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/lit/ - Literature

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7145618 No.7145618 [Reply] [Original]



>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
>Who is the best demigod in /sff/?
>What are the best in-book songs and poems?

>> No.7145767

>Science Fiction and Fantasy general
/lit/ - Literature

>> No.7145807

Fine then.

>literary Science Fiction and Fantasy general

>> No.7146127
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what's a good novel or series similar to the matrix, lost, or homestuck that meshes science fiction, religion/mythology, heavy symbolism and pure convolution in order to create a work that is both endlessly entertaining and conceptually dense?

>> No.7146708

>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
The last Dark Tower book

>Who is the best demigod in /sff/?

>What are the best in-book songs and poems?
Rains of Castamere I guess

>> No.7146741

What's another fantasy book with compelling characters like in ASOIAF?

>> No.7147039

Abercrombie's First Law shit.

>> No.7147057
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Probably this.

>> No.7147061


Lord of Light

>> No.7147071

I hated that book

>> No.7147094

Hyperion/Fall of Hyperion

>> No.7147153



>> No.7147159

Seconding both Dune and Lord of Light.

>> No.7147186

>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
4th Dark Tower book
>Who is the best demigod in /sff/?
>What are the best in-book songs and poems?
My least favorite trope, I really dislike songs in books.

>> No.7147225
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Do you think Hoid is the strongest dood in the Cosmere?

>> No.7147243

Sure why not? multiple investitures, world hopping, living multiple centuries (maybe?). He hasn't really proven it though.

>> No.7147289
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Frost or Khriss could have either of those, too; granted, they might lack the motivation or interest in using the abilities and knowledge like he does.
He's actually been around for several millennia, since he was at the Shattering and all.

>> No.7147298
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I want to write a good sci-fi / erotic / horror novel what themes do you guys feel I should explore ? I have a few backstories for characters and environments but some input would be nice.
Do you think a female PoV in such setting would be better?
Also dystopia or deepspace ?
What is non cookie-cutter scifi these days ?
Although as a male kind of hard to write in females into scifi.

>> No.7147308

What I mean is I want to write something that would pander to the Shades of Grey mass, yet be fucked up enough for the edgy mass , and be justifiable philosophically for the literary goodreads elite

>> No.7147950

How do you decide power level in a world where everybody is a retardedly strong anime character?

>> No.7148030


Ok, we get it. You can go back to flipping burgers now.

>> No.7148060

>What are the best in-book songs and poems?
Lay of Nimrodel

>> No.7148741

Cannot let this die yet.

>> No.7148962
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Opinions? No spoilers please

>> No.7149146

what's a good east-asian fantasy novel?

>> No.7149175
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What up

>> No.7149240

that book was complete shit. the sequel was so much better

>> No.7150034

Just finished Memory, Sorrow and Thorn by Tad Williams. Can't say I can take those two Anons' complaints very seriously, the ending was fine and a certain princess wasn't at all talented or tumblr-level independent.

>THE Dark Tower
Awww yis son, you're in for it now bud. Have you read it before? Are you liking it so far?

Yes. Also, what I just read.

>> No.7150081

I have to agree. I liked the ending as well.

>> No.7150106

I started with Lord Foul's Bane (the first book in the first trilogy) when I was a kid, but after a certain scene, I put it away, as I REALLY disliked the main character because of it. I gave it a second try a year later, finished the trilogy, enjoyed some parts of it, but I didn't think it was great. Might give it another shot.

>> No.7150226

I finally managed to finish the wise man's fear.
What a piece of thrash. Nothing happened except filler and fanservice for Mr selfinsert. I shoulda known better, especially after reading that retarded fairy part.

>> No.7150261

I'm about to finish Words of Radiance and I have nothing to read afterwards. Stormlight is the only fantasy series I've read so far, so recommend me some good series that aren't 80 books long or standalone novels with a shitload of pages to keep me busy.

>> No.7150280

I just couldn't get into it. I guess because it was more separate stories than I would have liked. It just wasn't what I was expecting.

>> No.7150281

New Jim Butcher And Brandon Sanderson books out in a few days

>> No.7150298

I grabbed the book Orphans of Chaos for a dime, is it worth it? No Spoilers please cause i'd actually like to read it.

Also, any good books about Angelic creatures fighting demons with moral quandaries or anything similar? Every time I try to look it up its more paranormal romance shit

>> No.7150313
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Just finished this up yesterday, It was pretty good. Generally when a series has gone on for as long as this (Fools Quest is the 8th book now, isn't it?), they tend to have overstayed their welcome, but this series doesn't seem to suffer from that as much as a result of being broken up in to three distinct trilogies, rather than one long-running story.
The first trilogy is still the best, but I still like this one despite the fact that the author seems to have a lot of trouble writing characters as masculine as Fitz.

>> No.7150334

Just finished Shadow of the Torturer

What the FUCK did I just read

>> No.7150391

Just read The Name of the Wind and Wise Man's Fears (parts 1 and 2 of the Kingkiller Chronicles). Very much enjoyed it.

I like Rothfuss' almost scientific approach to everyday magic, which means that problems aren't solved by knowing just the right spell or having God's Magical Cufflinks. Kvothe actually has to be clever in solving his problems.

>> No.7150523

These threads have been progressively gotten worse as the influx of massive plebs has happened. Instead of discussing good authors more Sanderson and Rothfuss get spammed.

>> No.7150588

So post some good shit then faggot.

>> No.7150598

Tried talking about Solaris in the last thread, it didn't pick up.
Read Cat's cradle, but I wouldn't call it good. Very reminiscent of other postmodern works like Valis and Pynchon and less interesting then either.

>> No.7150620

The reason nobody is discussing that is because they're nearly a century old and everybody, their mother, their grandmother and maybe even their great grandmother have read them. And they've probably seen at least one of the movies, too. There is nothing to discuss.

>> No.7150630

Are you intentionally posting this retarded comments?

>> No.7150637

Which race of Elves are the Mustard race in Arda?
While reading the Silmarillion first I was thinking the Noldor, because of the whole thing with the Silmaril, their knowledge and how gifted they were etc.
But their looks make it hard to compare them to Aryans, other than the house of Finarfin (correct me if I'm wrong, I get those names confused all the time)
Lookwise the Vanyar would be closer to Aryans, also Manwe and Varda liked the Vanyar best of all elves.
What does /lit/ think about this?
And what does /lit/ think about the whole "Numenor - Atlantis/Hyperborea; Dunedain - Aryan" thing?

Tl;dr who are the true aryans of arda?

>> No.7150639

Listen buddy, just because you're too up your own ass to talk about anything less than 50 years old doesn't make everything less than 50 years old bad.

>> No.7150641

Also: I don't want to hear about "real life aryans" or hitler or anything.

>> No.7150648

I even mentioned Valis which was written around 30-40 years ago which is relatively new.
You have tg for Rothfuss, Erikson, Sanderson and other trash tier fantasy writers.

>> No.7150652

I can't really help since I'm not quite a Silmarillion scholar, but shouldn't it be somewhere on the internet if you just Google it?

>> No.7150657
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Way to prove my point, cunt. The only Sanderson books I've ever read at the last books of Wheel of Time years back fyi.

>> No.7150663

I am terrible at googling, if anyone has links for a good discussion on the topic I'd appreciate it.
What I found so far is mainly people that are all "but tolkien said he hates nazis!!! he doesnt like allegories!!!!", but clearly races and racism DO play an important part in ME especially in the Silmarillion.
And since everyone on 4chan, especially /lit/ is a gentleman and a scholar I was thinking that I could get the best points for which race are the aryans here.

>> No.7150681

He doesn't have an Aryan race in that sense especially since he was specifically opposed to nat socialism. His races are parallels to how Christianity affects people, what we are and what we could be.

>> No.7150697

Fuck off back to >>>/v/
These threads are the cancer killing /lit/

>> No.7150699

Yes and I also realise that he gave the races, especially the "perfect" ones great flaws (The Noldor turning against the Valar, the Dunedain hacking woods for boats all willy-nilly -tolkien loved trees) but which would come closest? Not only in regards to looks but also intelligence etc., what is the "superior" race taking into account their flaws.

>> No.7150707

Well the Elves are the most superior, but they don't work like an Aryan race at all.

>> No.7150715

Well but there are many Elves, which among them are the most superior? Also do you have evidence to that race being the greatest? If not what are in your eyes the points that set them above the others?

>> No.7150761
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There aren't powerlevels yet, and not everybody is a "retardedly strong anime character". You should read some of the material you decide to form an opinion on.

>> No.7150838

Can anyone point me towards some authors or series with a similar style to the Farseer trilogy? I like the introspective tone of the series, and the way Fitz, Verity and Burrich really stand out as truly masculine characters in a series that is otherwise written in a somewhat feminine way. It's not very common to find series that does that, let alone pulls it off so well. I also really like how low-key the series is in general. No enormous battles, no saving the world from cosmic horrors, just a guy doing what needs to be done to help his king and people.

>> No.7150904


That sounds exactly like my experience with it except I wasn't a kid then. Same scene, I imagine.

>> No.7150926


>30-40 years ago
>relatively new


>> No.7150936

>in a world where everybody is a retardedly strong anime character?
Typical e/lit/ist, spouting shit when he hasn't read anything concerning the material he suppose to be bashing.

>> No.7151075

>liking magic systems

Reminder that Dying Earth is the only series with a Magic System thats actually good

>> No.7151093

And you should stay in r/books

>> No.7151099


>What Fantasy and Sci-Fi are you reading right now?
Fire Watch by Connie Willis
The Once & Future King by T.H. White
The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
The Jewels of Aptor by Samuel R. Delany

>Who is the best demigod in /sff/?
Tough. I like Ember/Umber right now, because fuck Aslan.

>What are the best in-book songs and poems?
Delany always has good shit because he gets other people, like his ex-wife Marilyn Hacker to write them.

>> No.7151123

Fuck that, what about Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell? That shit was awesome. It frames magic the way our world frames art: a thing mostly for anti-social narcissists who sit in dark rooms, drinking, bickering with other macho-nerds about the "correct" or "most ethical" way to interpret old texts by writers who actually LIVED the experience, and didn't concern themselves with "reflection." In literal - ie. non-literary context, magic is fucking hard to do, involves a ton of study, and often contradicts itself completely and it makes sense and it's great.

Lev Grossman tried to mimic it, and it didn't quite work out - not enough consistency. But it was still neat to see, especially in the 3rd book, when Quentin tries to build a universe.

>> No.7151135

> The Complete Stories of Theodore Sturgeon
I haven't started these yet, but there's stuff on the shelf waiting. Where are you in the volumes and what do you think of what you've read?

>> No.7151144


I imagine it's the scene where (spoiler alert!) he rapes the 16 year old nice girl who helps him and is merely curious and innocent.

It was pointed out in a thread that you are not supposed to like him. I knew that going it (it's the only thing I knew), so I kind of expected him to be somewhat unlikable.

I'd love to hear more opinions. I'm about to finish the first book I think, and I do imagine that I'll finish all three. I have the omnibus edition, so it feels like one book and I can't quit that.

>> No.7151157

I've read everything SRD has written except his mystery novels. He's one of my favourite writers, and Covenant is GOAT.

>> No.7151325

Literature has been with us for over 3000 years.
Isn't 40 years very little in that sea of time?

>> No.7151367


SciFi wasn't and, while it's not always the case, at least some of it ages badly.

>> No.7151813

You read the sequel to a book you thought was shit?

>> No.7151882
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>here at /lit/, we only read TRUE literature such as the works of Plato and Socrates or the teachings of Karl Marx. I, like the true intellectual I am, don't waste time on such "literature" that you call "fantasy" and "science-fiction." Truly, OP, you are of a philistine breed and I brush my collar towards you

>> No.7152099

I read the sequel first by mistake

>> No.7152335

The first chapter of a novel.

>> No.7152370

Woah is that picture from the next Sanderson book

>> No.7152388

Holy shit Anon Thank you. I remembered what the book looked like but I couldn't put a name to it so no one knew what I was talking about when I said "I'm looking for an older book from the 60's with a black cover and a golden symbol in the upper right corner."

Now I know what to tell my book store.

>> No.7152440
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>f-f-fuck those snobs, I just want to keep living in my parents' basement and be the cancer killing literature by using shit books as e-e-scapism
>sci-fi and fantasy are so EPIC
i just love reading the same shit in different colors over and over again
Only fedoras read sci-fi and fantasy, normal people don't read, and the educated read literature, leaving only aspie /v/ nerds to read sci-fi and fantasy.

>> No.7152448

So, do you have any sci-fi or fantasy recommendations?

>> No.7152459

Yep this thread is a waste of space. This could be a thread about shitposting about John Green or memeing about Pynchon!

>> No.7152470

that last scene was fucked eh. i was likewljk fsdjlkdfjlkjdf;alskjklds;f when he said he recognized al-paca from the sarcophagus.
i really like severian as a character. he's a really smart and sincere dude

>> No.7152472

I'd recommend that all sci-fi and fantasy books be thrown in the trash.
Even those threads are better than these.

You're a manchild, deal with it.

>> No.7152473

Stop replying to the people who are talking shit about your genre. Its shitposting designed to derail the thread. Discuss what you want, ignore what you dont. Its really simple.

>> No.7152474

Okay, thank you for your input.

>> No.7152479

Besides the Sandersonfags, these threads are hella comfy

>> No.7152505

They put the effort into being jerks, the least I can do is respond. Their posts would go to waste otherwise.

>> No.7152511

Reading Count Zero

Gibbons prose feels aggressively annoying

>demigod of SF&F

Wolfe? Ellison? Le Guin?

>> No.7152523

>accusing others of being a manchild when you're shitposting up a legitimate discussion thread because it discusses what you don't like

>> No.7152551

>Their posts would go to waste otherwise.

That's the most we can hope for honestly.

Still reading Dune, halfway through. It's a pretty great book so far.

>> No.7152565

>Gibbons prose feels aggressively annoying
git gud

>> No.7152618

>legitimate discussion
Not possible with genre fiction trash.

>> No.7152664

The genre trash of today is the Literary canon of the future.

>> No.7152674

Any of the Planet Stories reissues by Paizo worth reading?

>> No.7152676

It's not, you're just an idiot for not knowing that the pulp fiction of yesteryear was forgotten to time, fucking pleb.
What's next, comic books are the modern day equivalent of Greek myths?

>> No.7152677

Anyone read Vicious by V.E. Schwab?

>> No.7152687
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I didn't visit that abhorrent website. Nice try.

>> No.7152690

>London, Chandler, Hammett, Lovecraft, Edgar Rice Burroughs
>Forgotten to time

>> No.7152698

Not part of the Western Canon, fuck off.

>> No.7152705
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>> No.7152709
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>> No.7152711

>Library of America

>> No.7152713

Reminder thay Romantic and Gothic lit was considered Schlock in the 18th and 19th centuries

>> No.7152719

Not on the same level as genre-fiction garbage.
Reminder that genre-fiction of today is the dime novel of yesterday.

>> No.7152726

Oh now it's the dime novel, since the pulp argument is utter shit.

>> No.7152729

They're one and the same, retard.

>> No.7152733

Dickens was published in installments in cheap newspapers. So what?

>> No.7152739

You already got BTFO on le pulp so you shifted it and hoped no one noticed.

>> No.7152741

So who're you trying to impress? Think that qt in your 11th grade philosophy class will notice you because you read the Meme trilogy in class?

>> No.7152745

That's a publishing form, not the quality of the literature itself.
>You already got BTFO
You wish
>So who're you trying to impress?
Nobody, I'm trying to improve the quality of this board.
Threads like these are the reason why we're being with so many /pol/tards and /v/ermin

>> No.7152760

You realize /pol/ users usually convene in philosophy ans religion threads, right?

>> No.7152761

>Threads like these are the reason why we're being with so many /pol/tards and /v/ermin
Considering your lack of even a casual understanding of literary history I'd say you're one of them.

>> No.7152766

They feel welcome with their shit tastes because of these threads, /pol/tards love fantasy.
>Considering your lack of even a casual understanding of literary history I'd say you're one of them.
Nice try, but guess again.

>> No.7152804


>> No.7152821

Just because I'm calling you out on your manchild tastes doesn't mean I'm a troll.
Go back to /r/books

>> No.7152865

I like world building but I don't think I would be a good author. It's the little details that get me.

Anyone else?

>> No.7152877

Fantastic series, just finished the 9th book. Heard Donaldson's Gap Cycle was purdy good too.

>> No.7152972


>> No.7153020

It is, damn good. Highly recommended.

>> No.7153029

Jesus. Fucking. Christ.

You are probably the most unfun person I have ever encountered in my six years on 4chan. Do you scoff when people order soda instead of tea? Do you become visibly flustered when your mom wants to watch TNT instead of the Smithsonian channel? Does a tear run down your fat, acne covered neckbeard when the cute girl at Caribou Coffee (because Starbucks is too casual) is discussing the latest episode of GoT instead of the works of Twain?

Go outside and get laid, faggot.

>> No.7153038


>> No.7153143

Sorry I don't find vapid endeavours "fun", but keep on insinuating the myth that high-brow things can't be fun, which only new posters seem to do.
Also nice projection
I'm a troll because I'm calling you out on your shit taste?
Fuck off back to /r/books

>> No.7153275

Are the rest of of the books after The Once and Future King worth reading?

>> No.7153292

So which book was it?
Gipson was a big letdown, it is a generic action movie with a cool language. Very underwhelming.

>> No.7153297

It's true, Sanderson, Rothfuss and other shit tier fantasy is brining plebs to the board, but don't pretend you aren't the other cancer killing lit, a person who pretends to read only classics. It's funny because if you check out goodreads almost everyone with over 50 novels reads sf and those with 20 read only lit meme books.

>> No.7153299

They always go all out for the illustrations in Sanderson books.

>> No.7153302

It's better to only read a handful of good books rather than a boatload of bad books.

>> No.7153311

Sf has plenty of great books, I forgot to add that people who read sff also read plenty of classics, myself included.

>> No.7153318

>Sf has plenty of great books
If they were good they wouldn't be labeled as genre-fiction, they would be literary fiction with genre settings and themes.

>> No.7153320

>equating marketing terms as a signifier of quality
You're even more pleb than the other plebs in this pleb thread. And that's not an easy task.

>> No.7153321

Are you clinically retarded? You must know how many lit was published as pulp in its time, someone already pointed it out.

>> No.7153325

If he's retarded, at least he has an excuse. More likely he's trolling.

>> No.7153329

Yeah probably, getting baited too easily.

>> No.7153349

Literary isn't a marketing term, retard.
>You must know how many lit was published as pulp in its time
And not all of it is confidently part of the Canon, and was nothing like how genre fiction is the same thing with each book, just with different names and details.
Fuck off, retards.

>> No.7153573

Literary is a marketing term you moron, it's called classics and it sells books.
Also newer fiction is often described as a modern classic and similar so yes, you braindead memer, literary is a marketing term even for newer fiction.

>> No.7153581

>Literary is a marketing term you moron
Literary means it has artistic merit, you fucking moron.

>> No.7153603

It is also a marketing term used to sell books.
Try going to a library and read the blurb on some classics, it's a marketing term. I found the term literary on Farenheit 451 which has no actual literary merritt, and yet it was there, trying to sell me a book that's a sub par sf as a literary timelines classics.

>> No.7153609

>Awww yis son, you're in for it now bud. Have you read it before?
>Are you liking it so far?
It's aiight. Only about 300 pages in.

>> No.7153615

>It is also a marketing term used to sell books.
Just because a bunch of marketers use it doesn't mean it's a meaningless term.

>> No.7153622

Ah so a marketing trick is only applicable to books you don't like?

>> No.7153623

Moshui: The Books of Stone and Water by Daniel Fox is chinese as fuck.

There's also Under Heaven by Guy Gavriel Kay. I haven't read it though.

>> No.7153625

How nice of you to put words in my mouth.

>> No.7153628


>> No.7153629

>Anyone else?
Yes, I agree that you wouldn't be a good author.

>> No.7153630

>If they were good they wouldn't be labeled as genre-fiction, they would be literary fiction with genre settings and themes.
Yes totally putting words in your mouth.
You totally didn't dismiss sff because of marketing.

>> No.7153634

How does that imply that I was talking about marketing terms?
Genre-fiction isn't a marketing term and I never implied that, you fucking retard.
I'm dismissing sci-fi because it's shit, terrible prose, overused tropes, and cookie-cutter characters.

>> No.7153635

Stop replying to this guy, you're ruining the thread.

>> No.7153636

So you've never read sf?

>> No.7153640

I did back when I was in secondary school.
Then take your thread to /r/books, the fact that it's a "general" already tells us the quality of the thread before it even has one reply.

>> No.7153641

Was taking a break from studying, getting baited is an easy way to pass the time.

>> No.7153642

It's bait because you're wrong?
Okay retard

>> No.7153643

It's a pretty great book, I'd say top 10 sff works.

>> No.7153646

If you know it's bait stop replying or make your own thread if you must.

>> No.7153648

Calling out your shit manchild tastes isn't bait.

>> No.7153657

The thread wasn't particularly active anyway. Plus silly retards don't visit every thread. But my break is over and I won't be replying to him any more.

>> No.7153671

I've never read Sanderson and have little interest in him, but what exactly makes him so bad? I've heard relatively good things, albeit from plebs.

>> No.7153675

Nice circle-jerk you have here.

>> No.7153903


Sanderson's prose is functional at best. It does the job, but its not really a joy to read in the way other authors (like Zelazny) is.

He puts a lot of effort into his worlds and magic systems, which are cool and interesting for a bit, but he uses that to make up for deficiencies in storytelling, which is usually plodding.

He also has only a few character archetypes he trots out regularly, and their development leaves much to be desired.

I find him fun to read, but I don't really like discussing him because there's nothing to discuss, unless you're one of those weird people on his fan forum who try to extrapolate the struture of his Cosmere from the bare hints given in the novels.

>> No.7154031

Was thinking of going back to Moby Dick and Book of the Long Sun or starting something easier because I'm in the middle of some serious work so I decided to start Conan the Cimmerian. Anyone read it?

>> No.7154287
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>he's still here
>he's been actively monitoring the thread for nearly 24 hours


>> No.7154328

I guess Conan the Cimmerian is a volume containing some of Howard's short stories? There's volumes out there with all his stories, just get one those. The Complete Chronicles of Conan for instance. Either read the stories chronologically or in publishing order, either way is fine/fun :)

>> No.7154334
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I love the Silmarillion. I read it once a year.
I also read the classics.
Read whatever makes you happy, kids.
This is an interesting book.

>> No.7154337
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>> No.7154340
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Epic of Gilgamesh
The Odyssey
The Death of King Arthur

>> No.7154341
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Does Lovecraft count as science-fiction horror? Or just horror?

>> No.7154346
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>> No.7154351
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>> No.7154354
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>> No.7154359
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I once read Desolation Angels in the same week I read a comic book.
Oh, and I recommend these. Great, short reads. Gritty. Dark.

>> No.7154442

There are three volumes and this is the first. I'm content with 450 pages for a start as opposed to three times that.

>> No.7154454

Some of his later works were more Science Fiction, that's why some got published in Astounding.

>> No.7154491

hey guys I have these sitting around on my desk, gonna read one of them next, tell me which is good

Bradbury - The Martian Chronicles
Weir - The Martian (downloaded a pdf to read before I saw the movie, or is it truly terrible?)
Robinson - 2312
Stephenson - Snow Crash
Gibson - Pattern Recognition
Heinlein - Stranger in a Strange Land
Le Guin - an omnibus with the first three Hainish Cycle novels (Rocannon's World, Planet of Exile, City of Illusions)

>> No.7154502

Le Guin is probably the safest bet.

>> No.7154602
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Yea. Glad he found an awesome illustrator.

>> No.7154909

pls respond

>> No.7154917

What are some important pieces of proto-Fantasy from the Romantic and Gothic movements?

>> No.7155273

see >>7153675

>> No.7155918

Long Sun is great. Just stick with it.

>> No.7156578

Please respond

>> No.7157203

what's about?

>> No.7157214

I love Rocannon's World, but the Le Guin Hainish omnibus is not a good place to start if you havenn't read her yet, so avoid that.

Stranger in a Strange Land is also a potential dealbreaker if you're not already on board with Heinlein and his crazy ideas.

The rest are all pretty safe. The Martian is the most accessible, but if you're not into accessible, it might just piss you off.

So just read The Martian Chronicles. Snow Crash if you're into satire that might also secretly think the thing being satired is awesome (because it is). Robinson if you want more ambitious, Gibson if you like Gibson (that's probably his best book).

>> No.7157216

is in response to:

>> No.7157772

Reading Shadow of the Torturer, currently in the botanic gardens.

Wtf is going on? Are the gardens preserving the past? Some kind of time travel?

I really liked the book until Severian met Agia, after that it became just weird with one strange event chasing the next.

>> No.7157803

>similar to the matrix

Neuromancer, which is where the Wachovski brothers took the Matrix from.

>> No.7157812


>> No.7157830

It's a weird-ass book, and you should expect strangeness. This is, after all, Gene fucking Wolfe. But it's not always going to be on the botanic gardens level of strangeness.

>> No.7157871

You clearly can't rearrange the Y chromosome faggot.

>> No.7158114

Any settings with 'magical slum' sort of deals? Trying to write a story about how a world deals with a sudden overlap in planes that leaves a bunch of ayylien races stranded.

>> No.7158325

Any opinions on Clark Ashton Smith? The Dark Eidolon seems like a cool collection to read

>> No.7158344

Le Guin is one of my favorite authors, I've read Disposessed, Left Hand, and all six Earthsea books. Thanks!

>> No.7158462

I like him. I am not sure how /lit/ feels about him because fuck /lit/, not going to pay attention to a horde of NEETs opinions about anything, ever.

>> No.7158487
File: 41 KB, 332x477, A_Canticle_for_Leibowitz_cover_1st_ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm 120 pages into A canticle for LeibowitzFrancis just go to New Rome and Leibowitz offically became a Saint,and it's fantastic.
I'm looking forward to the rest of the book.

>> No.7158822

I've recently read this and the rest of the book kinda flies by but it gives some cool context

>> No.7158879

I enjoyed A Canticle for Leibowitz, but I was also disappointed by it. It was just a fun post-apocalyptic story with quite some religion thrown in, but nothing more than that.

>> No.7158920


The web version published in pieces on pwot while Wong was still recovering from his rape was way better.

>> No.7158933

>is it worth it?
Fun ride, inferior to that author's Golden Age in every way, some really cool moments still.

>> No.7158938

Is it possible you had some presentiment of your future?

>> No.7158944

He makes some interesting points with saying every man is the image of God and a case against euthanasia.

>> No.7158950


>> No.7158962

Anyone here read any SF&F magazines? Was thinking of doing a free trial of Asimov's Science Fiction or Clarkesworld.

>> No.7158974

Hainish all the way. Read the omnibus, skip Left Hand and go on to Dispossessed, then go for the short stories.

>> No.7158979

Yes, sometimes it's going to be on the dwarf cavalry level of strangeness.

>> No.7159198

sorry, I probably should have specified (I'm >>7158344) have read those 2 Hainish books already

>> No.7159327

second this, would like to know as well

>> No.7159407
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Jesus that fantasy list is shit.

Only good ones are fritz lieber, jack vance, robert e howard, william goldman, lovecraft, clark ashton smith, poul anderson, roger zelazny, er eddison, lord dunsany, and david lindsay

sci fi list doesnt look to bad though

>> No.7159474
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Anyone read this?

Is it good?

>> No.7159649

Skip The Telling too, then. Can anyone tell me if Word for World is Forest isn't just Avatar?

>> No.7160022

This. Read whatever the fuck you want. Talk about it as much as you want. Ignore the pretentious assoles that suck eachother off in /v/'s dark corners.

>> No.7160029

Had a decent anime

>> No.7161347


>> No.7161394


Lies of Locke Lamora

>> No.7161412
File: 550 KB, 468x522, 1411912815261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been scanning through some of the stuff on goodreads looking for a time killer. I'm honestly surprised about how many series are out there that are straight up trash. I'm not even trying to be elitist, I can like trashy series, but 85% of this stuff is irredeemable. And they all have the same plot. Who writes this shit? Who BUYS it?

>> No.7161466

ill give anything a go if it has a dark and mysterious vampire/angel/demon/faery/werewolf... etc. guy as the love interest

>> No.7161479

It's the same with TV, music, basically any other form of entertainment. It's just how the world is, bro.

>> No.7161512

>being this pretentious

Holy shit, man.

>> No.7161718

Any good shorter series/standalones with a shitload of pages per book to go through? Looking for what to read next and so far only the first law trilogy caught my eye but the first book is only 500 pages or so.

>> No.7161721
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>I want to write a good sci-fi / erotic / horror novel
>what themes do you guys feel I should explore ?
Individuality and gender surrender, refuse release, top/bottom yin/yang intermingling
>Do you think a female PoV in such setting would be better?
See last point
>Also dystopia or deepspace ?
Dystoutopian deeeeeeep speeeeess
>What is non cookie-cutter scifi these days ?
That which comes through the rips in the veil o'course
>Although as a male kind of hard to write in females into scifi
Listen, take a bunch of shrams or a handful drops of sauce, then listen to Hawkwind and Sabbath while watching torture and tranny porn, while browsing /d/ in another tab. Aslo, get out there and fuck some fucking people. You will not be able to write about sex properly unless you're living it, too

>> No.7161728

Nice misuse of that word, genre-fiction readers always like you almost always do.

>> No.7161743

>Individuality and gender surrender
>refuse release
>top/bottom yin/yang intermingling
What the fuck are those supposed to mean? Nice music tho.

>> No.7161781

The First Law trilogy.

IMO I think its very underrated. Long as fuck but it has a good pace. If you're a fan of heavy worldbuilding you might not like it though since Joe tends to avoid that.

>> No.7161795
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>Individuality and gender surrender
Drug-aided sexual torture and mindbending suggestions that cause the subject to lose the concepts of individuality and gender, simply. Extreme hallucinatory body sex horror. Higher beings feeding.
>refuse release
Simply the release through the reversal of something initially refused, finally accepting the sexual invasion
>top/bottom yin/yang intermingling
Neither exists without the other. Switcheroo out the woo-hoo

>> No.7161797
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>Well, I'm back

>> No.7161802

looking for something specific?

>> No.7161805
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>> No.7161810

Just browsing :^)

>> No.7161821

smh tbh (to be honest) fam

>> No.7161951

I..Is snow crash worth reading?

>> No.7161967

I'd say yes. It isn't super groundbreaking with its themes, but it's got fun characters and is a definite page turner. He writes action sequences really well.

>> No.7161980

backwards there. the first one was decently interesting. the second was just a bunch of spiders and running around and dead people because dead people are edgy

>> No.7163047

Somewhat, yeah.

>> No.7163050

What are /sffg/'s favorite related solo novels?

mine are:
>the grace of kings
>something more than night
>the golem and the jinni
>ready player one
>world war Z

>> No.7163149

Every now and then I pick up a copy of F&SF, it's a great big grab bag of (usually) new writers. Lots of variety. The nonfiction collumns are good.

>> No.7163214
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Are these any good? Keep seeing this series hyped cause I guess they're making a show. Don't care if it isn't deep as long as it isn't corny/cliche.

>> No.7163222

If you like short fiction and it's free you might as well. The magazines tend to be hit or miss but usually with a few hits at least. It's also cool to read authors who might get bigger in the future (although particularly with Asimov's and SF&F there are a lot of big names already).

I try to buy one a month or so. Sometimes you can find huge stacks of old ones at flea market or thrift stores. Analog is good too.

>> No.7163370

What's the best time travel novel made in the 50's?

>> No.7163418
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>the main character is not the chosen one

>> No.7163426
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Is anyone else upset that he never finished his Fall of Gondolin novel past that first fifty or so pages? It's a miracle we got the Lord of the Rings, and what we have of the Silmarillion is kind of a mess (in a good way though, there's something amazing there beneath the mess.)

>> No.7163775

Grabbed Gardens of the Moon, what am I in for?

>> No.7164156

confusion at the start but by the end, you'll kind of get the jist of what is happening. Pretty good battles, interesting characters and interesting lore. Get ready for the long haul though because there is a lot to get through in this series.

>> No.7164277

Worth the investment.

>> No.7164432

Is there any good pulpy straight-adventure fantasy written these days? Everything seems to be so long or trying too hard to be unique and/or dark and edgy. Sometimes I just want to sit back and read a quick, pulpy adventure like the old Conan stories.

>> No.7164440
File: 1.01 MB, 1338x886, Iron-Druid-Chronicles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your guilty pleasures guys?

The terrible covers make them even better

>> No.7164478

I read up to the seige of helheim before finally being too disgusted with myself to continue, and now I'm questioning whether I should pick up the next dresden files book when it comes out or cry in the shower and mourn my life choices

>> No.7164529

Butcher and Correia are probably pulp's biggest spiritual successors. Although if you want straight adventure that takes itself seriously I can't help you.

>> No.7164558

Every. Single. Day. I love the Silmarillion and it pretty much ruined me on fantasy. Not a bad thing after years of reading tripe.

>> No.7164574

Star Trek novels written by William Shatner. They're enjoyably bizarre.

>> No.7164887

Are there any fantasy works that are anime as fuck? A lot of stuff seems to try too hard to be gritty.

I want thirty foot long swords being used to surf down and escape erupting volcano-fortresses.

>> No.7164922


>> No.7164926

he's hot af

>> No.7164970


I read the first one and though it's way overhyped and the only reason it's popular is that one of the authors is a buddy with GRRM so he's in the "correct" clique. Don't get me wrong, it's readable but the characters (which the novel puts the main focus on) were unconvincing and the plot wasn't that great either.

>> No.7165029

Mistborn and Stormlight Archive have some pretty ridiculous moments and power battles.

Malazan is basically the Dragon Ball Z of fantasy, but it's super violent and gritty.

>> No.7165036

Malazan is basically about power levels.

>> No.7165057

I guess I would try and see if there are any D&D novels in the Mystara setting, since most of Japanese Fantasy (in the western sense) is based on Mystara from Basic D&D.

>> No.7165259

>i just love reading the same shit in different colors over and over again
Well we like to read a variety of books and genres and fantasy is one of those. Why do you have a problem with us not reading the same book over and over? That sounds like a bad thing.

>> No.7166009
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Need help.
I've been trying to recall all the books I've ever read and this one keep escaping me. It is, of course, a science fiction book.

The cover I read had a slight blonde girl perched on the shoulders of a centaur. Of course the story didn't center around these two, but the sort of every-man self insert who's motivation was to get back to Earth, even though it would be many years in the future. There were two other striking characters, a couple, man and woman, from Chile who had been in a plane crash and had their brains put into these squat egg-like droids with monitors of the faces they used to be.
It was a simplistic plot centering around space flight. What book is this?

>> No.7166444

A slight blonde girl perched on the shoulders of a Minotaur

>> No.7166899


>> No.7167041

I'm so fucking mad he put the series on hold to get some Stars Wars shit novel out.
>dropping your slightly original series to pick up something that has been meme'd to death
Fucking cunt

Also what is with the pretentious cunts coming up in here?
Go back to your frog [insert one word with greentext in OP here] threads.

>> No.7167101

Dresden or Furies?

>> No.7167167

Cinder Spires
New Series
then new Sanderson next week Tuesday


>> No.7167190

Snow Crash isn't exactly like that, but it's similar enough in vein that you should probably get something out of it.

>> No.7167530

Baroque Cycle is more like it if you can make it through Isaac Newton's childhood to the Prince of Vagabonds. Plus it's all based on historical fact. Even the alchemy.

>> No.7167624

>Well we like to read a variety of books and genres and fantasy is one of those.
All genre-work is derivative.
>Why do you have a problem with us not reading the same book over and over? That sounds like a bad thing.
A book isn't worth reading if you're not going to reread it.

>> No.7167731

So how do you feel when Sci-Fi or Fantasy authors inject their sexual fetishes into their stories?

>> No.7167747

>what is the "superior" race taking into account their flaws.
Only ones who didn't fall to the Enemy

>> No.7167808

Is Urth of the New Sun worth reading?

>> No.7168401

Please respond

>> No.7168473

Is there such a thing as Dying Fantasy? I know Dying Earth is about the closest I'll get in this case but I'm just curious.

>> No.7168482

Scott Bakker has a rape/humiliation/cuck fetish that's a mix of weird and hot. It turns a lot of people from his books. Probably the most violent fantasy writer, makes Abercrombie look PG13

>> No.7168919

Very much so.

>> No.7169278

I'm on the fence about it. At some point I would like to sit down and write out how all the reveals in Urth were already given away in the subtext of New Sun. Though Urth is just as well written as any Wolfe novel, Urth seems to be his way of telling editors and dumb readers to fuck off. I've only read it once, so my opinion might be a little biased.

>> No.7169552

Just finished the first part of the book.
It was heartbraking.
And looks like shit is about to go down in the next one.

>> No.7169626

Wat book

>> No.7169665

Meant for

>> No.7169667

Is the Witcher books any good?

>> No.7169697
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A Canticle for Leibowitz.
But I forgot to put the reply link there.

>> No.7169722

Not very good honestly. It presents what we already knew from New Sun, but doesn't make it as interesting as you would think.

And it's all presented in a confusing fashion, so you still won't really understand why things happened beyond the fact that they did.

>> No.7169941

Blood of Elves is absolute shite, can't speak for the rest. Heard the short stories are better.

>> No.7170074


You can read Clarkesworld for free, if I recall correctly. I download the podcasts and listen to them when running- it's kind of a mixed bag and I skip over a few, they do publish stories from some of the biggest SF names, but they're not always to my taste. The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction publishes more traditional, coherent stories (Clarkesworld is more about the breathy Chinese astronauts and/or genderless alienish beings being sad and abstract) and has quite a bit of content, I subscribe to that and it works out at just under £2 an issue. Black Static is a decent horror/dark fantasy magazine now that Cemetery Dance appears to be dead.

>> No.7170938


It's a gamble. It works well if the reader shares your fetish at least somewhat. But backfires otherwise. I was put off from some books because of this.

>> No.7170980

I'm rereading Lord of the Rings because it occurred to me that as much as I love to go about them I haven't actually read them since I was 12 and the first movie was releasing.

>> No.7170982

Didn't mean to quote.

>> No.7171011
File: 71 KB, 237x382, cover_rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's everyone's favorite urban fantasy/mystery series right now? Other than Dresden Files, that is. I like Esther Diamond, but her arbitrary skepticism is starting to wear thin four books in, and she's advancing that police detective's side plot WAY too slowly.

I'm only two books in right now, but I'm really liking October Daye so far, but I'm sure that's just because I have a weak spot for fairies.

>> No.7171248

Isn't Urban Fantasy a subgenre that's like, irredeemably shit?

>> No.7171273

You're posting in the SFF general. 99 percent of everything in either genre is irredeemably shit. But I guess every group needs someone to look down on so they can feel better about themselves. I'm sure both the bronies and the SU crowd look at the other one and say "At least I'm not THAT bad."

>> No.7171580
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I hope we find out ANY information about the Southern Scadrians.

>> No.7171620
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Will the Latro series ever be finished?

>> No.7171646

What is that last picture from?

>> No.7171668

Fucking Berserk mate.

>> No.7171684

Thanks. I've only seen the movies, but I should have known.

>> No.7171704
File: 548 KB, 949x1549, IMG_1537.uploaded.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any Fantasy novels based in a Renaissance like setting with a focus on warfare?

>> No.7172894

Anyone got the new Mountain of Daggers and Cinder Series series?

>> No.7173586


It's not a genre I generally like, but I did finish Mike Carey's Felix Castor novels and enjoy them quite a bit. I've tried quite a few urban fantasy series and usually read the first book, maybe the second, and then get bored. If we can count comics, Hellblazer wins, though it has apparently gone to shit in recent years.

>> No.7173601
File: 161 KB, 1431x1560, iKakL7d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone found a copy of Butcher's "The Aeronaut’s Windlass" anywhere yet? I realize its only just out today.

>> No.7173766

Just finished "The Broken Sword" by Poul Anderson, it was fucking awesome and I loved it. That's all I really wanted to say. Thanks to whoever put it in that recommendations image.

>> No.7173806

If that's anything like the movie, it sucks and it's random for random's sake.

>> No.7174159

Where do anons go to find out news and information?

What I am really after is news about possible translations of new Russian/Ukrainian books, I see them on Amazon in German and French versions already and English always seems to be trailing along and one of the last to be done.

Surely one of the biggest markets is just putting it into the English language because that then means the book can be shipped to the UK and North America?

>> No.7174915

Tor.com is pretty decent.

>> No.7175079

Is the Emperor series worth reading?
I remember reading the first book around 10 years ago, and sadly can't remember much, is it worth picking the series?

>> No.7175438

Reminder that Sandersonfags need to get out.

>> No.7175656
File: 22 KB, 226x346, 51Omgf4bBkL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just finished this trilogy
bretty gud

>> No.7175698
File: 305 KB, 1133x697, mieville10cz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Edward Miller’s work is instantly recognisable, and graces the cover of many fantasy and SF books published in the last few decades. Miller, actually a pseudonym used by the prolific artist Les Edwards, painted the covers of the original UK editions of Perdido Street Station and The Scar; but while Pan Macmillan stopped using Miller’s art for all subsequent Miéville books, Miéville’s Czech publishers Laser Books knew that a unified look was worth sticking to.

>tfw publishers change cover art mid-series ;_;

>> No.7176998

What would you recommend to someone who's never read Fantasy?

>> No.7177041

The Hobbit is the perfect starting point. Its a short, comfy read that'll keep you nice and happy. If you want something a little more visceral you should read Robert E. Howards Conan stories.

>> No.7177101

I want some Sci-Fi. Should I read The Demon Princes or Foundation?

>> No.7177117

What's weird is many of Howard's Conan stories are comfy in their own right. Maybe because of the pulp nature of it.

>> No.7177123


read the first few books in the Foundation series and a couple robot books and drop Asimov

pick up PKD

>> No.7177127

Theres something about the stories that feels almost Hedonistic to me.

>> No.7177197

Ditto to that. Finished the second one last night in fact.

>> No.7178005

>reading translated books
It's like you don't even want to enjoy your books

>> No.7178146
File: 75 KB, 674x817, edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this?

>> No.7178153

My condolescence

>> No.7178263

I'd say the Heinlein. Martian Chronicles disappointed me.

>> No.7178278

Actually scratch that, read 2312, Robinson is a god damn expert, and above poster is right that you could be easily freaked out by Stranger in a Strange Land if your not cool with Heinleins weird philosophy of Martian cuckoldry.

>> No.7178289

300 posts doesn't auto sage anymore?

>> No.7178321

i thought it was 600?

>> No.7178510

it is auto saging

>> No.7178920

i read silo and ready player one, what to read next lit?

>> No.7178962


>> No.7178972

maybe something more abscure?

>> No.7178977

You must read Dune at some point in your life, why not now? It has some pretty trippy moments.

>> No.7179897


Quantum Thief?