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7296977 No.7296977[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the "follow your passion" meme


enjoy unemployment

>> No.7296984

>he isn't NEETking

>> No.7296992
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>he doesn't have a three-million dollar trust fund
I do enjoy my unemployment, thank you very much.

>> No.7296996

>Happiness is impossible for me, therefore it must be impossible for everyone else.


>> No.7297001
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>he fell for the employment meme

>> No.7297004


Feeling particularly fragile right now, are we?

>> No.7297007

>be NEET master race
>read the classics for 10 hours a day

>> No.7297013

>Being this salty over having no talent

>> No.7297015
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>desperately in need of self-esteem so he makes this thread
>everyone can see it for what it is
>you feel your body heat rising in embarrassment as you read over this thread
>you are now manually breathing
>the heat keeps rising

>> No.7297016


>dropped a full tuition Physics scholarship after one semester of college and moved to a rural commune
>been here 3 years
>leaving to go be a punk in the city
>if that doesn't work out I'll hike the AT
>then find something else or kill myself

>> No.7297019

>to be a punk in the city
Doesn't seem like something you can intentionally become with any authenticity.

>> No.7297020


shit blog tbh

would not follow

>> No.7297022


The only true punks left these days are train jumping crust punks. And who the fuck would ever want to be someone that shit?

>> No.7297023

NEET is good if you actually have a life
What's wrong with getting work done at home that you didn't finish during the workday? It's the same shit as studying and homework. Does the concept of work really scare you that much, hippie?
>implying being able to interpret old books is talent
>actually making scientific progress or engineering marvels takes no talent
nice b8, got me to respond

>> No.7297027


We'll see. I've never been able to get particularly into the scene so far because I live in bumfuck nowhere and going into town is cost prohibitive.


I suppose I'm less concerned with being The Most Authentic Punk and more concerned with being immersed in a musical genre I've grown to love and see where it leads.