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/lit/ - Literature

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7215820 No.7215820 [Reply] [Original]

what are your opinions of eachother?

are there any major division on here?

what other boards do you go to?

>> No.7215828


I hate 76% of you, I tolerate an ample 11%, the rest I ignore

literally every 'division' is ideological and deconstructs itself at the speed of its own conversation

no other boards

>> No.7215836

Filled with app. 90% of shitposters/illiterate faggots and a good 10% of actually cultured people discussing with is meaningful because there's not a single board big enough to have daily literary conversations.

Went to /lgbt/ once. Never again.

>> No.7215854
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I think the major divisions are the result of philosophy and politics disputes, but I don't read much non fiction so it doesn't mean a lot to me. I got a a bit weary of the christian/atheist battle that we had earlier this year, and all the goddamn millbank posting.

Other than here I got to /hr/ and sometimes /s/. I used to go on /b/ every day but my therapist says I'm not allowed to anymore. She also said I'm not supposed to be "Engaging with Pornography" but what she doesn't know wont hurt her lel.

>> No.7215856

All the best discussions I've ever had on 4chan, I've had on /lit/. There are a minority of posters here who know their shit and are prepared to have an intelligent exchange of ideas and that's great.

/lit/ taught me to appreciate Henry James, who I just didn't get before but is now one of my favourite writers since /lit/ convinced me to reread him. It also got me to read people like Celine and Hamsun who otherwise I just don't think I would have come across, and if I remember rightly it was also some beautiful anon who got me to read John Crowley.

I don't see any meaningful divisions except between the people who don't believe it's possible to have a real discussion on 4chan (which obviously is a self-fulfilling prophecy) and the people who do.

Of course most of the threads here are shitposting and nonsense, but I keep coming back because there are enough gems to make it worthwhile sifting through the shit.

Other boards: I frequented /soc/ for a while until all the good people I found there moved on (except one who moved in with me).

I used to go to /mu/ for recommendations but I just don't find that much time for new music these days so meh.

/mlp/ for a while but that's all over now and I'm doing much better, thank you for your concern

/v/ and /r9k/ for that car crash effect but honestly this is a waste of my time and I always regret it

/x/ sometimes, it's bad these days but there's still the occasional fun thread

/s/ for porn

>> No.7215879

>are there any major division on here?
There's a substratum of teenagers who are going through their marxist phase which I find particularly detestable.

>what other boards do you go to?
/pol/, /fit/, /g/, /r9k/ when I want to feel better about myself.

>> No.7215884


>their Marxist phase

what did you graduate to after Marxism, Holy One?

>> No.7215890

I'm a libertarian.

>> No.7215897





>> No.7215898

>except one who moved in with me

>> No.7215900

Teenager going through his marxist phase detected.

My advice to you : don't do anything rash which might affect your future in a negative way.

>> No.7215905


if 'lmao' looks to you like a teenaged usage, I'd advise you it's 2015 and not 1993

>rash decision

this from someone who publicly admits to affirming 'libertarianism'

>> No.7215915

>if 'lmao' looks to you like a teenaged usage, I'd advise you it's 2015 and not 1993
And I'd advise you to avoid using the term "lmao" if you want to convince people that you were born before the year 2000.

>this from someone who publicly admits to affirming 'libertarianism'
There's nothing ostracizing about admitting to being a libertarian, except perhaps on the campus of Columbia. All I'm saying is, don't be "that guy" with the che guevara tshirts.

>> No.7215924

I hate the marxists, the /pol/ tier rightos (not actual intellectual conservatives), I hate the people who scream >>>/pol/ as some kind of actual argument, and the NEET group that justifies themselves by saying it was their "choice".

>> No.7215935


Identifying as a conservative tea-party republican isn't heavily ostracized in all circles

you missed my point in any case

>> No.7215939



you have reading to do

>> No.7215941

>you missed my point in any case
Which was?

>> No.7215944

and you probably have some living to do

>> No.7215945


identifying as a libertarian is humiliating and hilarious, despite (and in large part due to) being a widely accepted capitalist ideology

>> No.7215948


show me those cute Pygmy Protestant arms bb

I bet you till the fields well for your father figures

>> No.7215965

>identifying as a libertarian is humiliating and hilarious
Where? On revleft and reddit?

In the real world, there's no stygma attached to being a libertarian. Grow up.

>> No.7215970

I browse /lit/, /classical/ and sometimes the rest of /mu/ if I want a laugh. /lit/ and /classical/ are the only places where it is possible to have decent conversations mixed in with the shitposting every once in a while.

>> No.7215971


>> No.7215974


>the real world

your mouth is so full of ideologue seed I can't hear you over the vapid trumpeting

>> No.7215975

I think a lot of you wouldn't be as miserable if you spent more time reading rather than merely wanting to read and talking about reading. I find few things more consoling than reading.

>> No.7215979

>your mouth is so full of ideologue seed
Coming from a teenage communist, that's hilarious.

>inb4 le spook meme

>> No.7215992


>In the real world, there's no stygma attached to being a libertarian


>> No.7216006


I don't accurately belong to either of those categories

your capacity is waning

>> No.7216015

>In the real world, there's no stygma attached to being a libertarian. Grow up.
American internet politics is the polar opposite of real world

>> No.7216124


Yeah I got lucky honestly, the only downside is when people ask how we met.

>> No.7216143

Guys this is a thread about getting along and quality of discussion, can we just avoid petty shitposting.

I browse /lit/ and sometimes /v/ to let off steam. I love /lit/, it's a small board but with a good psosting rate and a solid bloc of really interesting anons.

>> No.7217408

What's wrong with the Marxists? They tend to be extremely well-verses in critical theory, not edgy teenagers.

>> No.7217446


>Christfags actually have quality posts, even if the topic is fucking stupid.
>Most Stirner fags have never read Stirner
>Fictionfags who read for the story and characters are on the wrong board.
>Philosophy is threads are vitriolic displays of belief rather than learning.
>/pol/ is trying to breed, but is too stupid to win any arguments


>Major divisions between athiests and christposters,
>Major divisions between Stirnerfags and Spookyfags
>/pol/ and reasonable people have beef


/int/ , /trv/, /leftypol/, /ck/, /out/

>> No.7217455

4chan is mostly American, so they believe socialism = dictatorship. Also general fear-mongering around it.

Not that it isn't true of Stalinism etc, but that is literally all they think it is.

Also /pol/

>> No.7217460

terrible prose
>not even once

>> No.7217461

HATE: Christfags, Marxposters, armchair philosophy threads, meme threads (John Green, DFW, Pynchon, Kafka), STEM threads

LIKE: actual discussion of literature

>> No.7217470

>>Fictionfags who read for the story and characters are on the wrong board.

Fucking cancerous.

>> No.7217472

For a while there was a big continental/analytic split, which obviously exists in academia as well but it was annoyingly prevalent here for a bit.

That's essentially refined itself into science vs. philosophy recently, which is gotten just as predictable and banal.

And of course the age old christfags/atheists war. 'Twas ever thus...

>> No.7217473

>what are your opinions of eachother?
I hate some and like some. I find the posturing really annoying even though I do it sometimes.

>are there any major division on here?
We have a few "that guys", like the one Austrian school guy who always shitposts, the Christposters, Stirnerfags, etc.

>what other boards do you go to?
/fit/, sometimes /vg/ for /mgg/

>> No.7217477

I've seen some stupid people on here but I feel like there's at least 1/3 of actually decent people. To the point where it's sometimes hard to know who's trolling/baiting, as you've probably seen... I usually assume people aren't stupid when I respond.

I go to /p/ where I feel the situation is about the same. /mu/ is pretty shit but there's always that one good thread that I keep on chasing. /int/ for the lighthearted keks.

>> No.7217482

People hate critical theory brah.

too many STEM faggots who think reading the books on an standard literature degree will make them patrician.

>> No.7217495

Mediocrity that has taken intellectual culture without the intelligence and turned it into memes. Literally nothing important happens or is discussed here. They do recommend pretty good books, but that is probably just an echo of the culture they have adopted.

I suppose there is the religious and the irreligious, but even that really isn't too big of a deal. Maybe between the obnoxious and less obnoxious?

I also browse /mu/. Found alot of really good music there.

>> No.7217498

Probably because many Marxist/feminists/left-wingers are just advocating Stirner-tier individualism and less cohesiveness in society

We're all in it together and yet I feel often very alienated by Marxists because I don't always agree with them

>> No.7217509

>To the point where it's sometimes hard to know who's trolling/baiting, as you've probably seen
I bait quite often on here, especially people with more extremist ideologies.

>> No.7217517

Keep that angst going as you live off your parents' free-market earnings.

>> No.7217522

Underrated post

>> No.7217541


I enjoy pretty much anything thoughtful, that goes beyond casual hatred which is all to common on anonymous boards. I resent shit-flinging without substance. /b/ has perfected that, no need to smear it all over the other boards.

I go to /trv/ too, and occasionally /r9k/, though I find it more tragic than comic. I was under the impression that /r9k/ was /b/ with more OC and less idiocy. I was very wrong.

I never go to /b/ any more. Not since I was a teenager.

/mu/ occasionally if I'm looking for new music.

Delved into /fa/ for a time, but it's really not my thing.

>> No.7217551


Yup. I'm reading Travels with Charley right now, by candlelight, with a blanket. About to pour myself a glass of rum.

Comfortable as fuck.

>> No.7217557

As far as divisions go, I think we are all forgetting ebooks vs. physical books.

>> No.7217565

>implying we didn't burn the ebook readers in the pogrom of '13
if you handled more paper we wouldn't be able to scan your fingerprints through your screen, comrade

>> No.7217567
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Used to browse /a/ before anhedonia set in and anime and manga became a chore to watch/read.

/pol/ used to be my main board when it was actually good and /r9k/ back when the robot wasn't disabled and feel threads were looked down upon.

/lit/ is my main board, it may become /fit/ once I start lifting.

>> No.7217573

Idk dude it's 4chan. If you're going on here for good content you're going to be really disappointed. Either the people here are garbage or they're pretending to be garbage, which makes them garbage anyways.

I don't really know why I come on here. I'd miss it if I stopped going, but I wouldn't say I really enjoy it.

>> No.7217593

>I don't see any meaningful divisions except between the people who don't believe it's possible to have a real discussion on 4chan (which obviously is a self-fulfilling prophecy) and the people who do.
This. Sometimes I feel like shitposting, sometimes I feel like having serious discussion; the only way you'll see people having good discussions if you actually have them yourself, not just groan about how bad the board is . Also, there's no reason why memes can't have a cultured base to them, /lit/'s memes have inspired me to read and discuss new things which have been a blast and have helped me with my writing, and I wouldn't have come into contact or thought of otherwise.

I go to whatever board is related to the media I'm enjoying at the moment (/a/, /mu/, /tv/, /co/, rarely /v/ et al) and I've found most of them helpful.

>> No.7217660

I'm not a very judgmental person so I like most of you but sometimes people are too self serious for my taste in the 4chan experience

/a/ /d/ /vr/ /jp/ /ck/

>> No.7217709

You simply think that being comterble is joyeous. Joy is found in self exploration and achieveing goals that you find meaningfull within the struture of your life.

lying in your bed reading a book is akin to watching a movie with a bottle of soda and a bag og chips. It is comforting but does not prevent misery except in a very local and temporary way.

>> No.7217725

fuck yeah faggits saturday night time to shitpost!

>> No.7217726

Sounds like /lit/ is on a good course then. Do you expect /lit/ to somehow transcend what the greatest minds in history were unable to?

>atheism vs theism is banal
>sceince versus philosophy is banal
>continental analytic split is banal

These things represent important issues in modern academia and society as a whole.
Please enlighten us about the much more improtant topics /lit/ should be concerned about.

>> No.7217728


>> No.7217729

/pol/ has ruined some discussion. Not as bad as other boards, though

>> No.7217732

Guess what, a lot of literature is based around these topics and /lit/ is aslo /phil/, which makes perfect sense, just accept it.

>> No.7217733
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I've had some good conversations with people on /lit/, given some good advice and gotten some too.

The only major division I've seen on here is one that isn't exclusive to /lit/, but I'll say it anyways: pride. Everyone believes that what they believe is true and right, but it gets ugly people being so prideful in their understandings and all.

I'm a /lit/tle man, but I've had periods where I've toured different boards.
Visited /tv/ for a while, /POL/ was pretty neat, still go there sometimes.
/X/ is a solid board, really inspiring stuff, great if'n you're looking for ideas to write about. Look up the taxidriver stories; and if you get a chance check out their "spooky images" threads. Same goes for the wallpaper threads on /wg/.

I liked the "ylyl" threads on /B/, but they really went to shit with that picture of a banana holding its own peel. Also, the more I read--and the more I learn in general (about the history of man and the violence in us)--the more interesting the rekt threads get.

I like looking at /fa/. It's wild to see how goddamned foolish the highest orders of fashion are.

I looked at /mu/ for a while. I'm still looking for a good resource for finding new music to replace what flavorwire was for me.

I went on /soc/ for a while and made some drawings of people. Some guy put it on a shirt and ordered it off of Zazzle. Not sure what happened to that, but I'd have like to have seen that.

I think I'll start browsing /out/ again. Got some cash and I'd like to go camping in Ocala.

Been looking at /aco/ and that's made me want to buy some comics with Doomsday in them. What a cool story that guy has.
>Wikipedia: Doomsday was created through the process of cloning. The clones were subsequently killed repeatedly by some of the most dangerous species in the universe in one of the harshest habitats in all of existence: prehistoric Krypton. As such, the infant continually evolved and returned to life, becoming resistant or immune to whatever killed him before.

And almost all the porno boards because I'm not getting any atm kek

>> No.7217735

Just because you're writing about something important does not mean your opinion is informed or worthwhile. Most of the posters in those topics know effectively nothing beyond they are supposed to hate the "opposite" side cultishly; often, this ignores that they cannot delineate the differences or congruities of either in relation to the other.

>> No.7217738

To me it's banal because I don't understand why those two things have to be at odds

>> No.7217744

Literature can be about anything. Just because there's a book about Beethoven doesn't mean I'm gonna go start a thread about Beethoven and claim it's relative to LITERATURE because there's a book or two about him, shitposter.

>> No.7217746

*relevant to literature

>> No.7217780

Even most people in academia dont have much to say, so what.
We all little by little inform and change society.
Philosophers discuss issues and form oppinions and ideas after and while being influenced by society which we all are a part of one way or another. Sure discussions here are not formal and are not sources or well structured but it does not mean they have no value.

>> No.7217791

>being antegonistic
>calling others shitposters

A good poster would not reply to what he consideres shitposting or would reply without creating further antegonism.

>> No.7217800

I don't care how you justify not reading books on the subjects you profess interest in, anon. I'm just pointing out you're pretentious for doing that and stupid for thinking it won't be spotted by the people you most want to impress (i.e. those who do know anything about the subjects).

>> No.7217833

4chan is terrible, but almost everywhere else is worse or too slow.

I see the boards as some constant motion. I enjoy being part of this ride.
I sure appreciate the essentials list and recommendation here.

/pol/, /v/, /lit/, /r9k/, /gif/ (originally /b/ and /mu/)

>> No.7217843

Nobody knows everything. Even very dedicated philosophers are in a constant process of learning. Does this mean they cant publish anything or ever talk about their opinions, cause they are never "final"?
Peopel enjoy talking about topics they like. Each contributes somehing and peope lelarn from one another.

>> No.7217873

Step away from the key board until you are not too mad to type.
>Nobody knows anything.
kek, srsly m9 don't do that unless you want people to assume you're trying to appear like a girl.

>> No.7217903

You and people like you are the cancer of this board.

>> No.7217925

No, I'm well read because I enjoy reading, rather than praise for reading. Relying on emotional argumentation so you can feel like you don't need to read books on a subject to discuss that subject on a literature board is the cancer that is killing this board. You're the personification of the arrogant illiterate scum who throw a wobbly when they don't get their way, and act like reading is a punishment, not a joy. Kill yourself; you might be better at it than reading.

>> No.7217940

You are the cancer of /lit/.

>> No.7217948

>liking books
>cancer of /lit/
I am thoroughly convinced by the force of your amazing rhetoric, anon.

>> No.7217972

>All I'm saying is, don't be "that guy" with the che guevara tshirts
time to stop posting m8

>> No.7219689


I'm with you on the debates. I'm not at all interested in religious debates, philosophy or politics (outside of my own state and federal level politics, but there isn't many ausfags talking about that here) so tbh most of the major disputes on here are irrelevant to me.

Other than /lit/ I go on:

/fa/ because i find it kinda comfy. i don't think i'm particularly fashionable or interested in dressing well but I like some of the 'insp' threads where people just post cool aesthetics, and the interior design/post your bedroom threads are cool

/out/ i go on regularly but it's a pretty slow board. i love camping and hiking and shit

used to go on /x/ and /mu/ sometimes

>> No.7219743


are you making an argument for free market economics by pointing out how shitty is that people are forced to earn their survival through a wage?

>> No.7219772

>4chan is terrible
>browses the most genuinely terrible boards of the website