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File: 963 KB, 4938x1824, brown pill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7123182 No.7123182 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone recommend me essential brownpill core reading?

>> No.7123221
File: 739 KB, 3844x1824, gVUbfd4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here you go. Similar but different. I'd add Initiation into Hermetics by Franz Bardon to the Brown Pill list, but that's just me.

>> No.7123249

>read Prometheus Rising
>"Any second now we will have pills that extend our life indefinitely, and in about 10 years we will all be immortal, for ever!"
>Robert Anton Wilson died eight years ago


>> No.7123251

Green and brown pill are the same thing

Likewise with red and iron

>> No.7123265

You totally missed the point. He didn't assert that as a certainty, but rather his optimism about life extension was an illustration of the way he chooses to see the world that motivates him to live well. To be fair to him, some of the uses he foresaw for psychedelic drugs were feasible back when he wrote the book, but that research was cut short by overzealous drug classifications and we're just now getting more evidence that mild doses of LSD and psilocybin can be used to treat depression and addiction because of that government meddling, which he had no way of predicting.

>> No.7123307

I wanna be the brown pill guy because he looks the most epic.

>> No.7123324
File: 145 KB, 700x559, 1e80daa45e361ddf5feb95c238528ab5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I foudn their superpowers

>> No.7123348

the only one that isn't covered in the op pic is orange (purple=pink, brown=black, iron=grey) because that's the one they all have LOL

>> No.7123597

>Yellow pill
Useful, but could be very frustrating.

>Green pill
Would be probably be very fun, but not really all that useful.

>Blue pill
The super steroid. Lets you cheat your way into the world record holder, and then die at the peak.

>Orange pill
Dude weed LMAO! My superpower is getting high!

>Red pill
Depends on how it’s implented, really: it could be extremely fascinating or it could be a minor convenience. For few hours a day you could become a never before seen internet existance, or it could let you shitpost on /lit/ without taking your phone out of your pocket.

>Pink pill
Potentially fun. Useful if you want to break the law.

>Gray pill
A bit sad. Also somewhat ethically suspect.

>Black pill
The future is a divine mystery and ought to remain that way.

>> No.7123656

>_____ pill
quite bored of this meme

>> No.7123705

I suspect the murder of Wilson's youngest daughter stirred his interest in longevity drugs, as well as cryogenics.

>> No.7123734

Pink pill covers all the other pills, though.

I mean, shit

>> No.7123738

>flying isn't useful
Since when?

>> No.7123785
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jesus christ lit get it together

>> No.7123828


>tfw I've been a patrician all this time

>> No.7123839

>steroids are cheating
>hates weed
>cares about breaking the aw
>thinks human love is sad
>if man needed to fly, God woulda given us wings
>divine mystery
*tips crucifix*

>> No.7123847

Someone please spoonfeed me what Red/Purple/Brown and iron pills are? The first three seem like magic and i am too ignorant to know any iron pill books