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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 194 KB, 900x598, no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7354646 No.7354646 [Reply] [Original]

anyone else feel like bc of /paris/ all of a sudden their work is essentially irrelevant.

>> No.7354651

what do you do?

>> No.7354657

>implying paris is anything new

good goy, only mainstream widely reported violence is important!

>> No.7354668

>>7354646 go to sleep. Ka ka! Cha! Cha!

>> No.7354680

how does that even make sense? like I wanna know how you got to that conclusion?

T B H your work, your whole life, and most likely the lives of everyone in here were always destined to be irrelevant. so don't worry.

>> No.7354682 [DELETED] 

I wish the Muslims had killed more people and it was a 9/11 scale attack desu

>> No.7354713

i meant like anything /lit/ related you've been working on
desu i knew someone would say the >everything is irrelevant meme

>> No.7354717

you sound like every fuckhead on my facebook
>but what about Lebanon
>um don't be mean to Muslims (even though it's always them)
>look how tolerant I am

>> No.7354719
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>>everything is irrelevant meme

it is though.

>> No.7354729
File: 67 KB, 540x534, 1447352554012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I work as an engineer designing more efficient gas injection systems
>tfw the future is bright

>> No.7354734


>> No.7354736
File: 457 KB, 536x546, hon hon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone but one.

>> No.7354742

yeah they do

>> No.7354746

relevancy is substantial to our own realities anon. /paris/ has affected many realities and is currently causing a merging of mass realities which is why i'm confused. i'm comparing myself to the world which is an impossible task and will lead nowhere.

thanks for the bandwidth for the blog hiro

>> No.7354747

t.b.h. they were sorta asking for it. first, french colonialism was what sowed the seeds for poverty and conflict in the middle east to begin with. They treat muslims like crap and routinely degrade their beliefs, and then expect to be treated as victims.

who cares for the hundreds of syrian children killed by french bombers?

>> No.7354775

go away muhammad

>> No.7354818

do you work for VW, by chance? ;)

>> No.7354822
File: 71 KB, 629x364, wikileaks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is s/he wrong?

>> No.7354825

Nice try Muhammad!

>> No.7354827

Nice try Muhammad. I know your taqiya tactics

>> No.7354829

The wikileaks twitter account is so embarrassing, I wonder whether that guy hangs around on /pol/

>> No.7354831

>the only way brown people can do anything is if white people are circuitously responsible for it 150 years ago

this is the liberal mindset to a t

these poor little animals with no agency, we'd better excuse them murdering civilians with a tu quoque, because they have no agency and it's not their fault and we feel so bad for them :(((((( :(((((((((

you are the real paternalists

>> No.7354839

>muslims can do no wrong, everything must be somehow the fault of westerners!

>> No.7354841

They don't have any agency, though, due to their religious extremism and low intelligence, which is due to genetics. The misunderstanding by well-meaning "liberals" is that these people can be civilized, if only westerners were more accomodating.

>> No.7354843

>westerners can do no wrong, everything must be somehow the fault of muslims!

>> No.7354849


>> No.7354853

Eugenics is a great idea, and would uplift many minority groups that /pol/acks like to complain about, if practiced wisely.

>> No.7354856
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it is tho. white ppl do ruin everything

>> No.7354860

white people are devils run rampant on earth

>> No.7354864

No, you're stupid. It's their culture that's shit, not their genetics. All humans have extremely similar genetic potentials across any racial lines.

We just have to get rid of Islam

>> No.7354865

Fascist. :)

>> No.7354867

Man, if you havent been feeling that before you were some spoiled-ass brat. ISIS is right

>> No.7354869
File: 45 KB, 450x264, stock-photo-happy-smiling-people-over-white-background-54137761[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he said, using electricity to turn on his computer to activate his internet connection and browse 4chan in a white-created democratic nation-state
gentle reminder that every comfort in your life is only possible because of white people

You're welcome, boys

>> No.7354871
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>> No.7354872

keep on eating mayo white boi
i'll eat my proud african american peanut butter

>> No.7354874

>All humans have extremely similar genetic potentials across any racial lines.
This is incorrect.

>> No.7354876
File: 91 KB, 600x480, Differentworlddifferenttime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just imagine how far we would be if white people hadn't been there to fuck shit up

>> No.7354879

Peanut butter was actually created by a white Canadian chemist 12 years before George Washington Carver even started studying peanuts

>> No.7354882


imagine peanut butter, algebra, paper, and gun powder without nuclear weapons, fedoras, and neanderthal dna

>> No.7354884

that's just what they tell you white bois so you don't feel racist when you eat our peanut butter

>> No.7354887

by thinking about short term gains too much
sandniggers ruin everything by moving into the neighborhood, much like the regular kind
and asians stay in stasis with the current culture they need to conform to

>> No.7354891

Take your cultural relativism somewhere else

>> No.7354892

nah our chink bros are taking over africa right now with economic colonialism and doing proxy wars

they taking over your white asses and soon you be part of their economic colonialist expansion

whites be cry nigga

>> No.7354893

Sooo what do any of the above replies have to do with /lit/ - Literature?

>> No.7354899
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>> No.7354905

>I'm going to generalize an absurdly heterogenous religion and it's even more varied followers
>but if you call me out on it you're just an unamerican lefty kek

>> No.7354906
File: 144 KB, 667x340, black innovation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think that was literally the only invention black people could lay claim to in the entire existence of the race. And they were twelve years late...

>> No.7354912

>using wrong American political system descriptors
>in a discussion about Europe

You know, you American reactionaries wouldn't be so insufferable if you at least got your terms right

>> No.7354913

>absurdly heterogenous religion
not islam

>> No.7354919

Oh yeah, because all Islamic sects see eye to eye and don't hate one another

>> No.7354920

china's string of dynasties developed virtually nothing in comparison to how long they lasted,
today, all they do is reproduce the West's technology
thats why they made the keyboard you're using to shitpost on
most offices Japan today still use handwritten faxes and data disks

>> No.7354921

Islam is homogeneous in that all of its adherents are of inferior intelligence

>> No.7354922

haha white boi. you so stupid

wait till the gooks take over your countries and you become the colonized ones fucking losers

>> No.7354923

>this meme

Now you're smart. You're smart because you said the thing you saw everyone else saying.

>> No.7354929
File: 140 KB, 1536x906, 1447553765677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>le fb meme XD
>not actually addressing what he said

He wasn't even defending muslims to be fair to him, Just pointing out the bourgeois double standard that we have when it comes to violence against westerners.

In my opinion the real tragedy was that they took out so many Parisian qts.

>> No.7354934

Bit more worried about Muslims tbpfwy (to be perfectly frank with you)

Asians aren't really colonizing Europe, they're working on Africa right now. Are Africans even capable of governing themselves? It's like their perpetual role in history is to be manipulated by a more intelligent race

>> No.7354944

you don't think the chinks have been steadily working on economic colonization of the us and europe and influencing your policy decisions?

africa's the first foray. you're next

>> No.7354947

>bomb the shit out of muslim countries
>kill them and enslave them for centuries
>fund extremist groups
>provoke war in their countries for fun and profit
>get all BAAAAWWW when the same people whose lives you ruined want a place to stay

ITT white people logic

>> No.7354951

nah man. it's
>get all BAAAAWWW when they open their borders to the same people whose lives they ruined and then the extremists they funded kill a tiny amount of people in their countries
Next step of logic is
>bomb the shit out of muslim countries
and start it over again

meanwhile china's taking over

soon they'll be colonized

>> No.7354954

>try to read anything on the internet
>everyone is talking about paris instead
can't wait until a month from now when everyone has forgotten

>> No.7354975

No. Terrorism has existed for a while, nothing has changed.

>> No.7354984

>I'm not wrong, I'm just using the wrong words correctly

Hint: academics are careful with language and terminology for a reason

>> No.7354993
File: 7 KB, 236x240, 1447163906667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>retarded man failing at being pedantic about proper usage of political terms on 4chan on saturday night

>> No.7354994

they couldnt colonize the West until western countries started colonizing each other
they philosophically cant have individual thought

>> No.7355024

No because I've been writing political fiction that is completely /pol/tier.

Keep writing those SJW novellas you fucking keks.

>> No.7355045


Literally everyone except Houllebecq.

>> No.7355046

Not me. :)

>> No.7355052

>kill them and enslave them for centuries
uh when

>> No.7355054

>kill them
>enslave them
black muslims

>> No.7355061

where did you get that translucent GI tract to see due to your head being shoved that far up your own ass?

>> No.7355062

can you please explicitly show when Europeans killed and enslaved Muslims for centuries

>> No.7355068
File: 307 KB, 1280x757, 1280px_KnightsTemplarPlayingChess1283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Itt white people baiting white people

Thank God I'm not a dumb peckerwood so I'm above all that

>> No.7355078

>The crusades.
>The reconquista
>colonialism starting c. early 19th century

>> No.7355101
File: 112 KB, 599x804, 1435909105256.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the Crusades affected a tiny part of the Muslim world and is portrayed as much more violent than they actually were
the Reconquista was 100% justified and fuck you for even attempting to say otherwise
colonialism in the Middle East was mainly the Ottomans
once again there was never widespread Muslim enslavement
the Mongols fucked up the Muslim world far more than white people did up until the US decided to meddle in everything

>> No.7355112

France and Britain carved up the Middle East in the 20th century and chose tribes to govern the nation-states that still rule those places today like Saudi Arabia and Jordan

>> No.7355115

yeah they did
that isn't the equivalent of killing them and enslaving them for centuries

>> No.7355121

I didn't claim that. You said that white people didn't fuck up the Muslim world as much as the Mongols until the US. Europe did play a part.

>> No.7355125

they just took over shit that was already controlled by the ottomans

>> No.7355133

yes and that claim stands
the Mongols literally killed everyone in Baghdad and permanently destroyed fertile farmland

>> No.7355136
File: 25 KB, 338x277, 1282908922326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the Reconquista was 100% justified

>> No.7355142

Why is this /pol/ thread still up?

>> No.7355143

Europe played a huge part in shitting up the Middle East. They still do today.

You can't blame everything on the US even though they have done the majority of shit there.


>> No.7355145


Salud, Michel.

>> No.7355148

Yeah when you pick up a gun and walk down the street shooting people it's pretty obvious it's your fuckin fault -_________-

>> No.7355151

>the Mongols literally killed everyone in Baghdad and permanently destroyed fertile farmland

and they'll do it again, that's why ISIS only attacks pussy ass white boi countries, and not places filled with hardassed gooks who don't give a god damn about "human rights"

>> No.7355162

these hardassed gooks are so smart that they're using their white boi puppets to fight proxy wars in the middle east while they take resources from mama africa

and then after these pussy-ass, mama's boy-ass white bois lose even more money the gooks will economically colonize them and rape their countries like nanking but with jobs and shit

fuck yall

>> No.7355170

it was

>> No.7355176

Sorry but mentally impaired people aren't allowed here.

>> No.7355177

Western powers wouldn't have to intervene in the Middle East so much if Arabs were capable of running a country without committing a genocide or invading their neighbors

Unfortunately, they are Muslims, and thus they like to war and murder.

>> No.7355184

what was wrong with the reconquista

>> No.7355185

americans think they defeated the japs in ww2 but now their grandchildren are getting brainwashed by perverted anime and becoming trannies

>> No.7355194


I would tell you both to read some books and stop spouting your stupid, unimportant views but you're both retarded. You just come to /lit/ to debate subjects you have no control over and infuse them with your insipid banalities and platitudes.

Have a nice day/night. :)

>> No.7355195

>you will never be white
>you will never have an interesting culture based upon intellectualism and beauty
>you will never dominate the world economically, socially, and artistically
>you will never be a humanitarian, democratic, and intellectual leader
>you will never be the creator of the technological innovations that run the planet
>you will never be the leaders of the culture that the rest of the planet bases itself around
It fucking kills me. I would give anything to be white, but instead I'm a stupid half-nigger in South America

>> No.7355200

if the reconquista of spain by catholics is wrong then why do you support the reconquista of syria and iraq by mohammedans?

>> No.7355202


there's a jap who has control of 4chan right now. there's chinks who have influence in western governments and lobbies.

the asians use jap culture to take over the world and people now are sexual degenerates and fapping to hentai because of it

the chinks are winning but them white bois worrying about niggas and muslims

they fallin right into their trap


>> No.7355203

>>you will never dominate the world economically, socially, and artistically
>>you will never be a humanitarian, democratic, and intellectual leader
But those are exclusive.

>> No.7355204

can you please answer the question

>> No.7355205

I've been on /lit/ longer than you, I've read more books than you, and I'm much smarter than you. If you're incapable of forming a refutation then just close your mouth, because your emotions are completely irrelevant and uninteresting.

Don't make a post like this again or I'll be forced to embarrass you further. Good night.

>> No.7355207

it's a white boi jacking off to pony porn who thinks his white race is so great when they have killed the most people ever

he pretends to be hardcore nigga but he just neckbeard shit s-m-h t-b-h f-a-m xD

>> No.7355208

you watch

in 50 years, the islamic state will be just another name on a geography test study guide

no one will remember that this ever happened

>> No.7355209

so convert to protestantism, get a grad degree from a decent school and work hard and you can be honorary white, but if you just sit around on twitter being resentful then you'll be black for the rest of your days, your choice comrade

>> No.7355212

*tips fedora*

white bois on suicide watch

eat some mayo and cry more

>> No.7355217

That's a myth the minorities tell themselves to make up for the lack of accomplishment. In truth, colonization is the best thing that ever happened to them.

Can you stop writing like a retard for just one post? People would probably pay attention to your opinions if you didn't write like you're fishing for retweets on black Twitter

>> No.7355218


>> No.7355220


>> No.7355221

this post reeks of fedora

>> No.7355227

lmao @ ur life

u think this shitty convo mean anything white boi

fuck off and stroke your dick to some chink anime girl porn while i get all them fresh pussy

>> No.7355228

>white people have killed the most people ever
>this is not hardcore
We're pretty hardcore. Probably killed and raped your ancestors by the sound of it, not that we even care or remember

Brains > brawn. This is how we conquered you forty times over, not by NBA championships. Remember that the next time you seen Billy making an A in chemistry class while you're sitting with your D+

>> No.7355230

>Hurry whites are so smart
>Can't even tell he's replying to a white person

>> No.7355233

so ur proud of ur ancestor's shit but not guilty for it

fuck man

flagellate yourself just like zhao ming or what shit tells you to over skype

femdom shit is what white bois love right? ;)

i don't need no chemistry when we already have peanut butter

>> No.7355234


>> No.7355241

If your acne is that bad, you should wash your pillow

>> No.7355279

killing people is pretty great

>> No.7355286

Wrong, stop being 15.
>democracy is good

>> No.7355445

Does the fedora meme mean nothing anymore?

>> No.7355507

>Just pointing out the bourgeois double standard that we have when it comes to violence against westerners.
justice is treating different things differently
the west treating the orient the same way they treat itself would be injust

>> No.7356208
File: 32 KB, 800x600, perfect-bed-in-a-cabinet-with-download-cabinet-bed-plans-cabinet-making-courses-toronto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Peanut butta" "Peanut butta"
As a white guy I find this so fucking embarrassing. Black people are responsible for the folding cabinet bed, not just peanut butter you nitwits.

>> No.7356223

>ctrl + f "houellebecq
>0 of 0

/lit/ please

>> No.7356244

Yes, it's new in every sense of the word. The fuck you on about, cunt ?

>> No.7356418

>condemning entire races for the actions of manipulative ruling leaders and fanatics as if their defects are genetically inherited
>actually believe that there is a "right" side on this senseless violent chaos
>actually believe that it's west against east and not powerful madmen against everyone
>doing exactly what they want you to do

Way to go.

>> No.7356430

>peanut butter

Black people are not responsible for peanut butter.

>> No.7356435
File: 93 KB, 800x555, 1446865278816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proletarian civil war when

>> No.7356474

/pol/ recently has been surprisngly pro US/Conservative Europe whenever a world politics issue comes up.

>> No.7356478

/pol/ is pro-establishment to such an extreme that it mocks the establishment. They think they're "enlightened" though they parrot what their leaders say.


>> No.7356903
File: 63 KB, 762x456, Rushton and Jensen, 2005.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if their defects are genetically inherited
They are though. Put down the Marx and pick up a book on genetics

>> No.7356927

Yes the US, UK and France fed Sunni extremists by fighting them so they wouldn't murder more sunni moderates and others.
The reward is being shamed by other westerners for it when those sunni extremists put their efforts into killing french people instead of sunni moderates, shiites or whoever else lives over there.

>> No.7356933

Christians reclaimed the iberian peninsula after the muslims invaded it.
What the fuck are you on about?

>> No.7356934

>It fucking kills me. I would give anything to be white, but instead I'm a stupid half-nigger in South America
Half nigger?
Move to argentina if you want to feel white.

>> No.7356936
File: 47 KB, 1920x1080, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is spooky as fuck guys

>> No.7356941


I don't think the religion is worse than any other. I just think the French have a right to not be murdered by brown people. There is no right or wrong when it comes to survival. French people should not care if 99% of polite, kind outsiders have to suffer deportation.

>> No.7356948

As a Stirnerist I really enjoy the polarisation of spooked ones in Europe desu. Interesting times.

>> No.7356998 [DELETED] 

>the crusades
The catholic church replies to a call for help from the Greeks and later on the crusading armies decide to make it their mission to liberate the christians of Jerusalem, this leads to two superpowers engaging in bilateral conventional warfare.

There is literally no wrong committed here.
>The reconquista
The christian kings of Spain decide that they would like to regain control of their ancestral lands after decades of muslim occupation, they engage in bilateral conventional warfare with the Andalusian muslims.

Literally nothing wrong here.
No western power owns any colonial territory in the ME or NA until the end of WW1 with the collapse of the Ottoman empire, modern arab states are direct descendants of the turkish colonies.

>> No.7357027

>/pol/ is pro-establishment to such an extreme


>> No.7357032
File: 46 KB, 376x401, sheeple[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7357059

>enslave them

The fuck are you talking about retard? You think the Middle East is Sub-Saharan Africa? Are you seriously this blinded by white guilt? Fucking hell you're dumb.

>> No.7357093

>having romanticized feelings about foreign invaders fooled into serving as the pope's private army of conquest that killed as many christians and jews as they did muslims and didn't even win in the process
>thinking a reconquista actually happened as opposed to just a series of conflicts where various christian and muslim alliances fougth other christian and muslim alliances until christians got the upper hand and decided to go full genocide and kill off and expel the muslims and jews that turned their backwater trash-heap into the jewel of Europe
>that absolutely piss poor modern history and misunderstanding of colonialisms