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7276719 No.7276719 [Reply] [Original]

Is 21st century "Poptimism" the logical conclusion of Nietzsche's radical critique of western culture?

>> No.7276740
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"We should consider every day lost on which we have not danced at least once. And we should call every truth false which was not accompanied by at least one laugh."

Friedrich Nietzsche or Taylor Swift?

>> No.7276755
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"Poptimism’s intentions are true blue. It contends that all pop music deserves a thoughtful listen and a fair shake, that guilty pleasures are really just pleasures, that the music of an Ariana Grande can and should be taken as seriously as that of a U2.

But in practice, the poptimist dogma has been misread and misused. Deployed reflexively, it becomes worshipful of fame."

>> No.7276809
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No. Most of those people don't even know where the stuff they are babbling comes from. Popular culture is literally last men culture, the lowest common denominator.

>> No.7276814

I can't imagine Taylor Swift ever saying "on which", so I'm going to go ahead and say Nietzsche.

>> No.7276817

> I can't imagine Taylor Swift ever saying "on which"

top kek

>> No.7276834
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it's a modified Chamfort.

>> No.7276837

nietzsche is not being literal

>> No.7276866

>taken as seriously as that of a U2
>that of a U2

Of all bands..

>> No.7276886

Why has this become so pervasive lately? And it's not even analysis, not trying to find any sort of deeper meaning (unless the analysis is of the very basic 'this is problematic' kind). Maybe it's driven by the way internet content works, you get clicks by comfirming people's opinions instead of challenging them. but anyways it kinda feels like the end of culture, spectacle above all else

>> No.7277048

Of course. Any good Aristotelian will tell you this is a consequence of the Enlightenment project AND Nietzsche's critique of it.

An Aristotelian culture would never formulate something like this nor would even think in those terms, for Aristotle made no mistakes.

>> No.7277463

i love you

>> No.7277475
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>> No.7277481
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can we be friends? :3

>> No.7277505
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Are you Hibari Kun ?

>> No.7277524

>love taylor swift
>love Nietzsche

Come at me. Until you can find the depths within the shallow waters you'll never comprehend Nietzsche

>> No.7277541


>> No.7277543

It's the consequence of utilitarianism. SRS and Tumblr are the end result of maximizing happiness. They're religious (muh anti-Imperialism worship, literal cuckolding culture). Last men don't view themselves as "okay" unless they're comfortable

>> No.7277574

It's the logical conclusion of rockism, being a swing 180 degrees around from it. Born in the RIGHT generation.

>> No.7277577
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As Nietzsche said, "Creators need friends, not followers".

>> No.7277616

Makes sense. It also explains why YA garbage has found such a huge audience in adults. They refuse to challenge themselves in any meaningful way as a means to stay happy or "comfy"

>> No.7277654

Welcome to Nietzsche, bietzsche.

>> No.7277736

Eh what

>> No.7278790

This guy is probably a tenured Nietzsche academic.