in a regime of micro-dosing?
How is it compared to life without?

>> No.7391701


>> No.7391790

>he refers to types of tea as "brews"
that's really gay dude

>> No.7391809

When not drinking coffee. Green tea with some sort of citrus or mint flavor.

>> No.7392113

nice 1980s science breh

>> No.7392807

can't concentrate on reading a book

>> No.7392832


>Your painfully wrong fruit juice is loaded with good nutrients

'muh vitamin c'. There's nothing really useful in fruit juice, besides maybe antioxidants (which don't have well established and extraordinary health benefits in the first place).

>an addictive drug

Like sugar?

Caffeine has a trivial risk of addiction, given that it doesn't induce euphoria, nor does consumption entail any real risk of substantive withdrawal or physical harm.


>> No.7393481

Marco Polo

>> No.7393526

Hello reddit!

>> No.7393539


For the last few months, yes. I'm running out too, so I've been cutting it down to once a week instead of every 2-3 days. I'll surely be getting myself another batch of it though. At microdosing levels, the price is wholly insignificant.

Life is better. Not substantially better, and I don't find myself craving it or missing it on days without. Everything is more amusing. Motivation takes a boost - more reading, which also feels more rewarding than on off days. Sharp decline in shitposting, gaming and mindless internet browsing. In general, I find myself questioning and altering a lot of my conditioned behaviour in everyday life (e.g. shitposting).

Lateral thinking is definitely increased - this is where microdosage is key. If you go to high, you're entering inane acid-philosophy territory. Microdoses seem more like a tweak to normal thinking than a transformation of it.

>> No.7393544

>ho ho by being sarcastic I am ultimately better than you silly tea drinkers

>> No.7393551
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>Expanding your palate beyond muh sugar means you hate it

>> No.7393566

Honestly man if good coffee just tastes bitter to you you're wasting your money because that means your sense of smell or taste is shit and you can't pick up anything any more complex. May as well use something cheaper.

>> No.7393579

Why? I always keep a crystal karaf in my fridge, with about half of a squeezed lime/lemon.

>> No.7393583

I used to have to pause inbetween either paragraphs or chapters, but now that I'm experienced I usually read whilst sipping, carefully making sure to place my glass on a not so stable table using my peripheral sight.

>> No.7395070

Hello tumblr!

>> No.7395096

Your poor teeth.

>> No.7395489


>> No.7395650


Thought I was in a /ck/ gore thread for a minute there.

>> No.7396526

Top of the morning, Twitter!

>> No.7396597

G'day, The Mary Sue!

>> No.7396727
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This is bretty gud.

>> No.7396891

Fuck all of Europe. See I did it too.

>> No.7396932

Ten pint cans of stella artois. Seriously I put them in a plastic bag, place the bag next to my bed and rip and read. I judge the difficulty of a book on how soon I have to stop reading. Average is normally about seven pints.

>> No.7396947


>> No.7397105

Sounds a bit warm.

>> No.7397120

came here to post this

>> No.7397493

fucking plebian

>> No.7397529

black or green darjeeling (yes, there's green darjeeling now) with a bit of sugar. no bags, only loose tea.

>> No.7397541

kind of funny how there's an advert for "Nestle's Milk" in that image, since they're a rival tea producer, amongst other things, nowadays.

>> No.7397548

Poppy seed tea.

Not him, and really late. But I made poppy tea yesterday, it's a lot easier to get than heroin due to being legal.

>> No.7397577

doing anything comfy with hot houjicha/genmaicha is god tier especially cold months when it's raining/snowing outside