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7228614 No.7228614 [Reply] [Original]

So in Cannibal Holocaust, in the 2nd office scene the director quotes Gravity's Rainbow: 'If they get you asking the wrong questions...' This starts at frame 2672. In the Perrenial Classics Bleeding Edge on page 267, line 2 says 'Her brother starred in Ruggero Deodato's latest televion endeavor.' That's the director of CH.

Is this on purpose?

Am I losing my fucking mind?

>> No.7228625

Maybe Pynchon and Deodato went to college together

>> No.7228671


>> No.7228705

Pynchon probably saw Cannibal Holocaust, saw they'd quoted him either, intentionally or not, and decided to nod back. Two artists referring to one another is not a pynchonesque conspiracy. The idea behind the quote in Cannibal Holocaust isn't original to Pynchon and the way Pynchon worded it isn't especially novel so it could easily be a case of convergence.

>> No.7228747

Only once you understand this does Gravity's Rainbow start to make sense. You are on the right track is all I will say...

>> No.7228776

talk you bastard

>> No.7228931

There are a buttload of literary references in Cannibal Holocaust.

The whole theme is based around Heart of Darkness. White people fucking shit up in the jungle and all that. Projecting their fears onto the natives and ultimately causing the violence itself and all that.

>> No.7229530

There are passing references to Catholics being cannibals in his books and he is from Long Island. Holocaust means destruction on a massive scale. Maybe something like they are destroying or being destroyed?

>> No.7230309

Watch the film.

>> No.7231845

That's a little more involved than referring.

>> No.7231877


It's just one real artist giving a shout-out back to a not-very-good artist.

I never figured Pinecone to be someone who watches a ton of movies, opting to read a ton of books about things few people, but he probably saw CH

>> No.7231893

>I never figured Pinecone to be someone who watches a ton of movies
His friends claim he used to spend a ton of time smoking dope and watching TV.

>> No.7232438
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That's a shout out? That's like mailing someone you never met a tape of them saying your name.

>> No.7232451

great catch, if this is true. 10/10 post, never would have noticed something like that.

>> No.7232714

I saw it less as white people and more about "if you have the camera--the means of controlling the narrative--you have all the power" type deal.

I found it funny how the things themselves didn't matter, it was who had the film so they could prove they happened. It was an oddly thought provoking film for the other types of films that often come in that shock and gorno genre. Usually they are pure shit but CH was kinda legit.

>> No.7233809

Sounds p GR influenced