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/lit/ - Literature

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7036123 No.7036123[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>"well I might not be attractive or have much social skills, but at least I know a fair bit about literature, philosophy, history..."
>get BTFO by some /lit/ Chad who has had 25 sex partners and somehow has read the entire western canon

>> No.7036128

why is having sex a metric for your self esteem?

>> No.7036139

This. At least pick something useful like money

>> No.7036147


Women are more important than money.

Example: wealth is redistributed among the ones in need. Women are not among the sexually deprived.

>> No.7036152

>Why is the most important thing on earth -reproduction- important for you?
Geee, I wonder.

>> No.7036155


>> No.7036156

Why is it important you spook spouting fuck?

>> No.7036158

You're retarded because that Example Chad is clealrly not reproducing with 25 women

How do you manage to breath while being this stupid.

>> No.7036188

>Women are not among the sexually deprived.
Is this bait?

>> No.7036195


Far less likely, white knight.

>> No.7036200

Confirmed virgin, women are so fucking horny it's not even funny, all they can think about most of the time is sex.
I don't know how people haven't managed to get laid.

>> No.7036204

Did I hurt your feelings? You know, if you´re so confident in your life as a "lone wolf", an elite thinker and philosopher who doesn´t need no women, then you should not show that much butthurt.

>> No.7036206
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>implying that getting laid and reading the Greeks are mutually exclusive
>implying reading the Greeks doesn't get you laid

tbh Chad will always be better than you at anything

>> No.7036211


>> No.7036212

I am in a loving relationship where we have regular sex. Now explain.

>> No.7036215


>> No.7036219
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What you really want in your life is to be dick-deep inside your sister, so you will never be happy and will always be a beta unlike Chad who takes a 'when life gives you lemons' attitude towards life.

>> No.7036221
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What if i like the boipucci

>> No.7036223

What if my name is Chad

>> No.7036224
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Then the name should be changed to Brad and my point still stands.

>> No.7036225

Chad is cooler than Brad though

>> No.7036227

>having sex with multiple partners is the only way to succeed in life

>> No.7036229

not really tbh

>> No.7036230

At least Tyrone will never cuck your literary knowledge.

>> No.7036233

I personally value literature more than having many sex partners

>> No.7036236

When is not pol Is r9k leaking

>> No.7036237
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you may think others think you're deep for reading books, but only hot people who read are considered deep because they actually have to choose between picking up a hot girl off the street to fuck or to nobly sacrifice that for reading

whereas you don't even have that choice to make



>> No.7036241

life is hard fam

>> No.7036243
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Sadly enough, most young adult males today see this as a sign of their masculinity.

Most cultures have had a rite of passage for young men to go through, that elevates their status and makes them feel like a man.
Modern society doesn't have anything like this so young men use girls as a sort of proxy. "I get more bitches than you fam." This is why you'll see some guys say that they like the thrill of the hunt more than the actual sex.

>> No.7036246

>living life believing in the concept of a "successful life" that, even if attained, always manages to displace its own limit even further
>the only successfully lived life is a dead one

>> No.7036254

Reported for advertising creepshots

>> No.7036255

dat readingcel #coping

>> No.7036260
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triggered yet readingcel?


>> No.7036261
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>yfw you realize modernity is nothing more than a gradual reprimitivization of our culture

>> No.7036262

i'm triggered by the way he's holding that book

>> No.7036263


it's not creepy when girls do it xD

>> No.7036267
File: 69 KB, 640x640, Unknown-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

triggered as fuck lol

>> No.7036278

The only ones complaining about women and making a big fuss about them are passive aggressive betas.

The only way to measure status, and that's always been the way, is by conquering women. And wealth of course. You can read all the fucking books you want but you'll still look like a faggot next to a hot male with no zero knowledge about philosophy or whatever you fucks think gives you elevated knowledge. No one gives a shit if you can recite the Iliad when you reek of insecurity. Or look like shit for that matter.

>> No.7036289


The same type of guy who doesn't understand why poor people just don't stop being poor.

>> No.7036294

The only way of measuring status is using your own ruler.

>> No.7036295


>> No.7036315

Why do you have to be stupid to be able to look good?

>> No.7036327


>> No.7036333

how many other normie chads are on this board? think it's like 10%? 30%? i bet 30%. sup normies.

>> No.7036334

>No one gives a shit if you can recite the Iliad when you reek of insecurity
this is completely irrelevant. you could be the most awkward quiet autistic motherfucker but if your good looking women will see you as dark and mysterious, all that matters is looks. That is to say, all that matters is the quality of your genetics

>> No.7036341
File: 99 KB, 908x714, 1440505322274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw good looking, tall, big guy (4u)
>tfw all girls leave me after ~1 week because I hate myself and can't keep up the facade

>> No.7036343


also, people shouldn't get mad at this fact

do you want stupid fucks or ugly manlets to take over the human race? I mean I' don't mean this as a spooked person, if you care about the future or not it doesn't matter, but you have to admit that this female selectiveness is to be thanked for if you appreciate whatever good points you have of yourself

this is actually the more true for those who have nothing going on for them, because of their mother's poor judgment they suffer.

>> No.7036346


Or just kill yourself. I would prefer that more than you living and cancering up this world even more.

>> No.7036350

That's exactly what someone who has never been in a relationship would say.

>> No.7036351
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>> No.7036352
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he didn't say that. just that a beta nerd will always be lower on the social scale than a hot guy (even though nerds think the opposite is true)

however the hot guy can still read, so if you get a hot guy who reads, then the ugly nerd can claim no advantage over him (that's the point op is making lol). socially he is well and truly crushed and must assume the inferior position to the superior man

get triggered

>> No.7036357

you think women care about sex too much so you give them a free pass if they fuck someone else other than you


>> No.7036371

That's true, I agree. However males have it much easier than women when it comes to looks. A man can be average looking, but by being charming, funny and unapologetic he can still score chicks above his "rating". That's why I say confidence is the single most important thing for a man to have. Whereas a chick I would argue always gets valued by her facial aesthetics and physical appearance. I mean who gives a shit how funny a girl is if the only thing you want is a ons?

>> No.7036377

As someone who was rly has read most of Bloom's Western Canon - and have had a major slut phase where I had about 20 sexual partners...
You're probably still a better person than me, OP.
Looks and sex mean nothing without marriage and children, not in the long run. It's just shit young horny people do with each other when they don't respect each other enough to have a stimulating conversation.
Lack of canonical learning is shameful, though, go to a library.

>> No.7036380
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>tfw Chad is the scientist and the jock.

>> No.7036390

jewish women don't count

>> No.7036398

fuck I don't think I've been with a jew. Most people are just agnostic where I am tbh.

>> No.7036419

it's not. nothing is objectively important. humans didn't exist in the universe for billions of years, they don't need to exist now nor in the future

>> No.7036427

>social standing
>I fucked X amount of girls
>I've read X amount of the Western canon

Damn it sure is spooky in here.

If it bothers you that much, find Chad and fight him. Get it out of your system. So what if he's smarter and stronger and gets laid more than you. This only affects you as much as you allow it to. Understand that he and all his bitches are your property. You wouldn't allow your chair to upset you by being better at holding people, or your glass for being better at holding water, would you?

Become friends with Chad, use Chad to hook you up, it's possible. Or just treat women like the objects they are and they'll usually come running. Seriously, you'd be surprised how easy it is to nab a cute chick if you just treat her like any other person and/or ignore her.

And no, I'm not attractive before you whine about muh normies.

>> No.7036435


It would be better as broconomics, drop the "e" from it.

>> No.7036440
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The solution is to study something you like. If you like Greek philosophy, do a course in classical philosophy and ancient history. If there's a nice looking grill there, she obviously shares your interest, so try to hit it off (And her).

>> No.7036447

being a regular heterosexual male and going your whole life without having sex with an attractive woman is pretty depressing. no doubt people who are able to have sex with attractive women are enjoying life more, discounting for mental abnormalities.

>> No.7036454


Why is everything based on trying to "one up" everyone else?

"Oh, I've fucked two hundred girls."

"Oh, I've read all of Plato and Satre."

How nice, you proved you can read and fuck. Why don't you use that information to help society instead of acting like a smug prick?

>> No.7036461

>However males have it much easier than women when it comes to looks.

This is crazy to believe, and is only true for men who have very high social status. Not even rich, they'd have to be famous and admired. All of the top, say 70% of women in looks have as much advantage as the top 5% of good looking men.

Now for exceptionally ugly women, yes they have it very rough indeed.

>> No.7036463

Bingo. People feel better when they think they're better than other people.

Of course, I say, if it makes you feel better, do it. But the other person shouldn't feel bad.

>> No.7036467

You are answering a post that calls out the spooks of others by inserting your own spooks into the equation.

>Why don't you use that information to help society(...)?"
#1. Society is a spook.
#2. Why is there greater value in helping other people than hurting them?
Just fuck off tbh fam

>> No.7036471

spookiest thread on /lit/ right now

>> No.7036478

this tbh

>> No.7036480

>fight him.
That's just playing him at his own game, though anon. This is about imagination and smarts vs brute force. What you want to do is put a bounty on him on the dark net, then employ some hackers to fill his computer with CP. Once that's done, order a load of drugs to his house. When the package gets there, spike his water supply with GHB. If you can't get to his water, just apply copious amounts of liquid LSD to his doorknob, he'll absorb it through his skin when he opens it without realising. Hopefully he'll get high and open the package but be too fucked to do anything sensible about it. Wait until he's all fucked up on the chems, call the cops pretending to be him, tell them you're holding a child hostage a gunpoint, but somehow the child is on the computer, to give them reason to investigate the hard drive. Make sure to play the sound of gunshots down the line.

While he's in lock-up, tag his car and house with the words KIDDY FUCKER and PEDO for good measure, just to let the neighbours know what he's in custody for.

>> No.7036489


Is it not better to built than destroy?

A child or an animal can destroy, but can they build a society?

>> No.7036498


There is no evidence for any "ultimate value", the value of objects is what we decide for them. If I decide that I would be more satisfied by your destruction than your creation, I would sooner destroy you than create you, for my own benefit.
Why is it better to do something difficult than to do something easy?

Why are the abilities of children or animals related to how "good" or "bad" things they do are?
How are "good" and "bad" not spooks?
How is society not a spook?

>> No.7036512


It technically is a "spook" as you describe it. There is no meaning to life, unless you count reproduction as some kind of natural calling.

Everything you do is technically meaningless and useless. We could just go off the rails and kill people for fun, but we don't because we (Usually) have empathy and a desire to continue living.

The meaning of live, love, war, shitting, pissing, ect. is what you give to it. There is no such thing as "society" because it's not a tangible force. All we have is our feelings, our conciousness, our ideals and meanings, and that's all we'll ever have. You live simply because you do, there's no grand meaning to anything.

>> No.7036531

Nihilism is technically correct but an unhealthy position to take.

Nobody really knows why we exist, or what will happen when we don't. All you can do is live for as long as possible to the best of your ability.

My mother always says that as long as you do your best at something, there's no point in worrying (Usually in regards to exams).

>> No.7036534

I ain't gonna read this cuck thread at this point anymore. Just saying, you're first mistake was taking any sort of pride in whatever achievement or skill set or whatever you may think you have. There will always be someone who has done everything you have done and more. Not in the same way or from the same perspective or w/e but still.

You are unique, yes, but you're no better than anyone else. Also, 25 partners is not a lot, just move to any bigger city and make getting laid your main hobby. You should arrive at that number within the year. Not that having had multiple partners is necessarily anything to be proud of, it has been shown to increase psychopathic tendencies (ie., seeing people as meat) and making it harder to settle down.

>> No.7036546


Just do what you want, what makes you feel good, as long as you don't become a slave to it. Realize that you are the creative nothing, that everything is beneath you and exists solely for your benefit.

Civilization is a spook, but it's a useful one. We all use it everyday to our benefit. It also uses us, and that is what we must curb. I do not enjoy being used by society, but I do enjoy using it, therefore I will use it while diminishing the amount that it can use me.

My emotions are mine, I do not belong to them. Therefore, if Chad comes up and schools me with his knowledge of the literary canon and all of his girls start laughing at me, I will naturally want to feel sad, pitiful, angry. But these things will not make me feel better.

>> No.7036584


>> No.7036592


>> No.7036598

The only way to show your social status if you have no riches such as wealth or fame is your attitude. If you act natural around women you will be perceived as a confident man. Confidence is sexy, and being confidence attract people, thus immediately giving you higher status than those around you (given you hang with people like you).

The problem is, and also why guys fail and give up their whole existence, that they expect women to respond with the same enthusiasm as they mother does. It doesn't work like that and never will, unless you are ridiculously attractive. Men have it easy; we just doubt too much and care too much about stupid shit. Hence "nice guys finish last". We are not as dependable of looks as women, and that becomes even more clear when we acquire money.

>> No.7036600

>letting anything outside of yourself decide your values
and this is how you detect a beta

>> No.7036614

>ressentiment: the post

>> No.7036615

no i mean that for men who don't have looks, money isn't enough -- they need the real status in the form of active fame. unless you're using your money to flat out buy women, but im talking about getting women to be attracted to you. they definitely need money too, but it's not enough -- they have to be rich AND famous and respected/admired. this is the only way an unattractive man can attract good looking women.

>> No.7036639

Ah alright, I get it now.

That's pretty sad. I remember reading about some drummer in a band who had it all but no groupie wanted to fuck him. He was like this unattractive force and every girl literally turned asexual around him.

>> No.7036656

>implying hot dudes reading isn't done by some homo

dude plz that site is fucking gay, chicks don't give a shit about books or illiterate puerto-ricans wouldn't have 20 kids

>> No.7036709

ya i can never get chicks to ditch their bf for me, we just fuck but then they go home to some illiterate jackass and shower him with love and then i get jelly and "ghost" them out of my life instead of just enjoying having a "fuck buddy" fuck my life, i need one of those 100 hours a week silicon valley jobs so i never have to think about human relationships again

>> No.7036726

No, his point is that attracting a partner depends less on looks when you're male. Females are more likely to land a partner, because their problem is not getting a partner but getting one they won't regret having. Males are less likely to land a partner for the same level of attractiveness, but their attractiveness is less look-dependant.

Basically you'll score better by being a 4/10 funny and confident guy than by being a 4/10 funny and confident woman (the woman might have more partners, though that's not sure, but they'll be more trash on average).

And that's not even getting into the 1001 weird issues of people and relationships (dating an abusive person because your parents were abusive for instance.

>> No.7037444



>> No.7037524

what is he reading? what do hot guys read?

>> No.7037744

The Elegance of the Hedgehog. You can see it right there.

>> No.7037766


Well tones of women seem to want to test that hypothesis.

lit will go to the ends of the earth to avoid.contemplating the ideas of a minority of men getting the majority of casual sex; even ugly and fat women easily getting sex / relationships.

I'm not.even asking for a certain moral view. Just acknowledgement of empirically proven facts would be nice