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7093132 No.7093132[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm tired of the misogyny and shitposting on every board in 4chan. Recommend me some good books on feminism, especially in reference to postmodern culture.

>> No.7093138

>tfw the bread you're eating tastes like plastic

>> No.7093140

Would face-sit

>> No.7093144

>tfw you dont even want to look at lunch because of all the korean food you ate last night

>> No.7093152


>> No.7093153


A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
The Second Sex by Simone de Beauvoir
Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center by bell hooks

Did I miss anything?

>> No.7093158

You mean feminist works that call themselves 'postmodern' or feminist works that stem from 'postmodern culture'. Because the two aren't synonymous. The latter can be critical of the way 'Postmodern' thinking seeps into social norms. In that way, postmodernism becomes a cultural condition more so than a movement.

>> No.7093161

how much money would i need to offer for you to remove your own nipples with safety scissors?

>> No.7093164

Typo, the first statement was meant to end with a question mark: "You mean feminist works that call themselves 'postmodern' or feminist works that stem from 'postmodern culture'?"

>> No.7093166

idk man I have good recs but first please prove that you're not just starting /pol/ shit on here by explaining a little more what you feel and what you're looking for

>> No.7093170

Tampa - Alissa Nutting

>> No.7093176

Orientalism by Said

>> No.7093178

My sentiments exactly.

>> No.7093184

My sentiments exactly.

>> No.7093185

Do you think she would touch my penis?

Also read Tampa.

>> No.7093188

Holy shit did you read my mind?>>7093185

>> No.7093203

The SCUM Manifesto
The Badass Feminist Coloring Book

>> No.7093208
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Conversations between women became public now - they stated using social media and the internet.

All that the "repill ideology" that has emerged, due to the merging of Mans Right Activist and Pick-up thinking from the 2000's, comes down to is the revelation for many men that all women over 20 can and do have sex, even while being passive - while they themselves don't.
The motivation for them being bitter isn't made up, but reacting misogynistic against women is of course useless. Nobody will benefit from aggression. It's up to you not to get bitter - countering it with a feminist agenda that says it must be okay to have the cake will not change that.

>> No.7093214

Which languages do you know?

>> No.7093260

Just English

>> No.7093291

Do they have books in the kitchen?

>> No.7093340

read the fucking sticky

>> No.7093366
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Check the bibliographies of the SEP articles on feminism. 'The Feminist Papers' is an anthology which includes texts up to de Beauvoir (with a weak translation, if you read de Beauvoir read the new translation of a few years old). Bell hooks' 'feminism is for everyone'. The Feminist Philosophy Reader' (2007) will probably benefit you the most.

>> No.7093367
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>> No.7093381

i like https://www.marxists.org/reference/subject/philosophy/works/us/ebert.htm as well

>> No.7093875

wow look another millenial who thinks the world is a different place because the internet exists. not that being a "millenial" makes you special in this regard, since youth of every generation have thought they were different and special as far back as recorded history goes. being naive and ignorant of history tends to lend the impression that you know better than everyone who ever came before. in reality, human beings act basically exactly the same as they did in 1940, or in 1840. women will still never achieve anything in regards to "controlling the world," engineering important machines or programs on a significant scale, or being worthwhile as writers of great novels or philosophy or creators of great music, with a few very very few and far between exceptions

the one thing the internet HAS done is allowed people to live more fully under the illusion that they are not their own bodies and that they can just make up whatever silly bullshit that comes into their heads and pretend it has some kind of relation to the physical world. this is why your generation has higher rates of mental illness than any one in recent history. enjoy your delusions of "EVERYTHING IS DIFFERENT NOW." adults will continue to live in the real world, and your children will grow up hating you for your lack of common sense. the important things never change.

>> No.7093931

This didn't all make good sense, but the part about the internet helping more people disconnect from the reality of their own bodies is a huge deal. It used to be that only borderline-autistic intellectuals experienced this sort of thinking, but now it's all over the place, where reminding someone that their ideologies shit all over their physical desires comes as some sort of revelation.

>> No.7093951

it's also why we have this sudden epidemic of "trans" people who absolutely need to have hormones because they're in the wrong body, etc. spend your entire day as a brain in front of a screen with no awareness of your own body, immersed in some hideous hivemind like tumblr where everyone is "trans" and suddenly you are too! it's one of the most viscerally disgusting things about this era, and I think the next generation of children are going to call it out hard

>> No.7093974

All men know women are whores, but the trick is to never say so out loud.

>> No.7093979

Isn't the character in this a psychopathic type?

>> No.7093980
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> heh

>> No.7093991

no Bobby, you are not a Wood Elf

>> No.7093995
File: 7 KB, 249x249, smog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show me any other generation that had memes this dank

>> No.7093997
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>wood elf
I identify as a Bosmer, shitlord.

>> No.7094063

Morrowind is retarded

>> No.7094071

what a qt, she's almost like a person

>> No.7094090

you're right. due to CHIM, morrowind is completely retarded, but only when you play it.

>> No.7094183


Julius Evola- Ride the Tiger
Friedrich Nietzsche- Beyond Good and Evil

> Men never knew that women had sex before
> Anyone who disagrees with feminism obviously aren't having sex.

I don't even like red pill ideology, but this narrative is even more retarded than their shit is.

>> No.7094864

Then go somewhere else and read something worth your time. I'm all for equality too but you don't need an "Ism" for that. Shave your legs.

>> No.7094933

lmao how do you imaginably think your ideas are any less boring than the person youre yelling at

>> No.7095135
