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7368509 No.7368509 [Reply] [Original]

>Ta-Nehisi Coates won the National Book Award for nonfiction Wednesday night for “Between the World and Me,” a visceral, blunt exploration of his experience of being a black man in America, which was published this summer in the middle of a national dialogue about race relations and inequalit

Is he America's greatest author?

>> No.7368521

>“Every day you turn on the TV and see some kind of violence being directed at black people,” Mr. Coates said in an emotional acceptance speech. “Over and over and over again. And it keeps happening.”

I admit it, I cried during his acceptance speech. Very profound. If you have not read his book yet, you should.

>> No.7368523

>I cried during his acceptance speech

Jesus tell me you're joking

>> No.7368526

>Piece of paper : What u want to write about
>Black: I'm black
>Piece of paper: I got u senpai



>> No.7368527

Same here. I pretty much forced my family (white middle-class, eww) to sit down and watch it with me. Then we discussed privileged and institutional racism and I forced them to accept that we didn't deserve the wealth and comfort we have. Epic win!

>> No.7368532

But a person should write about their experience, writing should be true and real. It's not his fault society is racist. He is constantly reminded he is black every time he has to interact with any sort of institution of power. If you have a gift with words, you should use that gift to affect change, which is exactly what he is doing. Creating change where it is needed most.

>> No.7368534


Guy was speaking from the heart. If you want to shit all over that, then that's your problem. But don't be surprised when people tell you how ignorant you are.

>> No.7368548

>>Piece of paper : What u want to write about
>>White: I'm white and bored and I take a lot of drugs
>>Piece of paper: I got u senpai

>> No.7368550

missing the point

enjoy being from a race that is very likely genetically inferior and has never contributed anything to humanity except savagery

poo in loo

>> No.7368561

Gee, it's almost as if it's wrong for a black person like Coates to write about what he knows most about

He should totally write about something else though, because it offends the delicate sensibilities of people like yourself

>> No.7368568

the book was shit tho

>> No.7368575

But relevant and exposed the institutionalized privilege of THE EVIL WHITE NAZIS
- /u/doctorwhorevolutionary

>> No.7368581


>> No.7368589

>from the heart

That's where he made his mistake. Should be speaking from the brain.

>> No.7368594

That's my reddit username, you can't make an account here it seems so I have to sign my posts
- /u/doctorwhorevolutionary

>> No.7368596

>That's where he made his mistake. Should be speaking from the brain.

This is why autists like you make shit authors.

>> No.7368601

He's writing non-fiction. He should be responsible and rely on facts and evidence, rather than being a demagogue and whipping up the masses into (even more) looting and violence.

>> No.7368607

But a revolution is what we need. Look at all the racially motivated police killings. The system needs a real change.

>> No.7368608
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das rite boi

we be oppresed un shit

>> No.7368609


>> No.7368614


Pretty much every other week we see a new story about cops killing unarmed black males for the crime of running away. Do you support that?

>> No.7368615
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Especially when it turns out literally every time that they have a history of violent crime and were either in the process of attempting to commit a crime or had just previously committed a crime.

>> No.7368616

>what is selective coverage

>> No.7368628


No, but he's genuinely good. He writes journalism deeply informed by historical research and has a sense of style I don't see in in much contemporary journalism. He writes as well as people like McPhee. The comparisons to James Baldwin aren't unearned, and I hope he'll live up to them.

Coates is one of the only black authors who encourages people talking about "neighbor on neighbor" crime as a problem in the black community.


Except that's not objectively not true? I can tell you've never actually listened to Coates. He is motivated to write largely out of the shooting of his friend outside of his fiance's house. Look into it.

>> No.7368646

>"If we black people got our reparations we wouldn't base our lives around shooting each other. Remember that time a black cop shot my black friend? Even though nobody involved was white, and even though my friend rammed a police officer's car with his own, it was white people's fault. Reparations?"
Coates is what happens when the establishment decides to prop up a Twitter celebrity as an intellectual.

>> No.7368649

Is it actually good? If it presents it in a new way, then I'm interested.

>> No.7368654

who cares about the blacks honestly

>> No.7368658

I have found that, in the African-American oral tradition, if the words are enunciated eloquently enough, no one examines the meaning for definitive truth.

—Biracial novelist Mat Johnson, Loving Day, 2015

America’s foremost public intellectual, Ta-Nehisi Coates, has published a new best-selling minibook, Between the World and Me, that’s interesting for what it reveals about a forbidden subject: the psychological damage done by pervasive black violence to soft, sensitive, bookish souls such as Coates. The Atlantic writer’s black radical parents forced the frightened child to grow up in Baltimore’s black community, where he lived in constant terror of the other boys. Any white person who wrote as intensely about how blacks scared him would be career-crucified out of his job, so it’s striking to read Coates recounting at length how horrible it is to live around poor blacks if you are a timid, retiring sort.

Coates’ lack of physical courage is a common and perfectly reasonable trait, although writers typically cover it up. For example, Hunter S. Thompson transmuted his recurrent paranoia about impending carnage (which beset him even in venues as family-friendly as the Circus-Circus casino) into hallucinatory comedy in Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas.

Coates, however, is humorless. Worse, his fans have encouraged him to believe he is the second coming of James Baldwin, egging him on to indulge in a prophetic-hysteric-postmodern style that is easier to parody (e.g., just repeat endlessly the phrase “black bodies” and the distractingly stupid formulation “people who believe they are white”) than it is to endure over even the course of Coates’ very short second autobiography. (As with the president, both of Coates’ books are memoirs.)

Coates, however, is humorless. Worse, his fans have encouraged him to believe he is the second coming of James Baldwin, egging him on to indulge in a prophetic-hysteric-postmodern style that is easier to parody (e.g., just repeat endlessly the phrase “black bodies” and the distractingly stupid formulation “people who believe they are white”) than it is to endure over even the course of Coates’ very short second autobiography. (As with the president, both of Coates’ books are memoirs.)

>> No.7368659

White writers have seldom had the courage to confess their fear of black violence so fully, at least not since 1963, when Norman Podhoretz responded to the hullabaloo over James Baldwin with an essay about growing up in Brooklyn in the 1930s and 1940s:

And so for a long time I was puzzled to think that…Negroes were supposed to be persecuted when it was the Negroes who were doing the only persecuting I knew about—and doing it, moreover, to me…. A city boy’s world is contained within three or four square blocks, and in my world it was the whites, the Italians and Jews, who feared the Negroes, not the other way around. The Negroes were tougher than we were, more ruthless, and on the whole they were better athletes…. Yet my sister’s opinions, like print, were sacred, and when she told me about exploitation and economic forces I believed her. I believed her, but I was still afraid of Negroes.

In the 52 years since Podhoretz’s “My Negro Problem—And Ours,” overwhelming evidence has piled up validating the prescience of his boyhood traumas at the hands of black juvenile delinquents. But it’s precisely because the scale of black violence over the past half century is so blatantly obvious that white intellectuals have been largely self-silenced on the topic—even as the most cunning minds among today’s liberal whites plot to reverse the mistake their grandparents made in fearfully ceding much of the best urban turf to black criminality.

The central real estate question of this century has become: How can big cities drop their hot potato of poor urban blacks in the laps of naive suburbs and small towns? That helps explain the unhinged reaction among elites to Donald Trump publicly pointing out that Mexico isn’t sending us its highest-quality citizens to be our illegal aliens. The unspoken plan is to continue to use the more docile Hispanics newcomers to shove the more dangerous African-American citizens out of desirable cities; thus, only a class traitor like Trump would dare allude to the unfortunate side effects suffered by the rest of the country.

Despite all the violence Coates has suffered at the hands of other blacks, his racial loyalty remains admirably adamantine. Thus, his ploy, as psychologically transparent as it is popular with liberal whites, is to blame his lifelong petrified unhappiness on the white suburbanites he envied for being able to live far from black thugs.

>> No.7368660

Unfortunately for Coates’ persuasiveness, white people, unlike blacks, have never actually done anything terribly bad to him. The worst memory he can dredge up is the time an Upper West Side white woman pushed his 4-year-old son to get the dawdling kid to stop clogging an escalator exit. She even had the racist nerve to say, “Come on!”

Coates reacted as unreasonably as a guest star on Seinfeld would. Ever since this Escalator Incident, he’s been dwelling on how, while it might have looked like yet another example of blacks behaving badly, it was, when you stop to think about slavery and Crow (not to mention redlining), really all the fault of whites.

The central event in Between the World and Me is the fatal shooting in 2000 of an acquaintance from Howard U. by an undercover deputy from Prince George County, the country’s most affluent black-majority county. Coates refers to this tragedy repeatedly as proof of America’s demonic drive to destroy black bodies. (The dead man’s family, I found, was eventually awarded $3.7 million in their wrongful-death suit, much like the $3 million awarded to the parents of a teen gunned down by an undercover Obama Administration agent in a shooting that I investigated in 2010. You have never heard of my local police blotter item, though, because the victim was white.)

Since I’m a horrible person, my immediate response to Coates’ tale was…okay…black-run county, affirmative-action hiring, and poor police decision-making…you know, I bet the shooter cop was black.

And sure enough, the Carlton Jones who shot Prince Jones turned out to be black. Coates eventually gets around to briefly admitting that awkward fact, but only after seven pages of purple prose about people who believe they are whites destroying black bodies.

In fact, I discovered Coates himself had written about this tragedy before. Seven years ago he explained in The Atlantic in a poorly proofread but less pompous prose style:

I am going to try to be fair about this. The cop was in an unmarked car, and wasn’t wearing a uniform. According to his own testimony, he basically cornered Prince’s car pulled out a gun—but no badge—and IDed himself as an officer. Prince. whose vehicle was hemmed in, rammed the cops car. The cop shot him Prince and he died. The officer was presumably in pursuit of a “suspect.” But the suspect looked nothing like Prince, except that they were both black. All I could think when that happened was about what I would have done. The way we come up, if a black dude with dreads (which is how officer Carlton Jones looked) is following you and then he corners you, pulls a gun, but doesn’t have a badge, you don’t assume he’s cop. You assume he’s trying to rob you.

>> No.7368664

In other words, the two black men racially profiled each other as dangerous criminals and then violently attacked each other.

Why did the two blacks profile each other?

Oh, sorry, I forgot: because white people.

Wait, my mistake: because people who believe they are white.

Occam’s razor suggests that the reason blacks tend to fear violence from one another is because they tend to be violent.

But you are forgetting something: The first rule of White Club is: You do blame White Club. The second rule of White Club is: You do blame White Club.

Coates has thus elaborated a theory of history in which everything bad ever done by blacks is the fault of American whites (whom he describes—metaphorically, I hope—as “cannibals”).

Unfortunately, Coates, a 39-year-old Howard U. dropout, doesn’t actually know much about history because, even though he frequently reads history books, he lacks a retentive mind. He reminds me of another autodidact who is always amazed by whatever he is currently reading: Glenn Beck.

Coates is unable to keep in his head a coherent timeline of the past, which means he is frequently clueless about what could possibly have caused what. For example, when recounting his arrival at Howard U. around 1993, he complains that outside his HBCU “black beauty was never celebrated in movies, in television…” Personally, I watched a lot of television in 1993, and my recollection is that the beauty of Michael Jordan’s black body was rather often celebrated. But who can expect the New James Baldwin to remember 1993?

>> No.7368666

The intellectual limitations that have helped Coates achieve his level of conventional wisdomhood include his lack of interest in races other than blacks and whites. The country has 55 million Hispanics, 17 million Asians, and 4 million American Indians, yet Coates has barely deigned to notice their existence, much less ask himself why they have their own problems, which are on average quite different from black problems.

History, for Coates, began in 1619 with the first blacks to arrive in America. He has no interest in what blacks brought with them from their tens of thousands of years of evolution in Africa. (He appears wholly ignorant of science.)

And history sort of peters out for Coates and his admirers about 50 years ago, when liberals took charge of race in America. For instance, Coates is convinced that redlining by the FDR Administration explains why the West Side of Chicago is like it is. But he had no interest in learning from, say, Alyssa Katz’s 2009 book Our Lot, which documents how Chicago’s once crime-free Austin neighborhood (from which my wife’s family was driven in 1970 after the third felony committed against the children by blacks) was destroyed by the liberal 1968 Fair Housing Act.

There are tens of millions of Americans who remember being shoved out of formerly functioning urban communities by black criminality. But who speaks for them? Will they ever be allowed to publicly commemorate the injustice that was done to them?

>> No.7368672

why are you so triggered by black people, anon? stop being so fucking sensitive.

>> No.7368675

Just give us the VDare link and stop spamming the thread

>> No.7368677
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>White: I'm white and bored and I take a lot of drugs

>> No.7368688
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>> No.7368692

New pasta detected

>> No.7368695

Whitey here. You are just as bad as the niggers who say "we was kings and queens."

>> No.7368707

The issue is that, for the most part, the black community has fulfilled its stereotypes: it is ignorant, violent, and accusatory. The only way racial tensions will ever die is if the black community, instead of pointing fingers (which is pointless), reforms, becomes aware of the severe problems it has and fixes them.

>> No.7368716


I really don't get Coates' logic. Starts with, the reason black communities are such a nightmare is because black people profile each other and attack each other, and the reason for that is because white media marginalizes black people and doesn't celebrate them or their issues. But he is receiving some of the most prestigious awards the media has to offer, so obviously they are celebrating black stuff. What does he want exactly then? This is what I never understand with the Black Lives Matter and college protester type groups, what is it they want exactly? They never have any clear demands. yeah the college protesters asked for a diversity board made up entirely of black members, but what is it they hope that board will accomplish? What is the goal? Coates and the rest, their complaints are always incredibly vague.

>> No.7368717

It's the current year and guilt is now a consumer product.

>> No.7368720

dem programs

>> No.7368730

I'm pretty sure BLM want's the police to stop killing black people for no reason.

>> No.7368733


I'm so sorry.

>> No.7368737

That's not a specific demand though. Individual cops will do whatever it is they do. It isn't like police departments are training police to murder black people. BLM hasn't described specific training programs they want police departments to discontinue, so what is the solution they want then? It can;t be they want cops to stop policing black communities, because I constantly see black people complain that police do not respond fast enough when the callers are black. So they want more policing and less policing simultaneously? This is what I mean when I say their complaints are vague.

>> No.7368739

That would have to be happening in the first place in order to stop it.

>> No.7368749

These people have ruined our society and soon the economy and government and likely the world in the long run and there's still bleeding heart idiots defending them. Why??

>> No.7368751

>so what is the solution they want then?

Well, I can't speak for them, but I would guess that they at least want the 'individual cops' to be prosecuted and not defended by the police force at large.

>> No.7368754

Pretty much the only way to solve this is to kill everyone on the Earth. Absolutely 100% of it not happening ever again. All right guys lets get started.

>> No.7368764

That's not going to happen. Like firefighters, cops often have a deep sense of camaraderie.

>> No.7368769

camaraderie is racist

>> No.7368772

But they do get prosecuted. Take Coates' example, the black cop who killed his black friend, the police force had to pay out 3 million dollars for wrongful death. I don't know about the criminal case, but there was a civil case and the family got rich. Again, you can;t stop individuals from doing bad, but the system itself seems to be doing a pretty good job of compensating people when it happens. So what specific change is required then?

>> No.7368777

>Except that's not objectively not true? I can tell you've never actually listened to Coates. He is motivated to write largely out of the shooting of his friend outside of his fiance's house. Look into it.

The inconvenient fact he leaves out is that his friend was shot by a black cop while trying to runover said black cop while fleeing because his friend thought the (undercover) black cop was a thug trying to rob him! Of course instead of examining why this tragedy really happened he just blames it all on white people.

>> No.7368788

Lol that you think the NBAs are some big deal and not a bunch of intellectuals sniffing their own farts.
Your average American wouldn't recognize a single winner from the past 40 years (excluding the period when it was the ABAs). Only liberal rags and conservative shitholes will talk about this as more fodder in the culture wars.

>> No.7368789

Shit meant to reply to.

>> No.7368790

I wasn't talking about that particular case; there have been other times where there hasn't been any prosecution and you know it. Also, if a certain profession has regular problems with *killing innocents* I don't think it's too much to ask that *they* find out how to solve that problem.

>> No.7368791

This is where I have a problem. So if I accept Coates' premise that it is white racism that caused this, then what specifically should white people do to prevent it from happening? Basically he is saying black on black crime is the symptom and white racism is the disease causing it. So white people need to change to stop black people from killing each other. That's fine, but what specifically should we change?

>> No.7368801

I am from Virginia, recently we had an old white woman who got shot six times in a church parking lot by a cop, she died. He said she tried to run him over, and the case was closed. But a painter working on a nearby roof witnessed the whole thing and said she never tried to run him over, his arm was never pinned inside her window as the cop claimed, etc. So the case was re-opened and the cop is now in prison. My own mother got knocked unconscious by a cop when she was a teenager, for taking one last puff off her cigarette before putting it out like he asked. She got six staples in her head.

So I agree cops are too aggressive and aren't held accountable enough. But it is hardly a racial issue. Black people just have more opportunity to have dealings with police, because of their incredibly high crime rates.

>> No.7368807

I always feel a little embarrassed for Ta-Nahesi Coates. It's clear he knows blacks are losers and is doing everything he possibly can to deny that fact to save face, but it's like you can just tell deep in his soul he knows black people are fucking crap. He just seems like such a sad character, dedicating his whole life to making excuses for black failure.

>> No.7368820

James Baldwin was an openly gay man. A heterofascist "who thinks he is straight", like Ta-Nahesis Coates wouldn't even be allowed to fondle Baldwin's balls. Why is the Straight Media promoting this fool?

>> No.7368826

He would probably be a prominent advocate for change within the black community if he had not been taught by white people that whites are the true cause of all the problems within the black community.

And I am not belittling black people when I say whites "taught" them. If your TV is missing from your home and your neighbor comes out and says they took it, anyone's natural reaction is to believe them. Why on earth would anybody take the blame for something they didn't do, after all. So of course Coates will blame whites for every problem black people have, because whites came forward and told him they did it.

>> No.7368857

Ta-Nehisi Coates, Jesmyn Ward, and Chimamanda Adiche are three of the top five most promising young writers in America.

Fite me.

>> No.7368871

I don't have anything against black authors. I've just always felt Coates was a stupid fuck since long before he rose to fame as a white guilt rockstar.

>> No.7368878

Teju Cole is really good

>> No.7368880

I'll check him out, thanks.
His forthcoming essay collection sounds dope

>> No.7368897

You should stop existing as a people. That's literally his solution.

>> No.7368909

Gas the whites.

>> No.7368918

Let's not pretend it wouldn't work.

>> No.7368922

In a way the White Community is up to their old oppressive tricks again with their choice to make Coates into a star. They are choosing a college dropout as a role model for blacks. This just reinforces the lack of value blacks have for education. Not only did Fetty Wap and Kobe Bryant not have to get a degree, but neither did writing star Ta-Nahesi Coates! Furthermore, this nasty tactic of elite whites to respect a person based not on what school they graduated from, but merely what school they were accepted to reinforces an American cast system by way of higher-ed. Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, and other ruling class "drop outs" were able to grow their business because American elites valued the fact that they had been accept to Harvard and Reed. So Coates stardom does double disservice to the black community and America at large. It sends the message that education is not important to minority communities, but it also sends a message to elites that despite rockstar dropouts, the educational caste system is as solid as ever, with famous dropouts like Coates, Gates and Jobs all leaving elite universities. If Coates is as smart as he is promoted as being, he needs to walk away from the capitalist fame game and become a recluse like so many great American authors in the white tradition have.

>> No.7368926

Look at South Africa. White authority is the only reason blacks continue to maintain a semblance of humanity. Remove us and they'll quickly degenerate back into the subhuman apes they really are.

>> No.7368930

Yeah, then world would be like a mix of Africa and the Middle East. I'd give it a century max before widespread slavery returns. Let's face it, the only people who oppose slavery are white people with their utopian bullshit about "human rights" and "progress". Once those fuckers are out of the way the Jews and Muslims will be free to start up the slave trade again. Hell, Dubai is for all intents and purposes being built on slave labor as we speak, without those annoying white assholes in the UN and Amnesty International snooping around they won't even have to pretend they're paying the workers anymore.

>> No.7368937

No, it will clear the way for Asia to undertake a more merciless and absolute colonial project, thus civilising them for perpetuity.

>> No.7368946

ease up buddy, its too overt

>> No.7369128

>Epic win
Kill yourself

>> No.7369142

he spoke at my school last night and it was incredibly uninteresting, I'm generally a fan of him but he called himself the best writer of his generation (even though he only does articles and memoirs...) without ever even talking about what separates him from anything else. I am looking forward to his Black Panther series, but I've been really unimpressed with the country's most important public intellectual

>> No.7369151

Police on Black is different from Black on Black, he discusses Black on Black violence too but as a product of segregated communities resorting to gang violence, segregation is defined by having less opportunities in a certain area that is a minority majority. In his speech he addresses this "not wanting to know" and that he can give you all the numbers and put it into prose to show you issues, but if you don't even want to try then don't even read it

>> No.7369154

ITT: People who haven't read Coates discussing him.

>> No.7369172

not SJW but Jesus Christ /lit what is wrong with you?

There is Black on Black crime.

There is police brutality.

Ta-Nehisi has answers but he says that his specialty is housing plans and public policy, he isn't the arbiter of everything black in the world. He has ideas on changing segregated areas, which there are in America, more than anywhere else in the world, black segregation at least.

Coates' wants to target housing segregation and police training, the issue is in vigilante justice, Coates's friend Prince was followed by an undercover cop who was dressed to look like a drug dealer who at 3 AM after following him for an hour pulled a gun on him without showing his badge, what do you expect a person to do when someone meant to look dangerous is pointing a gun at you right outside of your house with your fiance and newborn child inside?

Coates doesn't speak about campus protests because it's not his expertise, he doesn't want to try to be THE black voice, his ideas laid out in "A Case for Reparations" are very clearly, fix the education system that does still financially segregate black communities by fixing distribution systems in State's education departments and quit building 'projects' and have adequate living conditions that aren't nestled away in food deserts. When it all comes down to it, he's a writer, he's not the policy-maker on anything black, he looks at data, trends and experiences and puts it into workable prose to argue systemic issues.

>> No.7369187


I think he's living proof that literature is for and about losers.

What do losers like to do? Point the finger. Blame others. "If it weren't for these white folk holding me back..."

Embarassing, desu senpai. Uguu.

>> No.7369194

>but what specifically should we change?
White people just need to figure out that they're destined to become a footnote in history and work to accelerate this inevitable and justified conclusion. I mean it's already pretty obvious that whites are disappearing from the world finally, it would just be great for all the real people if it happened faster.

>> No.7369203


If you are talking about all of the most recent famous shootings covered in the news, you should know that for the majority of them that the cop was let free because evidence showed they where in the right.

Especially the last big one in Ferguson. The suspect not only never put his hands up in surrender, but actually charged the cop. The forensic evidence proves this. The rumored story is that the black was executed but that was a lie.

The hard facts are that the majority of the time the cops are in the right because blacks are dangerous people.

>> No.7369219

uhm... there's no physiological evidence to show this? there's a reason so many attorneys called for a mistrial, facts weren't presented appropriately, the judge had family ties to the officer, etc

>> No.7369225

or maybe he was just actually guilty

>> No.7369231

the cops dindu nuffin! ;-;

>> No.7369233

Impossible! Police officers love shooting black people at random and having their face shown all over the media, they can't help themselves

>> No.7369236

look how bad /mu/ is at talking about race

>> No.7369237


>> No.7369246


>> No.7369259

that guy is naive but better than some of the people he's responding to too bee honest

>> No.7369261

agreed, brother

>> No.7369263

he needs to be put down honestly
there is something so repulsive about his post

>> No.7369267

Butthurt christfag detected

>> No.7369278

>Write only about experiences

This is the stupidest thing i have encountered all day congrats

>> No.7369309

> But it is hardly a racial issue.

It's a racial issue because of the disproportionate amount of that exact sort of thing being directed at black people. The empirical numbers are extremely clear on this; and it's not just "more", it's "disproportionate" and it's pretty extreme.

So now imagine that the police do that not only to your mother, but more or less everyone in your family, and all your neighbors and friends, too, and not just "once" but incidents like it happen all the time around you. Now tell me, under those conditions, you wouldn't be mad as fuck too? The fact that you don't see these incidents very much just means you're lucky not be black. At least this shit is getting more publicity now thanks to #BLM, etc. I understand this shit happens to everyone, and I'm even okay calling it non-racial, but there's still absolutely a racial disparity, and it's nonsense to pretend that's not meaningful to the affected communities.

>> No.7369312

Watch this verbal rape

>> No.7369318

it's equally nonsense to rail on about the disproportionate police killings without mentioning the disproportionate criminality of blacks

>> No.7369322


That's not completely honest though. Committing crimes (for which there are only self-reports) isn't the same as getting caught for them, which isn't the same as getting convicted of them.

>> No.7369350

it's disproportionate even to THAT, but you should also remember that "the criminality of blacks" is a product of the fucking system, dude. A lot of these police killings are rightly prosecutable as murder, and yet none of those police officers are prosecuted or considered criminals. Why's that? Because "criminal" is socially-defined, which is part of the fucking complaint by BLM. There's a reason that blacks are harassed more, arrested more, convicted and given longer sentences for the EXACT SAME CRIMES, and it's not because "they do it more", hurr, it's because bigotry affects subconscious decision making in morons who can't think clearly.

>> No.7369369

Disproportionate according the population, not according to crime rates. Black crime rates are disproportionately high, therefore they are disproportionately likely to have run-ins with the police.

>> No.7369373

>but you should also remember that "the criminality of blacks" is a product of the fucking system, dude

That is up for debate. I believe their own biology and culture is what produces violence.

>> No.7369376
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>There's a reason that blacks are harassed more

>> No.7369382

Stop committing so much fucking crime and the cops won't bother you. The black section of my city just had three murders this week, one was a drug dealer, the other was at a place running a gambling operation, and the other no one saw. Do you suppose it's white doing this? But when the white cops go in to try and find the person or persons slaughtering all this black people and they have to rough up and arrest various drug dealers and racketeers, you'll complain about police harassment. If stop committing a non-stop wave of felonies, maybe the cops will chill out. Seriously, your behavior is not normal.

>> No.7369383

>but you should also remember that "the criminality of blacks" is a product of the fucking system, dude
there is certainly a cultural and probably genetic (keep pretending though) factor at play too
>given longer sentences for the EXACT SAME CRIMES
disingenuous or you just don't know what aggravating circumstances are

if people actually wanted to help black people (which they should) they should be advocating for an immediate end to the drug war, a serious look at corruption in majority black cities and encouraging a cultural change in black communities
shutting down universities because someone painted a swastika in their own shit is accomplishing nothing (except it's good for racists I guess)

>> No.7369393

Where did "American black culture" arise from?

Years of systematic oppression.

>> No.7369399

>given longer sentences for the EXACT SAME CRIMES

I call bullshit on this. Seems like half of the time there is a new murder around here it turns out the guy was already convicted of manslaughter for shooting someone dead. So maybe he got more time for manslaughter than a white person, but a white person would be charged with murder if they just walked up and shot someone's face off in the street. As for the "drug war" lets not forget it was black politicians who called for harsher sentences for heroin and cocaine. They asked for it, and they got it! Now they want to blame white people? Please, this is the worst lie of the "drug war", that's it's some conspiracy to enslave blacks.

>> No.7369409


>> No.7369415

woah plot twist

>> No.7369416

/pol/ BTFO. Now they will be propping this guy up more than they did with Ben Carson

>> No.7369417

>being black is an aggravating circumstance

handwaving yourself. Aggravating circumstances like the defendant is a scary black man, you mean? That's precisely one of the weak points where bigoted thinking seeps into the system.

Here's a review of the literature on the subject, like you give a shit


>black people should stop committing crimes so much
White people should stop committing slavery so much. Oh, what's that? You shouldn't be held accountable for things you didn't do? Well no shit, sherlock. Even if there was a higher crime rate from "black" people for some inherent race-based reason, you're still racially profiling all the INNOCENT people and treating them like criminals when they're not. That's the fucking problem.

>> No.7369418

This guy needs to realize that most of the discrimination he suffers isn't because he's black, it's because he's ugly as fuck. What's even going on with his eyes? This is why he gets shit even from other black people, no one likes ugly people. It's just an aspect of evolution to dislike people with undesirable traits. Coates literally looks like a retarded person, it's no wonder he's found himself discriminated against.

>> No.7369437

>you're still racially profiling all the INNOCENT people and treating them like criminals when they're not. That's the fucking problem.

wait, which one of the people recently killed by police wasn't a criminal? can't seem to find one...

>> No.7369440

that report doesn't mention aggravating circumstances at all
but you're right, I don't give a shit about criminals

>> No.7369443

dude, he looks way better in that pic that he used to, you should have seen him before the white establishment groomed him (literally) for stardom! Seriously revolting guy!

>> No.7369447
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He's a privileged black who won an award for mediocre work that wouldn't have seen the light of day if something similar were written by a white person. If he had any dignity he would have rejected the award on grounds of not wanting to be coddled like a baby, but blacks don't understand dignity.

>> No.7369452

>blacks don't understand dignity.

that's the real root of the problem, if they did have any sense of dignity they never would have let themselves become enslaved in the first place, the rest of their pathetic wretchedness just flows from there

>> No.7369510

examples of that happening would be nice

>> No.7369622

>being black is a crime

I don't see a lot of arrests, trials and convictions by a jury of peers when the police shoot someone.

>> No.7369673


>> No.7369674

>complains people shot by police weren't arrested

duh, it's because they were resisting arrest you fucking moron. the cops were trying to arrest them and give them their day in court, but they thought they could intimidate and bully the police. well, maybe you can terrorize immigrant shopkeepers and middle class whites, but the cops don't go for that shit. learn this fact, or keep dying.

>> No.7369717
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This thread is the most cancerous thing I've read on /lit/ in a long time. Thanks for invading, /pol/tards.

>> No.7369733

What do you call a black man who's won the National Book Award?

A nigger

>> No.7369734

lol xD

sick #bantz bro :3

>> No.7369737

/lit/ has always been disdainful of "ethnic" literature that is produced for the sole purpose of being "ethnic" literature

>> No.7369759

U.S. minority outrage porn is genre-based entertainment, not a compelling case for a new way to see the world.

Same thing you call Mike Tyson with no arms, amiright?

>> No.7369771

Maybe you should read the fucking book instead of just assuming it's minority outrage porn.

>> No.7369775

he has the pseudo-intellectual flair of most black 'thinkers', I've heard him speak, read some excerpts, its just not good prose. whatever you wanna say about race blah blah blah, the guy can't write. so he's a political commentator at best, maybe it's common to give this prize to a talking head who writes shitty prose? I don't know

>> No.7369782

>anyone who disagrees with me hasn't read the book
The primary appeal of the book, and all the parts anyone quotes, are the parts of the book that are outrage porn. The rest of the political commentary should have been separated from the outrage, but then he wouldn't sell as many books.

Happy now?

>> No.7369785

had to read for a contemporary lit course, was pretty good t b h, had me noticeably angry at certain points

Even if it wasn't though, if you're looking at the National Book Award as anything other than a political vehicle to drive whatever ideology the awards committee wants to put forward then you're thoroughly spooked

>> No.7369790


>> No.7369793

No, of course not.

You still haven't read the book and still want to talk shit about it.

>> No.7369797

>t is because white media marginalizes black people and doesn't celebrate them or their issues.

Read The Case for Reparations. Coates grounds the problems in black communities in the discriminatory housing and education policies of the last fifty years. He's not a SJW type who thinks some changes in the media will result in all the necessary changes in the world.

>> No.7369798

TNC pls go, nobody's going to buy your book if you shill it on 4chan.

>> No.7369801

Ah yes, the "shill!" tactic.

>> No.7369802

Just because some concerntrolling establishment-class whites are giving it some bullshit award, doesn't mean the outrage isn't legitimate politics or merely 'porn'.

>> No.7369858
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>> No.7369863

Ah yes, the "you must not have read the same thing I read" tactic.
Same thing, family.

That's my opinion though.

>> No.7369865

Yeah, I hate that, too.

>"A local seven year old was killed in a drive-by shooting between gang members."

It's tragic what black people do to eachother, and they keep doing it. Hopefully this book can change something.

>> No.7369884

>>White: I'm white and bored and I take a lot of drugs
At least it's not just "I'm white"

>> No.7369890

"and bored and I take a lot of drugs" is redundant though. Whites are obsessed with mental illnesses, ennui, identity, and medication.

>> No.7369898

Then it's a crummy, baseless opinion family.

>> No.7369900

>read book
>feel like parts of it are disingenuous and meant to be an emotional hook
So you read it and thought they were genuine and contributed to a larger point in a coherent way. That's fine.

>> No.7369905

>"muh blacks"
>"muh whites"
>"muh *insert categorical structure I can blame every misfortune that has ever occured on because I have the IQ of a medieval peasant*"
>"muh spooks"

Jesus Christ it's like the mods allowed this thread to continue just for the sake of containing all the stormfags and neo-lit marxi-

Nvm, carry on

>> No.7369906

Weren't you the guy that admitted to not having read the book?

>> No.7369909

Oh yes, because the rest of the board is so above all of this.

>> No.7369922
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apolitical /lit/ is best /lit/

>> No.7369940

black people don't read

>> No.7369949

No, I'm anon. We get mixed up sometimes.

>> No.7369966
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Good bait ffam

>> No.7369997

You cannot understand the banalities of the human condition unless you're in a position of privilege. The Negro only understands his desire for money, respect, and the sexual attention of white women. The educated and privileged white man understands how empty these treasures truly are because he has actually experienced them

>> No.7370010

Top b8

>> No.7370015

>being respected

>> No.7370025
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This is bait, but also true. The top rung of the hierarchy of needs is distinctly different from being anywhere else on the hierarchy.

>> No.7370055

Bullshit books deserve bullshit awards

>> No.7370072


>> No.7370098

This "debate" was embarrassing. Ben Shapiro was the only person worth listening to there. The two blacks couldn't answer simple answers and kept getting blown the fuck out by Ben, and the Mexican woman talked about herself the whole time and said nothing interesting.

>> No.7370099

There's nothing disingenuous about my post. Philosophical and intellectual pursuits are limited to the privileged few who had the luck to be born intelligent and in a position to demonstrate it -- traditionally, Negroes have had little success gaining access to this position.

The Whites are the most respected race on the planet. Resentful Negro twitter memes are not indicative of the widespread adoption of white systems of governance, white technology, white art, and white culture (both popular and intellectual). Even today, the assorted non-white peoples of the planet flock to white countries, eager to learn from them and experience their culture.

>> No.7370111

What dignity or honor do Whites have? You debase yourselves constantly and destroy yourselves and your history for political games. You're willing to commit atrocities and act hypocritically like snakes.

Your race has no respect. Your race has some respectable people, just as every other one does.

>> No.7370126

>You debase yourselves constantly and destroy yourselves and your history for political games.
If whites can afford to destroy themselves it's because they're at the top of the chain.

>> No.7370128

>nobody else commits atrocities
The western world at least organized some guidelines for punishing that stuff. It's not perfect but it's also the first and only of its kind.

>debase yourselves constantly and destroy yourselves and your history for political games
Jews aren't white, m8.

>> No.7370133


>> No.7370135

Being a black american, I assume he's getting his ass kissed for milking even dryer what is just a dead subject matter. Morgan freeman got the last word on racism as far as i'm concerned. And that word, (paraphrased) was "Shut the fuck up already"

>> No.7370141

>people who get shot by cops are all shot only when they're "resisting" arrest
>resisting arrest is a crime that should carry the punishment of execution

>> No.7370147

No it's because you have no honor.
You have no concept of history if you believe Whites established the first guidelines in war and you have no concept of current events if you believe that these guidelines are constantly broken and are meant for losers in their instigated conflicts.

>Jews are the reasons for White problems
Then are Whites the reasons for Black problems? Go back to /pol/. Your stench is already permeating.

>> No.7370154

>cops should just throw up their hands and walk away or engage in a thumb-war with those who resist arrest
If you want the benefits of a modern justice system, cooperate with it.

>> No.7370155

Good, Coates is awesome.

>> No.7370161

What benefits? The Western justice system is built upon falsehoods and corruption.

>> No.7370183

Yes as should fleeing.

>> No.7370187

Not being subject to brutal street justice, for one. The justice system may not be perfect but it's not going to execute you on charges other than first degree murder. Getting into a fight with a cop who tries to take you to jail/court and losing isn't an execution, it's just losing a fight.

>> No.7370197

Societies that base themselves upon honor (and thus, shame) are typically shallow and violent. This is because the values that these societies seek to uphold are reflections of more primitive eras in human history, when a human's worth was defined by how well he conformed to arbitrary moral standards rather than his ability and intelligence.

Intellectualism demands that the intellectual dedicates himself to knowledge and reason rather than social trends. As the world's foremost intellectual race, Whites have long since moved past religious and social mores, preferring instead to cultivate information and talent.

Regarding your point about atrocities: all races commit atrocities. Whites have historically been more successful than others due to our technological, military, and intellectual superiority.

>> No.7370198

>institutionalized racism is necessary for the operation of the modern justice system

1. no it's not; you're setting up a false choice between "modern justice system" and equality. Police abusing their power to commit crimes (like murder) outside the law and to skew the harms in a racial manner is in no sense a necessary part of the justice system; that's more reminiscent of a fascist dictatorship.

2. This suggests to minorities that the ONLY way to fix things is to have ourselves a race war because the system will never change

>> No.7370209

>Societies that base themselves upon honor (and thus, shame) are typically shallow and violent. This is because the values that these societies seek to uphold are reflections of more primitive eras in human history, when a human's worth was defined by how well he conformed to arbitrary moral standards rather than his ability and intelligence.

honor applies to more than just physical violence, you fucking barbarian. Who's more primitive, again?

>> No.7370215

Your post is filled with pseudo-intellectual posing.

Continue being sexual deviants and enjoy your excessive luxuries then. See how that turns out when global capitalism implodes.

>> No.7370232
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>institutionalized racism is necessary for the operation of the modern justice system
Where did this come from? I didn't even mention race and neither did the post I was responding to, which only said that people shouldn't be shot when resisting arrest.

>no it's not; you're setting up a false choice between "modern justice system" and equality
No, I'm saying that the justice system is designed to hash these things out in the courts. If you elect to hash things out by fighting a cop, the cop doesn't have a responsibility to let you kill or maim him.

>Police abusing their power to commit crimes (like murder) outside the law and to skew the harms in a racial manner is in no sense a necessary part of the justice system; that's more reminiscent of a fascist dictatorship.
I can't hold all this ideology. You're assuming that anyone who gets shot while resisting arrest shouldn't have gotten shot, baldly asserting the position I was arguing about without putting forth any supporting statements.

>2. This suggests to minorities that the ONLY way to fix things is to have ourselves a race war because the system will never change
Top lel, bring it on. I'm sure all those illiterates with zinc-alloy .25 pistols are a force to be reckoned with.

>> No.7370248

You are certainly far more primitive than I am if you believe there exist any objective moral values in this world. I never said or implied that the concept of honor applies only to physical violence, that is an idiotic and baseless assumption.

If you're incapable of refuting me then don't bother posting

>> No.7370254

>Societies that base themselves upon honor (and thus, shame) are typically shallow and violent
Stopped reading. Your argument is almost as stupid as the SJW you're arguing with. I seriously thought you guys were both trolling.

>> No.7370262

Not that guy, but it's true. White men from the American southeast are more combative than others because we still have a bit of that old
Scotch-Irish-herder/frontier honor-shame culture here where any question of your conformity, purity or manhood is seen as a grave threat. A lot of the same things are at play when rape victims and apostates get stoned in the Arab world, India and Africa.

>> No.7370264

I'm the "SJW". I am trolling. Idiots like him are just too fun to trigger.

>> No.7370270

>I watched the Norwegian Brainwash documentary and parrot that on 4chan.
>I don't understand the nuances of honor in several cultures and how it structures society.

>> No.7370282

Yeah, so the Asians can finally use Blacks as slaves and have nobody to bother them about it, right? Good luck being Black in Asia.

>> No.7370284

This is autism, maybe 2 people in the thread read the book

>> No.7370287

I'd literally never heard of that documentary before, but hey, looks sorta interesting.

I'm from the south and went to school in New England, so that's why I give so much credence to the research showing that southern men may be more combative and honor/shame driven.

There can be nuanced commonalities as well as differences, friendo.

>> No.7370295
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>spooks say I can't cry
>I don't cry, therefore I am superior

>> No.7370300

nice blog, friendo :3

>> No.7370309

Thank you pal, it's all yours.

>> No.7370314

I don't want it because unlike you I have some dignity. I spit on your post.

>> No.7370320
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>> No.7370325

tu eres idiota fi rayyi honestly ;)

>> No.7370405

White people disappearing certainly won't make black people smarter or less violent, although it would reduce the number of functioning governments who care about blacks starving to death en masse by approximately 100%.

It wouldn't even make people like Tennessee Coats stop blaming white people for those problems: they would be caused by the "legacy of white racism", you see.

So no, it wouldn't.

>> No.7370417

He actually is. He's taking his MacArthur money and going to Paris, away from the American media machine. He could easily be appearing on talking head shows right now, but he isn't going to.

>> No.7370422

>Say honor is based on shame
>Receive insults
Proving him right 2bh

>> No.7370567

Classic case of confirmation bias. The conclusion he wants is "whites are to blame for black criminality". Then he works backwards to find points to support that conclusion. There's a reason this is one of the worst things you can do in science, because it leads to disastrously inaccurate results. You can prove pretty much anything under the sun to be "true" using that technique, take a look at the Flat Earth Society for example.

It's pseudo intellectualism, but to call it such is taboo and RACIST.

>> No.7370596

Charlatans don't generally like doing press. Coatse is no different from Sylvia Browne, both wrote baseless "non-fiction" books. Coatse is at least smart enough to understand he would probably get blown out and discredited if he actually had to defend his arguments in any sort of public forum.

He doesn't want this to happen to his race fantasies by defending them against people like Ben Shapiro or Jared Taylor in front of an audience.

>> No.7370603


>> No.7370860

ITT: butthurt white people

>> No.7370973
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>that look of the black dude at 1:58
>i need to rethink my life

>> No.7371328
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>national book award
>McKeker fellowship

top fucking laff


pick one lads

>> No.7371424

If this wasn't a book by a black dude writing about the black experience it wouldn't have won shit.

>> No.7371528

>racially motivated police killings.
>blacks commit more crimes than other races
>blacks are more violent than other races
>therefore more blacks have to deal with police and react violently when they do, leading to their deaths.

Yeah, no, you're right, oppression and shit.

>> No.7371571

this, i don't trust ugly people to be truthful artists
you can be mediocre (see our friend teju) but straight-up ugly means a damaged upbringing

>> No.7371802


>using the work "crummy" in any context ironically or not

>> No.7371842

that guy is the same kind of lizard-black as juicy j lmao