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/lit/ - Literature

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7330074 No.7330074 [Reply] [Original]

Pls no bully

>> No.7330079

you can't bully someones taste when they have none

>> No.7330080
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>> No.7330083
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>> No.7330086

How is the Name of the Rose?

>> No.7330090
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>> No.7330096
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>> No.7330104
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>> No.7330108
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>> No.7330114
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>> No.7330117

Nice collection, anon.
Except Wild Cards, that's shit.

>> No.7330121
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>> No.7330124
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>> No.7330126

How is that edition of the Great Dune Trilogy? Was thinking about buying it

>> No.7330128
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>> No.7330132
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>> No.7330139
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>> No.7330143

I'm not sure what's more alarming: all the anti-American propaganda, or all the Orson Welles

>> No.7330149
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>> No.7330156

Good. Would have been nice if it was hardcover or had some Gary Gianni illustrations maybe

>> No.7330168
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Ignore the snap. Too lazy to take a new pic

>> No.7330189


mirin those landmark editions.

were they worth it?

>> No.7330198
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>Glenn Beck
>Dan Brown

>> No.7330201

Tough to say since they were a birthday gift and it was my first time reading each. Some of the details a found to be cumbersome, especially if you're not planning on being a Greek scholar, but the maps and other summaries/marginalia is nice to have. Would probably not recommend for a first read but definitely nice to have.

>> No.7330205

what's wrong with orson, friend?

>> No.7330207
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Is this a bookshelf thread?


>> No.7330209
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>> No.7330212

>Arnold Schwarzenegger on the only good shelf
Get that crap off of there.

They are. (I went with soft covers) Really sweet extras.

>> No.7330214

Landmark editions are basically the director's cut of classical history

>> No.7330248

Muh Middle Brow Bro
How did you like 2666? I just ordered it.

>> No.7330257


>> No.7330259

I finished 2666 just a few months ago.

It's now one of my favorite novels. No spoilers, but I think that after you've finished the book, or even just some parts of it, you'll think back and realize just how memorable nearly everything in the book is, which is pretty shocking--to have such a vivid memory of so many events from a ~900 page book. The book is really an achievement in many ways.

After you're done, be sure to look up '2666 werewolf analysis' (or something like that) as that's a fun take on the book. No, there are no werewolves in 2666, I didn't spoil anything.

>> No.7330279


>> No.7330294

>glen beck
>bill oreilly
>infinite jest
Fucking pathetic

>> No.7330297

Its kinda weird
And Orson was the first /lit/ meme

>> No.7330386

mah nigga

>> No.7330414

Perfidia is kinda lame
He was saying he was done with LA and he was done with crime and he was going to write new things after finishing American Tabloid trio

Instead he's back to LA doing prequels with characters meeting and having adventures in ways their original appearances would never have suggested

>> No.7330429

>to have such a vivid memory of so many events from a ~900 page book.
you know, i put it down about half way through the part about the crimes, but, reading your post, i can pick out so many amazing segments, and this coming from someone reading it in translation. i think i might finish it. i was thinking on the one hand if i try it again i'll have to start from the beginning, but, i honestly don't know if i'll have to, i could probably just pick up where i left off without missing a beat

>> No.7330445

holy shit someone actually has illuminatus

>> No.7330499

>those Dark Tower books from a different publisher
anon WHY

>> No.7330628

>Not a single copy of A Song of Ice and Fire

>> No.7330691
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>tfw grew up in a house filled with books
>Growing up the reading was great
>tfw all those books belonged to my parents
>tfw now I have to buy all my books or get them as gifts

I am a literal pleb. I do have some of my older fiction books somewhere around here, but these are the only things occupying my shelf at the moment. At least my parents gave me their Webster's from the 1980s.

>> No.7330719
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>> No.7330725

Wow, thanks a lot. Can't wait for my copy to arrive now. How long did it take you to read?
I'm gonna try to read 100 books in 2016!

>> No.7330758
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Is your bookcase attempting the infinite flex?

>> No.7331282

OP here, so can people make any suggestions pls?

>> No.7331474


not mad at those boris akunin books

>> No.7331627

>Led Zeppelin
Yeah, i am going to assume you're a massive misogynist, in addition to having shitty music taste

>> No.7331672


Without Zeppelin we wouldn't have Umphrey's McGee though

>> No.7331730


>> No.7331735

Fuck that calculus book man, do they make everyone in Canada buy it first year?

>> No.7331745
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The advantage of being a British aristocrat is that you don't have to buy taste. It is handed down through your blood.

>> No.7331867

Fantastic to see so many books, but my god that room is poorly decorated.

It's not the furniture itself-- that's all obviously very nice. It must be the combination of the low ceilings/tall bookcases & oversized portrait, the three rugs, the silver serving plate (?), and the brute amount of red. Red walls, red rugs (?!), red couch, red lamps... then the random green furniture.

>> No.7331893
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A look from the opposite end.

>> No.7331904

can your parents buy you a camera that takes pictures at a higher resolution?

>> No.7331926

Some of my favorite lyrics in all of rock music were mumbled by Kim Gordon but holy crap judging by the way she speaks in recent interviews just leaves the impression that that entire memoir is crap.

>> No.7331984
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me 'n gf bookshelf

>> No.7332041


Looks small cramped, stuffy and hideously designed but at the same time warm and comfy.

>Would read old novels in.

>> No.7332042

Its not crap.
It goes through her early life, her brothers mental illness, her early involvement in art scenes, sonic youths early years, free kitty and x girl, having a daughter, and so on.

But yes, the main focus is the breakdown of her marriage with Thurston Moore and what a cunt he is.

>> No.7332044

The last 50-100 pages are devoted to that final topic.

>> No.7332046

How are you gonna split them when you break up?

>> No.7332051
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>Orson Welles at Work
>The Cinema of Orson Welles
>Whatever Happened to Orson Welles?
>Discovering Orson Welles

>> No.7332070

since when do people on /lit/ have money?
Timestamp or something, I don't even know how one would confirm that this is real.

>> No.7332112

Orson Welles at Work is a coffee table book, full of big gloss stills from his films and behind the scenes making of pictures

>> No.7332114


The furniture may have been handed down but it doesn't look like any sense of style came with it.

>> No.7332124

>coffee table book
That's actually a thing? What the fuck is wrong with these people? How shallow could you possibly be to want a 'coffee table book'?

>> No.7332126

>tfw Russian fics of Seulrene
dis gonna be good

>> No.7332130


Norwegian or Danish?

>> No.7332134


How could you live this long without knowing about the existence of coffee table books?

>> No.7332135


Is it a room for midgets?

>> No.7332334

I have a film noir "coffee table book", of course I don't have a coffee table so I read it at my desk like most books, but the style of book really is pretty nice for film related things. Great looking stills and a good cross section of pieces by different critics
what's yer deal man?

>> No.7332342

what do you do in relation to philosophy?

>> No.7332346

Are Aritotle's Complete Works good? I've heard they are the standard translations, but the lack of critical apparatus is rather dissapointing.

>> No.7332529

thats a well known illusion with most cameras

>> No.7332544


That is not pincushion distortion mate.

I'm from /p/ I know my shit.

>> No.7332575
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>> No.7332583

OP here, some of the shelves are bending and the sides of the cases themselves bowing outwards due to weight. They're cheap, you get what you pay for.

>> No.7332599

Well if they have essays and articles on film criticism than I guess that's fine. It just feels wrong that people are buying books to display or to make themselves look good. Like the thousands of swedish/gibberish paperbacks they have in ikea, it just feels vaguely terrifying, like plastic food in japan.

>> No.7332601
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>I'm from /p/
For you :3

>> No.7332695

I'm high and in my present state I approve of this room. It's mismatched in and artful way that creates a lovel of comfy I have rarely seen. It's almost artful. I want to be there.

>> No.7332716

>not the autobiography

why even bother

>> No.7332894

>The Landmark Xenophon's Hellenika
What's that like compared to Herodotus?

>> No.7332997

>separating your kierkegaard into two shelves

but why

otherwise mirin

>> No.7333023

Landmark edition specifically, or Xenophon vs. Herodotus?

I haven't read any landmark editions, and from what I've seen don't think they're a good idea for a first read-through; there's just so much information that it will cripple your pace and any flow of the text. They look great for deeper reading, though.

As for Hellenika vs. Herodotus' Histories, Herodotus makes no claims to present an accurate history, and his text is sprinkled with legends, myths, and half-truths, not to mention alternate accounts. Xenophon attempts to write in the very academic style of Thucydides (from whom he learned; Hellenika picks up directly where "The Peloponnesian War" ends), and he kind of manages to pull that off through the end of the war, but falls off pretty heavily after that, with the rest of his text being very heavily influenced by his limited and biased (pro spartan) sources, and his own love for and affiliation with Sparta.

Neither is great "history," but Herodotus never purports to be creating that in the first place; Xenophon's texts claims to be a definitive history of Greece for the time period concerned, but is colored by bias, limited perspective, and misinformation. It's still a good read, and I would definitely recommend a translation with a decent intro/annotations, because you can still get the general idea of what really happened, while being reminded of Xenophon's bias, his omissions, his inaccuracies, etc.

>> No.7333051

for thucydides you need the fucking maps otherwise you don't get why doing something is/isn't stupid

>> No.7333086


>> No.7333107
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>none of the hong kierkegaard volumes line up properly next to one another

i get sperg triggered every time i look at my shelves.

>> No.7333114

>You have to turn your head sideways to read titles on a bookself

This reality sucks, I want a better one.

>> No.7333117

2666 took me probably about five or six months? I took a long break after reading the first part and then powered through the rest later. I also always have a rotation of books going, so that added on some time. Good luck on the 100 books goal? Do you have a list of them all or are you just trying to figure it out as you go along?

Back in high school, an ex gf's mom got me those as a Christmas present. Maybe one day I'll update to a unified collection. Loved those books in high school.

You think I'd let that plebshit near my shelves? Get the fuck outta here.
they're on my Kobo

I'm sure this anon gave you a good answer: >>7333023
I'm not entirely sure what you mean. The Landmark editions are great for in-depth study. Herodotus and Xenophon wrote about very different events though and had very different styles.

The tragedy of alphabetization.

Swear to God it's a geographic thing. That collection has been amassed from multiple states and some Amazon purchases. If they're from the same region, they line up, if not, they don't. I don't know why Princeton does that.

I have a degree in philosophy. Beyond that, I'm not willing to divulge much here.

>> No.7333141

The landmark editions aren't the only ones with maps; they just have loads of other images and information in the margins.

You're totally right that maps are crucial for pretty much any kind of historical text, but for probably that very reason I've never seen a decent history text without any.

>> No.7333572

>You think I'd let that plebshit near my shelves?

Planet Hulk and Stephen King are worse than plebshit, dumbfuck.

>No Tolkien, Ursula, Asimov, Huxley, Gravity's Rainbow, Banks, Wolfe, Clarke, China Miéville, DFW, Stephenson… thinks his/her stuff is some sort of a god tire.

Your shelves almosts have shit, lamefuck. I know you're proud of it.

>> No.7333586


>>No Tolkien, Ursula, Asimov, Huxley, Gravity's Rainbow, Banks, Wolfe, Clarke, China Miéville, DFW, Stephenson

Not that anon but I honestly can't tell if this is sarcasm or not. Good bait?

>> No.7333592


What's the point of reading when all you do is pick up a new form of cartoon?

>It's a legitimate art form

The fact that it has to be defended shows that it's not

>> No.7333606

Literally KILL YOURSELF for thinking it's a bait.

>> No.7333611

Become Japanese. :^)

>> No.7333642
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>You think I'd let that plebshit near my shelves? Get the fuck outta here.
>ASoIaF is a pleb tire shit
I've faith in pic related so fuck you meanie.

>> No.7333648
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Good to see another Beck fan on /lit/. Fuck the haters.

>> No.7333651

enjoy diabeetus

>> No.7333655

Dude has Civil War in his shelf haha what do guys expect.

>> No.7333657
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Reverse diabetes tl;dr stop eating carbohydrates, they are shit. See: https://www.reddit.com/r/keto

>> No.7333661



>> No.7333666

Post your Kobo next time lolfag

>> No.7333810

I Kant understand why you would bother with him

>> No.7333879

that's a huge Orson Welles

>> No.7333886

>Computers For Seniors

>> No.7333952

Shut the fuck up! You're an idiot.

>> No.7333967

List of books I've collected so far:
1) Harry Potter series (hardback)
2) A Song of Ice and Fire series (book 1, 2 and 3) (hardback)
3) Perdido Street Station (paperback)
4) The City and the City (paperback)
5) Embassytown (paperpack)

Books on the way:
6) American Psycho (paperpack)
7) Infinite Jest (hardback)

Sincerely, how am I doing /lit/?

>> No.7334110


pretty Phuckin shitty m8

Literally normie/pop culture: the post

>> No.7334117

>Glenn Beck
>Computers for Seniors
This is pottery.

>> No.7334136

My grandmother lost several toes to diabetes. Show some fucking respect.

>> No.7334204
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How is my bookcase lit?

>> No.7334208

muh b8

>> No.7334330

Black or a very dark brown

>> No.7334346

>Led Zeppelin
G, I, kind of expected that

>> No.7334366

How many books on Everest could you possibly need?

>> No.7334376

you have an entire bookcase full of books on mountains and Antarctica
the case next to that is filled with dan brown and king and into the wild and other such pop trash

>> No.7334377

>how many books on Orson Welles could you possibly need

>> No.7334379

>Greg Bear
>no Asimov

>> No.7334385

I read I, Robot and Foundation and The Gods Themselves
He just doesn't do it for me.

>> No.7334389

Fair enough. I personally read every book of Asimov's I could get my hands on.

>> No.7334398
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1/3, novels and philosophy, a bit of everything, really. I've not read Atlas Shrugged, in case that makes you feel any better.

>> No.7334399
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2/3 History uni text books and personal shelf, doesn't include uni library books, sadly. They're expensive as shit.

>> No.7334400

why do you have so many dover editions?

>> No.7334401
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3/3, some Islamic stuff (studying Arabic, hence the little booklet I picked up) and my uni readers, stuffed with articles. Not a Muslim, if you were wondering.

>> No.7334404

There are 3 dovers in that picture as far as I can see. I have a lot of Wordsworth, because that's what I read when I just got into reading, and there was an annual book market in my city that sold them for 2 euros each.

>> No.7334410

Oh hey, I have the same Bible edition.

>> No.7334576

>pretty Phuckin shitty
B-but those books the best out there.

>> No.7334614

Why do you have such a hard on for Mount Everest?

>> No.7334902
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I have another shelf and another bookcase, but having lived in the same bedroom since I was pretty young they are mostly YA trash (the only YA that I feel is mention worthy is Harry Potter, His Dark Materials, Narnia, and A series of unfortunate events). Might give some of that to my young brother or sell a lot of it, because I am soon running out of space on my shelf.

>> No.7334982

>All those Berserk volumes
Jelly, those are pretty expensive

>> No.7334999

>Asterios Polyp
Nice. How is Wizard of the Crow, by the way? I've been meaning to give it a read.

>> No.7335017

Yeah, I didn't even realize how much I was spending on that until I did the math and realized it had been more than 200 dollars.
I don't buy manga anymore. Might finish reading berserk by torrenting it.

>> No.7335050

This reminds me that I lent somebody my copy of watchmen several months ago and still haven't got it back.
If you actually buy them, comic books and manga aren't a cheap hobby. They cost twice as much as regular books and you can read them in a fraction of the time.

>> No.7335154

Non-American here, tell me about Beck, does he hate or love the jews?

>> No.7335285
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I like mountaineering.

couple years ago, I hardly had enough to cover half a shelf, and now it has a bookcase all to it's own. There are still lots of titles I'm still searching for, so it's far from complete, but I'm pretty happy with it.
It's organized by peak (alphabetically) and then by expedition year for the most part.

Some of my favorites would be the following:

>"The Shining Mountain" - by Peter Boardman
This is about a 1976 expedition, where Peter Boardman and his climbing partner Joe Tasker traveled to Changabang (in India) to attempt to climb it's west wall (a climb that many thought would be impossible to do). A very beautifully written book I think.

>"The Last Step" - by Rick Ridgeway
This is about the 1978 American expedition to K2, the American's 6th attempt at trying to summit the mountain. A lot of drama and personal conflicts ensue, which Ridgeway captures pretty well, plus its full of a lot of history of the mountain, previous attempts, and some great actual climbing sections that show just how difficult this mountain is for climbers. Highly recommended.

>> No.7335302
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Found this on google image search.

How is this guy's hand holding the bottom edge of this stack of books?

Help me, /lit/.

>> No.7335312

with fingers you dumb dyke

>> No.7335338


>Le thrift shop buyer.

>> No.7335367

Do you do any serious climbing or mountaineering on your own or do you prefer just reading about it?
Not trying to judge, just curious senpai

>> No.7335449

I don't think it's about making yourself look good so much as having something to flip through if you're just sitting around the coffee table for a moment

>> No.7335468
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I only climb minor hills, my physical proportions do not lend themselves to serious mountaineering but with reading the books I can feel the hardships of the man and it's essentially if I was there.

I have climbed more peaks then anyone else.

I also collect Coachella posters, it's my other great cultural hobby.

>> No.7335504


>> No.7336191
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main shelf 1/3

>> No.7336195
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>> No.7336205
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>> No.7336213

Dat perfect blend of pleb and /lit/ tier.
You must sleep well at night.

>> No.7336221
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>> No.7336248


>> No.7336253


>> No.7336304
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>selling Harry Potter

>> No.7336326

The YA I listed are the ones I would keep

>> No.7336367
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>keeping Harry potter

>> No.7336402 [DELETED] 

People like the guy in your pic and you are the reason everything's wrong with the world.

>> No.7336409

People like Harold Bloom and you are the reason everything's wrong with the world.

>> No.7336413
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>not keeping Harry Potter

>> No.7336416

ISIS and drug cartel members love Harold Bloom.

>> No.7336420

What is this illuminatus?

>> No.7336422


>> No.7337059

nice headphones m8

>> No.7337206 [DELETED] 

Fuck you shitiot, Infinite Jest is is good.

>> No.7337212

Fuck you shitiot, Infinite Jest is good.

>> No.7337361

A man with a passionate interest is pretty cute.
Don't fucking go, though, that place is a death trap.

>> No.7337362

he fell for the IJ meme


>> No.7337381


Mirin those mountain books

I read Solo Faces this year and sort of "peaked" my interest you might say. Dunno if you've read that one, you might like it.

>> No.7337400

>Getting a lot of this IJ meme faggotry
Stop being deluded and get back to the real world, idiot.

>> No.7337409

>he fell for the IJ meme
He's absolutly correct, though and I literally feel sorry for a clueless poor soul like you.

>> No.7337553

I am in the same situation. And since I live in a third world country, I dont have the option to buy used books cheap, or get free shipping from online purchases.

Basically my library is just pirated kindle books, which is okay on the intellectual level, but not so great on the aesthetic materialism MUH COLLECTION level.

>> No.7337558



>> No.7337771

Covered in shit.

>> No.7339036

How does Schrodinger's Cat compare to Illuminatus? Would you recommend it for someone who liked but didn't love Illuminatus?

>> No.7339237


anyone with the X-Wing series on their shelf can't be that bad

>> No.7339300

Too cluttered, your room looks like one of those sketchy used book stores.

>> No.7339316

you guys have some truly godawful collections, like the worst caricature of r/books and entry /lit/core combined.

the only good collection i've seen on /lit/ is the guy with like 2 shelves of japanese books

>> No.7339366


so my shelf of extended universe star wars novels excludes me as well? :(

>> No.7339397

No you're pretty cool.

>> No.7339734

Spoiler: It belongs to a woman.

>> No.7339738

would ask her out for date

>> No.7339761

>not enjoying swashbuckling
Fuck you

>> No.7339766

Its sub-battletech tier
Ys that's shit

>> No.7339812

Did bilbo leave you his copy of there and back again?

>> No.7339958

I actually was a copy of Watchmen yesterday.

But seems like as a third-worlder, that's a no-go, the cheapest I could find it was for around $30, and that's a lot.

>> No.7339969

that sounds like an interesting experience, but I'd have picked a better book (or a book at all) to temporarily become

>> No.7339977

I was debating between that one and Savage Detectives, but I haven't finished 2666 yet.

Guess I'll just pirate them both.

>> No.7340185

What was it like to be watchmen?
You should become the Koran. Viva la jihad!

>> No.7340908
File: 574 KB, 1598x900, 1zzgsra.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one wall
can't be bothered to take pics of the other few bookshelves and bits and ends but this is the bulk of it

>> No.7341274

God, richest country in the world, yet America manages to have shitty houses and even worse bookshelves...

>> No.7341627

Why would you expect people in their late teens and early 20s to already have their own homes?

>> No.7341670

>lots of books
>no windows

>> No.7341678


Do you ever re-read any of those?

>> No.7341679
File: 100 KB, 640x960, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga clean up your chords like sheeeit

>> No.7341690

>I actually was a copy of Watchmen yesterday
Interesting. How was the experience? How do you not know you weren't dreaming? How do you know you're not still a copy of Watchmen dreaming it's an anon?

>> No.7341902

Sorry for making fun of your shitty english, anon

>> No.7341903

I kek'd

>> No.7341907

>shitty English
Looks like pure typo to me. But I like it. Feels like it could be the next huge Orson Welles.

>> No.7342474
File: 1.71 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7342479
File: 1.79 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have another shelf of novels but it's all stuff I haven't touched in years.

>> No.7342872

Nice. I would be your friend.

>> No.7342889


Random rec: Leo Strauss's lecture on Beyond Good and Evil.

>> No.7342905
File: 736 KB, 2592x1944, 101_0244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7342924


>that wordsworth collection

holy fuck KECK