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7224586 No.7224586 [Reply] [Original]

The Western world is without, as Houellebecq calls it, a "unifying project".

With Christianity unlikely to make a resurgence, will Islam take its place? Or will it be something else?

Or can we carry on indefinitely this way?

>> No.7224589

>this bitch thinks neoliberal capitalism isn't the unifying project just because there's a bunch of retards with guns in fuckwhoknowswhereistan

>> No.7224591
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>> No.7224594
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>> No.7224596

the radical acceptance of communism

>> No.7224598
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>> No.7224607

>just because there's a bunch of retards with guns in fuckwhoknowswhereistan


>> No.7224619

So Houellebecq is basically a robot?

>> No.7224622

Cet homme, dans mon pays, ce n'est rien.

>> No.7224635

he's so much praised on /lit/ but here in France nobody cares about him

>> No.7224636

As long as the west can hold tight for another 50-100 years so we can hit transhumanism and/or strong ai none of it matters.

>> No.7224654

>implying the moment we invent artificial general intelligence isn't the day humanity ceases to exist

>> No.7224660

>preferring Sharia to Skynet
Nope, gimme those sweet sweet Matt Smith nanobots

>> No.7224665

But Skynet would destroy us completely. At least in the Caliphate you have a choice to convert or die.

>> No.7224668

Ça c'est peut-être à cause de votre plebesse ?

>> No.7224671

look at these nerds

>> No.7224672

Except for the people who gave him the most prestigious literary award in France. I mean, sure, plenty of other nobodies won it, but still.

>> No.7224673

Skynet assimilated John Connor.

>> No.7224674

>Lire Houellebecq
>Littéralement On n'est pas couché-core
Ferme ta gueule, sous-merde.

>> No.7224690

>50-100 years
no fucking chance lmao
we're going to see the first collapses in 15 years

>> No.7224698

>muh transhumanism capitalist utopia
Explain how the existence of such technologies wouldn't simply further class society and exploitation

>> No.7224701

Class and exploitation are spooks, get with the program grandpa.

>> No.7224718
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When has the West ever had a unifying project?

>> No.7224719
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transhumanism blows your sandnigger cave worshipers out of the water

>> No.7224728
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>The first dialogue between transhumanism and faith was a one-day conference held at the University of Toronto in 2004.[82] Religious critics alone faulted the philosophy of transhumanism as offering no eternal truths nor a relationship with the divine. They commented that a philosophy bereft of these beliefs leaves humanity adrift in a foggy sea of postmodern cynicism and anomie. Transhumanists responded that such criticisms reflect a failure to look at the actual content of the transhumanist philosophy, which, far from being cynical, is rooted in optimistic, idealistic attitudes that trace back to the Enlightenment.[83] Following this dialogue, William Sims Bainbridge, a sociologist of religion, conducted a pilot study, published in the Journal of Evolution and Technology, suggesting that religious attitudes were negatively correlated with acceptance of transhumanist ideas and indicating that individuals with highly religious worldviews tended to perceive transhumanism as being a direct, competitive (though ultimately futile) affront to their spiritual beliefs
oh, they scared

>> No.7224729

Who gives a shit about unity? Literally a buzzword.

>> No.7224733

Eurocentric Socialism is the only way

>> No.7224741

If Christendom was ever a unifying project, it ended with the Reformation. And I don't think European colonialism brought Western nations any closer together, so I don't really know what would count as a unifying project today.

>> No.7224745
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Euro-fascist pls go.

>> No.7224748

This is under the illusion that islam is unified and the middle east isnt a massive shithole of shia and sunni proxy wars

>> No.7224754

I recently read "The Crusades through Arab eyes" and was surprised what an infighting Sunni/Shia shit-fest the Muslim world has been, and that 800 years later it's still the same conflict featuring the same dumb shit

well to be fair, it's different conflicts, but citing the same pretenses for personal gain

>> No.7224779

Anyone got a epub or PDF of Submission yet?

>> No.7224793 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7224839

No, but I'll sell you my copy on eBay

>> No.7224856

no one said it wouldn't?
rich people are going to live in tech enclaves and everyone else will live in the Islamic swamp
we really should be phasing out the working class

>> No.7224865

That sounds absolutely shit and also impossible and juvenile.

>> No.7224876

of course it's going to be shit
I don't see any reason the future won't be shit

>> No.7224877

No, it's worthless.

Houellebecq is the Deepak Chobra of current french literature.

>> No.7224882

Every time I think I should read Houellebecq more, I grab a book at random and read the description, and it's always the same

>bored old-ish guy tries to find meaning for his senseless life in random sex
>cue endless whining
>cue endless sex descriptions

I tried reading Elementary Particles and had to give up. Nothing different from what all these "I'm so bored with existence in the West, here is my senseless and aimless debauchery" writers like Easton-Ellis or now Lin put out in the English-speaking world, or Hegemann and their ilk put out in German. All boring and repetitive.

I'm not anti-sex or anti-drugs or anti-whatever, but if you've read one book of that type you've read them all.

>> No.7224890

I am Francoise
I have see Ouellebecq stealing bars of chocolate in St Jean de Cuculles
Such disgusting appearance!
His book read like synthetic cheese.

>> No.7224898

Try The Map and the Territory, it's very different.

>> No.7224901

I agree, but somehow Ellis is much nicer to read to me personally, maybe because he doesn't dress it up as if every single of his books are a big revelation to humanity.

>> No.7224906

Bonjour Françoise, comment allez-vous.

>> No.7224908
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>unironically wanting this

>> No.7224924

he speaks to robots yes

>> No.7224934

OK anon, I'll give it a try, thanks

>> No.7224968

>replaces the gun with a katana
>replaces the tool designed for murder with a tool that's designed to also commit murder, but it's okay because it's not as efficient
That always kills me.

>> No.7224977

Haha. No

Implosion is the disintegrating project. From there the man can return to what is natural

>> No.7225006

He replaced a "local culture" tool for murder with a "multicultural" tool for murder, straight in line with the message of the left comic

>> No.7225324


lol what. You must not ever read the press or watch any media if you think that.

>> No.7225569

Islam is too dumb to satisfy westerners. The vast majority of people who convert leave it after 3-4 years.

I was one of those people and met many others like me, although I lasted longer. Generally you see them come to the mosque and recite the shahada then they are never seen again. Maybe after doing some more research they realise it's not what Muslims claim it is, nor is it what Islam hating right wingers claim it is.

There's countless lost souls wandering the streets of western cities, so there will always be new people joining.

>> No.7225879

It was an interesting read, tho it felt more like an essay than a novel, since its characters are so superficial. Would recommand.

>> No.7225885

Just read After Virtue by Macintyre or Milbank's Radical Orthodoxy.

Houellebecq has decent ideas but others have said it better and said it first.

Or read Huysmans "A rebours"

>> No.7225886

more than anything I'm sick of being on the precipice
we all know something's going to happen and we're just sitting here waiting
even if it's a dystopian Caliphate hellhole I just want to be there already

>> No.7225887

Yawn. It was mediocre. Had some interesting parts. All the characters were bland and not in the good "un-bland bland" kind of way just "bland bland."

He kind of did a clever thing with putting himself in the novel and it was funny to see Houellebecq getting drunk and living in squalor.

But overall 6/10.

>> No.7225889

> he converted to Sunni Islam instead of Shi'a

>> No.7225890

>implying that is not an illusion rooting from pour generation's mass exposure to story-driven media and lack of dominant discourse
The world is ending soon tho :)

>> No.7225894

it's all fucking insincere
I go on facebook and am inundated with this shit ideology
if the west goes I'm going with it

>> No.7225901

> muh west

south europe and its culture are not going anywhere.

>> No.7225904

This little thing called the catholic church.

>> No.7225905

>not liking living in a post-cultural liberal totalitarian distopia
Geez, what's wrong about you? You just have to be on the right side of the fence

>> No.7225907


>> No.7225912

good thing I'm eligible for Italian citizenship
the west is good and great and beautiful and I love it so fuck you

>> No.7225915

The west IS southern europe.

>> No.7225918

Where are you from, my soon-to-be neighbor?

>> No.7225925
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>> No.7225930

I know
I don't want it to be erased

>> No.7225944

An early 90s prototype with Marxist programming.

>> No.7225951


>> No.7225955


He's the best selling author not just in France but in continental Europe.

>> No.7225964

Hi there. French and American citizen reporting in. What brings you to our small continent?

>> No.7225973

Australia is an ideological wasteland
we put on a front of masculinity and 'boat stopping' but we have the same anglo outrage culture of the US and UK, we're the Last Men and it's getting worse day by day, my friends and family are changing rapidly and I hate it
I don't have hope for the west in general but at least I could spend my last days somewhere beautiful and with nice food

>> No.7225978

Spain is. Not even Sweden has an immigration rate that high. The economic crisis has put a brake to it but the harm is done already.

>> No.7225980

I love that this is an edit of zen pencils, who supports column b.

The katana has a system of ethics deeply linked with its use, the gun doesn't. The katana has persisted into modern life because of this. Nobody in the west has any sort of reverence for the claymore. The original weapon looks like an antique rifle. It's probably "great grandad's nigger catching gun."

>> No.7225982

It's true that I got some mixed echoes from your popular culture. Europe is also in bad shape, but there might be some hope left somewhere. I hope you enjoy your stay. Marrying a local?

>> No.7225998

>The Crusades through Arab eyes
>The unironic equivalent of what /tv/ calls a flick
Why would you inflict this upon yourself if you are not a specialist?

>> No.7226005

no I have Italian heritage
I mean it's not just immigration, I don't particularly care about living in a white only zone or something like that (though Islam is rubbish)
it's TPP, the extending power of the state and in particular the executive in America, it's increasing infringements on freedom of speech, surveillance, disarmament, marriage of the corporate and the state
and the whole of media and academia supports it

>> No.7226006

I havent read this one bit Maalouf writes fairly well. It is also pretty accessible.

>> No.7226010
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>The katana has a system of ethics deeply linked with its use, the gun doesn't. The katana has persisted into modern life because of this. Nobody in the west has any sort of reverence for the claymore.


>> No.7226014

Oh. Sorry my friend, you are in for a bad surprise then. Well, maybe not, but still: if TTIP passes, we are going to be sucking US dicks like never before, if such a thing is possible.

>> No.7226017

also we all just have to sit and pretend it's all going to be fine when it clearly fucking isn't
I realise but at least I can eat some wild boar ragu while it happens

>> No.7226022

>Trace back to the Enlightenment
>implying that's a good thing

>> No.7226152

>The katana has a system of ethics deeply linked with its use, the gun doesn't

is this a troll? I almost fell for it.

>> No.7226264
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>the only difference is what funny hats the people wear

>> No.7227834

The obvious incumbent in the world of ideologies is Marxism but the whole thing got kind of tripped up by Nietzsche and Freud so we're kind of at a place in intellectual life not unlike physics where nobody can really square relativity with quantum mechanics. Hackish Frankfurt shit notwithstanding...

>> No.7227845

Idealism, please go.

>> No.7227850

were you born yesterday then?

>> No.7227865

Marxism would destroy the west even if the economics worked out

>> No.7227915

You realize the quantity of conflict that were caused by the Catholic Church over the centuries ? It was never much more of an unifying project than the EU currently is.

>> No.7228052

no more than Islam yet Islam was a successful unifying project

>> No.7228065

lel this is such a failure of a post

>> No.7228077
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>The katana has a system of ethics deeply linked with its use, the gun doesn't.

>> No.7228091

Houellebecq seems funnier to me, and actually more modest than Ellis. Ellis seems like he literally can't see outside of the depraved culture he's immersed in, and that's what causes him to write that way. Houellebecq seems like he still is able to have a moral stance and feel pity for his characters, and the way he writes is lazy in a funny way. Ellis seems to write in a way that's overwrought, very over-styled in that weird, clinical 90s-postmodern way.

>> No.7229682 [DELETED] 
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The mods deleted this image.

Responses to OP of image:

>> No.7229692

>The katana has persisted into modern life because of this. Nobody in the west has any sort of reverence for the claymore.

>> No.7229719

Space race.

>> No.7229740

>other cultures are all bad
>other cultures are all good

That's the same kind of illusion and abstraction.

>> No.7229756

>The Western world is without, as Houellebecq calls it, a "unifying project".
That's untrue, you have faggot rights.

>> No.7229764

>Cet homme, dans mon pays, ce n'est rien.
C'est quoi ton pays alors? Cependant il peut pas etre francophone.

>> No.7229770

False, Europe always had civil wars between Christianity and competing religions like Gnosticism, Arianism, Protestantism, etc.

>> No.7229771

Retourne te couscousser, Mich-mich.

>> No.7229794

>Quel est ton pays ? m'interroge donc; car il ne peut être francophone.
Corrigé pour toi.

>> No.7229824

J'm'en fous, chuis pas francophone et c'est ma troisieme langue quand meme.

>> No.7230031

I considered becoming shia, but they are just as dumb... maybe more philosophical, but full of superstitious nonsense all the same.

>> No.7230058

Islam has been as it is now for 1400 years; constant infighting, sectarian butchery, rising and falling of empires in competition and destroying eachother, and tribal warfare.

>> No.7230059

They might be dumb but at least they provide you with a regular source of cress.