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7276240 No.7276240 [Reply] [Original]

Besides anything directly related to writing, what is the most /lit/worthy job for a young man to have?

>> No.7276244

I will be a librarian (master's degree in informations science) in two years. I think it's pretty /lit/

>> No.7276246


>> No.7276257

Frontline book store as you can make and take recommendations. Seeing as you won't know these customers, they can introduce you to other genres and authors and likewise.

>> No.7276258


>> No.7276274
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Any job where you don't actually have to do anything (or very little) and can just spend the time reading/writing. Essentially pull a Faulkner.

>> No.7276306

Trust fund possessor.

>> No.7276368

Male prostitute
Drug dealer

>> No.7276371

Dole Bum

>> No.7276485


I'm transcribing interviews for universities currently. I'm that fuccboi that gets hired by PhD's.

>> No.7276499

please no, corn father

>> No.7276536

any job if you aren'y really too directly related to exploiting labour.

so no finance, management.

And no job that is part of creating simulacrum/lies like PR or HR

Other than that, any job would work IF you are producing quality writing in your spare time. (the more friends you have in the workforce the more you realize there is no such thing as a cool, or 'lit' job)

>> No.7276548

Lots of writers wrote copy at some point

>> No.7276763

fine! i guess I was thinkng more like the way PR now tries to infiltrate social media, and create all those manipulative campaigns on twitter,

>> No.7276985

Teaching English at high school/college level. If you don't overplan like literally 99% of female teachers and work at a well-behaved white suburban school, kids will write down every word you say.

You can literally just talk about books all day, then go home at 3 pm and write your novel. Plus you only work half the year

>> No.7276995

Technical writer

a) loads a dosh
b) actually have to use your English skills in a demanding setting
c) time left for writing (see Ted Chiang)

>> No.7277018

Do you think there is much possibility in teaching both English and Spanish anywhere at the high school level? I am getting my master's in English, but I got my BA in Spanish. I'm native level fluent in both languages. I know I'll need to go back and get certified to teach if I want to teach in public schools. How did you end up getting to be an English teacher?

>> No.7277033

NEET tbh

>> No.7277040

Control F, no journalist?

News reporting is ideal. You write and learn how the world works. Two essential skills.

>> No.7277056



anything that lets you experience life and gives you something to write about. the world does not need another trust fund wageslave "writer".

>> No.7277071

These are the only two correct answers. To improve your craft, you have to write as much as possible, not just "be around lots of books." Life experience won't help you write better. The literary lifestyle won't help you write better. Writing copy every day will help you write better.

>> No.7277076


Judging from most journalists, even writing everyday barely gets them past go.

>> No.7277082


Common Core is causing every old timers to quit in droves. There's also rampant shortages of substitutes, so you can literally get in a class by the end of next week if you want to. Expect about $120 a day. You'll probably need to pass some bullshit state tests first, plus get a TB and background test at your district. Being a sub who's even somewhat competent will make a killer impression at your school site. Education is experiencing one of the biggest brain drains in history right now and it's to your advantage to get in.

Honestly, the MA can only hurt your chances--you have no teaching experience, but you're much more expensive than your average starting teacher due to the way salaries are determined. But since you've got it, don't worry too much about it. If you can make a case that your MA made you a more effective teacher it shouldn't be a Gordian issue.

Depending on your state, it'll take up to a year to get credentialed. I don't know much about bilingual certs but it could only add time. If you mention your Spanish degree, expect to get a ton of English Learner classes. These are nowhere near as cozy as what I described, and oftentimes require a lot more instructional prep and attention. They're just more work and drama, but after you build yourself a curriculum you can skate by on it.

As for me, I've always wanted to teach. It's a very /lit/job if you truly enjoy literature and don't care about the stupid pleb/patrician dichotomy. You get to actually help fix busted up societal thinking and direct kids towards higher levels of thought and appreciation of lit. You know, solving the problem instead of whining about it. I got my BA and credential right afterward and I've been teaching at a ritzy suburban school that I made some connections in for two years. I teach AP and two mainstream sections. Literally teach the same plan to everyone that I've been using for years, only grade their essays, and give out work and grade on completion. I'm out by 3, they pass their AP tests, and the students and faculty love me. I have no clue why more /lit/ types don't go for this job. If you can put up with occasional arbitrary bullshit you should go for this career if you like teaching, anon

>> No.7277092

What an outrageous generalisation.

>> No.7277093


Oh yeah, if you wanna take English you'll just need to pass a state standardized test. Get a prep book and study up for a few weeks beforehand and you'll be golden. Having dual Spanish/English teaching possibility is gonna get you a job, but you might have to fight to teach English depending on how entrenched the department is at the place you apply. You'll make it, though. Easy as fuck.

>> No.7277098

This guy is right. Been writing as a job for about seven years now. In the last two, I've started to get a real grasp on language.

They say you gotta write a million words before you crack it.

>> No.7277099

please no, corn father

>> No.7277101


You've gotta*

>> No.7277106

It's the same case with any kind of writing-related job. You'd have to be insane to be a novelist for money.

>> No.7277109

food runner at a steak house

>> No.7277114

>still 'trying' to become a writer

>> No.7277129
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Hard Labor.

For humility, for perspective, for character, and for Ma.

>> No.7277508

How do you get over the anti-intellectual atmosphere of the workplace?

>> No.7277519

lol anti-intellectualism is a myth created by neckbeards to justify why no one likes their pretentious bullshit.

they don't dislike you cus you're an intellectual, they dislike you cus you're obnoxious.

>> No.7277564

end yourself

>> No.7277584

>ctrl-f law
>0 results

fucking hell

>> No.7277591


There's no jobs in that field

>> No.7277612

This. I talk to plenty of enlisted marines about Zukofsky and Apollinaire and they never once showed anti-intellectualism (unless you consider them not reading them anti-intellectual). They were quite attentive listeners and asked questions. But once you add affectation into the equation, most people tune you out. I remember reading this great poem by Rene Char and showed this marine who later bought a book of his selected poetry.

>> No.7277653

please no, corn father

>> No.7277890


>go home at 3 pm and write your novel.

You don't know shit about what is like to be a HS teacher in real life

To answer OP question: translator

>> No.7277959

Pathology assistant. You get to cut up dead people without student loans

>> No.7277962

surveyor/fire lookout

>> No.7277966

That is, you won't have any student loans. The dead people might.

>> No.7277986

I'm a busboy in a rather expensive restaurant.

Pretty much the best job I could think about. I get tipped a lot, and I'm paid 10$/hr.

>> No.7277989

archive science? How about that?

>> No.7278003

>patrician in any way
kek keep telling yourself that

>> No.7278022

please no, corn father

>> No.7278026

Meh, I'm a student, as long as, with tipping, I'm paid 20$ an hour for this, I don't really care.

>> No.7278037

what state are you in, if you don't mind me asking?

>> No.7278044

Whatever is the more painful and demeaning.

Increase your suffering, man.

>> No.7278184

real estate/property manager
"coffee" importer

>> No.7278201

please no, corn father

>> No.7278206


>> No.7278207

teaching is pleb, unless you manage to provoke riots and destruction of property

>> No.7278276

please no, corn father

>> No.7279207

please no, corn father

>> No.7279235

please no, corn father

>> No.7279283

This absolutely, I can't think of one of my idols who didn't once serve in the military

I feel petty for not following suit

>> No.7279297

>a world of leaders and no followers

Didn't think that one through, did ya champ?

>> No.7279430

what are you talking about?

>> No.7279446

>Besides anything directly related to writing

This board is hilariously fucked.


So /lit/ janitor.

>> No.7279447

*pats head*

>> No.7279478

Oh I see - must take a real vein, malevolent bitter dweeb to come to that conclusion from my post.

You literally would have had to look at my post and think "hmm how can I vomit conceited bullshit at this guy like the half-wit nancy cuckold I am"

Grasping for superiority won't do you much good on 4chan lad - jog on

>> No.7279499

please no, corn father

>> No.7279522

You're a follower.

>> No.7279591

wouldn't expect any less of a reply from somebody whose convictions run hot off the meme presses you pathetic internet-yokel

you embody teenage delusions of grander by assuming superiority from a post alone - you low life know-nothing half-brows stick out on the internet just as much as you do in real life - I suggest you not talk for a while and really evaluate why your life is in such disarray you have to masturbate your own ego with petty post on line

If it were in my power I'd catapult you into the sun

ps. Im enjoying this, keep going

>> No.7279599

I'm a follower, too.

>> No.7279616

I think it goes without saying that even the leaders are admirers of some - it's up to the individual to determine which trait to look up to and which isnt suitable

it isn't so black and white

>> No.7279632

The "nothing is black n white" argument renders definitions obsolete and therefore language is obsolete.

>> No.7279731

>The "nothing is black n white" argument renders definitions obsolete and therefore language is obsolete.

and so you justify your mundane trite by suggesting that everything is in fact black and white and should be treated as so - it's obvious I said 'nothing is black and white' because your argument lacked you fucking idiot - am I arguing with a inflattabled-arm-tube-man?

ok enjoy your disillusioned shelf of self imposed reality you lunatic

>> No.7279743


>> No.7279749


>> No.7280734


>> No.7282527

please no corn farmer

>> No.7282792

kerouac pls go

>> No.7282971

please no, corn father

>> No.7284207


>> No.7284427

please no, corn father

>> No.7284465

I work night audit at a hotel and all I do is read and shitpost for 8 hours.

>> No.7284504

How about international trade & tax lawyer? Or in general anything having to do with law?

I worked at a law firm as an intern and it was a very language skill based experience. We would read, think and write all day to create very technical, argumentative documents which we would later discuss with each other and after thorough examination sent out to the client or authorities.

Especially when dealing with strategies involving customs duties things got very technical and analytical. Trying to describe a product and the technology behind it in such a way that it would fit a certain discription of a tariff class with a lower duty was especially demanding because you need to write it down as concise as possible. Literally took me 20 hours with some help of a colleague (who would normally cost €600/hour for clients) to write down a nice, short piece of advice. Literally every single word is weighed for its function within the whole.

/lit/ worthy occupation or degeneratie use of language to make money? I at least learned a lot hoe to make wel structuren, logical documents. Kind of overlaps with the technical writer occupation I guess.

>> No.7285138

This, can't write shit if you haven't experienced some shit.

>> No.7285147

California, my man

>implying that that's not the goal
>being this mad that you don't get paid 60k a year to have literally half the year off to write

>> No.7285162

please no, corn father

>> No.7285171

NEET just describes a lack of employment?
What occupation are you suggesting?

>> No.7285203

Law is hyper-competitive AND over-saturated, so you have to work even longer hours to get ahead. /lit/erary lifestyle requires free time for reading, contemplation, and writing.

>> No.7285210


>> No.7285245

Ew no.

>> No.7285255


oh dear lord

>> No.7285256

literally the same shit

oh what, cant reconcile the fact that evil isnt absolute?

>> No.7285261

anti-intellectualism is only when the people who know better do it silly

amongst the working class, all you see are today's version of the noble savage

>> No.7285263

Live on welfare & food stamps in a shithole until you finish that novel.

please no, corn father

>> No.7285337

please no, corn father

Said the man gaily proceeding through the thread, changing the tune of his comment to inspire others to not spam, but repeat in a more intelligent fashion.

>> No.7285355

No, it means that the subject requires more analysis and discussion

>> No.7285454

>when you realize someone's post can be easily ctrl+c'ed, ctrl+v'ed as a decent counter argument.

Allow me to rebuttal your position, you scoundrel.

>wouldn't expect any less of a reply from somebody whose convictions run hot off the meme presses you pathetic internet-yokel

you embody teenage delusions of grander by assuming superiority from a post alone - you low life know-nothing half-brows stick out on the internet just as much as you do in real life - I suggest you not talk for a while and really evaluate why your life is in such disarray you have to masturbate your own ego with petty post on line

If it were in my power I'd catapult you into the sun

>> No.7285470

please no corn, father

>> No.7285491

I have a friend who works in a parking garage overnight. He basically just gets paid to sit and read for hours.
He read Infinite Jest in like a month at job.

>> No.7285721

>NEET just describes a lack of employment?
>What occupation are you suggesting?

>> No.7285754

please no, corn father

>> No.7285972

who is this semen demon?

>> No.7285989

Can't you read? It's download(3).